The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 30 1 life for 1 life

Ye Sheng did not expect Candle Demon Qiankun to kneel down. The other party was in the realm of the Immortal King, and the group of people who had touched the peak of their cultivation actually knelt down in front of him.

It's unbelievable to say this.

Moreover, Ye Sheng was powerless to do what Zhumo Qiankun entrusted him with.

"Qiankun, you should know that we can't change anything when we come back. What has happened will not be changed because of us, including your daughter." Ye Sheng said seriously.

Candle Demon Qiankun's wife and daughter all died in this era. In the long river of time, the imprint of life has disappeared, and the long river of time in this era has turned black, and it is completely irreparable.

Therefore, Ye Sheng had no choice but to meet the request of Candle Demon Universe.

He can kill many Chaos people and kill those who were not dead, but he can't save the dead.

The little girl Qianyuan didn't know what happened yet, but looking at the conversation between her father and Ye Sheng, it seemed to be about herself, her face was tense, her lips were pursed, she didn't say a word, and she looked at Ye Sheng with big eyes.

The mother hugged her daughter sadly, pleading with Ye Sheng.

Candle Demon Qiankun said: "I know that death is inevitable, and established things cannot be changed, but you should know that we cannot change established things, but we can change unknown things."

"What do you mean?" Ye Sheng frowned.

"I didn't die, I lived for an era, my life imprint is good, one life for another, I will die for my daughter, let her survive." Candle Demon Qiankun said firmly.

Ye Sheng looked at it with a smile. He didn't expect Zhumo Qiankun to be so determined. He came back with the will to die, but now, he wanted to save his daughter.

"Father, I don't want it." Gan Yuan said with a twist of his mouth, about to cry.

"Hey, baby, you have to remember that father and mother will always love you, you are still young, you shouldn't die in this catastrophe, father and mother will always be together, and you have to leave this uncle and live a good life .” Candle Demon Qiankun comforted him.

Gan Yuan cried and shouted: "I want Mom and Dad."

"Baby, it's mom and dad's wish for you to live. You've grown up and you need to be sensible, you know?" The mother comforted her daughter, then kowtowed heavily to Ye Sheng.

"Zhong, please, help me, as a father, you should also understand my heart." Zhumo Qiankun also kowtowed.

Ye Sheng took a deep breath, feeling unbelievable for Zhu Mo Qian Kun's fatherly love, what he said was right.

One life for another.

Candle Demon Qiankun traded his immortal king's fate in exchange for Qianyuan's lifeline, changed the originally mortal Qianyuan's fate, let Ye Sheng take it away, replaced the original Qianyuan's fate by himself, and faced this crisis together with his wife. catastrophe.

This is fatherly love, fatherly love is like a mountain.

Ye Sheng helped Zhumo Qiankun and his wife up, then took Qianyuan's little hand, looked at the little girl who was crying like she was crying, sighed, stretched out his arms, hugged the little girl in his arms, and said: " Don't worry, as long as you change your fate, I will definitely leave with Qian Yuan alive."

Candle Demon Qiankun said gratefully: "Thank you, your great kindness, I can only wait for Qianyuan to repay you in the future, now you leave here quickly, the Chaos Clan warrior I killed three days ago has already alarmed the Chaos Clan high-level, here is very It will soon be turned into ruins, I will hold back the Chaos people for you, and will change Qianyuan's fate."

"Father!" Gan Yuan cried very sadly, but he didn't know why, he was just crying and didn't make a fuss, letting Ye Sheng hold her.

Maybe this sensible little girl also knows that her parents are risking their lives to protect her, she can't make trouble, and she can't cause trouble for her parents.

"Baby, mom and dad will always love you. In the future, walk a little stronger and be firm in your heart." Zhu Mo Qiankun kissed his daughter on the cheek, then stepped back, stretched out his hand, and a crack in time and space appeared. where.

Ye Sheng hugged Qianyuan, took the baby Zulong, and bid farewell to Zhumo Qiankun and his wife, and took one last look before entering the crack.

Candle Demon Qiankun smiled gently,

His burly body was straight, and he was a real man now, holding his wife by the hand, and waving goodbye to Ye Sheng.

Zhumo Qiankun's wife nestled in her husband's arms, weeping deeply, not daring to look at it, fearing that she would not be able to bear it.

Qian Yuan even wet Ye Sheng's shoulders from crying, heartbroken.

Ye Sheng sighed, this parting moment was extremely sad.

In fact, he and Zhumo Qiankun have not known each other for many days, but they have experienced countless things together. He also watched with his own eyes that Zhumo Qiankun changed from a self-exiled and fallen person to gradually regaining himself and becoming The big hero, big hero, and big man I once wanted to be the most.

More importantly, at this moment, he saved his daughter.

If he didn't do this, his daughter would surely die, because in the long river of time, his daughter would have died.

With one last glance, Ye Sheng whispered in Gan Yuan's ear, "Remember the appearance of your parents, engraved in your mind."

Gan Yuan looked at his parents with tears in his eyes, listened to Ye Sheng's words, and engraved them in his mind.

Candle Demon Qiankun and his wife wiped away their sorrows, and left a picture of smiling and loving in their daughter's memory.

Ye Sheng stepped out and entered the crack. In an instant, the crack shrank, and all the pictures disappeared.

And at the moment before disappearing, Ye Sheng heard the sound of the Chaos army pressing down on the land, heard the wailing of countless creatures about to die, and heard the shattering of the planet.

All this made Ye Sheng feel angry from the bottom of his heart.

How many families have been ruined by the Chaos Clan?

At this moment, the little girl Qianyuan was heartbroken and passed out. Ye Sheng hugged her and passed through the dangerous crack, away from the star field where the candle demon Qiankun was.


In another star field, on an uninhabited planet, Ye Sheng stopped here.

The planet was completely destroyed by the war, and there were traces of the war everywhere, corpses everywhere, the earth was dyed red, and the sea was black.

This is a planet full of despair, Ye Sheng stopped here temporarily.

The little girl Qianyuan passed out, Ye Sheng built a wooden house, settled her down, and waited for her to wake up.

The planet was dark, the sun and the moon were all shattered, and the entire universe turned into darkness. Ye Sheng lit a big bonfire, and sat beside him with the baby Zulong, silent.

What Ye Sheng didn't expect was that when he came to the Era War, the first thing he experienced was not a battle with the Chaos Race, but a farewell to life and death.

One life of Zhumo Qiankun can save another life, Ye Sheng has the power of a big clock, he can take a person away, he can save his wife, but in the end, he chose his daughter.

Only at this moment did Ye Sheng realize that at the moment when the era was destroyed, there were not so many unforgettable battles, but more of life and death, the separation of lovers, the severance of flesh and blood, and the destruction of one family after another.

They have done nothing wrong, have nothing, they live a good life, yearn for a better life, and are positive. They are a group of lovely people.

But even so, they are not immune to natural disasters.

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