The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1006: Battle armor, fusion!

Accompanied by the high-frequency tremor of life's magnetic field.

Meng Chao turned the psychic force field formed by the interweaving of hundreds of spiritual veins to the limit.

The heart is like the confluence of rivers, and the psychic energies hidden in hundreds of spiritual veins, all burst out like a flood bursting out of the heart, through the breastplate carved with a highly abstract bull's head pattern, enveloping the new fragments of battle armor .

The breastplate and the fragments gleamed at the same time.

Gradually it showed a translucent texture, both like molten glass and molten iron.

Immediately afterwards, the breastplate and shoulder pads that belonged to the wild boar warrior just now turned into liquid metal without a fixed shape and merged into Meng Chao's breastplate.

Meng Chao let out a contented sigh.

It's like having a gluttonous feast just now.

His breastplate has undergone visible changes.

Become thicker, stronger, and integrated.

The bull head pattern in the center of the breastplate has also become more abstract, completely getting rid of the characteristics of a bison, and more like a black ghost with big devil horns.

On both sides of the "Big Horn Black Ghost", there are six streamlined diversion grooves.

When running at high speed, he can quickly guide the air in front to behind him, and put a certain pressure on Meng Chao from the back to help him speed up to the limit.

It can also cleverly guide the enemy's frontal bombardment of Meng Chao's chest attack, sliding over his body, and pouring out from behind.

From the appearance, the totem armor that absorbed the new fragments has also become more secretive and fierce, more like a ghost from the doomsday.

In Meng Chao's vision, a large number of shiny cuneiform characters emerged.

Although he couldn't understand the specific content, he could still understand the shining upward arrows following a series of numbers.

"Does this mean that the performance of my breastplate has been greatly improved after absorbing the new pieces of battle armor?"

Meng Chao muttered to himself.

Really, it's more and more like the equipment upgrades in video games.

In other words, the advanced orcs who want to collapse civilization and degenerate to the clan age, master the basic operations of such a powerful individual weapon system. This extremely "visual, foolish, WYSIWYG, no training required, one second to get started. "The operating system is really appropriate.

If you become a totem warrior, you have to master a lot of mechanical principles and engineering dynamics knowledge like the mechanics of Dragon City, and even learn the ability of precision maintenance and programming...

I am afraid that the "Power of Totem" has long been lost or even annihilated just like other black technologies created by the Tulan ancestors.

"In order for the degenerating high-level orcs to have some combat effectiveness, their ancestors really broke their hearts."

For some reason, this kind of battle and upgrade mode reminded Meng Chao of the parents who cut a hole in the pie and hung them around the neck of their stupid son before they left for a long distance.

It's really pitiful for the parents of the world.

It's a pity that the Turan civilization in the previous life was still together with the Dragon City civilization, and the front and back feet died.

It's like the silly son starved to death after eating off a circle of pie around his neck.

And just after he perfectly absorbed the brand-new fragments, making the totem armor more powerful.

The "system assistant"—that is, the fierce souls of the previous masters who turned into totem armors, came out again, cheering for Meng Chao, waving the flag and shouting.

They kept "kissing and grunting", as if they were saying, "Good job, keep working hard, strive to swallow more fragments, and upgrade the Totem Armor to the strongest."

"Of course I will upgrade to the strongest form..."

Meng Chao muttered in his heart, "It's just that, can you turn off this'system assistant', these fierce souls are really... ugly."

Meng Chao barely accepts it. The artificial intelligence hidden in the Totem Armor has turned on the cool sound and light effects of the thief on his own initiative.

There is a saying, fighting with full special effects, an ordinary jab can pull out a super killer feeling, indeed... quite cool.

It doesn't matter to deal with these ordinary soldiers in front of you.

But Meng Chao feels that if he is able to fill up the special effects when he is fighting against the enemy of the "monster mastermind" level, and if someone keeps cheering for him in his brain, maybe his combat effectiveness can be increased by 5%. The above!

The problem is that these guys shouting and cheering are so ugly!

They were all tauren with big waists and round waists, fierce spirits, and thicker chest hair than his hair, brandishing blood-stained axes and hammers, and shouting hoarsely.

Perhaps ordinary clan warriors would like this way of refueling.

But Meng Chao couldn't stand these ugly ghosts—even if they were illusions, they were still floating in his vision during the battle.

"Even if Totem Armor's operating system has a'system assistant', can't we change to a more attractive skin?" Meng Chao silently complained.

Suddenly, there was a flash in front of his eyes, and all the fierce souls changed.

From the ferocious tauren warrior.

She became a tauren with the same fierceness and more developed chest muscles three to five times.


"Is it really possible to customize the skin of the system assistant?

"However, what I mean by'attraction' does not mean turning a tauren warrior into a tauren warrior.

