The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1028: Mark of shame

Ye Zi went to the eastern area of ​​the Blood Skull Arena, a large bathhouse dedicated to the rat militia.

Contrary to what the holy light human race slandered, higher orcs actually love cleanliness very much.

When possible, the clan warriors would bathe every day, and use a fragrant ointment to smear the whole body to conceal the strong animal breath on the body.

They believe that while cleaning the filth, they can also purify the soul, and a handsome and radiant warrior can better demonstrate the glory of the ancestor spirit.

And if the secret medicine of the ancient formula is poured into boiling hot water, or pressurized and sprayed through pipes to take a steam bath, the psychic energy contained in the secret medicine can be quickly penetrated into the body and infiltrated. The soul is the only way to quickly recover after crazy cultivation and fighting.

Leaf belongs to Ice Storm, and Ice Storm is one of the four trump cards of the Blood Skull Arena, so he also has the privilege of taking a bath.

Those who are eligible to enter and exit this large bathhouse are either the servants of the four major ace, or the director of the handyman who has served in the Blood Skull Arena for seven or eight years or even more than ten years. The news is the most informed and can be called the news center in the arena. .


Sure enough, as soon as the Ratman boy stepped into the big bathhouse, he heard an affectionate cry before he found an acquaintance in the steaming white mist.

The old hunter "Spider" who belonged to the same servant team dragged him into the rippling pool with blue waves.

Those who are immersed here are all members of the Ice Storm team.

Moreover, they are all the first members selected by Meng Chao himself.

After several rounds of fierce battles, they formed a deep friendship with each other, and Meng Chao taught them incredible fighting skills, which made them feel different from others. The degree of unity in the small circle is much stronger than that of other servant teams.

As the youngest but strongest member of the team, Ye Zi naturally received special treatment.

The world of higher orcs is like this, regardless of size, the strong is respected, whoever has the bigger fist, the more popular.

"Leaf, the reaper finally found out with his conscience, would he let you go?"

Everyone greeted the boy with a smile.

"Who said this?"

With his head held high, Ye Ye said proudly, "Obviously I have completed today's training content ahead of schedule!"

"is it?"

Including spiders, many rat militiamen slapped their tongues.

They had also watched Meng Chao's modulation of Ye Zi, and were frightened by the exaggerated amount of training and the terrifying training content.

Many people originally envied Ye Zi's rapid progress, thinking that if they could get Meng Chao's hand-in-hand guidance, they might progress faster than Ye Zi.

Until Meng Chao kindly invited them to take an experiential class, they retreated one after another, realizing that there are differences in physique between humans and humans. They cannot be generalized. If they had cultivated like Ye Zi, they would have long been exhausted. They were too thin to make skeleton soldiers.

"What a monster!" Everyone sighed.

I don't know if Ye Ye was talking about completing the training task, or Meng Chao, who figured out such a perverted training task.

"Don't say so much, Uncle Spider, is there any news about the Big Horned Rat God outside these two days?"

Ye Zi couldn't wait to ask, "I train day and night, and I don't know when it is today or what is going on in the city!"

"Of course there is, the past few days in Pointe-Noire, it's simply wonderful!"

Speaking of the big horned rat god, all rat militia servants have come to spirit.

They lowered their voices a bit, not for secrecy, but to speak in this tone, which seemed more mysterious and attractive.

"Did you know that the Great Horned Rat God is really about to come? A few days ago, overnight, in the streets and alleys of Pointe Noire, the walls were painted with runes representing the Great Horned Rat God!" Spider Said happily.


Ye Zi stood up from the water excitedly, "What does the rune of the Big Horn Mouse God look like?"

"It's just a huge spiral, with three huge sharp horns growing on it, and a long tail dragging underneath, with a triangle at the end of the tail."

The spider said, "The big families in the city of Noire have never had such badges. It is impossible for them to paint such runes all over the city overnight. Everyone has speculated that this is the big horned rat god. Signs of coming!"

"Really, really?"

It's not that Ye Ye didn't believe in spiders, but was just annoyed that he was being held in the training camp by the reaper, and it was a pity that he could not see the rune of the legendary rat **** with his own eyes.

"Of course it is true. Not only are the streets and alleys and the ruined walls everywhere, they are even drawn to the doorsteps of major families."

The spider continued, "Many people say that this is the mark made by the bighorn rat god. Any rune painted on the gate is the most demanding family of rat people in Noire City. When the rat **** descends, it will definitely call a raging bear. Fury, burning these families to ashes, avenging the rat people who died tragically in their hands!

