The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 984 Twenty Years

The Huoling Jijia University adopts a century-old teaching system for the children of the real family. An outstanding family child is selected to enter the university through layers of selection. If he fails to advance to the innate warrior within 20 years, he will be forced to drop out of school.

During this period of twenty years to one hundred years, it is the time for them to advance to the Real Qi Realm, and only after they advance to the True Qi Realm can they obtain the graduation certificate of the Huoling Jijia University.

However, these are the extravagant practices adopted when resources were plentiful in peaceful times in the past.

Things have changed dramatically this year.

If a warrior student fails to advance to the rank of innate warrior within two years of enrolling, he will be sent down to the class for cultivating soldier-level mecha divisions, and will at most become a grassroots officer in the future, even if he is a child of a family.

If a congenital warrior cannot advance to the True Qi Realm within twenty years and cannot prove that he is a super genius, he will also be sent to the army. The school will only provide a resource and relevant teaching for the next eighty years.

Even a super genius who has been promoted to the real energy level will be released to the army, but he will be taken care of. He will try his best to keep him from entering the high-risk battlefield, and the resources and teaching will be dozens of times that of ordinary students.

This is too eager for quick success, all for the purpose of cultivating fighters to the maximum, rather than cultivating the future top fighters of the federation.

Warriors in King Realm and Power Realm are like towering giant trees whose branches and leaves cover the entire world. It needs plenty of time, the most fertile land and nutrients, and the most critical luck to grow.

But the Federation no longer cared about the future, and simply cultivated super geniuses like consumable materials and cannon fodder, and then pushed them into the battlefield.

In the auditorium, a solemn graduation ceremony is being held.

A student who was either excited or anxious came to the stage, took the graduation certificate from Huo Zhongtian, and also handed over the military uniform and military officer's card from the military personnel.

Huo Zhongtian said kindly: "Student Zhang Ya, congratulations on your advancement to the True Qi Realm, and hope that you will make your due contribution to the Federation in the future."

"Temporarily graduating does not mean the end of your studies. You must study harder in future wars until you become the real pillar of the Federation."

Immediately afterwards, a warrior from the Shenqiao Realm with the rank of major next to him looked cold and stern, and said with the unique ability of a soldier: "The military department has awarded you the rank of warrant officer, and the relevant orders have been issued to your watch. Please report on time." .”

"Yes! Major!" Zhang Ya saluted,

Respectfully said: "Principal, I will definitely live up to the training of all the teachers in the school."

Twenty years have passed, and she has changed from a young girl to a mature woman, but no matter from which aspect, she looks ordinary and unobtrusive, and she is the last one to receive her graduation certificate.

"Next, student Zhao Shi."

The delicate and beautiful master of ceremonies still read the name aloud as before, but she didn't need to look for it, her gaze had automatically turned to the boy in black sitting in front of all the students.

He is still sixteen years old, and the passage of twenty years has not brought him any traces. Whether it is appearance or temperament, he is an immature young man, not an ordinary mortal who has lived for thirty or forty years old. Middle-aged people for most of their lives.

No, it's not a middle-aged bald monster, he's just a teenager, even a baby embryo in the state of a fertilized egg.

Because everyone, even the children of the aristocratic family who hate him and wish to kill him quickly, have to admit that if he does not die, he will become the king.

And thirty to forty years old is indeed just an embryonic state for a king with a lifespan of nine thousand years.

"Little Zhao Shi, hurry up." Yang Qiushui urged before the master of ceremonies finished reading the name, his eyes were red, as if he saw his own child grow up.

"Well, teacher." Seventh

Zhao Shi finished his one-day zhenqi training at the same time as the master of ceremonies finished reading his name, opened his eyes and walked towards the stage.

The time is stuck in milliseconds, and even if he uses a supercomputer to calculate it, he can't squeeze out another second of time to practice.

When his name was pronounced, more than a thousand people in the auditorium all looked at him. These people included the students accumulated over the past 20 years and the students from other departments who attended the ceremony.

The eyes of the common people's children are full of love and reverence, while the eyes of the children of the aristocratic family are very complicated.

The children of many collateral families looked at him with little reverence, but there was no hostility anymore.

However, although most of the direct descendants of the aristocratic families hide their emotions, those with high cultivation bases can see the extreme dissatisfaction and jealousy hidden in their hearts at a glance.

"Huh! The strength has just entered the real energy state, and it has already revealed disobedience and serious troubles. I think the Federation will be backlashed by this person sooner or later!"

It is also close to the center. It used to be the place where the school teachers sat, but now there are many guests from the society sitting there.

At this time, they saw Zhao Shi stepping forward, and the changes in the thousands of students following his actions were immediately known to them, and someone immediately said coldly, extremely disgusted.

Yang Qiushui turned his head in displeasure, and froze for a moment, with a look of dread rising.

The speaker was an old man with gray hair and beard, and his eyes were full of arrogance. He knew at a glance that he was a person who could not be suppressed by violence.

"Mr. Fang's words are justified. I think there have been many traitors from the Xiewu Empire among these untouchables."

"The federation still has a 10% chance of winning. If the children of my aristocratic family are not afraid of sacrifice and everyone fights hard, it will not be impossible to restore the federation. But with these untouchables, I think the federation is completely in danger."

The words of the old man immediately aroused the approval of these social people who came all the way to watch the ceremony. There was a lot of discussion, and the loud voices overshadowed the solemn ceremony, making it as chaotic as a vegetable market.


Huo Zhongtian yelled, feeling annoyed in his heart, these people don't care about the occasion when they make trouble?

Following his words, a divine bridge-level coercion descended, crushing the noisy crowd like a mountain, crushing all their voices, and the auditorium regained its calm.

The strong men who were angry in their hearts were startled and lowered their heads, only then did they realize that in front of them was a strong warrior at the peak of the Shenqiao Realm, and they shouldn't be so presumptuous.

But there are still people who are not affected by the coercion of the Shenqiao class, and they still stand tall and stand out from the crowd.

It was four people, an old man with a gray beard at the peak of the Flying Sky Realm, and three strange warriors of the Shenqiao Realm.

Although the gray-bearded old man was at the Flying Heaven Realm, he was comfortable and fearless under the pressure of Shenqiao level. He said in a deep voice, "Principal Huo's words are wrong. This matter is related to the life and death of the Federation. On what occasion can we not say it?"

"Fang Wuya, what do you want to do?"

Huo Zhongtian frowned, feeling very troubled in his heart.

If it was an ordinary flying-level martial artist who dared to talk to him like this, he would have slapped him long ago, and it wouldn't be a big problem if he was killed.

But although this person is only about three hundred and fifty years old, he is still a junior, but he has profound insights in martial arts and enjoys a great reputation in the federation.

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