The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 979 Named Disciple

Lord of the Fire Spirit Star, one of the seven great families, the Supreme Elder Lava King accepted a pariah as a registered disciple!

This is the news that shocked the entire Federation today, and the public opinion was in an uproar.

Countless old-fashioned and old-fashioned children of aristocratic families, the elders of the family immediately cursed upon hearing this, bluntly saying that the world is declining and morality is declining.

Of course, they wouldn't point their finger at Lava King at all, and concentrated all their firepower on Zhao Shi.

"It's this pariah, he must have cheated the lava king with despicable means!"

"Damn it, this person should die, the federation is the federation of aristocratic families, this is the iron law since ancient times, this is the federation!"

"If there is no family, what is the use of the Federation?"

For a moment, the crowd was excited, Wan Fu pointed out that Zhao Shi, a pariah who had only been heard of in a small area, instantly became a household name.

Judging from the public opinion on the Internet alone, it is not surprising that Zhao Shi's dead body will be found on the street the next time he goes out.

"Zhao Shi, are we in danger?" Yang Qiushui asked in fear, regretting listening to Zhao Shi's words, using family channels to publicize his acceptance as a named disciple by the Lava King with great fanfare.

Originally thought it was a good thing, but it seemed to have greatly angered the family members, and his words were so fierce that it was rare in his life.

It's fine if it's just a hot-headed young man from an aristocratic family, but it's not uncommon to see high-ranking and powerful family members among the speakers, and many of them are highly respected and highly respected among the children of the aristocratic family.

For example, Fang Wuya who said "If there is no family, the Federation does not need to have it", his background is only the Fang family of the general family, and his cultivation is only at the peak of the flying sky, but he is highly accomplished in martial arts, and he is often selfless for the young children of the aristocratic family. Answering questions, and updating videos day after day to popularize martial arts knowledge for young people.

His well-known book "Two Misunderstandings of the Federal Governor's Second Impulse Strike Course" corrected a little flaw in the federal martial arts. According to statistics, the introduction and confirmation of this theory increased the success rate of the children of the federal family to advance to the innate martial artist by 0%. Zero three five two.

It seems small, but when this small number is multiplied by hundreds of millions of children from the federation, the effect is unimaginable. Thousands and tens of thousands of warriors have benefited continuously.

Therefore, although its strength is not very good, its reputation is extremely high, and there are not many warriors in the Shenqiao Realm who can match it.

Many people have even asserted that

Tens of thousands of years later, the king will be forgotten when he dies, and the Federation may perish, but the name Fang Wuya will not be forgotten.

It was such a respected old man who went off in person and sternly accused the untouchables of violating their duty.

There is also Zhou Congyuan, the elder of the Zhou family, a person who has cultivated at the peak of the Shenqiao Realm and is expected to be in the King Realm, and he openly said that 'the dead pariahs are the good pariahs'.

There is also Wang Jin, the elder of the Wang family, who is in the Shenqiao realm, the official and the deputy speaker of Wang Xing, who actually manages the entire human Wang Xing when the king of the Wang family is only a nominal speaker.

On this day, he published a long article with fierce words, nominated as "the sacred and unshakable federal order", which also became the top ten search words within an hour, and the popularity will become more and more as time goes on. high.

With all these things, the public opinion of the entire Federation was boiling, angry, and almost out of control.

There is no accusation against the lava king in any of the slightly popular articles, but the exhortations, oppositions, and even reprimands that are not afraid of death hidden in the words, as long as they try a little bit, everyone can hear who they are talking to.

As for civilians?

Oh, they have no voice, so it doesn't affect public opinion.

Li Xi said dissatisfied: "It's all you. If we keep quiet, we won't be blamed by Wanfu now, but also implicate me and my aunt."

This guy is heartless, he has already forgotten that he got a great opportunity because of Zhao Shi, and his cultivation base was promoted to the peak of the innate warrior, which opened a big gap with his peers.

"Teacher, don't worry."

Zhao Shi was cultivating, when he heard this, he said: "The so-called public opinion is just a breeze in front of the strong, and it is not worth mentioning at all."

"I'm right here, and I'm wandering around. Which Shenqiao-level warrior dares to attack me? Where is there a large-scale flying-level warrior who dares to attack me?"

"Dare to kill me, kill the lava king's named son, let the lava king lose face, even if he doesn't care about his own life, doesn't he want the lives of his whole family?"

"Now it seems like everyone is pointing fingers, but I have never been as safe as I am now. I am no longer the same as before. A mere Yang Lanjiang and Yang Wu dare to play with my life at will."

"Because they know that even if they kill a talented commoner genius, they will be punished at most. Death is absolutely impossible. Even if they operate it and make some high-sounding charges, there will be no superficial punishment. .”

Yang Qiushui thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's true, Xiao Zhao Shi, you did nothing wrong."

"Disciple of the king, you look so majestic..." Li Xi muttered, seeing Yang Qiushui's warning gaze, he immediately shut up.

Zhao Shi closed his eyes again, and used the pure and condensed kamikaze to continuously wash over his body, strengthening every cell and every meridian. The aura of the whole person looked as calm as a mountain, and could collapse into a storm blade to destroy the enemy at any time .

At least that's how it looks to others.

An hour later, the morning sun crossed the horizon, and a wisp of purple air was absorbed by Zhao Shi, and today's morning class ended.

"Today is Monday, and the course is mech manipulation, teacher, I'm going to school."

"Well, remember to study hard."

Zhao Shi got up, greeted Yang Qiushui and walked out of the villa.

Li Xi obediently followed behind him, half a body behind, as if Zhao Shi carried a little secretary with him.

This guy is completely different with Yang Qiushui and without Yang Qiushui. When Yang Qiushui is with him, he is not afraid of anything, and his whole body is full of thorns.

But when Yang Qiushui is not around, she will be very honest, and she can do everything that Zhao Shi told her properly and meticulously.

"It's this untouchable!"

"He killed thirty of our classmates!"

Along the way, I met many juniors and juniors from aristocratic families, pointing at Zhao Shi, their faces full of indignation, like passionate youths on earth seeing traitors and traitors.

They thought they were just and were oppressed by a most shameful injustice.

A junior from a senior family who was at the peak of true energy stopped in front of Zhao Shi with a cold face: "Untouchable! If you are sensible, just confess to the lava king immediately, otherwise..."

"Threat classmates, fight back in self-defense."

A cyan sword light bloomed in front of his eyes, cut the long knife he hastily set up in two, shattered his shield, sent him flying tens of meters, and spit out blood mixed with internal organs in the air.

He didn't die, but he was seriously injured, at least it affected his practice for several years, and it is common to be disabled if he is not treated properly.

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