The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1029: The Legend of the Daredevil

The leaves were fascinated.

Dozens of wise and martial envoys have appeared in his mind.

Can't help but ask: "Uncle Spider, what does this messenger look like?"

"That is, there are a lot of big horns on the head, as if the flames are burning."

The spider actually didn't see the messenger with his own eyes.

It is nothing more than adding fuel and vinegar to others, and exaggerating the rumors after excessive exaggeration by ten times.

He gestured and said, "It is said that the messenger of the big horn rat **** has a silver head. The head goes up and down. There are a dozen pairs of slender, huge, or curved, mighty and majestic horns. .

"Even the strongest tauren can't grow such beautiful big horns!"

Higher orcs have big horn worship in their aesthetic taste.

The larger the horns on the head, the more beautiful, or the more curled, the more powerful.

According to legend, the big horned rat **** has dozens of pairs of different postures, but the same domineering big horns are the product of this aesthetic taste.

No wonder the messenger of the Great Horned Rat God will become the nightmare of countless clan warriors.

"Since the capture failed and was humiliated by the messenger, the clan warriors have never touched the messenger's tail. Instead, they have aroused the messenger's anger and increased the frequency of attacks. How many clan warriors have been engraved on their foreheads by the messenger-in addition to the dozens of known unlucky ghosts, there may be many others who are covering their bleeding foreheads, hiding at home, wanting to cry without tears. !"

The spider reluctantly smiled and said, "Originally in the'Game of the Brave', the clan warriors liked night battles the most.

"Because the night is cooler, you can fight without interruption when you meet your opponents.

"Since being so disturbed by the messenger of the Big Horn Mouse God, many clan warriors have not dared to come out at night.

"They also gave this messenger a brand new name, called'Night Demon'!"

"Night Demon?"

Ye Zi couldn't be so excited.

The clan warriors who can force the domineering, dare not come out at night.

How powerful should this "Night Demon Messenger" be?

"Then, the Bloodhoof and Ironhide families that rule Black Point have nothing to do with the trouble that gets bigger and bigger?"

Leaf remembered the story the reaper just told.

Unbearable, the yellow turbans who rose up to resist were quickly suppressed by the old empire.

He was a little worried, "They can't catch this messenger. If they are furious, will they use other rat folks to operate, Uncle Spider, we talk about the big horned rat **** and the night demon messenger in such a grandiose way, it doesn't matter. ?"

"Take ordinary rat people with a knife? That would be too shameful for the samurai ancestors!"

The spider snorted, "Furthermore, the samurai masters didn't leave us because of soft-heartedness, but needed us to mine, strike iron, forge weapons, march and fight, and rush to the front when the horn sounded. To fill in the trenches filled with spikes.

"If we take the knife, who will do these things for them, shouldn't the samurai masters dredge the smelly underground pipes, fill the enemy's trenches, and resist the enemy's arrow rain?"

"What's more, I didn't say any nonsense. The foreheads of those clan warriors were indeed engraved with the rune of the Great Horned Rat God!

"Turanze has always been the weak and the strong, and respects martial arts since thousands of years ago! The reason why the rat people are the rat people, the samurai are the samurai, and the former have to endure the enslavement of the latter, is because the former is weak. , And the latter is powerful!

"Now, the powerful warrior has been knocked down by the weak rat people in an incomparably humiliating manner. Then, who is the rat people, who is the warrior, and who is more qualified to rule whom?"

Ye Zi nodded subconsciously.

The advanced orcs have indeed implemented the eight-character survival philosophy of "the weak eat the strong, the strong respect the strong" to the extreme.

The clan warriors are merciless towards the rat people, but they do not have the slightest kindness, sympathy and tolerance towards the weak among their own people.

Even if they come from a long-standing military nobleman, their parents are extremely glorious battle group-level powerhouses. Once they fail to pass the coming-of-age ceremony, or are frightened on the battlefield, they make a U-turn and escape, which will be shameful to the ancestor spirit thing.

The dignified warrior will still be beaten to jail in an instant, and become the lowest of the rat people.

For these guys, it's not the rat people's turn to laugh at them. Other clan warriors, and even their brothers and sisters, will first criticize them indefinitely, and laugh so much as to die.

Even many military aristocrats with a particularly strong sense of honor will issue "sanctions" against those who have tarnished the glory of the ancestral spirit, personally end their shameful lives and preserve the family's reputation.

It is already a shame to be defeated by the messenger of the Rat God.

Even their ancestor spirits had to be resurrected from the holy mountain by the opponent engraved the rune of the rat **** on their foreheads, roaring and swooping into the world all the way.

If these samurai want shame, there are only two ways.

Or, by all means, on the battlefield as fair as possible, grab and defeat the messenger of the Great Horned Rat.

