The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1038: Treasure girl

Chapter 1038 Treasure Girl

The canine teeth of the ice storm were deeply embedded in his lips.

The flowing blood is inlaid with strands of light like hair.

She couldn't answer Kasavar's question.

Because she doesn't know why she has such a special physique.

Higher orcs usually do not reject mixed races.

It doesn't matter if you are mixed with ogres, hill giants, frost barbarians, or abyss demons.

Many high-level orcs also specially trek through the mountains and waters to find the hill giants and trolls to challenge, and to court.

There is no other reason.

Because the hill giants and trolls are big enough.

In the aesthetics of higher orcs, the bigger the better.

And to defeat the bigger opponent, to conquer the bigger the opposite sex, of course, the more you can demonstrate your bravery.

The vast majority of hybrids, as long as they have unparalleled strength, can be recognized and favored by the clan, and become pure Turan warriors through the blood-giving ceremony.

If the strength is not enough, it is the lowly rat people.

And the blood of the rat people is something no one cares about.

Only mixing with the holy light human race is an absolute taboo.

Because the hybrids of high-level orcs and holy light human races, the power of totem and the power of holy light in their bodies often conflict with each other, resulting in hybrids who can only choose one of the powers.

Even this kind of power will be constantly interfered and eroded by another kind of power, becoming extremely weak and extremely unstable.

Basically, a hybrid of a high-level orc and a holy light human race is an untimely bomb on the battlefield. No one knows what will happen to him when he unleashes his extraordinary powers. Maybe the whole person will burst into death. It's not uncommon to have teammates around you.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, mixed-race children were very common because of continuous attacks on both sides.

Both the high-level orcs and the holy light human race have moved to assimilate mixed blood, using their own blood to completely conquer the mind of the enemy blood.

But as meditation, practice, and battle, out-of-control incidents continue to occur and become more and more serious. Gradually, the hybrids of the higher orcs and the holy light human races are considered to be cursed by the true **** and ancestor spirit at the same time, unclear and unclean. The existence of is something that shouldn't be born in this world, and as a result, it was met with unanimous hostility from the two camps.

To this day, it is rare to see this special mixed race.

Even if the high-level orcs and the holy light people really gave birth to offspring for some reason, they would often find a way to make him still womb, or drown directly when he fell to the ground.

This is not cruel.

It is the greatest kindness of parents to children with sad fate.

Let him die without pain when he knows nothing about the cruelty of this world.

Lest he grow up and become an enemy of the whole world.

Ice Storm didn't know why he was different from other hybrids.

When she showed the side of a high-level orc, she was able to fully utilize the power of the ancestral spirit derived from the paternal line, and even the powerful totem armor of the "Mythril Ripper" recognized her control.

You know, when other hybrids try to reproduce the totem armor, the totem armor is not always silent, maintaining the state of liquid metal, and is unwilling to flood into the hybrid's body.

It is to directly transform the mixed blood into a monster of the origin warrior, which blends flesh and metal, deformed and twisted.

And when she suppressed the power from her father and lifted the power of the holy light from her mother to the extreme, she could be like a person who has stood firm in the long night for decades, using the blood of countless demons and orcs to pour Like the pious night watchman to the true god, he can instantly inspire powerful magic and even magic without having to meditate for too long or chanting many mantras.

Casaval is right.

Of course she is not a devout believer of the true god.

She didn't even believe a word of "the power of the holy light will eventually purify the entire land".

Not only did she not believe it, but her mother didn't even believe a word.

The only relationship between the two mother and daughter and the night watchman is probably that when she was a child, she was hunted and killed by the night watchman for ten years, hiding like a mouse crossing the street, and fled the entire land of holy light.

Perhaps, only her father knows the answer.

Knowing why a high-level orc and a witch who was exiled, wanted, hunted, cursed, hated and feared by everyone, gave birth to the evil species, able to exert the most pure power of the holy light without any effort.

Therefore, Ice Storm must find his father.

Before she was wiped out by this world, figure out the truth and the meaning of her coming into this world.

If you want to find your father, you have to escape from Pointe-Noire.

If you want to escape from Pointe-Noire, you must first escape from the clutches of Kassavar.

In an instant, the light in the eyes of the Snow Leopard Warrior or Queen Frost became extremely intense and condensed.

She thought of what the Reaper had taught her in the past month.

Ice Storm felt that the most important thing that this mysterious person with black hair and black eyes taught her was not a magical method of force, nor a powerful knife method, or a sophisticated tactic.

It's his way of thinking.

As calm as a cone of ice, as sharp as a razor, sometimes, like a secretive way of thinking like a poisonous snake dormant in the depths of a swamp.

