The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 40 The Old Turtle and Heaven Monument (5000-word chapter)

Ye Sheng and Baby Zulong will never forget this humble tone.

The little girl Qianyuan didn't know who it was, she looked dazed, but she knew that this must be another big boss.

Martial Ancestor stood calmly in front of the ninety-nine stone steps.

The expression of the old man sitting on the ninety-nine stone steps changed, as if he remembered something, but then he shook his head and said, "Impossible, it should have died a long time ago."

"Old guy, do you want me to die that much?" An arrogant voice sounded, and in the next second, the space ripples collapsed, and a figure walked out.

He is about one meter tall, with a tortoise shell on his back, his hair is combed into a big back, and he wears a few big rings on his hands, which are shining, golden, and very dazzling. Most importantly, he walked out slowly with a cigar in his mouth.

Ye Sheng narrowed his eyes, it was really this old turtle.

Baby Zulong muttered: "This old bastard is really weird, it has lived through this era."

Only now did Ye Sheng know why the old tortoise would appear in the time channel to guide them in the Seventh Realm. It turns out that they met each other during this period.

The little girl Qianyuan whispered: "This tortoise is weird, but it seems to be very powerful."

Baby Zulong said to the little girl Qianyuan: "It is not only weird, but also very deceitful. If you see it deceitful, you will be surprised."

The little girl Qianyuan blinked her eyes, what else could she do?

When Wu Zu saw the old turtle, he nodded slightly and didn't say anything.

But the old man on the ninety-ninth stone steps changed his expression drastically, as if he saw a ghost, stared at the old turtle in disbelief, and said in horror: "How can you still be alive, you should have died long ago, with that person .”

The old tortoise smoked a cigar, looked at people with his eyes, and said: "How do you know that I can't survive, I not only survived, but also lived well, survived for my master."

The old man was silent for a long time before he sighed and said, "Since you survived, live well, the thousand-year-old king and eight-thousand-year tortoise, as long as you don't show up, you can live forever, longer than me, why? Do you want to die by yourself?"

The old tortoise let out a pooh, and said, "You kid, do you really want to eat me?"

The old man didn't know how many years he lived, at least two epochs, but in the mouth of the old turtle, he turned into a boy, which shows how long he lived.

Ye Sheng couldn't help but feel ashamed, this was a gathering of three big bosses, and a little buddy like him was mixed in.

Martial Ancestor raised his head, looked at the floating city, and said: "The time has come, today's nine-faced stele must be damaged on three sides."

The old turtle muttered: "I want to see if I can knock down the four sides."

The old man on the ninety-nine stone steps stood up with a grim expression, and said, "Although I have no interest in the so-called era of destruction, the nine-faced stele is the hope of my Chaos clan. If you want to destroy it, then come Give it a try and see if it works."


The old man stood up, with the momentum like a sea wave, sweeping in turbulently, spreading down from the ninety-nine stone steps.

The earth trembled suddenly, and the sky and the earth were distorted and deformed. This is an extremely terrifying force, which is unbelievable.

Ye Sheng watched worriedly, once this aura touched him, he would either die or be disabled, it was so terrifying.

But fortunately, Martial Ancestor flew up, his figure was like electricity, his momentum was magnificent, his billowing martial arts will turned into a raging flame, and he punched out.


The sky and the earth are tumbling, the sun and the moon are dark, and the stars are dim. This is a duel between two top bosses. Martial Ancestor dragged the old man away to prevent his arrogance from affecting Ye Sheng.

An extremely powerful ray of light erupted from the sky above the floating city, and it was suppressed rumblingly. The old man seemed to be aging, but when he got serious, his aura was like a rainbow, suppressing the Martial Ancestor to attack.

Martial Ancestor's palm erupted with a strong light, suppressed it all at once, and struck out with the Eight Heaven-Defying Styles. The laws reversed the time and space, causing fluctuations. It was necessary to take the old man away from the floating city and let the old tortoise have a chance to act.

But in the next second, the old man released Yin and Yang Qi,

Yang Qi rises and Yin Qi descends, forming a Hunyuan figure, which bursts out and forms ripples.

Wu Zu's attack was reversed by Yin and Yang, which made him unable to suppress the old man, but was suppressed by the old man instead.

The old man's old body became tall and straight in an instant, standing upright like a god, and with a loud roar, like thunder, it shook the heavens and earth, and then a magic weapon appeared in his hand.

