The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter nine hundred and ninety-two purge military law


The blue sword energy cutting towards Wang Tong's eyebrows was shattered, and even the terrifying sword energy that imprisoned him was torn apart by a force.

"Hoo hoo..."

Panting heavily, Wang Tong said ferociously and frantically, "Uncle Hai, hurry up, kill this untouchable, I will chop his whole family into meat soup!"

Zhao Shi was noncommittal, and looked at Wang Hai: "Zhang Ya, repeat, what is the crime of obstructing the enforcement of military law on the battlefield?"

"This this……"

Unlike facing Wang Tong, Zhang Ya's teeth were chattering, so he dared not speak.


In an instant, a cold and sharp coercion descended on her body, carrying a ruthless and iron-blooded warning.

No one in the world is innocent, happiness does not fall from the sky, everyone has to fight for their own interests, and the people at the bottom are no exception.

If they are unwilling to fight for their own happiness, Zhao Shi will assist them in this process.

Zhang Ya hesitated for a long time under the heavy pressure, and said with difficulty: "According to the military law, those who obstruct the execution of the military law are guilty of the same crime as the crime of preventing it."

"Shenqiao Realm warriors can be an exception?"

"...No, no."

"Did you hear that? Master Wang Hai." Zhao Shi said lightly, "According to the federal law, you should be executed. Why don't you go to the military headquarters to lead your death?"

Everyone around was stunned, even Wang Tong and the three furious Flying Heaven Realm warriors were stunned, looking at Zhao Shi in disbelief.


Wang Hai snorted coldly, with a cold expression: "Untouchable, you deliberately murdered the children of the Federation family, I can kill you on the spot, there will be no problem!"

"Then you kill it." Zhao Shi seemed to hear something very funny, and he let go of the shield around him neatly.

"Okay, then you will die for me!"

Wang Hai was so angry that he expanded his palm to hundreds of square meters and crushed Zhao Shi like a mountain.

But when he was about to grind Zhao Shi into minced meat, he had to stop.

The mark of the king, the flame of lava appeared between Zhao Shi's eyebrows.

"Why not continue?"

Zhao Shi said lightly: "Seeing your arrogance and arrogance, I thought you have established such a big relationship that you can even ignore the rules in front of the king's registered disciple."

"What's the life of myself and the whole family? It's worth the life of a pariah like me."

Wang Hai remained silent and left in a huff.

"After sending me to Huorong City, don't forget to go to the military headquarters to lead me to death."

Zhao Shi's lazy voice came from behind him, causing his body to pause, black threads like spider webs appeared in the surrounding void, and it took a long time before they disappeared.

Calm was restored on the spot, only Wang Tong's desperate cries echoed.

"Uncle Hai, don't! Don't! I'm a child of the Wang family. If I die at the hands of a pariah, the name of the Wang family will be ashamed and their reputation will be wiped away!"

"Uncle Hai, help me, my grandfather will thank you, definitely will!"


Wang Hai's figure didn't stop and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Execute, Zhang Ya."


Zhang Ya's face became more respectful, and he walked towards Wang Tong with his sword, as if he was walking towards a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Get lost! A lowly servant girl who thinks it's dirty to serve me in bed,

I will kill you first! "Wang Tong's eyes were bloodshot, and he raised his long knife to kill Zhang Ya. The true energy of the Flying Heaven Realm exploded all over his body, and the air around him was smashed to pieces. Many innate warriors were blowing like fallen leaves in the wind.

Then he was imprisoned again and literally turned into a lamb.

Zhang Ya didn't say a word, and under the terrified gazes of Gu Ming, Qian Tong and other common people's children, he raised his sword and cut off the head of Wang Tong, a son of the Wang family, one of the seven great families, and he was also a warrior in the flying sky, not an insignificant king. family people. new starter

A pariah whom he knew personally beheaded a nobleman from a family in front of them!

Zhao Shi didn't count. Although this person and them were classmates, he was older than their elders. He was not like the same person as himself that everyone recognized.

This first time gave them a great shock.

Zhang Ya supported Wang Tong with both hands and stared wide-eyed. Still carrying his ferocious head, he came to Zhao Shi and respectfully said, "Squad leader, the criminal Wang Tong has been executed. Please give me instructions."

The intimacy in the words became much stronger in an instant, and it no longer carried the sense of alienation and distance as before.

After today, she is a well-deserved Zhao Party. In the future, she can improve with the improvement of Zhao Shi's status, and she will lose everything including her life because of Zhao Shi's defeat. There is no longer any buffer room.

"Okay, seal it up and hand it over to the military department in the future." Zhao Shiwen said: "I have personally asked the granddaughter of the lava king, Huo Ling'er, the princess of the Huo family, and your family will come to Huo Linger from Chulanxing soon Lingxing, there is no problem with safety."

"Thank you monitor!"

A look of surprise appeared on Zhang Ya's face.

The surrounding disciples from aristocratic families trembled in their hearts, only then did they realize that although the person in front of him was a pariah, he was also a disciple of the king, and not any descendant from an aristocratic family was qualified to take the university in front of him.

Seeing Wang Tong's death, the remaining two Flying Realm fighters from the aristocratic family felt a chill in their hearts. They came to Zhao Shi and knelt down in front of Zhao Shi: "Lord Battalion, we are guilty. Please punish me severely."

"A few people who know their mistakes can correct them, there's nothing good about them." Zhao Shi didn't put on airs, and helped the two of them up himself: "Military laws are strict, so I don't have much to say.

But after the punishment passed, Shi promised that everyone will be brothers from now on, and there will never be any prejudice. If there is any violation, I will be punished by heaven and earth! "

"Thank you, Lord Yingbu! Thank you, Lord Yingbu!" With simple words, the two warriors of the Flying Heaven Realm from aristocratic families kowtowed as if hearing something from the sky.

Then without waiting for Zhao Shi to say anything, the two of them tore off the clothes of their juniors and let Zhang Crow whip them. Even though each whip penetrated several centimeters into the unprotected flesh and blood, they didn't make a sound.

The crackling sound of flesh and blood and the long whip resounded all around, making all the soldiers and lieutenants, no matter whether they were from aristocratic families or common people, bow their heads respectfully.

"Next, disband, pay attention to rest before arriving in Huorong City, and do not appear outside the dormitory without permission."


Everyone respectfully accepted orders, and spread out in all directions with squads, platoons, and companies as units, and scattered into their respective rooms.

The entire empty stage was quickly emptied.

Anyway, the future is bleak, Yang Qiushui quickly got used to it, and asked curiously: "Will Wang Hai go to the military headquarters to lead him to death? After all, he has sufficient evidence for obstructing law enforcement, and he will indeed be executed according to military law."

"Will not."

Zhao Shi shook his head and said, "If everything had been done according to the rules, the Federation would not have escaped from the plans of the generals who left the country and fell to where it is today."

There is a premise in talking about the rules. The Wang family can find any reason at will, whether it is just a random move without the intention to stop it, or what is just a question that needs to be asked, and there is a temporary delay, all of which can be resolved without Wang Hai himself coming forward.

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