And in this way of thinking, the most important point is that no matter how dangerous adversity you are in, don't give up lightly.

Always remain sharp, always remain confident, and always remain fighting spirit.

If you think it’s the worst situation now, no matter what, things won’t get worse, will they?

Perceiving the subtle psychological changes of the ice storm, Kassavar was silent for a moment.

"Ice Storm, you are really my treasure, a miracle."

Kasavar chuckled, "Then, let us see how long your miracle can last!"

The iron fence with the thickness of the arm on one side of the dungeon slowly lifted again amid the piercing noise of gears, revealing the dark corridor behind it.

There was a strong **** air from the tunnel, and two pairs of red eyes like wildfire appeared.

The fierce figure with metal exoskeleton draped in two protruding teeth roar slowly emerged from the darkness.

When they saw the same kind of corpses in the dungeon that were shattered by the ice storm, the fierce light under their eyes became more vigorous, but their movements became more cautious, turning left and right around the ice storm, constantly turning in circles.

Ice Storm snorted coldly, no longer retaining strength.

With the slight but ultra-high-speed tremor of the lips, the silent spell swayed a circle of light patterns, which continued to wrap around the arms, and finally gathered into the light flames of the palms.

When the two protruding teeth leaped high at the same time, and rushed towards her chest and the back of her head, the ice storm shook her arms, and the flame held in her palm seemed to have been injected with a large amount of combustion aid, and the milky white flame suddenly burst out. The height of the three or five arms forms two curved blades.

The lines on the surface and the jagged edges make it look like two crystal clear, shiny wings, which firmly cover the front and back of the ice storm.

The two protruding teeth slammed into the shining wings.

It was like hitting a blazing copper wall and iron wall.

The contact surface suddenly made a "chichi, chichi" sound.

On the exoskeleton that seemed to be made of metal, there were large black scorch marks that seemed to have been burnt.

Both protruding teeth screamed at the same time, and they were bounced off by the light wings.

The ice storm's eyes shone radiantly, and under the shroud of the light wings, his figure turned into a flash of lightning, and he caught up with one of the teeth and roared.


The light-winged blade easily cut into the depths of the joints where the teeth roar did not cover the metal exoskeleton.

Along with the burst of light, the light blade drove straight into the body of Tuyahou, smashing and rotten, cutting off all the bones and joints, and then turned into hundreds of beams of light, drilling out from various parts of the body.

This toothy roar was too late to make a scream, like a puppet with all the strings cut off, scattered on the ground, unable to move.

At this time, the other protruding tooth roar roared behind the ice storm.

In the roaring sound, circles of air ripples continued to expand and burst along with the sound waves, and even the entire dungeon shook together, as if in the next second, ten thousand tons of rocks on the four walls and ceiling would collapse.

Ice Storm squinted his eyes, flicked his arms, and the light wings whirled, splitting into hundreds of flashing feathers as thin as cicada wings.

Hundreds of shining feathers dragged out a splendid light, which shot towards the tuya roar like a gust of wind and rain.

Although most of the feathers were blocked by the metal exoskeleton of the fangs, only a little black trace that seemed to be burnt by high temperature was left.

But because Tooth Roar opened its blood basin and mouth to launch a sonic attack, there were still a lot of feathers that shot directly into its throat, or pierced its upper jaw and pierced its brain.

The roar of Tuya's roar stopped abruptly.

What gushes out from deep in the throat is no longer a deadly sound wave, but a large mass of fragmented flesh and blood.

Even its eyes were blinded by the power of the feather-like holy light, turning into two holes spouting with red spring water.

The poor animal was rolling around in pain.

Even its extremely sturdy metal exoskeleton gradually decomposed and turned into the form of liquid metal, as if it was unwilling to parasitize this hopeless animal.

However, before the ice storm came forward, he used the light blade to give it a joy.

It was smashed to pieces by a huge bone hammer glowing with metallic luster.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

From the depths of the tunnel, there was a shock comparable to the bombardment of dwarf artillery.

A huge totem beast with no friends squeezed into the dungeon.

It is like a giant crocodile in heavy armor.

The nested armor is also covered with daunting spikes.

A hammer-shaped osteoma protruded on each side of the head.

The end of the tail, which is more than five arms in length and more flexible than the tentacles, also has a bone hammer that is longer than one arm and looks like a meteor hammer.

Just now it was this shank hammer that smashed the roar of the teeth into mash.


The ice storm gritted his teeth.

Unexpectedly, there are such terrifying totem beasts in the Blood Skull Arena!

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