The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 981 Hostility

Zhao Shi looked around: "This arrangement is to promote everyone's learning and common progress. I wonder if you have any better suggestions?"

Most of the people nearby were surprised. Li Shi and Yin Qi should be group leaders as a matter of course, but what does it mean for Gu Ming and Qian Tong, who are at the bottom of the rank even among commoners, to be group leaders?

"No, monitor."

Although there are doubts, it does not affect them to accept them immediately and respectfully.

The spacious classroom became orderly again. Each study group took out the textbooks and began to preview. If there were any doubts, they would pass them on to the group leader and finally to Zhao Shi.

The people in Class 2 and Class 3 are very uncomfortable with this kind of unreserved and helpful learning atmosphere.

Martial arts training is an extremely personal matter. In the past, everyone studied alone. Occasionally, they could only ask one or two friends around them if they had any questions, or ask the teacher every few days. The efficiency was very low.

As for asking the true king of the class?

Not to mention ordinary students, even students from aristocratic families dare not, there is an extremely strict hierarchical order between the upper and lower levels.

Even if you ask, if you don't have a good friendship, the real king will not try your best to answer, and will often be perfunctory. After all, no one will help others for no reason.

But they don't understand that as long as they are not too frequent, explaining difficult problems to others is also a process of sorting out their knowledge of martial arts. It can make their own understanding of martial arts more profound, which is of great benefit.

These misconceptions will soon be corrected.

'All good seeds...'

Zhao Shi was among the group of students studying, and he was thinking about something.

There are two ways to become stronger, one is personal force, and the other is group power.

Now there are still more than 500 years of deduction of the practice of practice, and if the individual strength cannot be broken through, then the only thing to do is to do some work on the power of the group.

This is also very difficult, without the help of the Lianxu-level battle formation, no matter how many low-level monks there are, they will not be able to fight against the Lianxu monks.

This still refers to monks. Because warriors focus on body training, their true energy is not active, and their efficiency in legion combat is often much weaker than that of monks. The biggest role is to cooperate with the powerful to besiege the enemy's powerful.

There is also the problem of people,

Leaving aside the issue of the strong rejection of him by the children of the aristocratic family and the difficulty of convincing him, even the children of common people are full of hidden dangers.

They personally have adoration, reverence, and respect for Zhao Shi, but Zhao Shi's power is insignificant compared to the aristocratic family. As long as there are powerful figures in the aristocratic family who threaten and lure them a little, there will be very few people who stick to it.

Also, they came from various planets in the Federation, and their family members were held in the hands of aristocratic families at all levels in the Federation.

The combination of these reasons made the group he was trying to build riddled with holes, like a castle on the beach.

However, the road to eternal life is extremely difficult, so there is nothing to say.

As the time for class approached, a large number of students gathered in Class 1 walked out, and the rustling discussions in the classroom also stopped, and needles could be heard.

Wang Jiaolan, the teacher of the first class of mech control course, is an extremely serious and rigid woman, any student who misbehaves will be aroused by her, even Zhou Ming, the real king, is no exception.

Thirty seconds before the eight o'clock pointer in the morning, a woman in her fifties and sixties appeared outside the classroom on time. This was her perennial dress.

The quaint robe is very strange, the whole is woven by some kind of strong silk, and there is a yellow crown emblem embroidered on the waist.

This is a robe that symbolizes the rank of the family members of the seven great families, and it is clearly stipulated in the "Family and Clan Affairs Code". tower

However, warriors have always been free and unrestrained, and few people are willing to wear their clothes as others tell them. Even the children of aristocratic families have only seen this rule in etiquette classes.

Wang Jiaolan's originally cold and serious face was as cold as ever, as soon as she stepped into the classroom, the temperature here suddenly dropped by tens of degrees.

"Today I'm going to talk about mecha fit."

She was as straightforward as usual, but her eyes swept over where Zhao Shi was: "Student Zhao Shi, why did people from Class 2 and Class 3 gather here just now? Do you know that running around between different classes is prohibited? "

"Teacher Wang, the students don't know." Zhao Shi stood up, saluted slightly in strict accordance with the school's etiquette, and said indifferently: "The "Huoling Student Code" has 276 major rules and 3,000 detailed rules. Any regulations stipulate that students are not allowed to run around in their spare time."

"And this is all the students' own ideas, and I have nothing to do with it..."

"Enough! Lawlessness! Contrary to the teacher!"

Wang Jiaolan interrupted Zhao Shi's words, and scolded: "You are not welcome in my classroom for such a vile person. Get out now, and don't come here again."

Zhao Shi's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "This is not in line with the school's regulations on teachers, and your punishment is groundless."

"go out!"

The huge and cold Shenqiao-level coercion descended, blocking Zhao Shi's words, which even contained killing intent.

Zhang Ya and other commoner students were trembling, their heads lowered so much that they almost touched the tabletop. Some of the self-confidence that had arisen in the past few days, the idea that they were not weaker than the children of the aristocratic family disappeared in an instant.

The children of the aristocratic family were full of joy in their hearts, and looked down at Zhao Shi condescendingly.

Aren't you talented and powerful? You even became the king's named disciple.

But you're still a pariah!

The untouchables should honestly stick to their duties and serve our family as slaves!

The heavy coercion crushed Zhao Shi's body and spirit, but his eyes were still as calm as a lake, and he saluted slightly: "Since it is your order, students will naturally obey it."

He left his seat and walked out the door. His thin back was exposed to everyone's sight, but it was still as sharp and straight as a long sword, without any sense of frustration, even in the face of the oppression of the Shenqiao class.

This is an extremely excellent quality, which represents supreme talent, and even the strictest teacher will love talent in his heart.

But Wang Jiaolan felt even more disgusted, as if a shiny cockroach had climbed onto the supposedly clean white tablecloth, it was extremely obvious.

'Damn the pariah, who has broken the good order of the Commonwealth. '

The zhenqi in her body surged like a tide and gathered into a specific structure. As long as the trigger was triggered again, it would form a sword qi that would cut Zhao Shi's soul and flesh into ashes.

But in the end, she still didn't do it, because she didn't dare, she cherished the lives of herself and her family.

Zhao Shi was walking in the lush and lush campus, and the children of the surrounding aristocratic families retreated one after another. Occasionally, civilian students trained as soldiers passed by and did not dare to approach, but yearned in awe.

The extreme conservative forces among the children of the aristocratic family have strong hostility towards him, so it is not surprising that he made some outrageous actions.

But they forgot that this is Huolingxing!

Huolingxing, a top power among the kings, is resolutely promoting reforms. No matter whether it is right or wrong, what everyone needs is obedience until no strong man of the same level comes out to stop it!

Otherwise, no matter whether it is explicit or covert obstruction, it is provoking a king.

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