"What's more, this has become too perfunctory. Apart from having two thick and long braids on their heads, and adding a few pectoralis major muscles, what is the difference between these female warriors and the fierce soul just now? Their chest hair is longer than those fierce souls just now!"

Totem armor seems to have heard Meng Chao's complaints.

From the admonishment, the appearance was changed again.

This time, the "system assistant" projected in Meng Chao's vision turned into an ice storm.

The snow leopard warrior in Meng Chao's mind changed from the coldness in the real world.

Just like those fierce souls just now, like an excited female orangutan, cheering for his victory and strength.

"This skin looks much better than the bull-headed female warrior with stubborn backs and waists."

Meng Chao said in his heart, "However, it still feels weird. After all, I am not very familiar with Ice Storm. Everyone is only temporarily cooperating and getting what they need. The appearance of other people appears in my mind all day, and it feels quite twisted. , As if I was a pervert with very low taste."

Totem Battle Armor once again faithfully implemented the owner's needs.

From the "ice storm" to the appearance of "Luziya".

Of course, they have green hair and red eyes, the vital parts of the body are wrapped in leaves and moss, the expression is becoming more seductive, and the figure is more and more thrilling, the version of "Lysiya" of the "Jungle Banshee".

It is indeed a black technology that condenses the wisdom of Turan's ancestors.

Can meet all the needs of the owner.

It can even use the owner's memory material to automatically generate the image that impresses the owner the most, and most inspires the owner's combat power and desire to conquer, prompting the owner to continue to fight and become stronger!

"Wait, what is the desire to conquer? How can there be a desire to conquer? Sister Ya has a desire to conquer for me.

Meng Chao frowned, "And Sister Ya is now under the control of'Mother Body 01'. In order to save me, she would go to hell!

"When I have cultivated the power of totem to the extreme in Turanze, I have to go back and save her!"

Meng Chao wanted the Totem Armor to change the skin of the system assistant back to the original fierce soul of the bull head, to show his innocence.

Then think about it:

"Sister Ya is now controlled by'Mother 01' and has become'Ly Si Ya'.

"When I return to Longcheng, there will be a battle between me and'Lysiya'.

"If you want to save Sister Ya, you must first defeat'Lysiya' and suppress her severely.

"From this point of view, the look of'Lüsiya'...evil, weird, and secretive appeared in my mind all day long. I can adapt as soon as possible and produce aesthetic fatigue. I will never try to meet again next time. Bewildered by this banshee, and be able to wake up day and night, don't forget the original intention and mission, killing two birds with one stone is great.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter what the system looks like, as long as I uphold an upright and pure heart, what is the difference between'Lysiya' and the fierce soul of the tauren warrior, I don't bother to change it.

"The important thing is..."

Meng Chao seemed to be in the cooling down period after the battle armor was fused, his mind had not yet recovered from the mutual impact of the powerful totem power, and he stood dazedly on the ruins.

Yu Guang had already caught a glimpse of a tauren warrior with totem armor on both legs, and quietly touched behind him.

Under the shaping of his will, this totem armor and the big buck have undergone unrecognizable changes when they are worn.

The brand-new style that pursues lightness, privacy and ultimate speed is also very different from the powerful and unrelenting style that the tauren likes.

Therefore, this tauren warrior did not regard him as a companion.

I thought it was a boar samurai who invited to help the punch.

Seeing Meng Chao's "stupid stupid" appearance, he naturally wouldn't let go of a god-given opportunity. With the help of smoke and dust, he "sneaked" to three meters behind Meng Chao, and then he roared, rushed forward, and blasted towards the back of Meng Chao's head. Warhammer.

It's a pity that the tauro warrior seems to have completely misunderstood the meaning of "sneak".

The first second when the iron hoof stepped on the ruins and made a "click, click" sound, Meng Chao's intention was clearly judged by Meng Chao.

As a result, just as the Bull Head Warrior flew up, Meng Chao's legs slammed into the ruins under his feet, blasting a hole more than half a meter deep in the ruins.

He fell straight down like a weight.

The height of the head was naturally lowered by half a meter than before.

So that the tauren warrior mixed a warhammer of blood, brain and bone dregs, and swung it from the space above his head.

The tauren did not give the hammer he was determined to win, and set aside any backhands.

But after being swept away by a hammer, the huge inertia staggered and almost rolled under the crumbling ruins that would collapse again at any time.

When he finally recovered his balance.

I saw Meng Chao's eyes that seemed to be burning with black flames just a short distance away. Through the translucent masks, the eyes were still shining incomparably.

What I just tested was a continuous jab that didn't stop like a gust of wind and rain.

Now, what Meng Chao wants to test is the ultimate punch!

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