The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1040: a bolt from the blue

Chapter 1040

Kasava's words are like steel nails that penetrate the vital points of the ice storm, nailing her to the ground, unable to move.

The expression of consternation caused Kasavar to confirm his inference, with a winning smile on his face, and continued: "The next thing is very simple. Since you grew up in the Land of Holy Light, yours The mother should be a holy light, not a high-level orc—because it is impossible for a high-level orc to conceive a child in the land of the light.

"So, we only need to go to the cheetah clan or the black panther clan to find out if there is a warrior who sneaked into the land of the holy light thirty years ago to take risks and perform tasks. It should not be difficult to find your father.

"Of course, in this way, the involvement is too wide and the movement is too big, and it is inevitable that others will notice my actions. If the senior family inquires, I will not be able to conceal your existence, and I will inevitably hand over you and your secrets. For the two of us, this is a'lose-lose' situation.

"So, I still hope you can be smarter, Ice Storm, an identity like you, whether in Turanze or in the Land of Holy Light, it is difficult to do anything. Besides me, who else can cooperate with you, Save your life?

"Come on, tell your secret, let's discover the power hidden behind this secret together, I promise not to touch your hair, maybe the two of us can join hands in this greatest era of glory ever. Here, it shines!"

Ice Storm stared at Kassavar.


This is her answer.

Casava frowned slightly and sighed slightly, as if he didn't understand why the ice storm was so persistent.

"Did you know that since you are the best ace gladiator in the Blood Skull Arena, for the past two years you have earned so many resources and popularity for the Blood Skull Arena, I really don't want to use life instead of death? Torture to torture you."

Kasavar squatted down, stretched out the totem armor, fingers that could turn into sharp blades, spikes, and jagged fingers at any time, gently touching the trembling cheeks of the ice storm.

He said with great regret, "If you are always so stubborn, I can only offer you to the black-toothed high priest, I believe he will always have a way to pry your mouth open."

The name "Black-toothed High Priest" made Ice Storm's eyes widened in an instant.

Obviously, even she had heard of this monster that interrupted the mutation process of the origin warrior and forcibly escaped from the abyss of death.

Various legends about the black tooth high priest, constantly emerging and changing in the depths of the almost transparent eyes of the ice storm, made her tremble and convulsed uncontrollably.

"It seems that you also know how powerful the Blackfang High Priest is."

Kasavar smiled triumphantly, "Actually, I don't want to share this huge secret with others-in thousands of years, the first evil seed that can simultaneously display the power of totem and the power of holy light, you are simply a monster. No one wants to share such a treasure with others.

"However, if your treasure is still unexplored and I am not allowed to explore it, I can only use you to redeem the merits of the family and the appreciation of the black tooth high priest.

"Don't worry, calm down, and think slowly.

"Tomorrow is the day when the'Game of the Brave' is over. Pointe-Noire, dozens of surrounding towns, and hundreds of battle groups from various clans are almost ready. At the dawn of the day after tomorrow, the warriors of the Bloodhoof clan They will gather in the temple outside the city to hold grand oaths and exercises, and then go out.

"I hope you can think clearly before then.

"Because once the army goes out and there are so many people, I can't hide you in the tent all the time, I can only sacrifice it to the black tooth high priest.

"I hope that when the black-toothed high priest takes off his hooded cloak and reveals his deformed and deformed half of his body that has been overly eroded by the power of totem, you will not resent my cruelty, nor regret your stubbornness...and stupidity.

Casava patted the ice storm's cheek a few times.

Get up and walk out of the tunnel.

Just submerged in the darkness, turned around again.

"By the way, don't worry about your team."

Casava said to Ice Storm, "I have to admit that you have made a very good team, and I can't bear to use them as cannon fodder.

"I will assign them to the best and most loyal ace gladiators, so that in the next war, they will charge for the Blood Skulls and win more glory for me!"

"Master Ice Storm is ill!"

"It's not that I fell ill, it's that I was injured!"

"Master Ice Storm has shown great performance on the arena in the past two years, but while defeating countless powerful enemies, she has accumulated very serious injuries in her body. It depends on her perseverance willpower and the blessing of the ancestors. , In order to be reluctantly suppressed.

"But she was too anxious. In the'Game of the Brave', she continuously summoned totem armor to fight beyond the limit. I heard that she also deprived many of the strong armor fragments. The fragments were all integrated into his own'Mythril Ripper'.

