The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 32 Devour

Ye Sheng was furious, his strength was at full strength, there were only a few hundred Chaos warriors, and they were powerless to resist.

Even though the dozen or so people in the lead were all in the semi-immortal realm, Ye Sheng rushed forward, smashed down with his fist, and the power exploded, completely obliterating the opponents.


This is the current power of Ye Shengji Yuan Shenquan. Within the same level, he is a massacre.

A half-immortal and fourth-level Chaos warrior roared, "You still dare to resist. You didn't die under the first round of impact. You don't know how to hide, but you still dare to rush up to die. I will grant you."

A bright blade pierced the sky and descended in front of Ye Sheng. The fierce power seemed to split Ye Shengli in two.

But Ye Sheng was fearless, his eyes were sharp, his body didn't dodge, and he rushed over at once.

"My current body, how can you break it at will?" Ye Changchang roared, his voice rumbled, fearlessly, regardless of the opponent's attack, he directly punched Ji Yuanshen.

This is the magic fist that Ye Sheng comprehended by himself. It is powerful and has not yet been perfected. With Ye Sheng's continuous improvement, it will eventually become a heaven-defying skill.

In the next second, Ye Sheng's body collided with the huge blade light, and with a click, the blade light shattered, and the billowing energy rolled out all of a sudden, forming a storm, and scattered the Chaos warriors who were about to attack.

Under the impact of Ye Sheng's Era God Fist, he hit the half-immortal fourth heaven.


A dazzling light spread rapidly in the universe. The half-immortal screamed in pain, and his body exploded in an instant, turning into countless energies, and was killed by Ye Sheng with a single blow.

Ye Sheng, a half-immortal and second-level heaven, killed a half-immortal and fourth-level heaven, easily and easily.

And this scene also terrified the remaining Chaos warriors. What they didn't expect was that Ye Sheng was so terrifying that even if he leapfrogged to kill the enemy, he would still be killed with one blow.

The panic and anger of the Chaos warriors had nothing to do with Ye Sheng. His body shook and turned into a black hole, completely enveloping them in an instant.

"Death to me all." The black hole turned into a face, which was Ye Sheng himself, making a rumbling sound, and all the Chaos warriors were absorbed into it, unable to get out.

Even calling for help, scolding, and begging for mercy seemed so powerless at this moment, because there was no sound in the black hole. They were swept by the storm in the black hole in an instant, completely exploded, turned into energy, and were swallowed by Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng's cultivation base began to climb again.

"In the past, I didn't want to devour others, but people from the Chaos Clan, I always refuse to come." Ye Sheng snorted coldly, turned into a human body, and stood in the universe, his eyes were cold and murderous.

In a short period of time, Ye Sheng killed hundreds of Chaos warriors, and there were more than a dozen of them in the half-immortal realm, but none of them surpassed the half-immortal fifth heaven, and they looked like mortals in front of Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng killed them, and the universe fell silent again. He stood alone and said, "I need a large number of warriors who can devour the Chaos Race, so I can improve myself and try to break through the semi-immortal realm as soon as possible."

Those who are above the half-immortals are the immortals, which are basically equivalent to immortality. A life span of millions of years is not bad in the eyes of mortals, and a few million years is a symbol of immortality.

What Ye Sheng cared about was not the millions of years, but the invincible combat power.

Only a strong combat power can make Ye Sheng feel at ease and meet the upcoming challenges.

"Go find the Chaos warriors." Ye Sheng began to wander in the universe, looking for Chaos warriors everywhere. He looked for the Chaos warriors in the semi-immortal realm, and when he met a group, he devoured them.

After one month in a row, Ye Sheng wandered through dozens of star fields, devouring tens of thousands of Chaos warriors, and every time he devoured them, he left, never staying, and preventing the Chaos tribe from finding their place.

During this process, Ye Sheng's cultivation has reached the third level of the half-immortal, and he has improved rapidly, and has a tendency to move towards the fourth level.

But Ye Sheng devoured so unscrupulously, which also brought troubles for him, and the masters of the immortal realm of the chaos clan were looking for Ye Sheng everywhere.

As a result, Ye Sheng has to hide everywhere now, not daring to devour it casually.

In this way, Ye Sheng's ascension speed will be greatly reduced.

In the dead universe, an unknown planet, half dead, half alive, Ye Sheng stopped here.

"Many people are looking for you now, they are all in the immortal realm of Chaos Clan, you can no longer show up." Baby Zulong worried.

Ye Sheng had encountered several waves of danger before, all of which were encircled and suppressed by the Chaos Immortal Realm. Fortunately, Ye Sheng had the Kunpeng's extreme speed and the hidden breath of the gods' pill furnace, so he was not discovered.

The most dangerous time was when Ye Sheng turned into a black hole and hid in the group of black holes, avoiding catastrophe dangerously.

Ye Sheng nodded, Baby Zulong was right, he couldn't go on like this.

"I devoured more than 10,000 Chaos warriors, at least a few thousand in the half-immortal realm, and the rest are not as good as the half-immortal realm. The energy provided is limited, but even so, it allowed me to accumulate a solid amount of energy." Ye Sheng pondered road.

He needs to settle down and let himself digest these energies, as well as the life essence he absorbed before. These are all accumulated in Ye Sheng's body, and he needs to dig them out.

Once these are excavated, Ye Sheng will definitely be able to break through, and even break through continuously.


But in the next second, a terrifying aura came from the starry sky in the distance, coming from the realm of immortals, sweeping the universe, looking for Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng's face changed, and he scolded: "It's not over, you can't find me, are you still insisting?"

Ye Sheng skillfully took out the alchemy furnace of the gods, covered all his aura, and then hid in a place, motionless, like dust, so that he would not be discovered.

In the next second, a terrifying spirit power swept over, scanning every place on this planet, and also swept over Ye Sheng's body.

Fortunately, Ye Sheng was protected by the alchemy furnace of the gods, so he was not affected, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The current Ye Sheng, no matter what, can't beat the immortal realm.

He can compete with any realm in the semi-immortal realm, but I can't compete with the immortal, because once Ye Sheng loses, he will definitely die, and Kunpeng's speed can't save him.

Fortunately, this chaotic immortal didn't stay too long. After sweeping over Ye Sheng, he quickly left without stopping.

Ye Sheng didn't stand up, and remained in this state, motionless.

Half a minute later, the same terrifying spirit swept over.

The Immortal of the Chaos Clan went back and forth, sweeping around again, he was playing psychological warfare to lure Ye Sheng out.

But Ye Sheng couldn't be fooled, he just lay down with such evaluation, without moving.

The second pass failed, and the immortals of the Chaos Clan left immediately.

But Ye Sheng still didn't move.


A terrifying divine aura permeated the air, and it blew up the planet where Ye Sheng was. Ye Sheng's expression changed, and he quickly got into the furnace of the gods, and then the furnace of the gods turned into dust. Not found.

"It seems that there is really no one. They are all dying planets anyway. If they blow up, they will blow up." The immortal of the Chaos race said lightly, this time he left completely.

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