The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 982 Burning Tiger

Zhao Shi, who was slowly thinking about things, suddenly raised his head.

"Little brother! I'm here!!"

A golden light emerged from the sky, and a 300-meter-high giant mech burning with golden flames descended slowly, carefully protecting her hands in front of her body, and the girl with a single ponytail on the palm of her hand was waving happily.


The golden mecha lowered its arms and carefully placed her on the ground.

Huo Ling'er jumped from the palm of the three-meter-high palm, and landed beside Zhao Shi, turning around on the spot before stabilizing her body.

Zhao Shi said unexpectedly: "Senior sister, why are you here?"

This is just a trivial matter, the Huo family can just send someone to deal with it, so as not to bother the lava king's beloved granddaughter.

"Come and see you, Junior Brother, I miss you so much." Huo Ling'er's big eyes were full of stars.

Zhao Shi remained silent.

Or a beauty trick?

Does Lava want to add another layer on insurance?

It doesn't seem worthwhile to do so right now.

A ray of light from the sky rushed towards him at full speed, it was an old man from the Shenqiao Realm with gray temples, who landed in front of Huo Ling'er and said profusely, "Miss, I'm late, please forgive me. "

The principal of Huoling Jijia University, Huo Zhongtian, is also the elder of the Huo family. These identities are insignificant in front of the king, like ants and dust.

"Hello, Uncle Huo."

Huo Ling'er smiled sweetly, and asked, "Someone is here on Huolingxing, and Huolingjijia University is openly opposing grandfather's reforms. What do you think we should do?"

"This..." Huo Zhongtian hesitated.

He already knew what happened in the classroom, and in his opinion, it was just a trivial matter, at most a verbal warning would do.

But the lady doesn't seem to think so.

However, those who opposed the reform were not only outside, but also in the family. There were also many people on Huolingxing, and there were also many strong people. If he was too partial, he would get burned himself.

"Miss, although the teacher scolded the students too harshly, we can give Professor Wang Jiaolan a punishment..."


Huo Ling'er frowned slightly, not satisfied.

In the eyes of others, this is indeed a trivial matter, and it is not worth mentioning even after dinner, but it is different for the students who are in it.

If Zhao Shi was just an ordinary commoner, Wang Jiaolan's deliberate non-cooperation would have destroyed Zhao Shi, making his martial art lack of mecha control, and would no longer be complete.

"Of course not one punishment!"

Huo Zhongtian immediately changed his words: "But it's not good to punish Professor Wang too severely for this reason. It will damage the prestige of the family, and there will be criticisms from the Wang family. It happens that the front line is tense. Why don't you let your brother send a message?" Seal the call-up document..."

He would not do things that offend others, but if the grandson of the ancestor did it, there would be no problem.

Huo Ling'er's eyes brightened: "That's right! In this way, I can change the teacher for my junior brother."

She crackled and flicked on her watch. Destiny Book Bar

Soon, a handsome phantom of a handsome young man appeared in front of him, wearing a military green military uniform, and his military rank was impressively that of a general who could lead the battle of a federal army.

The cultivation base is in the middle stage of Shenqiao Realm, and it is the kind with great potential.

"Brother, help me..." Huo Ling'er chirped and told him about her problems, even coquettishly, her voice made one's ears tired.

Huo Renhu rolled his eyes at Zhao Shi coldly, and said helplessly: "Okay, I understand, the war is very tense, and you can leave a message if there is no important matter in the future."

"Thank you brother! You are the best!"

Huo Ling'er hung up on her classmates, and made a gesture of "Yeah" to Zhao Shi.

After a while, a flying warrior in military uniform with the rank of captain flew from the sky, saluted Huo Ling'er slightly, and then flew into the classroom of Class 1.

"The control of the mecha is the control of true qi. You must keep this in mind, treat the mecha as your own body, and know every part of it, every artificial meridian..."

On the podium, Wang Jiaolan was seriously teaching the key points of mecha control, and any aristocratic students below would receive her stern warnings if they lost their minds.

From another perspective, she is an extremely serious and responsible teacher, no matter whether it is a collateral or a direct line, they can receive strict and meticulous teaching from her, and for this reason, they can even waste some of their own training time.

This is extremely rare among high-level warriors.

Many years later, if some students think back to their college career, they should be grateful to this teacher Wang, thinking that she is a well-deserved good teacher among them, and they are lucky in their life.

The premise is that you have to be a descendant of a family.

A flying-level martial artist with the rank of captain appeared at the door of the classroom.

"Looking for students for military affairs?" Wang Jiaolan glanced at him, "No matter what, let them listen to this class first."

There is a military liaison department in the Huoling Jijia University, and they often issue some military training orders to let them familiarize themselves with their future military career.

After all, giving huge resources to cultivate these geniuses is to make up for the worsening battlefield situation.

"Professor Wang Jiaolan, I'm afraid it won't work." The captain handed over a top-secret document, and said respectfully, "Because this is an order for you, the battle on the front line has changed, and you have been recruited by the army."


The laser pointer in Wang Lanjiao's hand fell to the ground, and her face instantly turned pale, with fear in her eyes.

She spoke incoherently: "You, you must have made a mistake. I finally came to Huoling Jijia University and became a professor. How could I be recruited by the army before I finished my lectures?"

"Yes, you must be mistaken! I also know the current situation, and it is not yet time to recruit professors. I always pay attention to the frontline battle situation."

The more she talked, the more certain her tone became, as if she had already believed that this was the truth.

The captain was moved by the affirmation in her words, and carefully looked at the address and name written on the document for a long time, and confirmed: "Yes, this is your name, Professor, and all aspects of the characteristics match, and now you should I have also received a notification from the military department."


As soon as the words were finished, there was a crisp sound on Wang Jiaolan's watch.

Wang Jiaolan didn't look at her watch, and said hysterically, "You're talking nonsense! Get the hell out of here! Damn you little martial artist, you don't know how big a mistake you've made!"

The captain was taken aback by her, and put the document on the ground: "If there is no very legitimate reason, you need to report to the military contact point within 30 minutes, otherwise you may violate military law."

After finishing speaking, he left here quickly, worried that the madness of this Divine Bridge warrior would affect him.

Arriving within 30 minutes is the practice of the military. The high-level battlefield is changing rapidly and has high requirements for order. The heavy price of violating military laws is not wanted by any warrior in the Shenqiao realm who has no background.

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