"No one knows whether the rat god's rune really represents revenge.

"However, on the second day when Rat God runes appeared everywhere in the whole city, a very strange fire was ignited in several warehouses next to the casting area, with a total of 100,000 arrows used to make feather arrows. The pole was burned to charcoal, and the centaur warriors who would be good at archery were so distressed to death, this is a true fact.

"Also, on the same day as the warehouse fire, the wine cellar of the'Dead Dwarf Head' tavern was poisoned. After many clan warriors were filled with the spirits there, they all vomited and vomited. The worst guy, even Qiqiao Bleeding, so I didn't lose my life!"

"Does anyone really dare to set fire and poison?"

Leaf felt incredible.

It's one thing to believe in the bighorn rat god.

After all, it is impossible for higher orcs to prohibit belief in ancestor spirits.

Before being exiled, the Ratman was also a member of the clan warriors. It is reasonable that a hero who sees death as his home emerges.

However, setting fire and poisoning in the name of the Big Horn Rat God is another matter.

This represents the believers of the Big Horn Mouse God, full-scale war against all the warriors of the five clans!

For no reason, Ye Zi thought of the battle cry from the reaper again:

"The black night sky has collapsed, and the golden dawn will come"!

The Ratman boy was tense and excited, and he almost peeed in the pool.

"Why, is that incredible?"

The spider looked at the leaf’s expression, smiled "hehe", approached, and said mysteriously, "If you know that, the messenger of the bighorn rat **** has already attacked dozens of clan warriors in the city of Noire, you Don't you want to jump up in shock?"


Leaf really jumped up, his eyes widened, and he stammered, "Uncle Spider, you, what are you talking about, how is this possible? Don't lie to me, how is this possible?"

"Who knows, how does the divine power of the Big Horn Rat God punish those clan warriors who have done a lot of evil?"

The spider shrugged and said, "Anyway, when these guys were participating in the'Game of the Brave', they were inexplicably attacked. Most of them fell into a coma without seeing the attacker's face clearly, and waited for them to wake up. At that time, the food and secret medicine that he carried with him were all taken out, and even the totem armor was taken away from several of the most critical parts!"

"and many more-"

Ye Zi said suspiciously, "Since these clan warriors are all participating in the'game of the brave', it is not normal to be attacked and attacked by others? Uncle Spider also said that they did not clearly see the appearance of the attacker. Why is it that the attacker is the messenger of the Big Horn Rat God?"


The spider paused, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face, like the scene to be described next, which can make every rat-people with a heart and liver gloat from the heart, "These poor clan warriors, Not only was he looted, he was also used a very sharp knife on his forehead to draw the rune of the Rat God!"


Ye Zi's expression suddenly became very strange.

The imaginative boy of the rat people, such a scene appeared in front of his eyes:

A clan warrior who was more than five arms tall and as majestic as a copper wall and iron wall was lying in the depths of the alley on all sides and foaming at his mouth.

When he finally woke up from the nightmare, he felt a slight sting on his forehead and his eyes were stained with blood.

A high-level orc with a thick skin will not put a little skin trauma in his eyes.

However, when he staggered onto the street, all the clan warriors who saw him were astonished as they saw the Ascetic monks of the Holy Light descending from the sky.

Everyone's big eyeballs that are about to protrude out of the eye sockets are branded with a **** rune of the rat **** with teeth and claws.

That is the mark of revenge.

It is also a sign of shame.

Thinking of this, Ye Zi couldn't help but laugh out loudly.

Higher orcs value honor the most, and they despise rat people and rat people the most.

Now, the aloof clan warriors have an extra mark on their foreheads that symbolizes the rat people.

This is more uncomfortable than killing them with a single knife.

"Several dozens of clan warriors have been engraved with the same rune on their foreheads?"

Ye Zi smiled, his face flushed, "Samurai lords, are you not at all guarded?"

"Of course there are precautions. After three or five consecutive clan warriors were attacked, most of the clan warriors were prepared. They even set up traps to try to round up the bold and frenzied attackers."

The spider said vividly, "Unfortunately, hundreds of clan warriors were chased and intercepted, but the messenger of the bighorn rat **** ran away.

"Not only did they fail to get half of the messenger's hair, but they also suffered a new humiliation-the three single hunters were stunned, stripped, and carved on their foreheads almost under the noses of others. Imprint.

"Paying such a tragic price, their only gain is just barely seeing the messenger."

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