A scroll of yin and yang diagrams covered the sky and the earth, enveloping Wu Zu, and the old man slapped the old turtle with his backhand.


When the slap was slapped, the old tortoise turned cold, and muttered while smoking a cigar, "This is treating your grandfather as an idiot, and you want to get rid of me with a slap?"

Ye Sheng didn't have the protection of Martial Ancestor, so he hurriedly hid behind the old turtle, begging for protection.

The old turtle shouted: "Come out quickly, I have raised you for so long, you are going to work for me to pay off the debt."

Ye Sheng was taken aback, who is this calling?

Who did the old turtle raise?

Baby Zulong and Qianyuan were even more confused, and looked at the old turtle.

Beside the old turtle, a person walked out, a very simple person.

Simple was Ye Sheng's first thought when he saw this person.

Anyone can see at first glance that this person has a calm face and very pure eyes, which reveals simplicity.

He didn't have any thoughts, and when he was called out, he stood beside the old tortoise, without saying a word, and he didn't care about the battle above the sky.

The old tortoise stretched out his hand with a few big gold rings, pointed at the floating city, and said, "Have you seen the nine-faced stele? Go and destroy it for me."

This simple person immediately ran towards the floating city, facing the big hand that the old man slapped, Mu Ran let out a loud roar.


This loud roar shook the heavens and earth, weeping ghosts and gods, like thunder, very terrifying, and it didn't sound like a human voice, but like the roar of a dragon.

After hearing this sound, the baby ancestral dragon froze and said, "This sound is like the roar of our ancestral dragon."

The roar filled the air and spread all over the world. The simple man suddenly jumped up, and his body suddenly turned into a thousand-meter giant dragon. , is the head of Zulong, majestic and majestic, with blood-red hair.

"This is a blood dragon. It is a very rare mutant ancestor dragon in the dragon clan. It is powerful. I heard from grandpa." The baby ancestor dragon said excitedly.

Ye Sheng was also surprised to see that the old turtle had raised a blood dragon, which was unbelievable.


The blood dragon rushed up to the sky and roared again. The sound of the dragon's roar was earth-shattering. Then it stretched out its claws and slapped the old man hard.

Afterwards, the blood dragon went straight to the floating city, its tail became hundreds of miles in size in an instant, and smashed towards the nine mysterious celestial monuments.


The blood dragon's tail covered the sky and blocked out the sun, and when it came down, it came down with a menacing momentum, and the waves were rolling, which was extremely frightening.

The face of the old man who was fighting with Martial Ancestor changed, and a gloomy expression appeared, and he growled: "You are forcing me, how can you be wild with my Chaos Clan background?"

As soon as the old man's voice fell to the ground, Martial Ancestor's fist smashed down, and the Martial Ancestor who broke through the yin and yang diagram, was full of fierce aura, covering the old man directly like the light of blood.

"Your opponent is me. As for the hidden power of the rest of the Chaos Clan, I don't care about it today." Martial Ancestor sneered, his body was oppressed, and the shroud on his body emerged. He held it in his hand and swiped it hard.

The shroud was not his, but another great god. When he swiped it hard, a river of yellow spring floated in the air.

"Please enter the underworld!" Martial Ancestor said coldly.

The old man's eyes were cold, and he said: "I could cut a knife in your soul back then, and I can do the same today."

The old man didn't care about the floating city anymore, he took out his magic weapon, a big knife, the blade was extremely wide, like a door panel, with a cold light, when the old man lifted the knife, his blood was ignited, and a strong light burst out when the knife was swiped, fiercely Kill Huang Quan.


But Huang Quan grew up at this moment, trembled and became extremely smooth, using softness to overcome rigidity, and resisted the old man's attack.

"No... what is this?" The old man realized that something was wrong. The Martial Ancestor didn't use weapons, so why did he use this magic weapon now, and it still resisted his attack.

"Damn it, is this Shennong's shroud?" The old man stared at it carefully, and Mu Ran roared angrily, with a hint of horror in his eyes.

Shennong, one of the ancestors of mankind, appeared at the beginning of the universe era.

The shroud is Shennong's magic weapon, not the magic weapon at the beginning, but Shennong was attacked and beheaded by the Chaos tribe. A piece of coarse cloth wrapped around him was stained with Shennong's energy and blood, and turned into a body. A cosmic artifact with great power.

