Not counting the children of ordinary people, down to ordinary students, up to Huo Zhongtian, Yang Wu and other Shenqiao warriors all focused their oppressive eyes on him, causing the air around his body to ripple like water waves, Spirit affects reality at this moment.

Zhao Shi looked at Fang Wuya indifferently.

Is the hyoid bone of the king and the matching secret technique really the result of a fortuitous encounter?

I'm afraid it's not true. Some people just want the horse to run, but don't want to give him grass, and they also borrow the so-called righteousness of the federal family.


Fang Wuya was uncomfortable with Zhao Shi's ants-like eyes, and asked again: "Civilian, I will ask you for the last time, do you swear or not?"

True Qi surged in his body, and he made no secret of his thought that he was about to kill the Dao Worm.

This time, Huo Zhongtian didn't react at all, a gust of true energy flowed out from his side, instead restraining Yang Qiushui who was about to go crazy.

"Your name is Fang Wuya?"

Zhao Shi slowly pulled out the Qiushui Sword from his waist that became sharper after being nourished with true energy: "I heard that you have a high reputation, but do you have the special right granted by the Federation to scold a named disciple of the king at will? Forced It issued a soul oath? Do you know that this is a capital offense?"

Fang Wuya sneered: "Civilian, you have avoided answering my question several times. Does this mean that you have confirmed that you have the resources of the family and will rebel when you grow up?"

At this moment, all the children of the aristocratic family looked cold.

They were not fools, and they were murderous towards Zhao Shi who avoided the topic several times, including Huo Zhongtian.

The federation is the federation of aristocratic families, a pariah who was cultivated by absorbing their resources, now has a different heart, and refuses to wholeheartedly be loyal to the federation, and is a slave.

How can this be accepted!

"Civilian, you are just an ant in the Real Qi Realm, and you have such a wolfish ambition, so I can't keep you anymore." Fang Wuya's face returned to calm, and a gleaming black ruler appeared in his hand at some point.

"If the lava king blames it, then he will make up for it with Wu Ya's life."

"If it's not enough, there are still brothers and sisters in Wu Ya's family. There are seventy-seven wives, children, and children. They should be able to appease the king's anger."

Huo Zhongtian and the others from the family trembled,

I just felt a surge of heat from my heart, and tears filled my eyes instantly.

This is not if, but must.

The king's registered disciple was beheaded in public, and his reputation was greatly discredited. Even if there was another king protecting him, Fang Wuya's whole family would have to die!

No matter what reason a Flying Realm martial artist with a mere reputation has, and how good the reason seems to be, touching the dignity of the king will end in this way.

And even if the lava king did this, the public opinion would have no influence on him at all, and everyone thought it was reasonable.

"Die, damned untouchable, all the crimes will be borne by me."

Fang Wuya flew up into the sky, his robes rattled, and countless black jade-like words appeared all over his body, all the words of a saint for the country and the people.

The three-foot ink ruler turned into a sky-reaching giant pillar and fell towards Zhao Shi. Countless black jade characters surrounded him, completely blocking all the escape space for Zhao Shi, and wrinkles appeared in the space where the sharp edge of the ink ruler was.

Everyone's heart was shocked, this blow was infinitely close to the Divine Bridge Realm, affecting the space!

Not to mention the warriors of the True Qi Realm, even the peak fighters of the Flying Sky Realm would die instantly under this blow.

Yang Qiushui's struggling movements suddenly became violent at this moment, his body was torn apart, but he couldn't move at all.

"His aptitude is too low, otherwise maybe the king can be expected..."

Huo Zhongtian sighed secretly, it was a pity for Fang Wuya, and it was also a pity that the Huo family was about to lose a eagle dog that could have made a lot of difference.

He was taken aback suddenly, and suddenly looked towards the center of the field.

A ray of cyan sword light appeared in the huge column formed by the black jade characters and the black jade ruler, it was very subtle, like a touch of green in the waves of the sea, which would be swallowed up in a blink of an eye.

But at the moment it appeared, the sea had been solidified, and all the black jade runes centered on the cyan sword light collapsed into bits and pieces of aura that disappeared. A piece of rotten iron.

Everyone was able to see the scene in the arena, and they were instantly furious.

Zhao Shi held Fang Wuya's neck in one hand, as if he was holding a dead dog, and said indifferently: "Trying to kill the king's disciple is a death penalty, but I am merciful and will not harm your family."


Fang Wuya's body looks intact, but in fact, the flesh and blood in his body has turned into a mass of shredded flesh. He struggled and said, "You are so will definitely bring more disasters to the Federation than the Xiewu Empire..."

As he was dying, his soul gradually disintegrated and melted into the world. He had a premonition of some terrible future, and shouted with all his strength, wanting to tell the world.


Clenching tightly with iron-like hands, a cloud of blood mist mixed with bones and flesh powder exploded.

"don't want!"

"Junior, how dare you, how dare you!"

Countless people roared angrily, including students from aristocratic families and people from society who accompanied Fang Wuya, they all came to kill Zhao Shi, countless swords, swords, fists and flames enveloped Zhao Shi.

"It's also a death penalty!"

Zhao Shi's face was cold, he flicked a ball of cleansing blue sword energy on his hand, drew his sword, and slashed out thirty-six streaks of blue sword energy, forming a ball of sword energy and flying outward at high speed.

Chi Chi Chi!

This place has become a sea of ​​blue and blood, and everything that stands in front of the blue sword energy, whether it is the long swords and knives of warriors in the flying sky realm, or the flesh of students from families in the real Qi realm, are all chopped into pieces of minced meat .

A frenzied storm of blood and blood appeared on the stage, and fragments of flesh and blood splashed over a thousand people in the entire auditorium, turning this supposedly sacred place into a bloody hell.

Qi Qi rioted and roared, and the running movement of the aristocratic children who had been swallowed by countless rage froze, as if being poured by a pot of ice water melted from ancient black ice, and reason returned to the brain again.

Even the flying warriors who followed Fang Wuya, self-proclaimed righteous men and regarded death as home, all looked in front of him in horror, walking around.

In an instant, more than fifty people, more than thirty fighters in the flying sky state, and more than twenty students who were about to graduate in the true energy state were beheaded on the spot, and no one on the stage survived!

More than fifty are the lives of good men from aristocratic families!

How could he, how dare he?

"Untouchable, die!"

The eyes of the three warriors at the bridge of the gods were about to burst, and the three big hands that covered the sky all slammed at Zhao Shi. The thick bloody smell spilled out.

They regretted it in their hearts, they just hesitated for a moment just now, they didn't want to exchange their lives for the life of a pariah, they didn't want to cause such great harm in an instant!

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