The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1007: Happiness beyond the limit

While actively falling, Meng Chao took the opportunity to rotate 180 degrees, activating several spiritual veins in his right arm, and constructed the spiritual magnetic force field of the upgraded version of "Jiang Mo Ping" guided by "War God" Lei Zongchao.

Along with the psychic energy gushing, the arm armor of the totem armor seemed to be perfectly fused with his right arm, expanding several times at the same time.

Originally supposed to have surfaced on the skin, the mysterious and complicated spirit patterns also surfaced on the armor that was several times thicker, making Meng Chao's right arm a literal pestle.

The moment the tauren's warhammer swung empty.

However, Meng Chao's Demon Demon Pedal fell from the bottom up, brushing the chest of the servant, impartial, and hitting his chin.

I saw the bull head warrior covered the chest of ordinary armor, and the armor burst like it was chopped by a two-handed giant sword.

On a chest that was stronger than metal, a red mark with deep bones suddenly appeared.

The blood hadn't been shot out yet, and his chin was completely shattered with a crackling sound.

Even with a huge body weighing half a ton, it flew high and fell heavily, limp in the ruins like mud.

When Meng Chao walked over to check, the fragments of the battle armor that originally wrapped the legs of the tauren warrior had already splintered apart, leaving the "master" who was unconscious and completely lost in combat.

Ice Storm told Meng Chao that it is best not to be on the battlefield and directly upgrade the Totem Armor.

Because the integration of totem armor involves a lot of risks and time, if you are a little careless, it is easy to be passively beaten if the ancestor spirit backlashes.

It's like the pythons will become lazy and stupid after devouring large prey, and they have to find a place to hide and slowly digest and absorb it.

However, if it only swallows prey such as small fishes, shrimps, frogs and toads, of course it doesn't matter.

Totem battle armor also has advantages and disadvantages.

These clan warriors gathered next to the slums to fight in arms are just "team-level powerhouses" between the second and third ranks.

Measured by Dragon City's standards, it's just a mere extraordinary person who hasn't even been climbed by Samsung.

Among them, there is not half a strong man who can put together a whole totem armor.

It is possible to imagine what the pieces of battle armor attached to them are.

Although Meng Chao had just recovered his combat effectiveness at the peak of the terrain.

After all, he has the combat consciousness of the peak of the heaven.

It has even been tempered by the flames of the doomsday, comparable to the mental toughness of a strong god.

In addition, he has seen through the tricks of the Totem Warframe operating system.

It is naturally not a problem to integrate the lowest-level battle armor fragments.

As a result, new fragments of the battle armor evenly covered his legs.

His legs, which are as strong as a rocket thruster, appear stronger and full of explosive power.

boom! boom! boom!

Heavy footsteps came from behind.

There was also an unusually sharp howling.

He is a giant wild boar warrior with a bloodline of part of the wild elephant clan and a height of more than four meters.

Wielding a meteor hammer with a diameter of nearly half a meter and studded with spikes.

He did not see the scene where Meng Chao knocked down the Tauren Warrior.

But he could clearly see the highly abstract bull head pattern on Meng Chao's chest.

Of course, except for the two big horns rising up into the sky, the current bull head pattern cannot be seen that it is too closely related to the bull head.

The problem is that the relationship between this pattern and the wild boar seems to be more distant.

After all, cows have horns, and boars are known for their mighty and domineering fangs.

Therefore, the wild boar warrior, who is huge and without friends, immediately regarded Meng Chao as an enemy. The meteor hammer tore through the smoke and dust, set off a storm of destruction, and smashed it down.

In Meng Chao's field of vision, cuneiform writing suddenly exploded like a broken kaleidoscope.

In response to the howling meteor hammer, it quickly calculated the ever-changing speed, angle, accuracy, and strength of the blow.

Of course, even without the assistance of the Totem Armor, Meng Chao has more than a dozen ways to get past the "slow as a snail" meteor hammer in his opinion.

But he still chose not to dodge or dodge, cross his arms, and hardly accept the opponent's attack.

"Next, we must test the defense of the Totem Armor!"


The heavy meteor hammer hit the intersection of Meng Chao's arms fiercely.

Meng Chao's feeling was that of a rocket launcher, and he slammed his face from a short distance away.

There was a sudden tingling in his arms.

Ten fingers are a little numb, almost unable to hold things.

The shoulder blades were also on fire, as if someone had inserted a dozen red-hot steel needles into his bones.

In order to maintain the posture of standing still, his spine was under extreme pressure, and he made a "click, click, and click".

However, after a few seconds, the pain and discomfort subsided significantly.

I moved my fingers, no matter the muscle fibers, blood vessels, tendons, or neural networks, they were still unobstructed and were not affected by this heavy blow.

The price was that a large amount of scarlet cuneiform characters jumped out in front of him, flashing and flashing to warn him.

In the vision of the three-dimensional model of the lifelike totem battle armor, the arm armor has also turned into a dark red that represents danger, and behind many numbers, there are downward arrows.

Behind it there was a series of continuous shining, and every time it flashed, the number was reduced a little.

It's like a countdown.

