The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1039: Kassavar's ambition

Unlike Tuyahou, which is only covered with a metal exoskeleton at the vital part, it is easy to find the gaps between the armors. The whole body of Ankylosaurus is covered with a uniform and tight metal carapace, except for the air holes in the abdomen for heat dissipation. There are almost no flaws.

And its abdomen was protected by a strange tail like a meteor hammer, making it extremely difficult to find the angle of attack.

Moreover, the size of Ankylosaurus was so huge that it almost occupies half of the dungeon.

When it shook its head and restricted the dodge space of the ice storm with the bone tumors on both sides of the skull, the ice storm had no way to escape the lock of the monster tail.

boom! Boom! Boom boom boom!

The tail hammer of Ankylosaurus drew past the ice storm several times dangerously and dangerously, smashing the hard as iron ground into shocking pits.

Ice Storm also tried to excite the power of the Holy Light to the extreme, slashing the shell of Ankylosaurus with a light blade.

But no matter how the flames erupted or the armor screamed, they couldn't cut it in, leaving at most a black scorch mark.

After several attacks, the ice storm was forced to a dead end.

Facing the unavoidable tail hammer, she could only turn the light blades into light wings again, staggered and overlapped in front of them, to withstand the strongest blow of Ankylosaurus.


A loud noise like thunder erupted from between the bone hammer and the light wing.

Although he barely resisted the attack of the Ankylosaurus, it was at the expense of his own blood spurting wildly, his skin was cracked, and his arm bones, shoulder blades and sternum burst out with "cracking" noises.

Even the originally dazzling light wings were stalemate with Ankylosaurus, dimming at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This indicates that the power of the Holy Light that shouldn't exist in the Snow Leopard Warrior is about to be exhausted.

Blocked by the light wing, Ankylosaurus became extremely irritable, with six huge pillars of sturdy limbs, deeply embedded in the floor, and at the same time exploded with amazing power.

Its huge body weighing several tons, together with its tail hammer, was severely crushed on the light wings of the ice storm.

The wings of light kept shrinking and dimming, as if there were countless cracks in the glass, it would shatter at any time.

Ice Storm took a deep breath and bet everything.

She suddenly retracted the light wing.

The Ankylosaurus, who was doing his best to wrestle with her, suddenly lost his balance, rushed forward and slammed into the corner.

The ice storm lightly clicked on its head, and the whole person rose into the air, flashing behind the Ankylosaurus.

Although Ankylosaurus couldn't see her position clearly, relying on the cells on the tail hammer to perceive the air flow, she still keenly captured her existence.

The tail hammer made a sound of breaking through the air, blasting at her precisely like a cannonball.

But Ice Storm had already captured the attack mode of Ankylosaurus.

The whole person rotated half of his body in mid-air, with his feet on his head and his feet pushing away the tail hammer of Ankylosaurus.

With the help of the rebounding force, he rushed under the tail of Ankylosaurus, near the abdomen.

The light wing became a light blade again, and the light blade condensed into two light cones that looked like large embroidery needles.

The light cone aimed at the heat dissipation hole that was continuously spraying air currents under the protection of the heavy armor, and pierced into it fiercely.

From the forehead to the cheeks, from the shoulders to the arms, and then to the ten fingers, countless mysterious and complicated runes appeared on the pale snowy skin of the ice storm.

The runes whirled, forming a group of magnificent small magic arrays, overlapping each other and being penetrated by her arms.

Following the guidance of the ten fingers, he sank into the cone of light and was guided into the body of Ankylosaurus.

Ankylosaurus roared sternly.

The tail, which was originally flexible as a tentacle, was stiff as a scorched branch.

Both of its eyeballs have light gushing out from the inside out.

But it was the cone of light of the ice storm, completely penetrating this behemoth!

The Hammer Dragon fell completely.

The ice storm also exhausted the power of the Holy Light.

Everywhere on her body were scratches and bite marks torn by the roar of fangs, and bruises hit by the hammered armor dragon.

The roar of toothy roar still echoed in his brain, like an invisible warhammer, constantly bombarding the soft brain.

She wants to vomit.

But he was not sure, would it be his own broken internal organs that he vomited out.

Therefore, she could only grit her teeth, endure the piercing pain, and staggered towards the corridor where the tooth roar and the hammerhead dragon were released.

Then, she was bounced back to the center of the dungeon by an incomparably hot and violent force, and her back was hit **** the lumpy armor of Ankylosaurus.


The ice storm finally spit out blood from the internal organs and the last trace of strength.

"Is this your limit?"

Kassavar, who had thousands of years of history and received the totem armor "Lava Fury" blessed by countless evil souls, appeared in front of the ice storm without a hurry.

