The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1047: The truth about miracles

"It's very simple, because if you don't start it today, it will be too late."

Meng Chao shrugged, "Once the bloodhoof army goes out, both the clan warriors and the rat militiamen will lose most of their free space. They must implement strict management that prohibits orders, and if they camp in the wilderness, they will also scout. It's hard to make small moves if you go for dozens of miles.

"Only today, most of the bloodhoof clan battle groups have been pulled out of the city, and they are very scattered in the actual combat exercises. Only a large number of mortal rats, full of fear and anger, remain in the city of Noire. When the defense is extremely empty, it is the perfect time to do it.

"However, I originally thought they just wanted to set off a fire, burn half of the city of Pointe-Noire, and help a large number of rat people escape from the city during the chaos.

"Unexpectedly, they would be able to make such an earth-shaking movement!"

"They?" Ye Zi asked.

"It's the genuine "Big Horn Rat God Messenger"." Meng Chao replied.

"True messenger?"

Ye Ye was surprised, "Could it be that the bloodhoof family and the Ironhide family jointly grabbed it, turned out to be a counterfeit?"

"It's not a counterfeit, but there is no such thing as a spy of the Golden Clan. Even if there are spies, they have not been arrested by the Bloodhoof Family and the Ironhide Family."

Meng Chao grinned, "This is just a lie made up by the rulers of Pointe-Noire, swollen and fattened!"

"So, is there really a big horned rat god?" Ye Zi asked incredulously.

"Judging from the evidence I collected, there should be some, but the'big horned rat god' is the same as'Zhang San Li Si Wang Er Mazi'. It is just a name, not the word'God' in the name, it is the real god. !"

Meng Chaodao, "It can only be said that there is a certain force that believes in the Great Horned Rat God-at least a force that claims to believe in the Great Horned Rat God, who is planning to fight Pointe Noire, that's all."

Ye Zi pondered for a long time before turning this corner.

"So, this is really not a miracle?"

He pointed to the burning city outside the window and asked.

"It's not a miracle, it's just one, oh, maybe it's just a hundred powerful explosions of biogas." Meng Chaodao.

"Biogas... exploded?" Ye Zi didn't understand.


Meng Chao thought for a while and carefully explained, "Didn't high-ranking orcs especially like to eat mandala fruit and totem beast flesh and blood, which contains a lot of psychic food?

"Then, I discovered that the digestive system of higher orcs seems to have also undergone special genetic modulation, making the food intake far more amazing than other humanoid carbon-based intelligent life forms. It is commonplace to eat 30 or 50 catties of food for a meal. Things.

"The appetite is so amazing, and the amount of excrement is of course amazing.

"Originally, the underground in Pointe Noire had a fully automated pipeline processing system with very advanced facilities to process millions of tons of garbage and excrement.

"But in the lapse of thousands of years, like all the facilities and technologies left by the ancestors to the higher orcs, this set of garbage disposal and excrement purification systems buried deep in the ground of Pointe-Noire has gradually been destroyed, blocked, Broke down.

“So much so that a large amount of excrement rich in high-energy substances is constantly accumulating, condensing, and fermenting at the bottom of Pointe-Noire city. Various reactions that no one can explain clearly occur, releasing dozens of flammable and inflammable substances including biogas. Explosive gas and liquid.

"It's like, in the underground of Pointe-Noire City, there are hundreds of untimed bombs buried deep, leaves, can you understand what I'm talking about?"

"Can... understand a little bit."

Ye Zi nodded and said, "In our village there used to be a big dung pit. There were often green fireflies floating above the dung pit. When we were young, we felt that those green flames were very beautiful. We like to play nearby. We only know that when we grow up a little bit. It's the most disgusting thing."

"Almost, but the big dung pit under the city of Pointe Noire is much more powerful than the big dung pit in your village."

Meng Chao slapped his tongue, "Actually, I didn't think in this direction at the beginning. After all, there is only a theoretical possibility to ignite biogas to detonate Pointe-Noire. Although it is simple to say, how to dig a tunnel is at a key position. Place detonators; how to ensure the sealing and stability of biogas and other flammable and explosive gases; how to ensure that all areas of the city with rich biogas detonate at the same time; most importantly, how to ensure that biogas explosions only occur in areas where clan warriors live , Instead of spreading to the slums where the rat people live?

"The technical content here is too high, and the amount of engineering is too large. It is definitely not a bunch of improvised mobs that can be conceived and completed.

"It seems that the true face of the Rat People's Rebel Army is somewhat deviated from what I expected. What kind of force is driving the'Advent of the Big Horn Rat God'?"

Meng Chao's thoughts turned.

After a while, his gaze fell on the boy again.

"Ye Zi, didn't you say that you want to escape from Pointe-Noire? Now is the best opportunity!"

Meng Chao said quickly, "Did you know that at the intersection of'Iron Axe Street' and'Steel Ya Street', there is a large-scale rat people market, and there is a'Red Head Tavern' next to it that specializes in rat people?"


