The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1048: Angry Wildhammer

Ye Ye didn't expect Meng Chao to prepare so well.

Facing the future alone, I still feel a little nervous.

"Listen, Ye Zi-"

Meng Chao saw the youth's anxiety, gently placed the heat-filled palm on his shoulder, and said seriously, "You must follow the messenger of the Big Horn Mouse God to escape, so that you can help me!"


Ye Zi stammered, "Help you?"

"Yes, I want you to follow the messenger of the Big Horn Mouse God, not only is it simple to save your life, but also I hope you can do me a very important favor."

Meng Chaodao, "I hope you can carefully observe where the messenger of the bighorn rat **** takes you-if it is a legion composed purely of rat people, then, the goal of this legion, its commanders at all levels, and where it comes from You can pay attention to these details when you get weapons and supplies.

"Remember, your own safety is the first priority. You don’t need to deliberately take risks to inquire. As a member of the Rat People’s Volunteer, you only need to remember what you have seen and personal experience in your heart. When you meet again, tell me. All right.

"For me, this is a very important mission. Can I trust you?"

"Of course, I will definitely complete the task!"

The leaves blurted out.

Just for his own safety, he was still a little daunted.

But when he heard that the Reaper had handed over the very important mission to him, a powerful force surged out of the Ratman Youth, as if he was not afraid of anything.

However, after thinking about the mission entrusted by the Reaper for a moment, Ye Zi fell into a new confusion: "Wait, the Reaper, the messenger of the Great Horned Rat God...should be saving the rat people, right?"


Meng Chao nodded, "Although the methods are very rough, they are indeed saving the rat people in Pointe Noire."

"Then, the army that believes in the bighorn rat **** should also be fighting for all the rat people?" Ye Zi continued to ask.

"In theory, this is indeed the case." Meng Chao also continued to answer.

"Then are they not good people?"

Ye Zi said, "Why do you want me to probe into the reality of the Rat People's Volunteers?"

"The reason for this, I remember I told you last time, do you think that in the story of the Xinghan Empire I told, the yellow turbans who are unbearable and rise up are all bad guys?"

Meng Chao said, "What's more, it is impossible to set off a series of explosions on such a large scale only by relying on the passionate rat people, even if most of the rat people are good people, the guy who is dormant behind the huge phantom of the'Great Horned Rat God', Not necessarily.

"In short, I hope that all good people are rewarded and can live happily to a better tomorrow, instead of being deceived by bad people, being used by villains, and ultimately ushering in extremely miserable destruction.

"For the time being, I can only tell you so much, because of many questions, I haven't figured it out myself, but I promise you that when I investigate all the truth, I will definitely explain everything to you!"

Meng Chao pressed heavily on Ye Zi's shoulder.

It seemed to imprint his own power into the body of the boy.

The light under Leaf's eyes became more shining and condensed.

Meng Chao grinned: "Let the spiders show their courage and strength. If you want to escape, everyone must go all out!"

At this moment, Wildhammer rushed into the training camp in angrily.

"Get up quickly, the enemy launched a despicable sneak attack, and the whole city of Pointe-Noire is on fire. Do you want to play dead?"

He roared hysterically, "Get up, go out with me to maintain order and tear the enemy to pieces, otherwise, I will crush your bones and trample your flesh and blood into mud!"

At the moment, the wildhammer was singed and curled up with hair all over his head, and his black face was covered with burns, abrasions, and splashes of rubble, and the torn deep visible bone wounds.

It seems that when the explosion happened just now, he was active in the open air and was badly injured by the shock wave.

However, compared to the physical trauma, it is obvious that his soul has suffered a more severe blow.

Pointe-Noire, the towering city of Pointe-Noire, the majestic Pointe-Noire, the great city of Pointe-Noire.

This glorious city with a history of tens of thousands of years is the greatest blessing left by the ancestor spirit to all bloodhoof warriors. For thousands of years, countless **** battles have never been captured by the enemy.

Even though the Bloodhoof clan suffered the worst defeat when fighting the Golden Clan for the leadership of the entire Turan civilization, the extremely proud Lion and Tiger people from the Gold clan only dared to sign an alliance with the Bloodhoof Clan under the city of Blackhorn. , But did not dare to attack Black Point—because that would arouse the most violent anger of all the bloodhoof warriors, and the most terrible curse of the bloodhoof ancestors.

Unexpectedly, such a splendid city was turned upside down by some...unbelievable force when the most majestic bloodhoof army swearing in thousands of years went on an expedition.

When the Wildhammer climbed to the highest point of the Blood Skull Arena and saw countless historic mansions and temples, they all groaned in the raging flames and billowing smoke, and even the house collapsed, a mess.

