The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter nine hundred and eightieth want military power

"The twelfth one seems to be the top 30 in the senior year, not the real king." Li Xi took out a notebook from the back and brushed the records.

The guidance of public opinion by the seniors of many aristocratic families has made Zhao Shi's image very bad. Many young people are not afraid of anything, and it is not surprising that they do many outrageous things.

They must be thankful that this is not a battlefield.

"Untouchable, how dare you attack Li Shixiong, I will kill you..." An extremely angry girl pointed at Zhao Shi, and soon saw a sword light, vomiting blood and retreating tens of meters.


Li Xi complained that this record may be used when someone beats him up in the future, and he knows why.

This kind of merciless method made the children of the aristocratic families who were filled with righteous indignation feel very cold in their hearts, and they stopped in their steps, not daring to go up to justice.

There was no one within 30 meters of Zhao Shi, and it was very quiet. It was as if there had never been a wave of students coming and going in the past.

No one stopped him anymore, Zhao Shi stepped into the classroom of class one.

"Hello, monitor!"

All of a sudden, no matter if they were from aristocratic families or ordinary people, whether they were studying or playing, everyone stood up and greeted respectfully.

There is light in the eyes of many civilian students, as if seeing a candle of hope in the darkness.

Zhao Shi nodded slightly: "Sit down, there is no need to be so polite in the future, the most important thing is to study."

"Yes, monitor."

Everyone sat down as promised without any hesitation.

"Zhou Ming, I have something to look for you."

"Squad leader, tell me."

Zhou Ming trotted over, his eyes were full of seduction, and there was no trace of a real king in his body.

Zhao Shi said lightly: "I would like to trouble you, please invite Yin Qi from the second class and Li Shi from the third class."

"Come here, please?" Zhou Ming was startled, and said tactfully, "Squad leader, they are all true species of their respective families, so don't offend them too much if it is not necessary."

"Just do it.


"Yes, I understand."

Zhou Ming straightened his body, didn't dare to say anything, and disappeared into the classroom of Class One.

Not long after, Zhou Ming came back with two people, one tall and one short.

They are all super geniuses of the Federation, people who have comprehended the true meaning of martial arts. Although they seem to be calm at the moment, they can't hide their sternness.

Yin Qi snorted coldly: "Why did you ask us to come here? This is the Huoling Mecha University, and my Yin family is not an existence that can be bullied!"

"Naturally, I admire the Yin family very much. My teacher's mother was born in the Yin family." Zhao Shi said lightly, "I asked you to come here because I have a suggestion. You should consider it. It is entirely up to you. There is absolutely no coercion. mean."


Yin Qi and Li Shi's faces were ugly, and they could hardly bear to have a fit, but when they looked up and saw Zhao Shi's cold gaze, they decided not to have a fit.

After all, he also said that he would not force himself.

"Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 are all classmates. We are destined to be in the same class, so we should support each other and unite as one."

"So, I suggest that in addition to the class time, Class 2 and Class 3 should stay with Class 1 for all matters such as preview before class, homework after class, and practice."

"Of course, this is just my little suggestion. It is completely understandable for you to disagree with me."

Zhao Shi said gently, by the way, a gust of wind and sword intent that was stronger enough to affect ordinary flying warriors descended, enveloping the two of them. 17

Yin Qi and Li Shi's faces were instantly pale as paper, and they felt a heavy burden on their backs, and the true energy in their bodies was as slow as mud.

Li Shi forcibly suppressed his trembling desire, and said in a low voice: "Zhao Shi, you want to cultivate personal power? But you have to think about your identity and the consequences!"

During this period of time, he also came to his senses. The commoner children who entered the same class with them were all exceptionally talented. If they can be carefully cultivated and don't die young, there is great hope for the future of the Shenqiao Realm.

This is a huge potential force that everyone can see, but they are still hesitating. They are not really willing to spend a lot of resources to train civilians, but rely on the lava king to force it.

But if Zhao Shi reaches out, it is an absolute taboo. The common people are cultivating their own common people's power, which makes people too disturbed.

"What personal power? It's a mess."

Zhao Shi said lightly: "I just like to be lively, don't you agree with this little request?"

The heavy Gale Sword Intent became extremely cold and stern at this moment.

The two of them, Li Shi and Li Shi, felt that they had entered the blue light sword prison, and the oncoming streaks of blue sword energy pierced people's hearts, crazily eroding their instinctive defense of martial arts sincerity.

Their bodies are shaking.

If this continues, there may not be any hidden injuries to the soul or body, but the confidence in martial arts will be hit, cracks will appear in the strong will of martial arts, and self-doubt will arise.

But such idealistic things are difficult to convict.

After all, it is you who have doubts about your own martial arts. This is a very normal thing. It can be caused by any reason. Why should you blame me?

"you dare……"

Li Shi was frightened and angry, he couldn't control his body trembling under the increasingly icy wind and sword intent, and the creaking martial arts will of the lion made him even more frightened.

"I agree! I agree!"

He was still hesitating, but Yin Qi couldn't hold it anymore, and shouted, making all Li Shi's persistence collapse instantly.

"Very well, it seems that the two of you and I want to go together."

Zhao Shi smiled gently, restraining his sword intent.

No matter where you look at it, the three classmates are talking eagerly, full of vigor and vitality, full of youthful vigor.


Yin Qi and Li Shi panted heavily, full of the feeling of survival after a catastrophe.

A large group of students poured into the spacious classroom, each with different faces and distinct distinctions.

The cowering civilian boy tried his best to suppress his emotions, but he couldn't hide his excitement and surprise, as well as the relaxation after seeing Zhao Shi, and his heart settled down.

Being among the descendants of aristocratic families is really a test of one's nerves, one must always pay attention to one's words and deeds, lest any action offend the descendants of the aristocratic family and bring disaster to oneself and the family.

But the person in front of him who was also born as a commoner was different.

Don't worry about being bullied by the children of the family, it's good if he doesn't bully the children of the family. With him, all the children of the family will restrain their words and deeds and be more honest than them.

When the children of the aristocratic family entered the first class, their faces were filled with reluctance, disgust and even hatred, and some even said something indignantly to the people around them.

But as soon as they entered the classroom, the hatred on their faces instantly subsided, and they kept silent.

"Welcome everyone to participate in class one's extracurricular activities. I hope to make progress together with you and realize my ideals." Zhao Shi glanced around after speaking briefly.

"Class Two, Gu Ming, from now on you will be the study group leader of your class, responsible for answering questions from commoner students."

"Class Three, Qian Tong, you are in charge of answering questions from Class Three civilian students."

"Li Shi, Yin Qi, you are in charge of answering questions from aristocratic students in your respective classes and supervising their studies."

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