On the helmet and shoulder pads, three bull heads inlaid with blood-colored eyes squeezed out an extremely hideous smile at the same time.

"I have to say that you have really exceeded my expectations time and time again. If I am really stupid enough to'fairly contest' with you, it is really possible that the power of totem and the power of holy light contained in your body are completely different. But defeated by the same powerful force!"

Casava raised his iron hoof as hard and heavy as a warhammer, and stepped on the chest of the ice storm relentlessly, listening to the sternum of the ice storm with great enjoyment, screaming under his own ravages, he smiled and said , "Fortunately, you are an evil seed cursed by the true **** and ancestor spirit at the same time. For such an evil seed, no one will pay attention to any rules, morality and glory, right?"

Ice Storm groaned under Kassavar's iron hoof, and sprayed pink blood bubbles from her nose. She bit her lip, and said with difficulty: "Kill, kill me."

"Kill you?"

Casava's eyes widened, as if he had heard a big joke.

"If you are just an ordinary evil, and the two forces in your body interfere with each other and become extremely weak and unstable, I will consider doing this."

Kasavar removed the iron hoof that was stepping on the chest of the ice storm, and smiled, "But you should be very clear about how high your value is? Otherwise, you wouldn't be disguised so delicately and haven't shown it for two years It's too big a flaw.

"It would be too violent to kill you like this.

"Believe it or not, I don't want to kill you. I'm willing to let you live without even telling anyone your secret.

"The condition is, tell me, how exactly did you do it-how can you use the power of totem and the power of holy light at the same time, without being affected or even swallowed by the violent conflict of the two forces?"

Ice Storm finally understood Kasava's intentions.

"Do you want to monopolize my power?"

The Snow Leopard female warrior was half sneered, half laughed sadly, and the laughter triggered a cough, and then coughed up a large amount of pink blood.

"Don't dream, you can't occupy this power."

Ice Storm said, "Because, I don't know what kind of monster I am. If I know how to master this power, I won't be trampled under your feet. I would have already taken out your heart with a paw!"

Facing the snow leopard female warrior deliberately provoking, trying to irritate herself and give her a happy intention, Kasava was not fooled.

The supreme commander of the Blood Skull Battle Group pondered for a moment, and nodded: "I believe you are telling the truth. You really shouldn't know what happened to yourself, otherwise you won't be dormant in the Blood Skull Arena for two years. , A waste of time.

"Then, maybe we can explore the source of your strength together-you shouldn't know anything about your parents, right?"

Ice Storm squinted his eyes, gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"Why, do you really think I know nothing about your identity?"

Casava said slowly, "If I'm not mistaken, you didn't grow up in the Golden Clan or even Turanze as you said, but came from the land of the Holy Light, right?"

Ice Storm's eyes widened and his expression was stunned.

"I admit that your disguise is indeed very clever, including that vivid tail, which deceived almost everyone, but the fake is fake, and you still exposed the flaws after all."

Kasavar smiled and explained, "Do you remember that when we talked about the residents of the Light Land last time, you used a contemptuous title, calling them ‘the savages of the north’."

"Yes, the Land of Light is indeed north of Turanze.

"But usually, high-level orcs don't use the term'barbarian' to refer to the holy light people.

"We like to call the holy light people ‘nude mice’. They have no hair, they are very ugly, and they are timid like a mouse.

"As for the term'barbarian', it is more popular in the Land of Holy Light, and is used to refer to the Frost Barbarians in the north.

"Because the Holy Light Human Race has more contact with the Frost Barbarians, even the word'barbarian' in Turan is borrowed from the Holy Light language.

"At that time, such a word suddenly popped out of your mouth, which made me slightly startled, and doubts arose in my heart.

"Later, I sent someone to Chijin City to inquire about the news-the five races are about to fight. Whether the Bloodhoof Clan or the Golden Clan, it is indispensable to send a large number of messengers, caravans, and spies to the opponent to inquire about the intelligence of the biggest rival.

"It's not too much trouble for them to take the time to learn about the information of the Snow Leopards.

"As a result, something interesting has come. The Snow Leopards don't have a female warrior like you who defected.

"You know, judging from the amazing potential and fighting power you have shown in the Blood Skull Arena in the past two years, if you are really a member of the Snow Leopard clan, you can never be an unknown person. You should have been valued by the family since you were a child. Your genius, your defection, should be full of ups and downs, everyone knows it.

"When this piece of information was passed back to my hand, I kept wondering what was going on.

"Until this moment, I just figured out that what is flowing in your body is not the blood of the snow leopard family, but the cheetah or even the black leopard.

"It's just the influence of the power of the Holy Light, causing your appearance to take on a rare'albinization' state, becoming pure as snow, crystal clear, like a snow leopard."

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