The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 983: Guanglianshe

After the captain left, Wang Jiaolan felt as if her ribs had been pulled out, her whole body's energy dropped, and she couldn't even maintain the demeanor of a warrior in the Shenqiao Realm.

Ignoring the students who were reacting below, she muttered to herself: "How could this be? How could this be? How much did I pay to leave the army, why should I be asked to go back?"

Only those who have been to the battlefield understand how cruel it is.

Suppressing a place in other places, the high-ranking Shenqiao-level warriors are just a bigger soldier there. Every month, Shenqiao-level warriors die under the siege, and they are always facing life and death crises.

The students below, including the children of the aristocratic family, were trembling like a brood of trembling quails, almost losing their breath under the pressure of the Shenqiao Realm.

Finally, after being in a daze for a few minutes, the strict military law made Wang Jiaolan wake up.

Without saying a word, she walked out of the classroom.

At a glance, he saw the tall golden flame mech not far away, Huo Ling'er under the mech, and Zhao Shi who was looking at him lightly.

"It's you! It's your good deed!"

Wang Lanjiao's eyes turned blood red in an instant, and her complexion was distorted: "Did you, a pariah, do it?"

She hated it so much, why didn't she shoot this pariah to death the first time she saw him.

At that time, no one will be held accountable, and this incident will not happen now, and I have to return to the army again.

He hates himself for not being smart enough, even if he can't get used to this person, why is he so kind and direct, just do some tricks in teaching mecha control skills, and without anyone noticing, he can make his life worse than death.

"Teacher Wang is serious." Zhao Shi turned a blind eye to her face that was about to go crazy, and said indifferently: "Fighting for the Federation is everyone's responsibility. Teacher Wang should be proud and honored. You must be a good example for us."

"The students wish you a long life on the battlefield."

"Untouchable, you are courting death!"

Wang Jiaolan's suppressed anger exploded in an instant, she lost her mind, and her hands turned into sharp eagle claws to kill Zhao Shi.

The space along the way was torn apart like cloth, and it happened in an instant, and low-level warriors were not even qualified to react.

Zhao Shi's expression was indifferent,

There was even deliberate contempt in his eyes.


The giant hand of the golden flame mecha was like the sky, instantly enveloping Wang Jiaolan and her attack, and slapped her hundreds of meters away like a fly, vomiting blood in the air.

"Wang Jiaolan, attack the registered disciple of the king. If it was a peaceful era, you would be dead by now."

An icy voice came from inside the golden flame mecha, which instantly froze the anger in Wang Jiaolan's heart, turning it into a cold that penetrated into the bone marrow.

"As for now, you are going to spend thirty years in the death camp."

The golden flame mecha bowed slightly to Huo Ling'er, and mentioned Wang Jiaolan like a little chicken and disappeared into the distance.

Huo Ling'er was the only one left, she said worriedly: "Junior brother, you should pay more attention to the Wang family you meet in the future, they might be hostile to you."

"Understood, Senior Sister."

Zhao Shi has no regrets in his heart.

After learning this lesson, he almost used the life of a warrior in the Shenqiao realm as a warning. In the future, he will not encounter any danger in the Huoling Mecha University. Even if he graduates in the future, no high-level warrior would dare to blatantly violate the rules to deal with him he.

Various plans can also be advanced smoothly, so that he will not bring endless troubles to him because of some trivial matters.

Less than an hour later, Zhao Shi stepped into the classroom of class one again.

All the children of the family looked at him in horror.

Mr. Wang had just kicked him out on the front foot, but he himself was drafted into the army on the back foot. What does it mean?

However, Mr. Wang is a martial artist of the Wang Family Divine Bridge Realm, one of the Seven Great Aristocratic Families, but this person is just a pariah! think twice

What happened in this world, or is it the world they know?

The common people's children were pleasantly surprised.

"Teacher Wang has lofty aspirations. He volunteered to fight for the Federation and for all of us. He is the best example for us to learn from." Zhao Shi said lightly: "Before the school sends a new teacher, the first class temporarily enters the state of self-study. Master the knowledge taught by the teacher before, and thoroughly understand it, and each team leader must take good care of his team members."

"Yes, monitor!"

The whole group was extremely united at this moment, and no one had the idea of ​​making trouble in their hearts.

Sure enough, after Wang Jiaolan was transferred away, the light and dark resistance that Zhao Shi received in the upper and lower floors of Huoling Jijia University disappeared all of a sudden. Things that may or may not be allowed by default.

The cultivation on campus suddenly became peaceful and beautiful.

As time passed, although the cultivation of warriors was shorter and more intense than those of immortals, they were also serious and extraordinary species, and it took a lot of time for the strong to grow.

A year later, Zhao Shi broke into the Real Qi Realm.

"Fortunately, fortunately!"

Yang Qiushui on the side thought in his heart that he was lucky, he broke through the flying sky not long ago, otherwise he wouldn't even have the qualifications to stand in front of this little guy, and he would be instantly wiped out by a sword intent.

If this is the case, I will completely lose face as a teacher.

Li Xi curled her lips: "Auntie, it will happen sooner or later, and it's impossible for you to beat him now."


The crisp brain collapse let Li Xi know the dangers of the society, so he hid in a corner and cried bitterly.


Zhao Shi stabilized his breath, opened his eyes, and called his little secretary back: "How is the Guanglian Society I asked you to build?"

The Guanglian Society, the full name of the Restoration Federation Youth League, is a club that vigorously absorbs students from the Huoling Jijia University, with the goal of restoring the Federation and its former glory.

However, there are very few aristocratic children in it, all of them are from the third class. There are quite a few commoner students, including those in the genius class, and many commoner children trained as soldiers.

Li Xi ran back quickly: "With the help of Zhou Ming, Yin Qi, and Zhang Ya, it has been perfected. Most of the freshmen who entered the genius class this year have joined our club, but Yin Qi said that their quality is worse than ours. Big cut."

"The work of absorbing the children of the aristocratic family into the club is progressing very slowly. Even though we have many benefits, they ran away in disgust as soon as they heard your name. They even fought us a few times, but we all won."

"Your work efficiency is too low."

Li Xi was stunned.

Zhao Shi sighed, and said to Li Xi who was full of dissatisfaction: "When you go out, remember to find some publicity talents in the society. Ordinary people can do it, and it's very cheap."

"For example, this time, the martial artist's pursuit of strength is the highest goal. For this reason, some misunderstandings and prejudices can be completely overcome."

"You can find a well-known student from a waste material family, even if there is no or not well-known, you can make him a high-end one."

"Then, you let him join our club, let him become stronger, crush those who laughed at him before, and become a figure like a campus star."

"With this set up, the number of people in our club will skyrocket. Remember to check it out."

Li Xi still refused to accept: "How is this possible? How can we make a waste material become stronger in a short time and become a genius. If we have this ability, are we still students?"

Zhao Shi looked at her as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person, which made her furious instantly.

"Manufacturing, do you understand? Elixirs, weapons, let Yin Qi use his concealed martial arts to cheat, and then cooperate with singing, or beauty, just copy this topic."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Find news media talents and learn from them once you understand. When the purpose of propaganda is achieved, no one will care after the popularity decreases."

Yang Qiushui was stunned.

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