The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1045: Miracle is coming

What's more, not only the wild mouse servants who originally belonged to the ice storm, but even the loyal and loyal house mouse servants who have been following the Wildhammer all vomit up and down, slumped to the ground, unable to move like dehydrated earthworms.

Wildhammer can only pinch his nose, so that the witch doctor can help the servant soldiers recover their combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

At least let them have the ability to stand up on their own and climb out of the city.

Before the Rat Civil Servant recovered, the Wildhammer could only stay in the Blood Skull Arena and jump like thunder, but he didn't know whose anger he should vent.

However, for the rat militiamen, delaying the start of the draw for one or two days does not change their fate of being thrown into the meat grinder sooner or later.

Ye Zi held her belly like a volcanic eruption, curled up like a dying shrimp, looking at the changing sky through the narrow window, feeling like she was going to die.

"It's a lie, everything is a lie!"

The Ratman boy bit his lip and thought with great grievance, "The arrival of the Big Horned Rat is a lie, and the glory of the bloodhoof ancestor spirit is also a lie. Even the reaper is a big liar, and he said he has a way to escape. Well, now everyone is poisoned, all soft-handed, like mud, and can't even climb out of the Blood Skull Arena, how can it escape from Pointe Noire!"

"Don't look at me with such a bitter eyes, as if I had lied to you."

Beside him, Meng Chao supported the wall, stood on tiptoe, looked out the window, and asked curiously, "I saw a huge pillar of light rising into the sky in the direction of the Bloodhoof Temple outside of Black Point City. A lot of octagonal cuneiform writing appeared in it. What the **** is that?"

"That's probably all the high priests of the Bloodhoof clan gathered together and sent a prayer to their common first ancestor, asking the first ancestor to update their totem armor." Ye Zi said weakly.

"Update?" Meng Chao raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I don’t know what this term means. I heard it from a senior handyman who has served in the Blood Skull Arena for more than ten years. Only the priests understand it. The ancient Turan language is probably One of the divine powers of the ancestral spirit? Through the update, many very powerful skills can be implanted into the totem armor that was just born. Therefore, it is a ritual that must be performed every time the Glory Era and the Oath Master goes out."

Ye Ye grinned with pain, holding his stomach and said, "Reaper, when is the time? What do you still care about about the Bloodhoof Temple? Everyone’s stomach hurts to death, and I feel like my intestines are about to be choked off. Why do you seem to have nothing to do?"

"I'm fine, probably because of a poor appetite last night?"

Meng Chao said irresponsibly, "Who told you all to eat so much like a hungry tiger rushing to the sheep?"


Ye Ye widened his eyes and said, "Didn't you let us gobble it up, everyone just squeezed three times the amount of food? And you have a bad appetite. You obviously eat the amount of ten of us alone!"

"do not mind the details."

Meng Chao grinned, "It hurts for a while, what's the point? At least we don't have to go to the Bloodhoof Temple to gather, go to the battlefield to die!"

"How can it be?"

Ye Zi sighed and said, "Don't you think that the mild symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea can let the clan warriors let us go, and leave us to rest in peace in Black Point, right? The bloodhoof clan won't be able to feed for a long time. With a bunch of useless idlers, are you about to breathe fire in your eyes without seeing Wildhammer?

"When we get better, he must still pull and pull us to the battlefield to die.

"If we really can't fight, waiting for our destiny, it is the saddest slave labor—just like the rat folks still living in Pointe Noire!"

"That said, then, it's time to regain strength."

Meng Chao’s smile gradually diminished, and his expression became serious. “Ye Zi, from now on, use the'rib breathing method' I taught you to breathe, ten times as a group, hold your breath slightly between each group, and clockwise at the same time. Uh, follow the direction of your right hand and rub your abdomen slowly.

"In addition, tell the spiders this method in a low voice so that everyone can act quietly!"

The leaves were slightly startled.

His eyes widened immediately.

As if he had guessed something from Meng Chao’s inexplicable instructions, the Ratman boy took a breath and lost his voice, "Reaper, did he poison last night—"

"Shhh, just do as I said. Remember, even if everyone recovers gradually, don’t be eager to behave vigorously. See clearly the appearance of the relatives of the house mouse soldiers who originally followed the Wildhammer. Try your best. Behave as weak as them, understand?"

Meng Chao stared into Ye Zi's eyes, and said every word, very seriously.


Ye Zi nodded solemnly.

Afterwards, using the method taught to him by Meng Chao, I looked at the Wildhammer soldiers around him.

Fortunately, these soldiers relied on their identity as "house mice", and didn't like to hang out with them, "wild mice" who had just entered the city not long ago.

