"Hurry up!"

As soon as he got back to the villa, Yang Qiushui became excited. He mentioned Zhao Shi and put him in front of a huge floor-to-ceiling silver mirror.

The federal military uniform is based on dark green, decorated with golden ribbons, and has a black Nine Dragons entwined emblem on the shoulders and neckline.

This is the pattern of the federal flag and the family crest of the founding president Lee Eun-bi.

"I'll give you three minutes. I can't stand your black clothes for a long time."

Yang Qiushui threw the tidied dress together with Zhao Shi into the cloakroom.

Zhao Shi glanced at her helplessly, and closed the door reluctantly.

To be honest, he was very reluctant to wear such a very conspicuous dress, and the regular suit without any decoration would be fine.

Three minutes later, the door opened.

Yang Qiushui tried his best to open his eyes wide, and countless small stars continued to emerge from them.

Now Zhao Shi has no expression on his face, his ordinary and ordinary appearance is modified by the straight military uniform, which greatly eliminates the influence, and instead highlights the heroic spirit.

He is like a straight long sword, sharp and introverted, especially his eyes, which are as calm as a lake, but if you look carefully, you can see the indifference and ruthlessness that regards all things as stars and rivers, and all life and death are just passing by in dust.

It's so handsome!

The ordinary appearance is completely covered up, making people think of the king who dared to compete with the world when he was still young.

Yang Qiushui stepped forward uncontrollably, gently stroked Zhao Shi's expressionless face, and wiped his saliva: "I'm really worried that someone will snatch you away, little guy."

"I'm going to practice."

Zhao Shi's patience reached the limit, a huge gust of wind and sword intent emerged, imprisoning Yang Qiushui in place, he found a place by the window and sat cross-legged, and then let her go.

Yang Qiushui complained: "I've never seen a person like you. Except for something, you have been practicing. You were not like this before."

"That's because I couldn't beat you then." Zhao Shi didn't lift his eyelids.

Ding ding ding!

Yang Qiushui received a call,

Stretching out his soft little hand, he opened Zhao Shi's closed eyes and said, "Your father, Zhao Dali, is looking for you. He said he couldn't get through to your phone."

Twenty years ago, Zhao Shi blocked Zhao Dali's phone calls, and only opened the function of leaving messages.

At the beginning, Zhao Dali used this message function very frequently, mostly to talk about his missing, the length of his family, which family's daughter-in-law stole people, and other miscellaneous things.

However, after half a year, his messages like this gradually decreased, and they were completely cut off fifteen years ago.

Yang Qiushui told him that Zhao Dali had found his new wife, and she became pregnant a few months after the wedding.

In terms of time, his child seems to be fourteen now? It was just two years since he started martial arts training, and he was about to take the college entrance examination in four years.

"What's the matter with him?"

"Didn't tell me." Seeing Zhao Shi's tendency to refuse, Yang Qiushui hastily said: "You should meet him, he has been looking for me many times, he looks very urgent, please, just be help me please?"

She knew Zhao Shi, this little guy was extremely vengeful, if she didn't care about him, she wouldn't be touched in the slightest.

"All right."

Zhao Shi answered very reluctantly, Yang Qiushui didn't even care about the dignity of his own teacher, he couldn't refuse again if he said something like I beg you.

A wide screen of light opened in front of Zhao Shi, revealing three tense figures, two tall and one short.

The person on the far left is Zhao Dali. He looks like he is in his fifties, and the tips of his hair are a little gray, but he is still very energetic. are two states.

He held tightly the hand of a boy with thick head and thick head, and was looking around curiously. 536 Literature

The one on the right is a young woman in her thirties, about the same age as Zhao Shi, but she looks like his mother, and her appearance is considered beautiful among mortals.

Zhao Shi lowered his head slightly and said, "Father, I haven't seen you for a long time. You look fine, so I can rest assured."

She didn't greet her stepmother, and she didn't show any dissatisfaction. Instead, she looked more reserved, with shock in her eyes.

She had heard her husband talk about this son. He was at least thirty or forty years old, but now he looked like a boy who was only a few years older than her own son!

This must be a big man, the kind of big man who can live for hundreds of years.

"Xiao Shi, you are still the same as before."

Zhao Dali's eyes were a little sour. Twenty years, in his eyes, was half a lifetime, but in his tone, it seemed that it happened a few days ago.

Is this the indifference and ruthlessness of a lieutenant mech master?

He knew that the eldest son didn't have much affection for him, so he quickly grabbed the child who wanted to run away and said, "Xiao Shi, this is your second brother, his name is Zhao Wu, Xiao Wu, quickly call him brother!"

"Hi brother!"

The boy was extremely upset, but it seemed that after a severe lesson, he still reluctantly opened his mouth.

"Congratulations father for having another son, you will no longer be lonely in the years to come."

Zhao Shi nodded slightly, but didn't say anything about his younger brother.

Zhao Dali was disappointed and didn't intend to introduce the woman around him. After hesitating for a while, he said: "Xiao Shi, I know you are a big shot now, and I want to ask you to find a way, can you train Xiao Wu well so that he can become a mecha master in the future?" ?”

"Does father want to give him better martial arts education?" Zhao Shi thought for a moment, then looked at Yang Qiushui.

"I have arranged, but for absolute safety, it is only an elite education among the common people, but he seems not satisfied." Yang Qiushui said softly.

She can spend some money and arrange better ones, at least it will be no problem for Zhao Wu to receive education from the children of ordinary aristocratic families.

But why do you want to do this?

She had a little sympathy for Zhao Dali, but it was all brought by Zhao Shi, and Zhao Dali did not treat Zhao Shi well, and repaying grievances with virtue was too contrary to human nature, and she was not happy.

"Yes, that's how it is." Zhao Dali smiled apologetically, "I was thinking, Xiaoshi, you may still lack someone to serve you. Can you let Xiaowu stay by your side and let him honor you well? The two brothers also have a servant." help."

"After all, no matter how close you are to outsiders, how can you have any reason to kiss your own family?"

The woman next to him had red eyes, and silently held the boy's hand, but dared not speak.

What education can be better than Zhao Shi's personal teaching?

Zhao Shi shook his head: "I'm sorry, father, I'm very busy and don't have too much free time, and I'm about to go to the battlefield, so it's not a good place to take care of children."

"Battlefield! My little Wu!" The woman's face was pale, and she hugged the boy tightly, refusing to relax a bit, her strength was so strong that it made him burst into tears.

Zhao Dali's expression changed, he hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"It seems that father has changed his mind." Zhao Shi nodded slightly, and said to Yang Qiushui: "Teacher, can you arrange for Zhao Wu to receive education from ordinary aristocratic families, where he can not be bullied and discriminated against?"

"Yes, I'll look for it."

Yang Qiushui flicked his wrist watch, raised his head and said, "Part of the training of the soldiers of the Yang family is to select civilians. I can arrange him there, not far from Jing'an Community. If he has excellent qualifications and works hard, there is hope." Real Qi realm, become a lieutenant mech master."

"Then let's go here." Zhao Shi nodded and looked at Zhao Dali: "What does father think of this place?"

"Okay, okay, thank you Xiaoshi." Zhao Dali nodded repeatedly, his face flushed with excitement.

In his opinion, Lieutenant Mecha Master is already an unimaginable big man, even Zhao Shi is no more than that.

"Okay, that's it, I wish you good health and happiness in the future."

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