And today, the noble warriors who should be majestic, are jumping up and down in the shock waves of the stormy waves, and the splash of the gravel like meteors and fire rain, and their bodies are all wounded.

Wildhammer really felt that something shattered in his mind, and it crashed to the ground.

At the same time, as one of the four trump cards under Kasavar Bloodhoof, even if the brain capacity is really not able to keep up with the overly strong limbs, Wildhammer has an astonishing instinct like a beast.

Intuition tells him that serial explosions are far from the enemy's entire plan.

On the contrary, the series of explosions are merely the sound of the enemy's clarion call to attack.

I have to admit that the enemy chose the deadliest time to attack.

At this moment, dozens of battle groups of the Bloodhoof clan have already left Pointe Noire and stationed near the Bloodhoof Temple outside the city for actual combat exercises.

Because most of the clan warriors participated in such a large-scale exercise for the first time, and they were not very familiar with the cooperation with their comrades. The entire range of exercises was very wide. For his own commander, several battle groups have even been mixed together in a vague way.

In the past glory eras, such chaos is a common phenomenon that will inevitably occur.

In the final analysis, compared with the degraded civilization and technical level of Turan civilization, the infinite expansion of the army due to the fruit of mandala is far beyond the limit they can control.

The solution for the Turanese is to include the "game of the brave", one after another in actual combat.

Including the "five races fighting for the front", in a sense, it is just a larger scale, more intense and realistic actual combat exercises.

In this way, when the five races are over and the war chief is decided, they will have a bit of organization and combat effectiveness.

But now, dozens of battle groups obviously haven't cooperated with each other tacitly.

And the clan warriors who stayed in Pointe Noire were pitifully few.

Most of the forces that maintain the operation of Pointe-Noire are the rat people.

After dozens of bloodhoof battle groups have completed the actual combat exercises, these rat people will be driven away by the clan warriors, and they will enter the sacred war as cannon fodder.

But now, they are scattered in every corner of Pointe-Noire.

After the explosion, flames and smoke sealed the entire city of Pointe-Noire.

If the rat folks who are deliberately suspicious suddenly get into trouble.

A clan warrior who is conducting actual combat exercises outside the city can hardly be formed to return to Pointe-Noire.

Even if they can rush back to Pointe Noire as soon as possible, in the burning city, it is difficult to stop the enemy's conspiracy.

Wildhammer believes that he shoulders the sacred mission of defending the city of Pointe-Noire and suppressing the humble rat people.

He immediately came to the training camp.

Although the soldiers gathered here are also rat people.

But Wildhammer felt that they could still be trusted.

Needless to say, the house mouse soldiers who have served their own family for hundreds of years.

The rat militia servants who had just been subdued, behaved submissively yesterday, should be completely shocked by himself.

And I also pointed out to them a bright future. As long as you don't mind and work hard, you can change from a servant to a personal soldier, from a personal soldier to a servant, or even from a servant to a samurai!

What a fortune, what a glory this is!

Unexpectedly, just as Wildhammer called, he heard a harsh scream from the corner.

"A miracle! This is the miracle of the Big Horned Rat God! The Big Horned Rat God has come. If you don't want to die, run and go outside to welcome the Big Horned Rat God coming!"

Many Ratmen warriors were in a state of panic and hesitation.

Being called by him was a mess, and no one heard Wildhammer's orders at all.

It's the ugly rat man with black hair and black eyes!

Wildhammer was so angry that his nose was crooked.

"Asshole, you should have killed you yesterday!"

He stepped in front of Meng Chao in two steps.

The proboscis like a meteor hammer was raised high, and it hit Meng Chao's head heavily.

Although Kassavar Bloodhoof made him pay attention to this "something special rat folk".

But after weighing his weight yesterday, Wildhammer didn't pay attention to this guy who was scared and sweating because of his murderous aura.

Therefore, the Totem Armor was not activated at all, and he went all out.

Unexpectedly, Meng Chao seemed to be so frightened by him that his legs became weak, holding his head and shrank down, and he managed to escape the osteoma at the end of his proboscis.

Then he crawled and rushed towards the wildhammer's house mouse soldiers, lying in various directions.

Meng Chao's speed was extremely fast, and instantly stepped on the gap between the house mouse and soldiers and rushed to the window sill by the wall.

Wildhammer wanted to wield the bone tumor again, but was worried that it would hit the food poisoned house mouse soldiers all over the floor.

Although the low lives of the mouse people are worthless, these family mouse soldiers who have followed their own family for hundreds of years and have been loyal to them are different from ordinary wild rats after all.

It is impossible for Wildhammer to destroy the lives of dozens of domestic mice soldiers in order to catch a mad squirrel.

He could only growl grinning: "Catch him, catch this dirty mouse for me!"

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