The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 993: Fire Banyan Fortress

In the dilapidated city, the civilians who come and go are ragged and numb. Even the soldiers on the military fortress among the ruined walls in the city center are not much better.

It wasn't until a battleship in the sky landed with a roar that they regained some of their spirits.

More than 2,000 soldiers and a large amount of supplies, as well as supplementary weapons and ammunition were quickly transported from the battleship, and they were processed in less than half an hour with the assistance of ground personnel.

Zhao Shi checked the materials carried by the battleship one by one, and after finding that there was nothing missing, he signed his name on the document, and said with a light smile, "Captain Wang, have a good journey, I hope I won't see you soon."

"Will not."

Wang Hai smiled coldly: "Since you have come here, I don't need to take any further action. After a while after your death, when the Huo family no longer has the attention to pay attention to you, I will take good care of your family .”

"Then thank you, Captain Wang." Zhao Shi smiled lightly, "Even if I die, you won't live long, or the entire Federation family won't live long, so why worry?"

"Don't worry about it, I can live until I die of old age."

The battleship lifted off, circled in a circle to increase its speed to the highest, and then turned into a black spot and disappeared into the sky.

Zhao Shi withdrew his gaze and strode towards the fortress standing in the ruined city.

The Huorong Fortress is like a sea urchin upside down in the city, with thick muzzles piercing the sky. The round walls are black and made of some kind of solid metal. It seems that it is not too difficult to defend against a single blow from the warriors of the Shenqiao Realm. big problem.

Only now, this strong fortress has been blasted from the front with a big gap, and it is being repaired little by little as the transportation of materials enters it.

There are also citizens of Huorong City, the war happened in their homeland but it has nothing to do with them. Warriors from the Federation and the Xiewu Empire fight here every day, and the aftermath only makes the city miserable.

I don't know why they don't stay away from this city. The warriors of the Shenqiao realm and the warriors of the Feitian realm are high above them, so they shouldn't spare their hands to prevent some mortals from migrating.

Seeing Zhao Shi and his military uniforms, some scavenger refugees frantically fled into the distance as if they were frightened by something.

Zhao Shi sighed in his heart. Needless to say, the military-civilian relationship must be very bad and cruel.

‘They are all people, they are also the cornerstone of cultivating civilization, they can contribute to the Dao, why should they be treated so harshly? '

Thinking like this, but he didn't care, and walked straight to the gate of the fortress accompanied by Lieutenants around.

Now just showing that he is unwilling to be a pariah and wants to be a master has aroused strong disgust from the aristocratic group, and he has been in danger several times.

If he showed some socialist thoughts again, making the family think that he was going to subvert the whole system, I am afraid that the lava king might kill himself himself, and no longer have hope.

"Meet the battalion master!"

At the gate of the fortress, four warriors from aristocratic families in the Flying Heaven Realm came out to greet Zhao Shi in person. Seeing that Zhao Shi was a commoner, they did not show any surprise, and saluted respectfully.

"Well, there's no need to mobilize the crowd like this, just stick to their respective posts. Except for the necessary guard posts, all lieutenants come to the meeting room."

"Yes, my lord."

Everyone filed in, and the heavy fortress gate was slowly closed, blocking the last ray of sunlight from the outside world.

meeting room

Zhao Shi sat in the first place, Yang Qiushui was behind him, and on the left and right sat seven aristocratic Flying Heaven Realm warriors, followed by Zhang Ya, Gu Ming, Qian Tong and other real Qi Realm lieutenants. Rarely seen elsewhere.

Zhao Shi glanced at the fortress information on his watch, and said to the calm man on the first left: "Lin Zhen, you are the remaining supreme commander of the Huorong Fortress before I came here, tell me about the previous situation of the fortress."

"Yes, my lord!"

Lin Zhen said respectfully: "Before you came here, the highest commander here was Lieutenant Colonel Yinliuchuan. We had full troops at that time,

There are 100 lieutenant mecha divisions, 2,900 soldier-level mecha divisions, which are comparable to flying warriors, and there are also strong fortresses and hundreds of heavy artillery pieces. "

"Until seven days ago..." There was a look of fear in his eyes: "We encountered the warriors of the Xiewu Empire's Shenqiao Realm. After only holding on for half an hour, the fortress was destroyed. Three thousand people died and only a thousand remained. We died on the spot, if it wasn’t for the federal allies to come to our aid, we would have died long ago.”


Many people who witnessed the conflict between Zhao Shi and Wang Hai trembled in their hearts.

Will they have reinforcements?

Will help come in time?

At this moment, resentment and resentment arose in the hearts of both the common people and the children of the aristocratic family.

Damn Wang Hai, damn Zhao Shi, they are not good things, why should your affairs implicate us?

Why don't you die yourself!

Many people's faces were extremely ugly. If they were not afraid of Zhao Shi's strength and methods, some people would start to scold them now.

Zhao Shi's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "Let's talk about the strength we have now."

"Yes, after the support of the people you brought, our soldier-level mecha division has recovered 3,221 people, but the lieutenant mecha division has only 62 people, and there are eight flying-level fighters. The strength is stronger than before. ..."

"But we have you!"

Lin Zhen showed a hint of excitement: "According to Zhou Lai and the others, your combat power is considered top among the flying warriors. One-to-ten is not a big problem. Overall, our strength is stronger than before."

Zhao Shi thought silently.

With such combat power and being on the front line, it is really unsafe.

But this is the fate of pawns, so many lives are just a pawn on the chessboard, a string of numbers, in the eyes of superiors, born to be sacrificed, hoping to exchange for more pawns.

As for the life and death of pawns, no one cared.

"No matter what, everyone's lives will be linked together from now on. From now on, I hope you must train strictly, and when we have gained enough military exploits, we will all safely return to the front line for repairs."

"Please rest assured, if there is a battle in the future, Zhao Shi will definitely rush to the front line and make a way for us all."

"Yes, my lord!"

The meeting lasted for two hours, until Zhao Shi and the new lieutenant finished familiarizing themselves with various matters, everyone bowed to Zhao Shi, retreated, and left the meeting room slowly.

Zhao Shi handed Yang Qiushui a document that had just been printed out with zhenqi: "Teacher, help me see what is missing in this training outline."

"Oh, the training outline?" Yang Qiushui took the document with a slightly surprised tone.

After 100,000 years of continuous refinement, the federal training syllabus has many kings and even great powers personally participating in the compilation. It can be said that it has reached the point of perfection under the existing conditions, and there is no way to change it.

It would be too whimsical for a true Qi realm warrior, even a super genius, to want to change the federal training syllabus.

Yang Qiushui had already adjusted his mentality in advance, and decided not to laugh at Zhao Shi for a while, but to praise him well, but to persuade him to give up his training plan temporarily.

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