The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 987: Calibration

Three big hands that covered the sky blocked the four directions, and layers of space were shattered, but Huo Zhongtian's expression was cold, as if he hadn't seen it.

The three Shenqiao-level fighters attacked together, but Zhao Shi had a calm expression, and put the Qiushui sword back into the scabbard, as if the center of the attack of the three Shenqiao-level warriors was not himself.

Under the gazes of countless people who looked at each other with hatred or pity, the three Shenqiao-level warriors who were so angry that they were about to lose their minds froze, and they were about to stop Zhao Shi's big hand that was crushed.

Between Zhao Shi's eyebrows, a ray of lava-like flames shone, and the cold and heavy pressure of the king spread.

It doesn't contain any power, it's just a mark representing breath, but the three warriors at the Divine Bridge realm dare not cross this line in the slightest.

"What's the matter? The three of you are also afraid of death, are you afraid that your family will die?"

Zhao Shi asked lightly: "I thought that you, like Fang Wuya, would not want the lives of yourself and the whole family. It is very disappointing."

"Untouchable, you..."

At this time, the faces of the three Shenqiao-level fighters turned green and white, and they were shocked and angry.

Zhao Shi no longer paid attention to them. He came to Huo Zhongtian with a cold expression, looked him in the eyes and said, "Principal, the students are here to receive their graduation certificates."

Everything was natural, as if the broken limbs and arms all over the ground, the corpses of more than fifty Flying Heaven Realm True Qi Realm had been here all the time, and had nothing to do with him.

Huo Zhongtian asked coldly: "You killed more than fifty social leaders and Huolingjijia University students, can you be convicted?"

A coercion full of killing intent descended on Zhao Shi.

Some Flying Sky Realm warriors and True Qi Realm warriors were not in his eyes, but Zhao Shi ignored Fang Wuya's oath, and immediately took such cruel revenge, which completely disappointed him.

Zhao Shi seemed not to feel the coercion, and smiled slightly: "The principal is confused? Anyone who dares to attack the king's registered disciple will die, or did the principal get another order from the master?"

Huo Zhongtian was silent for a long time, threw out a graduation certificate, and walked away.

Zhao Shi took the graduation certificate, went to the Shenqiao Realm warriors in the military department, and saluted: "Major Huolian, recruit Zhao Shi is reporting to you."

"Very good, it really is very murderous."

Huo Lian has been staying out of the matter,

At this moment, he sighed in admiration: "If you can also bring this murderous spirit into the battle with the Xiewu Empire and make great achievements in battle, I guarantee that nothing will happen to you."

Only soldiers, who are always facing the crisis of life and death on the front line, will understand their desire for the strong. He sees a better future in Zhao Shi.

"Yes, Zhao Shi will be smashed to pieces, to serve the lava king and the Federation's kindness!"

"Remember what you said today." Huo Lian nodded, and took out his military officer's card and dark green military uniform from the attendants beside him: "Zhao Shi is a new recruit, the military department awarded you the rank of lieutenant colonel, I hope you will live up to the entrustment of the Federation and the Lava King. Build meritorious deeds."

"Yes, Major Huolian!"

All the children of the aristocratic families around were shocked.

The rank of lieutenant school is enough to serve as the acting battalion commander of the Mech Battalion. In the past, even a scion from a family with a strong background had to go through years of experience and accumulated military exploits before he could be promoted.

But now he is awarded to a pariah with real energy!

Huo Lian said indifferently: "You have one day to prepare, and after one day you have to report to the military headquarters, even if it's a second late, you have to do it according to military law."

"Yes." 2018

Zhao Shi bowed slightly, and walked down the podium with his military uniform and military ID card in his arms.

The entire auditorium was silent, filled with the smell of blood, only the sound of his footsteps rubbing against the ground was heard far away.

"Huo Lian, why? Why does your Huo family treat a pariah like this?" A martial artist at the Shenqiao level said unwillingly, "That's all. He killed Fang Wuya and more than 50 children from a family with great prospects. Won't he point his knife at your Huo family in the future?"

Huo Lian smiled lightly, and said indifferently: "Wang Ying, how long has it been since you went to the front line? The three of you have a good ancestor, but you will also be called to the front line, and you will no longer stay behind. "

"What do you mean?" Wang Ying was taken aback.

"It's nothing, you'll know when you go to the front line." Huo Lian suddenly lost interest, waved his hand to signal the adjutant next to him to preside over the issuance of certificates, and flew to the sky by himself.

Flying into the air, his body paused, staring at the three people below, he said word by word: "My brother is stronger than me, the brother who has reached the late stage of the bridge of God, died on the front line three days ago .”

"Brother Wang, don't worry about being a pariah or not, just live on. This is a veteran's blessing to you."

Without looking back, Wang Ying turned into a black spot and disappeared.

There were three Shenqiao-level fighters who were stunned like wooden chickens, and there was blood all over the ground.

The adjutant is obviously also a person who lived and died in Jiuli, he didn't care about the surrounding scenes, and continued to read: "Student Qian Tong..."

The graduation ceremony was carried out in an orderly manner under the watchful eyes of the students, and after more than ten minutes, the last person was issued a military uniform and a graduation certificate.

The adjutant saluted everyone and flew away.

At this time, the school cleaning staff came to clean up the slaughterhouse-like auditorium with fear on their faces.

"Teacher, let's go."

Zhao Shi pulled up Yang Qiushui, who was still injecting true energy into his body, and carefully checked whether there was any injury, and walked towards the door.

Along the way, no matter the children of the aristocratic family or the common people, they all cast respectful gazes. If no higher-ups intervened, they should absolutely obey Zhao Shi's orders.

It is a fragile and untrustworthy group, but it is already the best that can be done at this stage.

"Oh, alright."

Yang Qiushui woke up like a dream, and then he broke away from the state where his eyes were full of Zhao Shi, smelling the bloody smell at the tip of his nose and the broken limbs and arms everywhere he looked, he shuddered, and quickly followed Zhao Shi's pace.

Outside the auditorium, the soft breeze, the bright sunshine, and the surrounding verdant spiritual plants made Yang Qiushui feel better and gasped for breath.

After returning to calm, he realized that Zhao Shi was looking at her with great interest.

"Teacher, why aren't you afraid of me? Although I didn't do anything wrong, killing people will always be misunderstood, just like Li Xi who is still inside."

"Why should I be afraid of you?" Yang Qiushui looked puzzled, and lifted his collar upside down: "You are so young, and you didn't take the initiative to harm anyone. They wanted to hit you."

Zhao Shi was speechless, and let her carry him to the villa like a little chicken.

He broke his promise and did not grow taller, a head taller than Yang Qiushui, because he found that Xiao Zhao Shi was that tall, and it seemed too deliberate to force him to be taller.

Of course, it's useless even if she grows taller, because Yang Qiushui is a fighter in the flying sky realm, she can fly, and it's easy to mention Zhao Shi.

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