The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1046: miracle? Upheaval!

"Mom, brother, if you want me to take revenge, or at least hope that I can take a path that is different from all the rat people for thousands of years, then give me some enlightenment!"

Ye Zi prayed wholeheartedly, "A beam of light, a star, a flame, any unusual signs will do.

"In that case, I know that you have not completely died, and the soul of the rat people can also turn into a noble ancestor spirit, always following me, giving me infinite strength.

"Help me, mother, brother, please, help me!"

He repeated this passage hundreds of times in his heart.

Still no "revelations" or "signs" have been found.

There is no such thing as a warm current gushing out of the body like a hot spring.

Instead, the horns and drums from outside the city of Pointe-Noire became louder and majestic.

Ye Ye opened his eyes and found that the light that poured in through the window had turned into a mysterious blue.

He held the window, tiptoed, and looked out.

I saw that the beam of light gushing from outside the Black Point City and inside the Bloodhoof Temple had swelled to three or five times its original thickness.

It's like a huge pillar up and down, supporting the entire world.

The majestic power has taken away the resistance of many rat people, making them unable to help bend their spine and knees, and pay homage to the ancestor spirits of the Bloodhoof clan who have been enslaving them.

"The oath ceremony of the bloodhoof army is about to end."

Ye Zi thought, "The totem armor made in this prosperous era has been infused with ancestral spirits, and a large number of powerful moves have been updated, making their wearers stronger and more important. The little rat people can deal with it.

"Does the so-called miracle really come?

"If the prayers are useful, what are you doing with war swords, great swords, meteor hammers, maces, and totem armors, Reaper..."

Ye Zi looked back and found that Meng Chao, who asked him to pray piously, fell asleep!

This guy slept soundly, faintly snoring, and there was a bubble in the left nostril, which was big and small, shaking constantly.

Ye Zi resisted the urge to vomit blood and sat down again.

This time, he stopped praying.

Instead, he took a deep breath, his eyes were firm, and his heart was not distracted. Following the method Meng Chao taught him, he practiced the shining lines and arrows in his body.

By now, he understood.

No matter who you pray to, it is useless.

In this world, no one will save him for no reason, save everyone.

People must rely on themselves!

There was a word in Ye Zi's mouth, his fingers stretched like steel needles, piercing the acupuncture points where the spiritual veins meet.

The psychic energy in the body circulates rapidly along the intricate spiritual veins like a three-dimensional labyrinth.

This was the most serious time he practiced.

In a daze, he entered the deep meditation state that Meng Chao once said, profound and profound.

It is like being immersed in a wonderful dream, forgetting the immediate crisis, all the worries and the passing of time.

It was not until the slight shaking of the earth in the distance that he was awakened.

Ye Zi stretched, feeling his state... unprecedentedly wonderful.

The picture in front of me became clearer, and soft words from farther away could be heard.

Even with both palms supporting the ground, ten fingers rubbing the tiny cracks on the floor, they can find out more information than before.

How to say it, it is like him in the past, wrapped in a layer of wet, thin but tough skin like a cicada's wings, the whole world he perceives is shrouded in mist and blurred.

At this moment, he came out of the cocoon and breathed the freshest air in the real world.

"Something exploded!"

Through the slight tremor felt by both feet, Ye Zi's mind immediately came up with such a thought.

At first, he didn't care.

Thought to be the various battle groups of the Bloodhoof clan, they have already launched actual combat exercises outside the city of Pointe-Noire.

Don't worry about the bottles and jars in the city, the totem warriors who have been stubborn for ten palm years can finally unscrupulously display the totem warfare of destroying the world, making a thunderous explosion.

But soon, the sound of explosions one after another, from far to near, exploded like firecrackers throughout the city of Pointe-Noire, causing everyone to jump.

Even the vomiting and diarrhea, extremely weak house mouse soldiers, barely opened their eyes, radiating a panic light.

"what happened?"

"Where did the explosion happen?"

"Is it an actual combat exercise outside the city?"

"In actual combat, how could such a powerful serial explosion happen? Even the dwarf's artillery does not have such a powerful power!"

It's too late, it's fast, just hear the thunderous "click", a corner of the roof of the training camp was hit by a burning boulder, and half of the dome collapsed.

The rat militiamen scurry with their heads.

Many people were screamed and screamed.

The rest of the people looked at the outside world dumbfounded through the holes formed by the collapse of the roof and walls.

In front of them, the whole city of Pointe-Noire continued to explode and burn.

It is often not a house, but a whole street that rises into the air amid the deafening explosions.