Meng Chao pondered for a while. This was probably to remind him that after the arm armor was severely damaged, it was damaged and its performance temporarily deteriorated. It would take a certain amount of time for it to be automatically repaired.

Of course, according to the principle of conservation of mass and energy, repairing totem armor requires a lot of psionic energy.

Meng Chao felt that the high-energy sugar cubes of the energy secret medicine he had just swallowed were consumed in an instant.

He had a bottom in his heart.

"This wild boar warrior's meteor hammer attack is roughly equivalent to the Dragon City mass-produced bazooka, hitting the target at a distance of about 50 meters.

"The low-level totem battle armor equipped by the ordinary clan warriors should be able to withstand the direct hit of one or two rockets.

"But it takes a certain amount of time to repair itself and consume a lot of psionic energy.

"This means that the Totem Armor is not immune to heavy individual weapons such as rocket launchers.

"It won't happen that a low-rank warrior puts on a totem armor and can be in the iron torrent of Dragon City, as if entering a man's land.

"For the same reason, even if there is no bazooka, as long as there are enough heavy machine guns, grenades and even semi-automatic rifles to form a dense barrage, it can still consume a high-level orc wearing a totem armor."

this point is very important.

It's not just about how to form effective checks and balances between the earthlings and the higher orcs.

It is more related to whether Longcheng Civilization can open the blue ocean market of Turanze with bazooka, grenade, grenade launcher and semi-automatic rifle.

If the individual thermal weapon can't break through the defense of the totem armor.

How can it be sold?

It now appears that although there are a lot of mysteries that cannot be solved temporarily by the level of earth technology in the Totem Armor.

At least, it is not an invulnerable "artifact" with unlimited ammunition and unlimited energy.

Meng Chao was thinking that the wild boar warrior had already retracted the meteor hammer, and once again slammed into his chest.

Meng Chao gritted his teeth and simply let go of his arms this time, and directly greeted him with his breastplate.


The violent impact of the meteor hammer and the breastplate unexpectedly knocked out a dazzling ball of fire. The breastplate with the bull's head pattern was deeply sunken to the naked eye, and Meng Chao's breastbone "clicked" faintly sounded. The sign of fragmentation, the heart is more like being squeezed by an invisible big hand, so that his eyes are staring gold, and he can barely breathe.

However, such a test is necessary.

At least, Meng Chao now knows that the most common totem armor can withstand the ultimate destructive power.

Moreover, just as the Totem Battlegear drew psionic energy from his body to repair the breastplate, it also injected a group of wonderful power into his cerebral cortex through his spinal cord and central nervous system.

Meng Chao suddenly felt a clear spring in his head.

The spring water turned into a sweet and refreshing stream, pouring into his internal organs and limbs, especially the arms and chest that were hit continuously.

The wound that was still painful to the bone just now, as the "stream" is moisturized, there is a strange... refreshing sensation?

"This is... dopamine, norepinephrine, endorphins, and oxytocin?"

Meng Chao allocated 10% of his attention to deal with the wild boar warrior's crazy attack.

The remaining 90% of the attention is focused on analyzing the subtle changes in his body, mainly the cerebral cortex and nervous system.

He found that under the stimulation of the Totem Armor, his body was madly secreting various "happiness hormones."

Whether dopamine, norepinephrine, endorphins, or both men and women secrete, oxytocin, the scientific name of pituitary hormone, can maintain the normal physiological activities of the human body and maintain a sense of comfort, pleasure, and euphoria.

Therefore, collectively referred to as "happiness hormone".

In the case of normal secretion, happiness hormone can help people resist the effects of pain and maintain a positive mental state. It is an important hormone indispensable to the human body.

However, excessive secretion may destroy the body's normal stimulation and restraint mechanism of happiness hormones, continuously increase the threshold of happiness stimulation, and make people fall into prolonged depression, depression and pain.

This is the so-called withdrawal reaction, or "addiction".

When cultivating the extraordinary, because the psychic energy stimulates the central nervous system and the endocrine system, they tend to secrete ten times more happy hormones than ordinary people, and feel all the enjoyment in the mundane world, a hundred times more intense pleasure.

Before the people on earth have built a theoretical edifice for psychic practice, many transcendents do not know how to control the excessive secretion of pleasure hormones.

They are indulged in the a hundredfold pleasure brought about by cultivation, so that the more they practice, the crazier they become, and they gradually embark on a path of no return, from the "extraordinary" to the "lost".

In addition to the swelling of ambition, the lack of order, and the call of Swire, the reason why the former blood alliance committed the frenzied crimes was also the most important reason for "dopamine and endorphins being out of control."

Fortunately, with the continuous exploration of pioneers such as the "War God" Lei Zongchao, mankind finally realized the addictive problem of cultivation, and developed various physical and psychological therapies, including the secret secret method of inhibiting the excessive secretion of happy hormones. To control your thirst for infinite pleasure.

However, Meng Chao discovered that the totem armor equipped with advanced technology had no intention of suppressing the massive secretion of pleasure hormones.

On the contrary, it is stimulating his body, continuously and unrestrainedly releasing-"happiness" beyond the limit!

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