This is the confidence of the Martial Ancestor. He just woke up and came to the ancestral land of the Chaos Race. Even with the help of Sir Tanggula's countercurrent time, he returned to the peak state, but this peak was only the peak of the Martial Ancestor millions of years ago.

Over the past few million years, Martial Ancestor has never stopped comprehending the laws of the universe and the origin, and has already reached a new peak. Unfortunately, the time is too short. He can't recover to that stage, so he can only take the peak millions of years ago. response.

The shroud was borrowed by Martial Ancestor, who was able to revive after suffering such a serious injury back then, all relying on the shroud.

The shroud is the cloth used to wrap Shennong's body when he died that year. It is soaked in all the memories of Shennong. Shennong is a supremely powerful man, and his most powerful thing is to restore people.

Wu Zu brought the shroud this time to deal with the troublesome situation.

Now that he has figured it out, the old man has nothing to do with the shroud, he can only be crushed by Martial Ancestor, and he can no longer take care of the affairs of the floating city.

The old man was dragged by Martial Ancestor, and the blood dragon was unscrupulous, and the huge tail slammed down fiercely.


The floating city trembled constantly after being smashed, as if it was about to collapse at any time, but the Nine-faced Sky Monument only trembled a few times, and then suspended there stably, and even split the blood dragon's tail, dripping with blood.

Ye Sheng frowned. The nine-faced stele was too strong, and the blood dragon was not weak. It even cracked its tail, but it still didn't hurt a single bit.

The blood dragon is a very simple person, so it can't do it with one hit, and the second hit will come soon.


The bloody tail became bigger at a high speed, and it was pulled up fiercely.

"Hmph, you are not satisfied with one puff, and you want to puff a second time, as if there is no one in our Chaos Race?" A cold snort sounded, and a woman with an indifferent face appeared in the floating city, young and beautiful, with a deep breath Look closely, her eyes are similar to those of Martial Ancestor, she is definitely an old monster again.

As soon as this female old monster appeared, her five fingers turned into claws, and she slammed hard, piercing the blood dragon.

The blood dragon frowned in pain, but didn't howl. Its tail was pierced, and it became very powerful, and quickly became smaller, cruising in the sky, confronting the female old monster.

"Another great master, the Chaos Clan hides too much power." Ye Sheng sighed.

The old tortoise scolded: "Damn it, it's you, a lowly maid, and you dare to come out."

The old tortoise was very angry. Even wearing sunglasses could not hide the anger in its eyes. It smoked the cigar in one go, threw it on the ground fiercely, and then stared at the old monster with bloody eyes.

"Your master risked his life to keep you alive, but you didn't cherish it. Instead, you came to my Chaos forbidden area to run wild and force me to come out. Today I will catch you and roast you to eat. You, a bastard who has lived for countless years, must be very happy." Make up." The female old monster sneered.

"I don't know if it tastes good or not, but it must be very toothache. You cheap servant girl, you were Shennong's maidservant back then, and you were taken in by Shennong, who taught you cultivation and medicine, and cared about you very much. But you dare to attract People from the Chaos Clan went to attack the Shennong Clan and killed Shennong Clan, one of the Three Emperors. To say you are a lowly servant is really flattering you. You are willing to be a dog of the Chaos Clan. After all these years, no, no. Have you reached the peak you want?" The old tortoise was filled with righteous indignation, and his momentum was high.

The face of the female old monster turned cold, she couldn't bear to be exposed, she was small-hearted, and now she wanted to sew the old turtle's mouth shut, and shouted angrily: "Shut up! !!"

The voice was sharp, like the mournful wailing of a ghost, resounding through the world.

But the old tortoise laughed out loud, very disdainful, and said sarcastically, "Why, if you can do it, can't others say it?"

The old tortoise ignored the biting eyes of the female old monster, and continued: "Shen Nong tasted all kinds of herbs, traveled all over the universe, and improved the lives of the people in this cosmic era. One of the three emperors of the barbaric era, what a great contribution? Are you greedy? Insufficient Snake Tunxiang, a maidservant who wanted to become Shennong's wife but was rejected by Shennong, you actually conspired behind the scenes to assassinate Shennong's wife. Then you were worried that Shennong would be furious, and you would attract the high-level officials of the Chaos Clan to attack Shennong, you Such a lowly servant girl with a heart of snakes and scorpions deserves to be alone for the rest of her life, and now she is hiding here guarding the monument, how miserable it is."

