The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 39 Nine Heavenly Monuments (5000-word chapter)

Ye Sheng frantically absorbed the energy of the detached person and passed it to the alchemy furnace of the gods, which greatly increased the power of the alchemy furnace of the gods.

At the beginning, the detached person still struggled and yelled, but gradually the detached person had no energy support, and his mind and soul were sluggish, slumped, and completely died.


When Ye Sheng absorbed all the energy, the ancient city collapsed suddenly, and at this moment, the sky began to rain blood, as if mourning for something.

The detached person died, causing the heaven and the earth to sense it, and it rained blood.

Baby Zulong excitedly said: "You are too powerful, you killed a detached person."

The little girl Qianyuan was also very excited, she looked at Ye Sheng with admiration, and said, "Uncle Zhong is so amazing."

Ye Sheng walked out of the collapsed ancient city, with a calm expression on his face, and said: "This is just a trick. I am not the opponent of the detached man at all. If he does not fail, I will never succeed anyway."

Ye Sheng has self-knowledge on this point, he can see himself clearly, even if he has absorbed the energy of the Immortal Emperor level, he will not be able to face an immortal head-on, let alone an Immortal King or an Immortal Emperor.

The transcendent failed, and the energy left behind was absorbed by Ye Sheng. This is a free pick.

If Ye Sheng was complacent because of this, he would not be able to make it to where he is today.

"Where did you get your pill furnace?" Martial Ancestor asked suddenly.

Ye Sheng was taken aback, took out the alchemy furnace of the gods, and said: "I got it in the small world, and flew down from the universe. I got it by luck, and then refined it into a magic weapon of my life."

Ye Sheng knows that the alchemy furnace of the gods is very mysterious and has an extraordinary origin. Three legs are broken and two legs are broken, but they are still powerful. ?

You must know that Ye Sheng has found the foot of the alchemy furnace of the gods. It is in the Valley of Burial Soldiers. Ye Sheng found it last time, but he didn't have the courage to take that foot away from a group of refined weapons. It won't be taken away by others, he will go to get it back after his cultivation level improves.

"Listen to you, do you know the alchemy furnace of the gods?" Ye Sheng asked curiously, he wanted to know the origin of the alchemy furnace of the gods.

Martial Ancestor looked at the alchemy furnaces of the gods, thoughtfully, then smiled, and said: "I can probably guess it, but since it has chosen you, then you should make good use of it."

If Martial Ancestor didn't tell Ye Sheng, Ye Sheng had no choice but to ask these things that great masters don't say, you can't find out.

"Are we going to go deeper?" Ye Sheng asked.

"Yes, keep going deeper, only the deepest part can find what I want." Martial Ancestor said firmly with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Ye Sheng naturally followed Martial Ancestor to this point, and he could only go to Hei one way.

After protecting the baby Zulong and the little girl Qianyuan, Ye Sheng followed Wuzu alone and walked towards the depths.

After the huge grassland passes, there is a large area of ​​mountains and forests. The mountains are undulating like a dragon lying on the ground, very eye-catching, and the shade is lush.

Martial Ancestor immediately entered this huge mountain range, Ye Sheng followed and asked, "Is there anything here worth your visit?"

Wu Zu replied: "There are a few old friends here. They were injured when I pushed 80,000 miles last time. They are still recovering from their injuries. I will let them leave this world this time."

Ye Sheng couldn't help but be speechless, this is a big boss, it is also an honor to be injured by the Martial Ancestor.

For people like Ye Sheng, Martial Ancestor really got serious, one look could shatter Ye Sheng's soul, and he didn't even have the qualifications to survive.

And if the high-level members of the Chaos Clan were injured by the Martial Ancestor's attack and survived, that would at least be at the level of an Immortal Emperor.

It's scary when you think about it.

Ye Sheng couldn't help looking forward to it, they had been injured for more than half an era, and before he recovered, Martial Ancestor came to his door again, how wonderful.

Just thinking about it made Ye Sheng look forward to it.

Among the mountains and forests, there are dense trees and vegetation, lush and picturesque.

But in this painting, there are several very conspicuous tombs standing,

destroy this beauty.

When Ye Sheng walked over, what he saw were seven large tombs, connected one after another, each in a different position, but they all occupied a point, and connected to form a large formation.