Moreover, the house mouse soldiers also vomited up and down, dizzy, now there are three or four double images in everything they see, they can only close their eyes and lie on the ground with their teeth gnashing, and they can't pay attention to monitoring the mouse servants.

Ye Ye squirmed quietly towards his companions.

Secretly told the spider Meng Chao's order.

The sophisticated senior private hunter glanced at Ye Ye with a little surprise, and then cast a surprised look at Meng Chao from a distance.

But he retracted his gaze in an instant, and leaned over to the closest companion, whispering commands.

Suddenly, the rat militiamen selected from the depths of the dungeon by Meng Chao personally all breathed in a special way according to his instructions, and rubbed their abdomen clockwise.

An incredible thing happened!

Originally, Ye Zi felt that the whole person was not good, it was like an empty pocket, without three or five days of work, she couldn't bulge up again.

However, according to the method taught by Meng Chao, after breathing and massage, whether it is the severe pain of food poisoning or the weakness of vomiting and diarrhea, it is like sea water at low tide, and it fades quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, from between his chest and abdomen, a steaming, energetic force surged out, making his limbs, and every bundle of nerves and muscle fibers, as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.

Soon, all the symptoms of acute food poisoning disappeared.

Ye Zi tried to secretly clenched his fists, and listened to the "cracking" bangs from his finger bones.

He felt that the vomiting and diarrhea and the circling of the sky a moment ago disappeared like a nightmare.

His punches seem to be stronger than in the past.

It's like mixing in spirits and sour cream last night. In addition to toxins, there are secret medicines that make you screaming and powerful!

"this is-"

Ye Zi was surprised and happy, looking at Meng Chao in disbelief.

I couldn’t help but leaned forward, struggling to suppress the excitement, stammered and asked, "Reaper, really your hands and feet? I see, you deliberately let everyone stay in the Blood Skull Arena. All are poisoned, but you have the means to detoxify.

"So, we all regained our vitality, but the house mouse soldiers who are loyal to the clan warriors are still crumbling soft-footed shrimps. Naturally, it is impossible to prevent us from escaping, must it be?"

"of course not."

Meng Chao shook his head and said, "Even if everyone who stays in the Blood Skull Arena is turned into soft-footed shrimp, what is the point? When you escape from the Arena, don't you have to face the enemies of the entire Black Point City?

"What's more, Wildhammer will not eat the same food as the Rat militiamen. He is not poisoned. He alone is enough to keep all of you."


The fire of hope that the Jumin boy had just ignited was extinguished by a scoop of cold water.

He scratched his head for a long time and didn't figure out where the escape route was. He could only stare at Meng Chao again with his shiny eyes, "Reaper, what should we do next?"


Meng Chao squinted his eyes and looked at the big fireball that gradually rose to the center of the sky, emitting an extremely dazzling red light. He repeatedly counted the time in his heart and muttered, "I can only pray."


Ye Zi didn't understand what he meant for a while.

"Pray to the big horned rat god!"

Meng Chao sat down, leaned against the wall, and closed his eyes.


Ye Zi stammered, "Reaper, don't you believe in the Great Horned Rat God?"

"I never said that I don't believe in the existence of the Great Horned Rat God, I just said that we should not pin all our hopes on the Great Horned Rat God."

Meng Chaodao said, "Since we rely on our own strength, it is impossible to escape anyway, and there is nothing else at hand to do. A prayer will do no harm.

"Last time, didn't you still say that I am the messenger of the Big Horn Rat God?"

"I, I guessed randomly."

Ye Zi said, "The so-called'Emissary of the Big Horned Rat God' has been unearthed by the Bloodhoof Family and the Ironhide Family. It is a fake at all, it is a spy from the Golden Clan!"

"That's not necessarily."

A mysterious smile appeared on Meng Chao's face, and he blinked at the boy boy, "Believe me, maybe the ‘miracle’ of the Great Horned Rat will come today?"

Ye Zi was somewhat convinced by Meng Chao.

He didn't know whether he should believe in the big horn rat **** again.

But know that the reaper will never aimlessly.

Although the instructions or skills taught by the Reaper sometimes seem very inexplicable.

But as long as you trust the Reaper wholeheartedly, you will surely be shocked by the result in the end.

Ye Zi sat down and began to pray.

But for some reason, he was upset, and he couldn't pray to the big horned rat **** without distractions like in the past.

After trying more than a dozen times, I still couldn't bond the fragmented faith seamlessly.

Slightly opened one eye and found that the reaper seemed to be asleep, not paying attention to his appearance.

Leaf secretly changed the subject.

For the first time, I prayed very sincerely to my mother and brother.

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