"As a result, she absorbed too much totem power at once, and couldn't digest it at all, and at the banquet hosted by Master Kasava, she drank too much spirit containing secret medicine, causing the power of totem to get out of control. Almost become a samurai of origin!

"Although Master Kassavar's treatment finally saved her life, she needs a long period of rest, and she definitely can't lead us!"

When the dawn was approaching, this terrible news spread like wildfire in the Ice Storm team.

Many of the servants were astonished, and more of them couldn't believe it, thinking that someone made a cruel joke with them.

Lord Ice Storm is one of the four trump cards in the Blood Skull Arena.

Even in the newly formed Blood Skull Battle Group, they are strong enough to rank among the top five.

How could she be sick or injured?

However, the rat people's handyman who spread the rumors made a blunt statement.

Moreover, Ice Storm has recently challenged the strong like crazy and seized the opponent’s armor fragments. Her "Mythril Ripper" has added new features almost every day, becoming more gorgeous and fierce. , This is also true.

Crazy practice like her is not out of control but rather strange.

In the end, a house mouse soldier who had been with Kasavar for many years brought the command of the highest commander of the Blood Skull War with a blank face, breaking the last trace of luck for the servants.

Everyone shrivelled like empty pockets, their heads down.

It stands to reason that it is common for rat militia servants to replace their masters.

Clan warriors have a high casualty rate due to hunting, adventure, gladiatorial fights and wars.

The servant soldiers who are finally trained don't necessarily have to be buried with their masters.

Most of the time, the master did not regard the servants as confidantes and siblings, but merely props and items that could be consumed at will, which could be put on the gaming table as a bet.

Before the two gladiators catch each other on the arena, it is normal for you to take three hundred servants and I take three hundred servants.

In that case, why should the servants waste too much affection on the master?

Follow who, not eating, training, and death!

But the servants of Ice Storm are different.

To be more precise, it was Ye Zi's group of servants who were personally selected by Meng Chao, who were different from the other servants.

First of all, before joining the Ice Storm team, they were all crooked and could not see the existence of hope.

The only ending is silent death and decay in the darkest corner of the dungeon.

Although Meng Chao rescued and trained them.

But without the acquiescence of Ice Storm, this "weird-shaped" team did not take shape so easily.

Moreover, because Ice Storm was not thinking about the Blood Skull Arena or the Blood Skull Battle Group, it treated the servants very loosely, and had a lot of laissez-faire meaning, but it made the servants feel the long-lost freedom.

Compared with many gladiators who only use their servants as tools and chess pieces, they force them to train day and night. Every day, a large number of dead or wounded bodies are carried out of the training camp.

The days following the ice storm are simply "quiet and peaceful".

Of course, usually blindly loose, you will suffer hardships on the battlefield, and even pay the price of life.

This is the third benefit of following Ice Storm—this "Queen of Frost" is the top five powerhouse of the Blood Skull. Even if placed in the whole of Pointe-Noire, he is a small, famous, ruthless person, many At that time, before the servants could take action, she took the lead and settled the battle.

Coupled with the team coordination tactics taught by Meng Chao, the casualty rate of the Ice Storm team is far less than that of the other three ace teams in the Blood Skull Arena.

For a rat dweller who has lost his home, relatives and hope, leaving only his own life, Ice Storm is simply the most perfect master they can meet.

Unexpectedly, the most perfect master was seriously injured and fell before the most tragic war was about to begin.

Next, what kind of master will they be assigned to?

Can they still maintain a complete team, at least allow the thirty people originally assembled to stay in one team and receive the training and command of the "Reaper"?

How will the new owner treat them? Will they let them take the lead in the first battle and consume them all meaninglessly?

The question of life-threatening made all the rat militiamen at a loss and at a loss what to do.

Ye Zi was even more panicked.

This boy who is too young and therefore too innocent, has been in a state of confusion and helplessness these days.

Because of his fanatical belief, the "big horned rat god" he admired so much is actually a fake!

"There is no such thing as the Great Horned Rat God descending, it's just a ghost trick from a spy from Chijin City!"

This astonishing news, like a large axe shrouded in lightning, smashed into the Tianling Cap of the leaves, and completely stunned the Rat People Youth.

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