These people buried themselves and used formations to repair their injuries.

And when Martial Ancestor stepped here, the earth suddenly shook, and with a bang, ripples were produced, which quickly spread.

Martial Ancestor said lightly: "Is this how you welcome an old friend?"

Ye Sheng followed, watching silently, without interfering indiscriminately, he just wanted to be a bystander.

The seven tombs are located in different directions, and they seem to be dead people, lifeless.

But Martial Ancestor had his hands behind his back, coarse linen clothes, and a shroud wrapped around him. When he recovered to his prime, his eyes were like lightning. When he glanced over, the void immediately exploded.

"If you don't come out, do you want me to dig you out?" Martial Ancestor said coldly.

There was still no movement around, it was quiet, as if nothing had happened.

The seven large tombs are really large tombs, where the dead are buried, and the words of Wu Zu cannot be heard.

Wu Zu looked at it calmly, and suddenly sneered, and didn't make any unnecessary movements, just raised his foot, and then tapped the ground lightly.


The mountain shook, the earth dragon revived, rolled out, overturned the land, poured out the soil, the trees collapsed, and the rocks collapsed, a scene of an earthquake.

At this moment, the seven large tombs were completely exploded, the soil was blown away, and the coffins inside were blown out.

Martial Ancestor kicked lightly, the ground collapsed, the coffin flew out and landed on the ground, surrounding Ye Sheng and Martial Ancestor, the scene was weird.

"Millions of years ago, when you were young and vigorous, the moment you attained enlightenment, you rushed into my ancestral land of the Chaos Clan and made a big fuss, but you almost died afterwards, why did you forget to eat and not fight? "A faint sigh sounded, as if announcing something, it came from the seven coffins.

Martial Ancestor said indifferently: "A young man is not vigorous, so is he still called a young man?"

"You were young back then, but now you are also an old man. After experiencing the baptism of death, you haven't learned to forbear and keep a low profile." Another voice sneered, as if mocking Martial Ancestor's overreach.

"A man is a young man until he dies. I dared to rush into the ancestral land of the Chaos tribe just after I got the Tao. Now that I have experienced life and death and lived a long time, I am naturally even more daring." Martial Ancestor snorted coldly.

"I'm not like you. The more I live, the more afraid of death, the more decadent I am. You have long forgotten the age of youth and frivolity, and now you have become submissive. Facing me at this moment, verbal attacks want to mess with my heart. If it was a teenager I am afraid that you will directly join forces to suppress me. But now, you will only delay the time and wait for the high-level Chaos clan to come back, which is pathetic!" Martial Ancestor reprimanded unceremoniously, with words of disdain.

The seven coffins fell silent. They were delaying time when Wu Zu said the central thing, and Wu Zu said so bluntly, which also proved that he was not afraid of these people delaying time.

"Martial Ancestor, you have a true temperament, but because of your true temperament, you will also bring death."

"None of us are your opponents alone, but together, you won't be arrogant enough to suppress us?"

"The reason why you use words to provoke you is that we have recovered from our injuries and don't want to make a big fuss, but since you don't know what to do, then we will help you."

"Your Martial Ancestor was a young man until his death, so we will fulfill you."

The seven masters who buried themselves in the ground unanimously decided at this moment to attack Martial Ancestor.


A loud voice echoed in the mountains and forests, followed by seven terrifying auras, which echoed each other and superimposed together, erupting with terrifying power.

Ye Sheng's expression changed drastically due to the destructive aura, he couldn't resist it at all.

Fortunately, Martial Ancestor was ready to strike, covered it with one palm, and quickly grew bigger, covering the sky and the sun, turning this mountain forest into a night, and then with a bang, it fell on the seven coffins .

"I was able to kill you back then, so now, it's even easier." Martial Ancestor said proudly.


Martial Ancestor's big hand pressed down, as if the sky fell down, all of a sudden, this mountain range was wiped out, the earth became blank, seven coffins exploded, and seven old people appeared, all with ugly faces, trying to resist Martial Ancestor s attack.

"Damn it, he's even stronger than he was back then."

"We have been repairing injuries all these years, but he is improving. Now even if we join forces, we can't resist."

"This can be done like this, why haven't the high-level Chaos Clan come?"

