The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 6 The Ancient Ruins

Chi Hun promised to help Ye Sheng, which Ye Sheng didn't expect, but after thinking about it carefully, the old titan agreed, and it was only natural that Chi Hun would help Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng was very happy that several experts were confirmed to help at once, but he did not act rashly and was still waiting for the news.

Waiting for news from Zhuge Xiaoming and Du Qingyi.

By the river, Ye Sheng was sitting alone, fishing silently, unmoved, concentrating on his own affairs.

He is sorting out what he has gained along the way, sorting out the dangers of his soaring cultivation base, and laying a firm foundation.

Along the way, Ye Sheng has gained a lot. He was deeply moved when he was a kid when he first entered the universe, and now he has made some achievements.

It not only increased his cultivation, but also allowed Ye Sheng to see the danger and conspiracy behind this universe.

In the end, Ye Sheng embarked on a confrontation with the Chaos Clan.

He looked at the river with a calm expression. He didn't know when it started, Ye Sheng was under a lot of pressure, so much so that now, he had to destroy the Four Horsemen.

There are many people in this universe, many masters, many geniuses, but none of them are as eager as Ye Sheng to destroy the Chaos Clan.

For the sake of Chu Xiangyu, the big brother who had been secretly pushing him away, Ye Sheng had to help him so that nothing would happen to Chu Xiangyu.

Ye Sheng waited and waited.

Three days passed, and countless news were transmitted to Tianqiongxing every day, Zhuge Xiaoming and Du Qingyi were busy processing these news, so busy that they kept their feet on the ground.

But the information Ye Sheng wanted still didn't appear.

The descendants of the four knights are well protected by them, and there is not much news about them.

Ye Sheng is not in a hurry.

He was waiting silently, like a seasoned hunter, waiting for an imminent prey, and this prey was Ye Sheng's target.

Hunters must be calm and patient to hunt good game.

Ye Sheng also waited quietly, sharpened his sword, and waited for one blow to kill him.

The unsheathed sword is the most hurtful, because you don't know when it will be unsheathed and how powerful it will be.

Ye Sheng continued to hone his patience and sharpen his long sword, looking forward to the day when he could slay the four knights.

Ye Sheng is not in a hurry, Zhuge Xiaoming is in a hurry, but he knows that the premise of all Ye Sheng's plans is to kill the most outstanding descendants of the four knights, but if they can't find them, everything will be in vain.

So Zhuge Xiaoming ordered the Zhuge family in the name of his grandfather to do his best to investigate and collect information.

The same is true for Du Qingyi, with the help of Xianting's intelligence system, he began to investigate.

Seven days passed in a flash.

Ye Sheng sat by the river for seven days.

During these seven days, he didn't catch a single fish, so he just sat quietly, thinking nothing, saying nothing, so quiet.

But in the eyes of outsiders, Ye Sheng showed his sharpness, and his whole body was like a long sword that was only a step away from the sky, unstoppable. As time passed, he kept sharpening himself, becoming sharper and sharper, with a deep killing intent.

Ye Sheng's polishing did not make him round, smooth, and lose his sharpness.

Instead, he became more and more sharp, he didn't need to change himself for anyone, he only needed to think about his own path, go forward bravely, cut through the sky with his sword, and slay everything with supreme majestic power.

Seven days later, within a radius of 300 li, there was Ye Sheng's aura, even a magnetic field, whoever entered would be affected, and those whose cultivation was not as good as Ye Sheng's were directly affected by Ye Sheng, and walked out in a daze.

Ye Sheng thought he would wait more than ten days, or even a month, but after seven days, Zhuge Xiaoming ran over excitedly.

"Ye Sheng, we found the information." Zhuge Xiaoming said happily.

Ye Sheng opened his eyes and stood up calmly. The magnetic field around him suddenly disappeared and disappeared. He stepped forward and came to Zhuge Xiaoming's side, asking, "Whose information did you find?"

"The descendants of the four knights, it turned out that they all went to a place called the ancient ruins. We have been investigating for so long before we know some information." Zhuge Xiaoming said.

"Tell me in detail." Ye Sheng raised his eyebrows and asked.

"The four knights have relaxed their suppression of the various races in the universe for a while, because they are going to the ancient ruins. This place is said to suppress the ancestors of the four knights. The four knights sent their descendants to lead the so-called kings of the hundreds of clans to lead the battle together. , so we won't be able to find information for a while." Zhuge Xiaoming said excitedly.

"Then do you know where this ancient ruin is?" Ye Sheng asked.

Zhuge Xiaoming's smile faltered, and he said, "I don't know where it is? But give us time, we can definitely find it."

Ye Sheng shook his head and said, "I've waited long enough. Now that I have news, I can't wait any longer. I'll settle this matter. You guys are ready to go. Let's go to the ancient ruins."

Zhuge Xiaoming nodded decisively, and he didn't ask Ye Sheng how to solve it.

Since Ye Sheng said so, there must be a solution, which Zhuge Xiaoming firmly believes.

The person Ye Sheng wants to find is also very simple, the old titan.

As an old titan who has lived for a long time, he must know the place of the ancient ruins.

In the small world of Old Titan, Ye Sheng came again.

It is estimated that the grandson of the Red Army is not as frequent as Ye Sheng.

Old Titan looked at Ye Sheng in surprise, but stared at Ye Sheng without saying a word.

"The ancient ruins, do you know where they are?" Ye Sheng asked directly.

Old Titan frowned and said, "Why did you ask about this place?"

"What's the problem?" Ye Sheng asked in surprise.

"The ancient ruins were the places where there was a big battle when the last era was destroyed. It is very dangerous there. It is possible that a ray is enough to kill you. The emperor's coercion after the death of the immortal emperor can suppress you to death." The old man said Titan.

Ye Sheng listened with a serious face, and said: "The four knights sent their descendants to this place to find their ancestor, as if to revive him."

The old titan sneered, and said: "If the ancestor of the four knights is still alive, it shouldn't be these second-generation four knights who have surrendered to save him."

"Why?" Ye Sheng asked.

"Back then, the ancestors of the Four Horsemen fought to the death with the Chaos Clan in the ancient ruins for the destruction of the era, and killed an unknown number of Chaos Clan masters. Tan." Old Titan dismissively.

"You mean these four knights have other plans?" Ye Sheng asked thoughtfully.

"It's an obvious reason. If you want to go, I'll give you the map of the universe, but don't be careful." The old titan put his hand between Ye Sheng's eyebrows.


A huge star map emerged in Ye Sheng's mind, one of which was the ruins of the universe.

Ye Sheng murmured: "It's really remote enough, basically in no man's land."

Ye Sheng got the map and bid farewell to the old titan immediately. No matter what the four knights planned, he only needed to do one thing, kill.

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