If you can't find an enemy to shame for a long time, then there is only one death.

Therefore, these clan warriors, who are full of anger and don't know who to vent, are worried about the whole day, and they are not thinking about looking for ordinary rat people to vent.

If they don't do business, they come to trouble ordinary rat people, it is bullying, mistakes and mistakes, shame in shame.

"The strong should swing their swords at the stronger"-no matter how bad the clan warriors behave in other respects, this, at least on the surface, has been carried through to the end.

This is also the reason why the news spread so quickly, and many rat people are talking about it.

Because even their master, the clan warrior who had not encountered the "Night Demon Envoy", did not shy away from it, and talked about it gleefully.

In short, according to the spider, the clan warriors in Black Point are clearly divided into two types, those who have encountered the "Night Demon" and those who have not encountered the "Night Demon".

The former was frightened and frustrated, with lingering fears.

The latter dismissed it and sneered, thinking that the former was too timid and cowardly, and even scared of a few pretending rat people, where is the spirit of a dignified warrior?

Everyone in the audience in the leaves talked about the magic of "Night Demon Messenger".

Everyone has a different version, and each version is exaggerated than the previous version.

In the last version, the night demon envoy could infiltrate the temples of those thousand-year-old giants, as if entering the land of no one.

The spiders and the servants got more and more excited as they talked, and each of them blushed and was overjoyed.

In the past, Ye Zi would definitely participate enthusiastically, and get great satisfaction in the legend of chasing after the wind with the servants.

But the Reaper's words are like opening a brand new door in his mind, allowing him to look at the more distant future from a higher angle.

Ye Ye listened patiently to every detail described by the servants' saliva.

The more I listen, the more I feel wrong.

The descriptions of some servants are too exaggerated.

According to what they said, a single night demon can turn hundreds of clan warriors around, then it is not the messenger of the big horned rat god, but the main deity of the big horned rat **** descended.

And, calm down and think about it, even if the night demon can really deal with hundreds of clan warriors.

That was not enough to help all the rat people in Pointe Noire out of their predicament.

And the rat people who are eligible to endure slavery in Pointe Noire are still the lucky ones among the tens of millions of rat people scattered throughout Turanze.

At least, they can fill their stomachs and live on for the time being.

I don't know how many old and weak women and children among the rat people are wandering like lonely souls and ghosts on the barren land that has been ransacked by the conscription team.

Who can save them?

"How should I take the next road?" Ye Zi thought hard and couldn't help blurting out.


His brows were frowned, and he looked thoughtful, incompatible with everyone's elation.

The gazes of the servants all cast their eyes on the teenagers whose temperament was completely different from that of ordinary rat people under Meng Chao's modulation.

"Leaf, what are you worried about?" the spider asked.

"I'm not worried, I just don't know what else will happen next."

Ye Zi said, "And what should we servants trapped in the Blood Skull Arena do?"

This question silenced all the servants.

Indeed, this is a problem that everyone has been struggling with.

Although the runes of the big horned rat god, and the legend of the night demon messenger, it is very exciting to say.

The mentality of worshiping the strong also made them worship the big horned rat **** and his messengers from the bottom of their hearts.

But in the underdeveloped brains of these rat militia soldiers, there is no clear answer as to how they should go in the future.

If it is in the foundry area, the quarry, and the underground sewage pipes, from coming to Pointe Noire to becoming a skeleton and dying, it is often only a year or a half, and a life cycle of at most three to five years. There is no need to worry , As long as the big horned rat **** descends the oracle, they are willing to give up their precious lives without hesitation.

In the Blood Skull Arena, there are also many handymen with severe injuries and mutilated limbs.

In the forthcoming battle of the five races, they will definitely be used as cannon fodder and filled into the trenches.

These people are also very willing to fight for the bighorn rat **** and die for their clan.

But the servants like leaves and spiders followed one of the four trump cards of the Blood Skull Arena.

As usual, when all the gladiators and servants in the Blood Skull Arena are reorganized into the "Blood Skull Team", they will also become the personal soldiers and elite soldiers following the Ice Storm.

As long as you are brave in battle, and if you have better luck, then... it might not be dead, right?

What's more, can the Big Horn Mouse God really come?

Don't look at all the boastings just now, that look so pretentious, as if the Big Horned Rat God and them are iron buddies.

In fact, these rat militiamen know better than anyone how much water there is in their "true news".

It's nothing more than walking at night to whistle--it's just to embolden yourself.

Before the bloodhoof army completes its assembly and kills the Golden Clan, no one knows whether the Big Horn Mouse God can really come.

"Wait and see!"

The spider can only say, "The Great Horned Rat will definitely give more enlightenment and let his messenger show us the way forward!"

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