"We are delaying time. It is impossible for them not to know about such a big movement."

The seven old men were released, all of them are big men who have shocked the heavens, but now facing the Martial Ancestor, they can only barely resist, they are not opponents at all.

The high-ranking members of the Chaos clan they hoped for did not come at all.

Martial Ancestor said indifferently: "I didn't deal with you back then, but now I just killed you casually when I came here. As for the high-level members of the Chaos Clan, they will be destroyed in another era, so they can't come."

Wuzu's words shocked the seven old men. Was it destroyed in the era?

Have they all been sleeping underground for so long?

Martial Ancestor didn't bother to talk nonsense, in his eyes, these people were just little people, and he could destroy them with a snap of his fingers.

Bang bang bang!

Sure enough, Martial Ancestor pointed at the sword together, and the sword energy flew vertically and horizontally, beheading directly.

"Resist it, we will touch the realm of detachment anyway."

"Everyone worked together to resist, and then scattered and fled."

"I fought with you, it's too deceiving."


The seven people shouted loudly, with unwilling expressions on their faces. The cultivation base of their immortal emperors, that one was not a big man who was famous in the past, but today he is under Martial Ancestor's hands, weak like ordinary people.

Too much deception!

Seven people fought back with all their strength and worked together.

But at this moment, Martial Ancestor also pointed out that the several fierce sword qi shot out by the sword suddenly exploded with powerful power, and they also merged into one, turning into a long sword with cold light.


The long sword slammed directly on the seven people. The terrifying and surging power overturned them all at this moment.


After the long sword erupted, countless sword qi crisscrossed it, cutting melons and vegetables, beheading the seven immortal emperors to the ground.

Martial Ancestor did not use his full strength from the beginning to the end, with his hands behind his back, without looking at this place, he said indifferently: "Let's go, let's go to the last place."

Ye Sheng blinked his eyes, his heart was surging, how domineering this is, the seven peak immortal emperors were beheaded like this.

Wu Zu waved his sleeves without taking away a single cloud.

Baby Zulong murmured: "Isn't this too scary?"

"This is the Immortal Emperor. He was killed just like that. Not one, but seven." The little girl Qianyuan was also shocked.

Ye Changcheng breathed a sigh of relief, the Martial Ancestor was indeed terrifying, he hurriedly followed the Martial Ancestor, and left this devastated mountain.

After walking through the forest, Martial Ancestor continued to move forward, Ye Sheng followed behind, opened his mouth, wanted to ask a few times, but couldn't come out.

He wanted to ask Wu Zu if he was detached?

The only way to kill the Immortal Emperor Realm so easily is to transcend the Realm.

Martial Ancestor walked in front, suddenly said: "I didn't take the route of detachment."

Ye Sheng was stunned, what does this mean?

Didn't take the detachment route?

Is there another way to go?

Chu Xiangyu chose detachment, and Ye Sheng walked all the way, and all he saw was the beginning of detachment, or the failure of detachment. Don't these people know that there are two paths?

Wu Zu didn't explain too much, but said: "Detachment is not the only one, but it is relatively common. There are countless previous experiences, which can be used for reference. As for other paths, you can explore them in the future."

Ye Sheng nodded thoughtfully. In other words, detachment is like a big road. The more people travel, the wider the road. The experience of the predecessors is there, so you can read more.

If you don't choose detachment, you must find another path by yourself, which is not only dangerous, but also very likely to fail.

"Where are we going now?" Ye Sheng looked deep into the ancestral land of the Chaos Clan.

"Go and break the Chaos Clan's Tianbei, then you can leave." Martial Ancestor replied.

"Chaos Clan Sky Monument?" Ye Sheng asked doubtfully.

"This is the true confidence of the Chaos Clan. The nine-faced stele is the magic weapon of the Chaos Clan to suppress the heavens. Once it is broken, the Chaos Clan will not be so terrible." Martial Ancestor told Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng frowned, the Chaos Clan's magic weapon to suppress the heavens sounds very powerful, but what is the difference between the Tianbei and the big eyeball he poked blind in the Chaos Sea Mountain before?

Who is strong and who is weak?

Ye Sheng thought for a while, and told Martial Ancestor that he once blinded Chaos Clan's cosmic artifact, Big Eyeball.