Leaf nodded.

The Red Head Tavern is one of the few places in Pointe Noire where the rat folks can temporarily forget their humble status, drink freely, get drunk, or pat the gambling table so much that their parents don’t even recognize it.

The handymen in the Blood Skull Arena, after receiving the reward of the samurai master, all like to go to the Red Head Tavern to lose their energy.

If the rat militia servants perform well on the arena and help the master win the victory, the master will often give a big hand to reward the servants and let them have a good time to vent.

However, the Red Head Tavern, like many facilities for the rat people in Pointe Noire, was destroyed in the "Game of the Brave" by the warriors of the clan who thrived.

"It doesn't matter whether it is destroyed or not, just know the place."

Meng Chao said, "The place is not far from the Blood Skull Arena. I will create opportunities later. You and the rat folks who are not willing to stay in the bloodhoof clan as cannon fodder, just find a way to rush out. I think there is a lot of gunpowder outside. , The army is in turmoil, you will not encounter too many obstacles.

"Beside the Red Head Tavern, there is a very large tunnel that leads directly to the outside of the city. I guess that the messenger of the bighorn rat **** will definitely meet the rat people in Pointe Noire there, and escape from the city through the tunnel.

"From the perspective of their ability to plan such a large-scale and high-tech serial biogas explosion, they must have arranged everything outside the city to ensure that at least half of the rat people who escaped will be able to smoothly interact with their big The troops have joined together and embarked on a journey that belongs to the rat people themselves!"


Meng Chao’s words were too informative, Ye Ye didn’t understand it for a while, “Reaper, you mean someone will help us escape?”

"That's right, the messenger of the Great Horned Rat God has long been lurking in Pointe Noire. The purpose is to help the rat people who are unwilling to become cannon fodder to escape!"

Meng Chao paused, and then said, "Of course, it seems that their appetite is far greater than I imagined. They are by no means satisfied with taking away a large number of rat people, but it has nothing to do with you."

"However, we don't know the messenger of the Big Horn Rat God at all. Will they help us?"

Ye Zi's heart felt a little guilty. He heard Meng Chao's overtones, "Reaper, won't you go with us?"

"Don't worry, the messenger of the Big Horn Mouse God will take you with you."

Meng Chao patiently explained, “The other party took great risks, invested a lot of resources, worked hard to plan and implement all of this, one of the main purposes was to remove a large number of rat people from Pointe Noire city—at this moment, the city of Pointe Noire has been recruited. The selection of the team, the torture of long trekking, and the torment of heavy work. The rat people who have survived are all outstanding among the rat people, and they are full of unforgettable hatred against the clan warriors, and they are simply the best source of troops. .

"And you servants who have withstood the test of life and death in the arena are even more powerful soldiers. If you take the initiative to send it to the door, it will be too late for people to be happy. How can they not accept you?

"As for me, I won't go with you for the time being. I have more important things to do-at least, I have to help you solve the'Wildhammer' so that you have a chance to rush into the arena of bleeding skulls!"


Ye Zi was in a hurry.

Ever since he was covered in his head and sent into the Blood Skull Arena, he has been receiving guidance and drawing strength from Meng Chao.

In a sense, Meng Chao is more worthy of his trust than the Big Horned Rat God.

He also thought that the mysterious reaper with black hair and black eyes must have an extraordinary mission on his back, he has his own battle to fight, and he cannot always be his nanny.

Unexpectedly, the parting days came so suddenly and so... intense.

"I can only help you to this point. There are some things that can only be taken with your own hands. No one can give you ‘freedom’ and ‘dignity’ for free."

Meng Chao patted the boy on the shoulder and smiled, "What's more, we won't be separated for too long. When I finish dealing with the ‘problem’ in Pointe-Noire, I’ll catch up with you."


Ye Zi murmured, "Since you are not in the same group as the real "Big Horn Rat God Envoy", how do you know where they will take us and where to find us?"

"So, you have to take this, and this."

Meng Chao took out a string of dirty pendants from his arms, as well as a half-old and unnew animal skin pouch bought at the rat people market, and handed it to Ye Ye.

"this is…"

Ye Zi lifted the pendant curiously and found that it was a colorful snail the size of a thumb.

However, after a long period of friction, the snail shell has lost its bright luster, and the gray flutter is inconspicuous.

The inside is filled with a brown substance, like cork, but full of dense holes. Put it under the tip of the nose and sniff it carefully, and you can smell a very secret fragrance.

Inside the animal skin pouch, it was filled with another kind of creamy white powder, also with a light fragrance.

"Wait until we are separated, and whenever you walk out a few miles, if possible, take the opportunity to secretly sprinkle this white powder on any place; if there is no chance, pounce on yourself in advance and use your body temperature. You can release it. It can help me roughly lock in your direction."

Meng Chao explained, “As for this string of pendants, you can hang them around your neck. As long as they are within three to five hundred arms, they can help me accurately lock your position.”

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