The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 978: Huo Linger

"Meet Master!"

Zhao Shi bowed his head excitedly to accept the seal, and checked it by the way.

Oh, a deeply hidden restriction that doesn't involve the soul, but it can control the life of a warrior in the Shenqiao Realm from ten levels to ten levels. If some precious resources are spent to strengthen it in the future, even the King Realm is not uncontrollable.

The concealment is also done very well, the general king-level warriors can't see it at all, and it is impossible for a small innate warrior, no matter how genius is, to discover it within hundreds of years.

"I'm tired, Huo Ling'er. Next, you will entertain your little junior brother and the guests from the Yang family." The Lava King's figure disappeared on the cloud couch and collapsed into a fiery aura.

As a warrior of the martial arts king realm, his real body is extremely huge, and Zhao Shi and others are unlikely to be qualified to let him deliberately suppress his instincts and shrink him to the size of an ordinary person. This is just an incarnation of his spiritual consciousness.

After the presence of the king who filled the entire space disappeared, and the pervasive coercion disappeared, the three of Zhao Shi discovered that there was a cute girl with red lips and white teeth behind the cloud couch.

She has a ponytail, and her skin is like the most exquisite porcelain. When she found a few people looking at her, her white snow-like skin quickly turned into a mass of bright red, and said nervously: "You... Hello, I am Huo Linger. "

At the peak of true energy, with the true meaning of martial arts, the talent can be regarded as excellent, and he is a very typical real king of aristocratic family.

She just looks very timid, and she is so shy in her own home.

After saying such a sentence, she was already so nervous that her little face turned into a monkey's ass, and she even forgot the following words.

A maid behind her reminded in a low voice: "Miss, you should treat the guests to tea."


As if catching a life-saving straw, Huo Ling'er jumped up to Zhao Shi: "Little brother, grandfather said that I should treat you to tea so that you will be grateful to me, and then follow the example of dogs and horses." Lao, this life... woo woo"

Her mouth was covered by the little maid behind her, and her other hand covered her desperate eyes.

Yang Qiushui and Li Xi tried their best not to laugh.

No wonder Lava King's heart is as dead as ashes, and he doesn't put his hopes on his own children at all.

It took a lot of effort,

Huo Ling'er led the three of Zhao Shi into another pink palace full of cute rabbit dolls.

The three of Zhao and Shi sat at a separate small table, on which a cup of spirit tea rolled like magma was placed. The terrifying high temperature spread outwards, heating the surrounding air to hundreds of degrees in an instant, and the tip of their noses was full of the smell of sulfur.

But there was another very strong fragrance permeating the palace, making people swallow their mouths, and cheers came from every cell in the body.

"Cough cough."

Huo Ling'er straightened her sitting posture, and tried her best to put on a serious look on her small face: "This is a spiritual tea created by my grandfather after he was promoted to king. It is useful for rectifying the source, improving qualifications, and stabilizing the foundation."

"It uses the core lava of Huolingxing as the base material, mixes ninety-nine kinds of materials such as Huojiao's heart blood, keel grass... Yanyanghua, and is continuously tempered with the king's true energy, and then stored in the earth's core lava for one thousand two years. It took a hundred years to grow, so it was named lava tea."

"Grandfather expended so much effort just to make the younger generation of the family more successful, but..." She said more and more guilty: "Anyway, it is very precious, and many kings asked for it, but grandfather did not give it."

Yang Qiushui and the two were moved. This cup of tea took more than six lives, not to mention the rare spiritual materials consumed in it, which the king personally refined.

"Junior brother, welcome." Huo Ling'er's eyes were bent into crescent moons, she was very close to Zhao Shi for some reason, she held up her teacup and said, "Grandfather said that you will protect me in the future, you must do it!"

She's not cute at all.

Yang Qiushui felt a strong sense of urgency at this moment, and even the extremely precious spiritual tea in front of him felt instantly dull.

"Of course I will, Senior Sister Huo Linger."

Zhao Shi smiled slightly, picked up the lava tea in his hands, and poured it into his own mouth without looking at the horrible scene and the smell of sulfur filling his nose.



Zhao Shi only felt a huge flow of magma sweeping from his throat in all directions. All the flesh and blood along the way were destroyed by the terrifying high temperature and turned into ashes, and it was still spreading rapidly towards the soul.

It doesn't look like a precious elixir at all, it's like a spell that burns everything!

"Junior brother, come on, don't be so anxious!"

Sitting opposite Zhao Shi, Huo Ling'er hurriedly took out a green willow branch, stared at Zhao Shi nervously.

According to what my grandfather said, and her own experience of taking lava tea, she must wait until the lava energy flows through her body and burns all the impurities in her body before she can be rescued.

The specific feature is that the face and body will become red like fire, the temperature will be very high, and maybe the clothes will be burned, this Liuer is ready...

Huo Ling'er repeatedly chanted various points that she had memorized in her heart, but suddenly froze.

A sharp and agile huge sword intent appeared around Zhao Shi's body, naturally absorbing countless breezes and flying around his body.

The restlessness in the body, the terrifying lava containing destruction gradually calmed down under the suppression of the Gale Sword Intent, the huge medicinal power was controlled, and it was distributed to all parts of the body in an orderly manner, burning the tiny impurities in the body.

Gradually, Zhao Shi's aura became more and more ethereal, his true energy became more and more pure, and the Gale Wind Sword Intent became more and more pure.

Even his cultivation began to loosen, rising from the middle stage of the innate warrior, quickly entering the late innate stage, stagnating for a while, and then entering the peak of the innate warrior.

There is still a lot of medicinal power remaining, let him break through his innateness and enter the realm of true energy.

However, this medicinal power was suppressed by Zhao Shi, and turned to stabilize the foundation, strengthening every flesh and blood and meridian in the body.

Zhao Shi opened his eyes.

Huo Ling'er, who was close to his nose to check curiously, hurriedly backed away, stammering: "This... I want to help you absorb the power of the medicine."

She also raised the willow branch in her hand to show that she was absolutely not lying.


Not far away, Yang Qiushui could hardly hold back his urge to lift up Zhao Shi's collar and pack it away.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Huo Ling'er." Zhao Shi smiled and said, "But I am very strong, and I can absorb 100% of the medicine's power without assistance."

"Yes, it is."

Huo Ling'er clenched her hands into fists and put them on her chest, adoringly said: "I've never seen anyone who can digest lava tea by himself, not even the people from the Feitian Realm before."

The two were talking here, and Li Xi couldn't help it: "It's my turn, Miss Huo, can I do it too?"

She held up the spiritual tea in her hand flatteringly.

Huo Ling'er patted her chest: "Of course, I will protect you!"

Li Xi felt relieved, closed his eyes, poured the lava tea into his mouth, and immediately screamed like a knife cut his ass, rolling around on the ground.

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