In addition to the physical cordon, Meng Chao felt that the Rat People's Volunteers should build a psychological cordon.

He found that many rat people who had been bullied were full of unforgettable hatred towards the clan warriors, but they were not even defensive against the "rat people compatriots".

Under the psychological suggestion of pitying the same disease and resentment of the same enemy, even if they meet each other, it is easy to dig their hearts out.

this is not right.

Meng Chao felt that he must remind the "Emissary of the Great Horned Rat God" that in many cases, the eagle dogs raised by the clan warriors were more terrifying than the clan warriors themselves.

You know, the rat people are also divided into "wild mice" and "house mice".

As servants for generations, it goes without saying that they have been educated from childhood to be loyal to their masters.

Even if the "Wild Rats" whose homes were destroyed by the clan warriors and their relatives slaughtered, after a period of captivity and modulation, they may forget their hatred, obliterate humanity, and willingly serve as tigers.

In order to win the master's favor and get rid of their lowly status, these guys would not hesitate to sell anyone's life and their soul in exchange for the master's "blood".

The countless protesters on the ancient earth did not die directly at the hands of the enemy, but were betrayed by traitors and died in the hands of their own people who had no reservations about their trust.

Therefore, if the Rat People's Volunteers want to succeed, they must be screened, and not all stinky fish and shrimps can be collected in the basket.

Especially the "house mice" of the major families, even if the rhetoric of these guys is so beautiful, they can't let them get in touch with the most core secrets.

Of course, it may be too late to say these words.

Judging from the fact that the rat people's rebels did not make much noise in Pointe-Noire in the past, it might be possible that the major families that control Pointe-Noire have already focused on the secret organization of the rat people.

Blindly defensively, the plan of the Rat People's Volunteers will still be strangled in the infancy.

Meng Chao suggested that the Rat People's Volunteers should take the initiative to attack instead of defending.

The so-called offense, of course, is not moths attacking the temples of the major families.

Rather, they should have set off a series of small-scale riots all over Pointe-Noire.

Whether it's smearing the declaration of "The Great Horned Rat has come" on the wall.

It’s better to draw mysterious symbols on the corners of the wall, but they don’t actually have any meaning.

Even concentrating on superior strength, using the "artifacts" just unearthed, looking for opportunities to ambush the relatively weak clan warriors.

There was also poisoning in the diet of the clan warriors and setting fire around the warehouse prepared for the bloodhoof army.

These are all strategies that can be considered.

It does not seek success rate and destructiveness, but only seeks to expand its influence and gain the trust, expectation and support of more rat people.

It can also mobilize the investigative power of the major families to the greatest extent, making the clan warriors tireless, exhausted, and nerves strained to the limit, gradually numb and dull.

This is the method Meng Chao learned from the monster civilization.

The monster civilization will always launch a series of small-scale destruction before every major action against the Dragon City civilization, which greatly consumes the manpower, material resources and energy of the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau.

The Bureau of Investigation of Alien Beasts knew that these destructions were merely "feint attacks" of monster civilization, but it was impossible to ignore them.

Otherwise, small-scale damage will continue to accumulate, and it may also lead to qualitative changes from quantitative changes, causing Longcheng civilization to die due to "too much blood loss".

This is Yangmou.

It is also the advantage of the offensive side.

Meng Chao and all the investigators of the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau were miserable.

Feng Shui turns, and now it's Meng Chao's turn to play the role of "monster".

He believes that the messenger of the Big Horn Mouse God should no longer wishfully believe that his organization and plans are in a state of absolute secrecy, thus wasting such a valuable advantage.

By the way, he also suggested that the Rat People's Volunteers could leave clues in some of the sabotage operations and point the spearhead at the major families that control Pointe-Noire.

If possible, it is best to create the effect of "These sabotage actions are all clan warriors of various big families, disguised as followers of the Great Horned Rat God, and eradicate competitors".

The clan warriors are not monolithic. The contradiction between the Ironhide family and the Bloodhoof family can be traced back thousands of years.

Compared with the rat people they had never looked at, the wild boar or tauren of the hostile family was the greater threat.

So, it doesn't matter if the forged evidence is awkward.

In many cases, whether people believe a thing or not does not depend on how sufficient and credible the evidence is.

It depends on whether people are willing to believe, and what benefits they can get after believing.

The above suggestions are routine operations.

For Meng Chao, who has the dual identities of alien investigator and ghost assassin, spear and shield, he can write dozens of them without even thinking about it.

Compared with making suggestions, how to use words to imitate the tone of the ancient orcs made him even more troublesome.

After all, Turan is not his native language, and it is not easy to speak fluently. How could it be possible to perfectly imitate the voice of the hero of the rat man thousands of years ago?