"When I think of you like this, I can't help but want to laugh, hahahahaha!" The old turtle hugged his stomach, rolling with laughter.

"Die to me!" the female old monster roared, her expression was cold, her eyes were full of killing intent, and her face was ferocious and terrifying.


Her aura burst out and she wanted to suppress the old turtle.

"Old Turtle, I have lived for so long, and you still want to suppress me. It is a beautiful idea. I will avenge Shennong today." Cool and cool at the same time.

The old tortoise grabbed the shell on its back and threw it out viciously.

Innate gossip!

The old tortoise roared, and the shell it threw turned into a huge gossip covering the world, with intertwined stripes forming a trap.


The female old monster's hands are clawed, and her nails are sharp, comparable to divine weapons. With one slash, she wants to tear her innate gossip to shreds.

"Suppress me!" The old tortoise flew up suddenly, and then stomped on Xiantian Bagua.


The innate gossip directly pressed down, forming a strong storm, covering it, and suppressing the female old monster.

The old tortoise didn't make a move, but when he made a move, he was stunned all around, and quickly suppressed the female old monster, Ye Sheng was taken aback for a while.

"This woman turned out to be Shennong's maidservant, and she betrayed Shennong, which made the Chaos Clan rise." Only now did Ye Sheng know why the Chaos Clan was able to rise up among all the races, and suppressed humans so badly.

Shen Nong, one of the Three Emperors, was murdered by them. The old turtle must have belonged to that era, otherwise he would not have known such details, nor would he have been so cruel to this woman.

Zulong Baobao muttered: "The old turtle is still fierce, and this maidservant is really hateful. Although I have never seen this Shennong family, but he can bear the title of one of the three emperors, he must be a big man, and he was killed by her like this .”

Qian Yuan nodded and said firmly: "Bad woman."

Ye Sheng looked at the floating city. After the old turtle suppressed the female old monster, he didn't kill her immediately, but stared at the nine-faced monument.

Killing the female old monster is very simple, but it takes time. If such a strong person is not completely killed, the future troubles will be missed.

So the old tortoise focused on the Nine-faced Tianbei, which was the goal of this trip.

The target is in front of the eyes, the old tortoise will not let go, it turned its eyes and said: "No matter what happens, let's carry it and talk."

The old tortoise stared at one of the sky monuments, stretched out his hand and pulled it out fiercely. It could be moved with strength, and it was thrown on the blood dragon's back.

Then he picked up a celestial monument and turned into a tortoise about ten meters in size, with the celestial monument on its back.

"That kid, I'll give you a side too. Run quickly." The old turtle suddenly saw Ye Sheng, rolled his eyes, and kicked a sky tablet away, flying towards Ye Sheng.


The stele was very heavy and mighty, Ye Sheng turned pale with fright, this is the treasure of the Chaos clan, should we just take it away like this?

But after thinking about it for a second, Ye Sheng became firm: "Fuck the Chaos Clan, they've been immortal for a long time, I'm not afraid of you guys."

The furnace of the gods was taken out by Ye Sheng, and he must not be able to carry it on his own. I don't know if the furnace of the gods works. If it works, he will take it away.


The alchemy furnace of the gods exudes a strong suction force. This side of the sky tablet is very reluctant and struggles hard, but under the control of the alchemy furnace of the gods, it is not an opponent at all.


The alchemy furnace of the gods absorbed this sky tablet, and the origins of more than three layers are trying their best to suppress it, and dare not be careless.

Ye Sheng hurriedly put away the alchemy stove of the gods, and then quickly looked at the old turtle.

"Run, you're still here, just waiting to die. The top leaders of the Chaos clan are already rushing here." The old tortoise roared, and the blood dragon and the blood dragon quickly left with two monuments.

Ye Sheng looked at Martial Ancestor, and said loudly, "What about Martial Ancestor?"

"This old boy won't die." The voice of Old Wu didn't even reply.

"Go!" Martial Ancestor in the sky also roared.

Without hesitation, Ye Sheng crushed a force from the big clock.


The power of time swallowed Ye Sheng, and with one last glance before leaving, he saw the female old monster break free from the suppression of gossip, and rushed over angrily.

He also saw Wu Zu break open the sky.

He also saw a terrifying aura coming very far away, not one, but four or five, it was the high level of the Chaos Race.

In the end, Ye Sheng entered the long river of time, and all of this lost its trace.

In the end, the female old monster still failed to catch Ye Sheng and let Ye Sheng escape.

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