It’s like a mad-headed flood dragon dormant under the street, first making the whole street uplift, then tearing the ground, ejecting extremely fierce flames, and engulfing a lot of mud, gravel and The bricks and tiles flew up in the air, blazing, and in the form of a meteor shower, dragging a long tail flame, and then shooting to the ground again.

The power of the explosion was so powerful that even hundreds of tons of houses were uprooted, and when they fell heavily, they would inevitably smash the houses below that had not been affected by luck!

In particular, the clan warriors’ mansions, arenas, and the areas where temples gather are the “key objects of care” for a series of explosions.

Many of the clan warriors who were stranded in Pointe Noire and had not had time to participate in the actual combat exercises, as well as their house mouse soldiers, were unlucky enough to stand just above the origin of the explosion, and they were all torn to pieces in the sound of the earth-shattering explosion, only leaving behind. A few charred bones.

Even the clan warriors who were still some distance from the origin of the explosion were blasted by the shock waves generated by the explosion, causing blood to blast, breaking their tendons, or being smashed by the raging debris that fell from the sky and was buried in the countdown. The hundred-ton ruins are at the bottom.

In this way, explosions, flames, and skyrocketing, long-lasting, the smoke and dust that enveloped the entire Pointe-Noire city, in just a few blinks of an eye, the solemn and solemn Pointe-Noire city will be restored a moment ago. Become a tragic scene ravaged by the doomsday.

And on the end of the day, along with rumbling explosions and billowing black smoke, extremely dazzling fireworks burst out again.

The fireworks flickered and gradually converged into a shining phantom that obscured the sky and the sun.

It was a head with big horns.

Skull head.

"Big, big horned rat god!"

Deeply shocked by the explosion and completely unable to think, among the civic servants, who was the first to shout.

This shout spread like a virus. Soon, all the rat militiamen, even some of the house rat soldiers who were loyal to the Wildhammer, were shouting hoarsely, "The Great Horned Rat God! The Great Horned Rat God's. The miracle! The miracle of the Great Horned Rat has really come!"

Yes, if it were not a miracle, what kind of terrifying power could make the entire city of Pointe-Noire explode on such a huge scale and with such an amazing effect?

This is simply a volcanic eruption, thunder roaring, torrential rain, and stormy waves, which can be attributed to the "power of heaven and earth" and cannot be resisted by humans.

The fragmented faith of countless rat militia soldiers in the big horn rat **** was restored in an instant and became stronger.

They knelt to the ground, weeping bitterly, and begged the Great Horned Rat God to forgive their wavering and rescue themselves from this cannibalistic cave.

Many of the house mouse soldiers who did not believe in the big horned rat **** but have served the military aristocracy for hundreds of years are also panicking and embarrassed.

The tradition of higher orcs is to surrender to the strong.

It is because the bloodhoof clan is so powerful that they are willing to be cows and horses for hundreds of years.

If the Big Horn Rat God really exists and is stronger than the Bloodhoof Clan, what choice should they make?

For a time, although the rat folk training camp in the Blood Skull Arena was not directly hit by the explosion.

However, he was still severely affected by the shock wave and fell into extreme restlessness and chaos.

Ye Zi stared at the blazing sky dumbfounded.

The flames and gunpowder smoke licked the sky, already completely concealing the beam of light blasted from the Bloodhoof Temple.

Now, everyone looks at the sky, except for the vortex of flames, they can only see the dazzling, long-lasting, cool head of the big horned rat god.

However, it is different from other rat civic servants who are very sincere and extremely pious, and worship the big horn rat god.

In the bottom of the boy's heart, there was an extremely absurd premonition.

He saw Meng Chao wake up at some point.

He is squinting his eyes, his eyes are piercing, carefully studying the illusion of the big horned rat **** in the sky.

But there was no pious expression on his face.

Ye Zi stammered and asked, "Reaper, can't you make this earth-shattering scene?"

"How can it be?"

Meng Chao laughed dumbly, "You too value me too much."

"Then how do you know that it will happen today..."



Ye Zi nodded first, then shook his head vigorously, and said very seriously, "No, I don't believe this is a miracle. The so-called miracle is just some kind of mysterious power that we don't know yet. Assiduously, you will always be able to master the mystery slowly.

"Speaking of which, Reaper, how did you know that today's Pointe-Noire city will undergo such a earth-shattering drastic change?

"If I'm not mistaken, you deliberately poisoned the food, just want to delay the time until this moment, waiting for the arrival of drastic changes?"

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