The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1027: After the destruction of the old world

But the reaper extinguished the fire in his heart abruptly.

"During this time, you are not allowed to go anywhere. Just stay in the servant camp and practice honestly until the'Game of the Brave' is over and the bloodhoof army is assembled!"

Uncharacteristically, the reaper said to the Ratman boy with a straight face.

"But why?"

Ye Zi really didn't understand, "Reaper, you are also a rat folk, and you are so powerful. In the past, you were dismissive of the samurai of the bloodhoof family. Why this time, you are not the slightest to the coming of the bighorn rat **** Are you not interested?

"Don't you want to get rid of the control of those **** clan warriors, don't you want to be the minions of the bloodhoof clan forever, instead of fighting for your clan and ancestral spirits?"

"I have explained this to you many times."

The Reaper responded to the Juvenile Juvenile in this way, "First, the Juvenile resisting the unfair fate and believing in the Great Horned Rat God are completely different things.

"Second, even if you believe in the Great Horned Rat God, how do you know that the messenger of the Great Horned Rat God, who has really come to Pointe Noire, will surely save all the rat people?

"Third, even if the messenger of the Great Horned Rat really comes to Pointe Noire and is willing and able to save a large number of rat people, it will inevitably have to pay a tragic price, face the crazy counterattack of the major families, and will kill many people. Right?

"Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt your spirit of sacrifice. It's just that, waving your thin limbs, dragging your weak body, and rushing to the clan warrior's totem armor like a moth to the fire, this kind of sacrifice is not too big. meaningful.

"If you firmly believe in the existence of the big horned rat **** and desire to change the destiny of yourself and the whole rat people, then you should work harder and become extremely powerful, so that you can play a crucial role in the cause of all rat people in the near future. Important role!"

In order to strengthen his point of view, the Reaper also told a story to Leaf.

"A long, long time ago, there used to be an extremely powerful and prosperous empire, um, more splendid and splendid than the empire that now rules the Land of Light.

"Unfortunately, even an empire that is as glorious as the sky full of stars will gradually decline and perish.

"When the empire is in its twilight period, this once-splendid empire is already full of malpractices, and it is hard to return.

"The eunuchs in the palace and the queen’s brothers fought with each other, nurturing and killing the little emperors who were still learning to speak. There were constant natural and man-made disasters in the localities. In some places, floods were raging, and some places were droughts year after year. And almost everywhere, the plague is rampant.

"Those tyrannical officers and soldiers are more terrifying than floods, droughts and plagues, making the people miserable.

"Although the people at the bottom of this empire do not have the title of'mouse people', they actually live a life that is more unbearable than rats and ants.

"Naturally, unless it is a skeleton soldier who is never tired and has no consciousness, otherwise, there is no living human who can endure living like a mouse for a long time.

"The people at the bottom of this empire, under the leadership of the gods they believe in, rose up against the decayed empire, trying to find a way out of natural and man-made disasters.

"They dyed the cloth strips yellow and wore them on their foreheads as a sign of the same hatred and hatred, and chanted the slogan'The black night sky has collapsed, and the golden dawn will come', like a surging wave, moving towards the past. , The majestic rulers rushed away.

"They really broke down the foundation of the empire's rule, and this huge empire, which was once invincible, collapsed and completely destroyed not long after."

The leaves were fascinated.

The rat people who grew up in remote areas and had no news had never heard of such a powerful and glorious empire in the world, and such a group of... fearless and incomparably glorious heroes.

"The black night sky has collapsed, and the golden dawn will come!"

What an inspiring slogan, and how suitable it is to scream hoarsely from the depths of the rat people's throats hotter than the furnace!

"and after?"

Ye Ye was fascinated by these "yellow turbans" who were "rats and ants" but could destroy an empire, and couldn't help asking, "Did they find a way to survive?"

"It's a pity, not really."

The Reaper sighed and said, "Destroying the old world is one thing, and building a new world is another. The latter is at least ten times more difficult than the former.

"Although the yellow turbans destroyed the ruling foundation of the old empire, the counterattack of the old forces also suppressed them, and the old empire that was torn apart obviously cannot instantly become a peaceful and peaceful new world, with countless powerful and powerful people. , Warlords, careerists, and executioners all feasted on the corpses of the old empire, like a group of hungry corpse dogs.

"When these corpse dogs fill up their belly a little bit and recover a bit of strength, they immediately start fighting for each other, fighting each other, trying to swallow each other's stomach.