Martial Ancestor's expression remained unchanged, and he said: "What you poke blind is the big eyeball of the next era, not the current one, and that big eyeball is also one of the nine-faced celestial monuments."

Ye Sheng was shocked and said, "The big eyeball is just one of the nine-faced steles?"

Martial Ancestor said: "Otherwise you can ask why the Chaos Clan can always subvert the era and control the universe?"

It was only then that Ye Sheng realized the horror of the Chaos Clan. At the beginning, Chu Xiangyu, the leader of the Taoist school, Senior Sister Qingshan, and the girl in red created an opportunity for him to poke his big eyes. Ye Sheng never thought of it. The big eyeball is just one of the nine-faced steles.

"Are you sure?" Ye Sheng asked worriedly. Back then, there was a lot of commotion when the big eyeball was destroyed, but now it's the Nine-faced Monument.

Wu Zu calmly smiled and said: "If I'm not sure, I won't come."

Ye Sheng stopped asking, Wu Zu was so confident, he also silently believed it.

Going deeper, Ye Sheng followed Martial Ancestor to a strange place.

A floating city appeared in front of his eyes, the ninety-nine steps connecting the floating city to the ground, Ye Sheng knew this step, it was the one that appeared when he poked his big eyeball blind.

On the floating city, Ye Sheng could see the nine-faced celestial monument suspended above, with different images carved on the celestial monument, Ye Sheng had sharp eyes, and saw that one of the celestial monuments was carved with big eyeballs.

The big eyeball is indeed one of the nine-faced steles of the Chaos Clan. The Martial Ancestor is right. The Chaos Clan actually has nine such heaven-defying artifacts. It is no wonder that the Martial Ancestor came to destroy the Nine-Faced Celestial Monument after his resurrection.

When Martial Ancestor came here, he was discovered right away, and he didn't hide his aura, the thick qi and blood, rumbling like the smoke of spirit qi.

And Martial Ancestor's martial arts will is extremely strong, he faced the floating city, and said coldly: "I didn't come here last time, but you attacked me secretly and gave me a knife, today I will return it to you."

Ye Sheng looked at the floating city, it was empty, there was no one, only the nine-faced stele was floating.

Who is Wu Zu talking to?


And the next second, Ye Sheng saw it, a pattern on the sky tablet lit up, and an old man came out, with white hair and a lot of wrinkles on his face, he looked very old, but his eyes were the same as Martial Ancestor's eyes , contains everything in the universe.

The old man came out from the Tianbei, his eyes lit up when he saw Martial Ancestor, and said: "I never thought that you were injured so badly back then, and you are still alive?"

Martial Ancestor said coldly: "All other injuries have healed, only the knife you cut on my soul hasn't healed yet. I came this time because I want to pay you back."

The old man sat down on the ninety-ninth stone steps, looked at Wu Zu, and said, "You have always been so young and energetic. Back then you broke in alone and almost died. Today you Come again, did not learn the lesson."

Wu Zu shook his head and said, "I didn't come alone."

The old man glanced at Ye Sheng, and said lightly: "A boy who is half immortal and sixth heaven, you bring him to die?"

Ye Sheng was a little aggrieved, he was despised by these old immortals again.

Wu Zu's eyes were clear, and he said: "He is my little friend, I will bring him to learn more, as for the helper, I found an old friend of yours."

"My old friend died a long time ago. I have been born for too long, so long that I have no interest in destroying the universe." The old man shook his head and said, not believing Wu Zu's words.

Ye Sheng was also very curious, who did Wu Zu call?

He brought Ye Sheng in, but what is Ye Sheng in such a battle?

mortals only.

Wu Zu and this old man are gods, and Ye Sheng is an ordinary mortal.

Immortals fight, and mortals suffer.

Just as Ye Sheng's thoughts were spreading, Martial Ancestor and the old man looked at the same place at the same time.

Right next to Ye Sheng, the space began to ripple and fluctuate, as if something was about to come out.

Then, a voice that was extremely familiar to Ye Sheng and Baby Zulong sounded.

"Life is really lonely like snow. I easily broke down the strong barriers of the ancestral land of the Chaos Clan. It's so boring."

Ye Sheng's expression was shocked. He will never forget this pretentious tone and the sound of beating.

Baby Zulong was the same, his eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "It can't be it?"

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