The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 7 Humanoid Planet

After getting the map, Ye Sheng didn't stay any longer, he left the small world, and joined Zhuge Xiaoming and others.

Outside the sky, in the boundless starry sky, Ye Sheng quickly left with Zhuge Xiaoming, Du Qingyi, and the Red Army.

Ye Sheng went straight to the ancient ruins located in a remote star field, intending to destroy the advance troops of the four knights and anger the four knights.

Ye Sheng can't fly across the stars, he has to use the interstellar teleportation array, but it's all on the big planets, it's too troublesome.


When Ye Sheng was flying, a black hole suddenly appeared in the boundless void, connecting to an unknown location, enveloping Ye Sheng and Zhuge Xiaoming in it.

Ye Sheng and the others did not have the slightest worry or panic. This is the star field where the old titan was sending them to the ancient ruins.

He is very familiar with this old Titan of the universe. When he was still young, he traveled all over the universe, comprehended the Dao, and integrated his own Dao into it. There are very few places in this universe that he does not know.

Ye Sheng and the others entered the black hole, their eyes went black, and they didn't notice the passage of time. It seemed that a hundred years had passed, but it seemed that they had entered a barren galaxy in an instant.

The galaxy is barren, not only the planets, but also the energy of the universe, all of which are like the Daqin world that Ye Sheng lived in before.

Desolate, silent, barren.

This was Ye Sheng's first impression.

He was wearing a leather jacket, with a stern face, looked around, raised his hand, and said, "Everyone, be careful, we need to hide behind the scenes for the time being, and when we find people, we will come and annihilate them in one fell swoop."

Zhuge Xiaoming looked around and muttered, "Is there really such a barren place with so-called ancient ruins?"

Du Qingyi also looked around, shook his head and said: "I don't really believe it, this place is completely at the edge of the known universe, and the energy is barren. If you continue to go far, there will be no energy absorption. Once the energy is lost, it cannot be replenished. .”

The Red Army shook his head and said, "Instead, I believe that this is the so-called ancient ruins."

"Why?" Zhuge Xiaoming asked, touching his round belly.

Du Qingyi also looked curiously.

Ye Sheng looked at Red Army, waiting for his explanation.

This galaxy is really barren, even more barren than the solar system, the first stop Ye Sheng entered into the universe. There is at least one moon platform in the solar system, and there are several big planets where monks can be born and break through the cosmic barrier.

But here, there is no such trace at all.

The energy here is poor, and Ye Sheng reckons that even if he has a cultivation level, it is only equivalent to the Great Qin in a small world, with only the power of the Void Realm.

Flying in the universe is difficult, how can someone travel the universe?

So Ye Sheng wanted to hear the Red Army's explanation.

"The ancient ruins are not what everyone guessed. After I knew this place, I consulted countless materials, which told me that the ancient ruins were the origin of the birth of the new universe." Red Army said.

"What do you mean?" Zhuge Xiaoming was at a loss.

"It's very simple. Everything from the beginning of the universe was born from here." Red Army said eloquently.

"The rising point of the new era is in the ancient ruins, spreading, expanding, and radiating from the ancient ruins to form the current universe. This is why the ancient ruins are recorded." Chi Jun said.

"No way, this place gave birth to the universe?" Du Qingyi was dubious.

"Facts have proved that this was proposed by countless scholars. Of course, this was also something that scholars actively discussed when the Immortal King was still there. If you read more books, it must have been recorded in the Immortal Court. "The Red Army said.

Du Qingyi curled his lips and said: "If I had been actively reading, we wouldn't have discussed it in detail here today. I should be studying literature in Xianting."

The Red Army did not talk to him, and continued: "The Immortal King himself said at the beginning that this is the origin of the universe and the foundation of all things. But because the universe was bred here, the universe itself is very prosperous, but I can never get rid of it. barren."

Ye Sheng looked at the Red Army in surprise, but he didn't expect that the Immortal King said it himself.

The Immortal King is not the realm of the Immortal King in the realm of cultivation, but the real Immortal King, a great man respected by the entire universe.

Such a person, Ye Sheng would still believe what he said.

"Since this is the case, let's all start looking, and find the target as soon as possible, so that we can gain something as soon as possible." Ye Sheng said seriously.

Both Zhuge Xiaoming and Du Qingyi nodded, although it was difficult to accept that such a barren place is the so-called origin of the universe, but since it is here, let's be more careful.

They were looking for the descendants of the Four Horsemen and the kings of the Hundred Clans, rather than exploring such a profound topic as the so-called origin of the universe.

Ye Sheng was flying in the cold, desolate, and barren galaxy. There was no one around him. Everyone dispersed and began to search for information about the descendants of the Four Horsemen.

Ye Sheng was looking at the major planets, but unfortunately, all of them are dead stars, the cores are dead, lifeless, and naturally no life can be born on them.

Flying through an unknown number of dead stars, Ye Sheng still did not see a so-called intelligent life. He took out the communicator and contacted Zhuge Xiaoming and others.

"Have you gained anything?" Ye Sheng asked.

"No, there is no one in this ghost place." Zhuge Xiaoming said depressedly.

"Neither have I. I haven't found a single creature, but a lot of microbes have been discovered, but none of them can give birth to intelligent life." The Red Army regretted.

"Ye Sheng, I've made a discovery." Du Qingyi, the last one, said with a trembling voice.

Ye Sheng was startled, and hurriedly asked, "What did you find?"

"A huge planet, very strange, it seems that it is not a planet, but a person, a planet like a person. It lies across the universe, it is extremely huge, and it is hidden behind a group of meteorites, so it is difficult to be discovered." Du Qingyi's voice trembled. road.

"Wait, I'll be right over." Without saying a word, Ye Sheng changed direction, disappeared in place, and rushed over quickly.

On the other side, Zhuge Xiaoming and the Red Army also hurried over. Du Qingyi probably found something extraordinary, and he had to go and see it.

It took Ye Sheng less than a minute to arrive at Du Qingyi's location.

A huge group of meteorites surrounds the void for tens of thousands of miles. The meteorites are huge and suspended in the void. It seems to be pulled by some gravitational force, and it is slowly rotating. In the boundary of tens of thousands of miles, the big meteorite is like a mountain range, and the small meteorite is like sharp diamonds. Once it hits you, it will be uncomfortable.

Du Qingyi waited outside and did not rush in. When Ye Sheng arrived, he pointed out and showed Ye Sheng through the gap of the meteorite.

"In that place, there is a huge planet-like thing. I just discovered that it is a person." Du Qingyi said seriously.

Ye Sheng took a closer look, his pupils dilated, and he saw the place.

This is a terrifying humanoid planet.

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