"This kind of struggle has lasted for nearly a hundred years. In the end, the corpse dog who was lucky enough to steal the victory did not get too much money. The hundred years of war had severely damaged its body, so that it could not withstand the invasion of foreign enemies.

"When the barbarians drove straight into the old empire from all sides, the people who had suffered from the war for a hundred years didn't know that they would continue to endure the darkest and bloodiest torture for hundreds of years! If you say, they used to be. , Living a life like a mouse, after hundreds of years of wolves ruling the way, dancing of demons, and tormenting in hell, they wanted to be rats, and they were all unavailable!"


Ye Ye was keenly aware that the Reaper didn't make up a story to lie to him.

Judging from the sorrowful expression and sad eyes of the Reaper, there was once such a splendid empire, but it fell into resistance, causing his people to endure hundreds of years of torment.

But the Ratman boy pondered for a long time, and felt that something was wrong.

Now that the Reapers have said that the ancient empire has reached its last moments, with natural and man-made disasters constantly, it is not the resistance of the "yellow turbans" that caused the empire to fall apart and fall into hell!

"Reaper, do you mean that the advent of the Great Horned Rat might kill everyone. In order to avoid the destruction of Turanze, all rat people should be honest and be slaughtered like pigs and sheep?" Ye Ye said unconvinced.

These days, he followed the Reaper and learned a lot of esoteric new words.

Now, he has used these new words on the Reaper.

"Of course I don’t mean that. Regardless of the consequences, the rat people are absolutely empowered to rise up against all bullying and enslavement. Even if it does lead to the destruction of Turanze, all the rat people will die with the clan warriors. I think, Many Rat People are willing, right?"

The reaper said patiently, "Speaking of which,'to die for the same' is just the worst case, a compelling choice. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, most of the rat people can survive and live better than in the past. We always It’s about working hard in this direction, right?"

Ye Zi thought for a while and admitted that what the Reaper said was reasonable: "Of course, if you can see hope, no one wants to die. After I seek revenge from the horned tauren warrior, I still want to find An Jia and join her... Go back to the ruins of Banshan Village and rebuild our homeland!"

"Then believers of the Big Horn Rat God cannot be satisfied to be the second'yellow turban'."

The Reaper said, "Especially you, Ye Zi, who is so talented and has consumed so much of my hard work. I really don't want to see you become a small soldier wrapped in a yellow turban, yelling at the officers and soldiers, and then Just be cut off by an ambitious warlord-I have invested so much time, energy and resources in you, not to make you so lavish.

The Ratman Juvenile was somewhat persuaded by the Reapers.

"Then what should I do now?" He humbly asked for advice.

"Continue to practice crazy!"

The Reaper naturally said, "Always remember that no matter what you want to do, strength comes first.

"When you are weak, no matter whether you are a clan warrior or a big horned rat god, anyone can treat you as an insignificant chess piece. No matter how you rush from left to right on a blood-stained chessboard, you can't get rid of being controlled by others. fate.

"And when you become stronger than everyone else, even if, I mean, even if the legend of the big horned rat **** is not true, there is no such thing as the big horned rat god, you can still use your own hands to squeeze out a thousand truths. Wonderful, the big horned rat **** worshipped by countless people!

"do you understand?"

The words of the Reaper are still a little bit esoteric for the Ratman Boy.

However, the two months of getting along made Ye Zi believe that the reaper would never lie to him.

In the next few days, Ye Ye didn't care about what happened outside of the Blood Skull Arena, and he was sweating like rain in the training camp, using frenzied practice to vomit into the dark to resist the constant turmoil of curiosity.

until today-

The Reaper is not here today.

In fact, the Reapers are always fascinating.

Master Ice Storm opened up a small room for him next to his trump card training ground.

He hides in mystery all day, not knowing what to mess with.

Sometimes, Ye Zi thought he was not there, and when he wanted to steal some laziness, he would appear behind Ye Zi like a ghost and knock Ye Zi's head hard.

But today, the leaves are not afraid of the reaper knocking on the head.

Because Ratman Junior’s progress was faster than the Reaper expected, he gradually adapted to the ultra-high-intensity training volume, and even half a moment earlier, completed the subject planned by the Reaper.

At this moment, he was finally able to step out of the training camp swayingly to listen to the latest news about Pointe-Noire and the Great Horned Rat!

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