The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 985: Fang Wuya

Fang Wuya said in a deep voice: "Principal Huo, it's nothing. I just want to say something to this commoner. Some of his actions are too outrageous and dangerous."

He is not afraid of the Shenqiao Realm warrior with anger in his eyes, because he is already three hundred and fifty-three this year, and even if he is not beaten to death, he will not live for a few years.

"Ask a question? Ask a named disciple of the king?"

"Fang Wuya, junior, do you know what you're doing?" Huo Zhongtian's eyes turned cold, the hesitation in his heart disappeared instantly, and the killing intent was very clear.

"You should know that the king's will cannot be shaken, especially by a mere famous flying ants!"

The only one who challenges the rules set by the king must be the king!

Anyone else who violates their duty will die!

Could it be that some of the fame in the past, and the tolerance of the warriors of the Shenqiao Realm to this junior, made him lose himself, and almost forgot even the majesty of the king?

If so, the world will once again know what the majesty of kings is.


Even though he already held the belief of death in his heart, Wuya stepped back a few steps under the pressure of killing intent from the peak warrior of the Shenqiao Realm, his face pale.

The surroundings were filled with indignation, as if the flying warriors who could die for the aristocratic family at any time were worse than him, trembling all over.

Even the three divine bridge warriors around him who were supposed to be responsible for protecting the Dao were silent at this time, and they didn't even dare to release their coercion to share a little pressure for him.

Because the king cannot be provoked by low-level warriors.

"I... I didn't mean to provoke the will of the king." Fang Wuya's spirit became more and more firm as his body retreated, his eyes were as calm as iron:

"Principal Huo, don't worry, I won't do anything to him. I just have a small idea, a personal idea, and absolutely don't mean to force it."

The words were so calm that there were no waves, and there was no fear of death, and there was a piety like martyrdom in his body.


The Tao of the aristocratic family has existed in the star field of the Federation for 100,000 years, and it has penetrated into every warrior and the Tao of every piece of land.

He wants to be the defender of this holy way, and he will not regret it until his death.

"Old Fang..."

All the children of the aristocratic family were moved, and many young children of the aristocratic family were even more tearful, able to understand 100%, 200% what Fang Wuya was thinking at this time.

Why can't the inheritance obtained by the ancestors by cutting thorns and thorns be passed on from generation to generation until eternity?

No, it is possible, it must be possible, it must be possible.

Huo Zhongtian was silent.

He is a child of the Huo family, one of the seven great aristocratic families, and he is also a member of the aristocratic family, so naturally he cannot but be touched.

But the knives of the Xiewu Empire are cold and sharp, and their movements are worthless.

"If you want to talk, then talk."

In the end, Huo Zhongtian restrained his coercion, and said in an emotionless tone: "But if you dare to attack, you will die, and the three people around you will also die if you attack, so there is no need to go to the death camp."

Behind Fang Wuya, the faces of the three Shenqiao-level fighters suddenly turned pale.

They have no doubts about the truth of this sentence, even if they are high-ranking and powerful warriors in the Shenqiao Realm.

Because this is the Huoling Jijia University, and because the person in front of him has a faint hope even if he becomes a king.

There was no longer any obstacle between Zhao Shi and Fang Wuya, and the distance between the two gradually approached. 2020

A man with white hair and beard, with a decayed life, with the brilliance of a martyr;

The fire of a person's life is like the infinitely beautiful scorching sun in the sky, and his expression is indifferent, as if the person walking towards him is not a well-known polymath from the Federation, but just an old man on the side of the road.

"Your name is Zhao Shi?"

Fang Wuya sighed and said: "Full of true energy, radiant soul, just a hair away from entering the Flying Heaven Realm, only in his thirties, he is indeed a rare genius in the world, but it is a pity that he is just a commoner."

Zhao Shi was not as flattered or humble as he thought.

Instead, it ignores that true qi circulates continuously in the body.

"Bold! Bastard, do you know who the person in front of you is?" A flying warrior who came with Fang Wuya was enraged and snapped.


He shattered into a blood mist formed of bones and flesh, which drifted with the wind and gradually disappeared.

Everyone looked at Huo Zhongtian who retracted a finger in horror, and all shuddered.

Not every warrior at the Flying Sky Realm is qualified to openly violate and force a King's named disciple to do something after a warning from a Martial Artist at the Divine Bridge Realm.

The corners of Fang Wuya's eyes twitched, he did not raise any objections, and without making any gestures, he took something out of his arms.

It was a U-shaped bone exuding a hazy black and white light, and there were two small horn-like protrusions at the bottom of the U, which instantly attracted everyone's horrified eyes, including Huo Zhongtian.

As soon as the skeleton of this thing appeared, it emitted a weak and terrifying aura, making them tremble involuntarily.

The King's Skeleton!

It is definitely the skeleton of a king, in the shape of a hyoid bone!

Huo Zhongtian's heart was churning like a huge wave, and he quickly made a judgment.

"This thing was obtained by accident when I was young. After being appraised by the ancestors in the family, it is the hyoid bone left by a king who practiced the mantra and law in ancient times."

"After years of scouring, there is very little power left on it, and it is not of much value."

"The only thing that is available is that it can be activated with a secret method to solidify the oath of a middle and low-level warrior. Even if he cultivates to the king level in the future, he will not be able to violate it. If he violates it, he will be severely injured, and there is no hope of being a powerful person in this life!"

"Our ancestors of the Fang family can guarantee this, without any other restrictions."

All the children of the aristocratic family were shocked, and they all looked at Zhao Shi and understood something.

"Civilian! My request is very simple!" Fang Wuya looked at Zhao Shi, and said coldly: "You swear to this king's remains and your sword will, you will be loyal to the Federation family forever, and you will never surpass your status as a commoner. Trying to be on an equal footing with the family."

"This oath is very loose, and there is no violation of the lava king's reform regulations."

"Civilian, do you swear, or tell me that you plan to surpass your status as a commoner immediately after you become king and powerful, expel our original family, and turn the family federation into the Zhao family federation?"

Huo Zhongtian was stunned for a moment, and there was a soft look in Fang Wuya's eyes, and there was no longer any hostility.

This is very good, very good, although Fang Wuya is a junior, his mind is indeed beyond that of most Shenqiao realm fighters, but he used the heart of a villain to win the belly of a gentleman before, and he will come to the door to apologize in person in the future.

All the children of the aristocratic family were ecstatic, and then looked at Zhao Shi with killing intent.

Once the person says no, there is no problem in killing the person in public.

Because the family federation is the iron rule, the eternal iron rule, and absolute political correctness!

Everyone, even Almighty, will not violate it on the surface.

If you are willing to swear, it will be even better, and the family foundation will add another guarantee.

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