Meng Chao wrote a few drafts, but was not very satisfied, became irritable, and simply gave up on himself.

"Forget it, the level of civilization of the ancient orcs is much higher than it is now. How can they speak in difficult and obscure classical Chinese? Maybe it is more vernacular than the current Turan!"

Meng Chao comforted himself in this way.

I translated what I meant in the vernacular.

Between the words and sentences, he added some cuneiform characters that he saw from the operating system of the Totem Armor, and the meaning was not very clear.

Then, he etched all these suggestions into a thin metal plate peeled off from the wall of the tunnel deep under the slum.

After carefully decorating the metal sheet, Meng Chao rolled it into a cylinder, ready to find an opportunity to fill it in a place where the rat miners would be able to unearth it.

After the Rat People's Volunteers unearthed it, will they believe that this is the "oracle" from the Big Horn Rat God, so they will obey Meng Chaoyan?

Meng Chao felt that if the "Emissary of the Big Horn Rat God" was not a fanatical madman, or a barely qualified commander of the rebel army, he would not be able to believe such an absurd thing.

But most of the rat miners, slaves, servants, and garbage bugs will be ecstatic and convinced.

In the end, even the messenger of the Great Horned Rat God didn't believe in any **** oracle at all.

He will obediently do what Meng Chao said.

"As a friend of Dragon City, I can only help you get here."

Meng Chao muttered to himself.

Putting aside the freshly baked "Oracle of the Great Horned Rat God", he began to wonder how he could take the greatest advantage in the following riots.

"By the way, I still need a mask."

Meng Chao thought, "What should the so-called'big horned rat god' look like?"

Ye Ye staggered across the finish line, and finally couldn't help but spit it out with a "wow", and then his legs softened, and he fell to the ground by hundreds of catties of rock behind him, almost knocking off his front teeth.

He only felt the Venus staring at his eyes, the sky was spinning, and the cowhide rope tied with the basket on his shoulders, deeply embedded in the gap between the shoulder blades, it was almost like two bone scraping steel knives, to remove his arm alive.

Ye Zi swears that he has never been so tired in his life.

Carrying a large rock weighing hundreds of kilograms, I ran a full fifty laps around the training ground, fifty laps!

And this is just the easiest item in the daily compulsory course prescribed by the harvester.

"Reaper, Reaper, are you the demon in the abyss of Eternal Night, or the ascetic monk whose brains have been burned out by the Holy Light?"

The Boy Ratman wailed in his heart, "Even the skeleton soldier who never tires can't bear this kind of tossing, right?"

Looking at the vicious "devil instructor" in front of him, Ye Zi couldn't help but miss the reapers of the past.

You must know that the original Reaper was not so perverted.

Although the tailor-made training program for Ye Zi is indeed very hard work, it is something that can be persisted by gritting your teeth.

In fact, the Reapers are most opposed to overtraining. They think that simply and rudely increasing the amount of training is the most irresponsible behavior. It will not only increase the risk of injury and the accumulation of hidden injuries, but also train dead muscles and enter the battlefield. The hard ones can't be hit at all.

But in the last few days, the Reaper didn't know what secret medicine he had taken wrong, and he had drawn up a training plan for Ye Ye that kept spinning day and night, as if he wouldn't stop without training him to death.

Of course, in all fairness, the reaper's own training volume is ten times greater than that of the leaves.

But Leaf is just an immature ratman boy, how can it be compared with the monster like Reaper?

Physical hardship is second.

After all, after every training, the Reaper will personally relax his muscles, guide the shining arrow in his body, and flow quickly between the blood vessels and nerves in a very comfortable way.

Even if in the training just now, the pain was so painful to cry for father and mother, and want to die directly, all the pain and fatigue will disappear after the psionic energy is running.

How painful it was a moment ago, and how refreshing it was after a moment.

Therefore, the leaves can hold on with their teeth.

However, the most unacceptable thing for the Ratman teenager is that after receiving such high-intensity training around the clock, he has no time at all to get in touch with the news and incidents related to the Big Horn Rat God!

You know, according to the statement of the spiders and other rat militiamen, the city of Pointe-Noire has been turbulent these days, and there are many good shows!

When I think of the great horned rat **** coming soon, in the depths of Turanze, a huge army composed entirely of rat people is gathering. Maybe there are a lot of rat people heroes sneaked into the city of Black Point, which will make the clan masters noble. The head is stomped underfoot.

Ye Zi felt that a fire was stuffed into his chest. Even after this period of hard work, his chest was twice as wide as before, and he couldn't resist the burning flames. The mouth, nose, eyes and ears are gushing out!

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