The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 31 Extreme Anger

Eternal night is approaching, everything is dark, everything in the world is silent, only the bonfire lit by Ye Sheng is burning fiercely.

A simple wooden house, Qian Yuan was sleeping deep inside, with tears still hanging on his little face, very pitiful.

Ye Sheng could see her when he turned his head. This little girl was saved by her father. Although she had a chance to live in the future, she lost her parents since then.

Back then, Zhumo Qiankun escaped, but now he traded his own life for his daughter's hope of surviving.

He accomplished redemption.

Ye Sheng looked at the stars in the universe, there was a dead silence, the era came to an end, all things withered, life was deprived, everything turned into dust.

The huge universe was finally reduced to the seventh realm, which has not yet been accepted by the main universe.

Ye Sheng stirred the bonfire silently so that it would not go out, and he and the baby Zulong were speechless.

As onlookers, Ye Sheng and Zulong Baobao witnessed all the misery with their own eyes.

"Our universe will suffer from all this?" Baby Zulong was silent for a long time, and then asked Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng nodded, and said: "Yes, but I will not let the Chaos Race succeed. Many people are working hard to prevent the Chaos Race from succeeding."

"I will definitely grow up and stop the Chaos Race." Baby Zulong clenched his fist and said firmly.

Ye Sheng touched Baby Zulong's head, but didn't say anything.

At this moment, the little girl Qianyuan woke up, her body curled up into a ball, weeping softly, very sad.

Ye Sheng sighed, walked to Gan Yuan's side, and said, "I will protect you in the future."

"Can't you save my parents?" Gan Yuan raised his head, his face was covered with tears, and he was very pitiful.

"Your father is a hero. He exchanged his life for yours. Now you are the hope of your parents. Your parents will be happy if you survive." Ye Sheng comforted weakly.

Saying these words is grandiose and can't comfort people at all, especially the little girl Qianyuan is very sensible. As soon as she heard Ye Sheng say this, she knew that her parents were going to stay away from her completely.

Sadly, the little girl Qianyuan burst into tears, then rushed into Ye Sheng's arms, buried her head in Ye Sheng's arms, not to make herself appear timid.

Ye Sheng hugged the little girl Qianyuan, didn't speak, just patted her on the shoulder lightly, and sighed silently.


After crying and venting, the little girl Qianyuan was very sensible, snuggled up to Ye Sheng's side, the world was so big, and now she could only rely on her uncle whom she had just met.

"Uncle Zhong, where are you going to take me?" the little girl Qianyuan asked.

Ye Sheng narrowed his eyes, he had no idea where to go, he didn't know anything about this universe, his only thought now was to kill more Chaos people.

"I'm going to kill someone." Ye Sheng said in a deep voice.

The little girl Qianyuan was not frightened, but asked: "Are you going to kill the Chaos people?"

"Yes, the Chaos Race is the biggest cancer in this universe. I can't change the ending, and I can't save those who died. I can only do what I can do now, kill more Chaos Race warriors." Ye Sheng nodded.

"I can do it too, I want to kill too." The little girl Qianyuan gritted her teeth.

Ye Sheng looked at her seriously, shook his head and said: "Gan Yuan, you are still young, you cannot be blinded by hatred and become a killing machine. You have to practice hard, keep hatred in your heart, and when you grow up, want to It doesn't matter how many Chaos warriors you kill. But now, you can't be immersed in killing and hatred, so your achievements will not be high."

Adults immersed in killing will be infected by killing, turning into bloodthirsty devils, losing their sanity, only knowing about killing, but not the true meaning of cultivation.

Ye Sheng will not let Qian Yuan fall into this killing quagmire, she is still young, what she needs is to lay a solid foundation, break through slowly, reach the peak, and fight against the high-level Chaos tribe.

Qian Yuan looked at Ye Sheng stubbornly, the little girl was very angry.

"If you kill 10,000 Chaos warriors, it is better to kill a high-ranking Chaos tribe. The Chaos warriors are endless, endless, and you can't finish them.

But only by killing the high-level members of the Chaos Clan can you severely injure the Chaos Clan. This is your correct way of revenge. "Ye Sheng said seriously.

Qian Yuan succumbed, and Ye Sheng's words made sense. The Chaos warriors at the bottom level died a lot, so it didn't matter. Now Qian Yuan has only just practiced, how many can he kill?

"When you have my level of cultivation, you can kill the Chaos warriors before you can hurt the Chaos tribe. The low-level warriors are like leeks, one crop after another, and you can't kill them all." Ye Sheng comforted Gan Yuan.

"I'll listen to uncle." Gan Yuan nodded heavily, no longer demanding to kill someone.

Seeing that her mood had stabilized, Ye Sheng put her in the alchemy furnace of the gods, and then took the baby Zhongzulong, soaring into the sky and entering the universe.

As for the bonfire, Ye Sheng didn't extinguish it, let it continue to burn, even if the world is in darkness, there will be people keeping the fire, waiting for the moment when the wildfire will start a prairie fire.


Under the starry sky, Ye Sheng was alone, wandering forward.

Wherever he passed, the flames of war ignited, or there were ruins without any signs of life.

When the era was destroyed, Chaos warriors were the main force, and other factors were also accelerating the occurrence of all this.

Ye Sheng saw it with his own eyes, there is nothing in this universe that can be saved.

Seeing all this in the alchemy furnace of the gods, the little girl Qianyuan was shocked. At this moment, she finally understood why Ye Sheng said that her parents could not be saved, because everything was so dead.

Ye Sheng's speed was fast, flying in the universe, passing smoothly, no one came to stop him.

After leaving this dead starry sky, Ye Sheng came to another star field that was still struggling, where black holes exploded everywhere, cosmic rifts, divine lights of destruction, and huge meteorites galloped towards him.

There is no need for Chaos people to come, because of the cosmic riots here, they have destroyed themselves.

The black hole devours everything, the cosmic rift sucks the masters in, and they are directly strangled. These people die without knowing why.

The more he looked at Ye Sheng, the heavier his heart became. Every moment, a large number of people died. After seeing the end, Ye Sheng became numb.

Someone found Ye Sheng and stretched out his hand to ask Ye Sheng to save him, but when Ye Sheng approached, a space rift directly killed this person in front of Ye Sheng, and his body was separated.

Ye Sheng took a deep breath, his heart was full of grief and anger, roaring and burning, and he had nowhere to vent.

The Chaos tribe destroyed an era, and they killed all the people in this era.

And this anger was completely vented by Ye Sheng, and he rushed towards the Chaos warriors in the sky.

Coincidentally, hundreds of Chaos warriors just passed by here.

Ye Changchang let out a howl, and rushed out immediately, surrounded by energy, a golden light broke the darkness, and then slammed into the team of Chaos warriors.


In an instant, the team was torn apart, and more than a dozen people were killed in an instant, and they were killed by Ye Sheng's momentum.

And the rest of them couldn't escape.

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