The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1055: Target, Blood Skull Temple!

Despite this, Ice Storm still read his thoughts from his expression.

"Do you know, your face now looks like a wizard." Ice Storm said.

Meng Chao thought for a while, the wizard seemed to be a special professional in the Land of Light.

Compared with advanced orcs who are addicted to war, magicians, ascetics, and night watchmen who are full of fanatical beliefs in the true gods, as well as more mysterious tombs and abyss races.

Wizards can be regarded as the kind of people in the entire alien world whose thinking and logic are the most similar to those on earth.

And Ice Storm can say that, it also means that she has admitted in disguise that she is from the land of the holy light.

Otherwise, she would never have seen a living wizard in Turanze.

"All right."

Meng Chao observed the color and flooding speed of the foam on the surface of the shackles, and signaled the ice storm to raise his wrist.

Afterwards, he re-armed his arms, with his armor-covered hands, firmly grabbing the sides of the shackles, using all his strength, and desperately pulling outwards.

As the blood vessels all over his body became prominent and roared like a dragon, the severely corroded shackles were slightly deformed, and there were tiny cracks around the text of the curled earthworm.

"It's done!"

There are boundless surprises in the sound of the ice storm.

She motioned to Meng Chao to let go, then raised her left arm, muttering something.

From the white jade arms, wisps of frosty white air spewed out, spinning around the shackles at high speed.

Soon, the metallic luster on the surface of the shackles turned into a fragile texture like jade.

With a low growl, Ice Storm smashed the shackles on his left wrist to the ground.

After hearing a "bang" sound, the shackles of Meng Chao's strange force pulling and the brittleness of the ice storm's own frost finally broke through the corrosion of the secret medicine, turning into thousands of finely shattered ice crystals.


Ice Storm breathed a long sigh of relief.

The long-suppressed cold air spewed out from the left arm like a flood, and soon the entire left arm was completely covered by silver-white armor.

Now that the left arm has been unsealed, the remaining four shackles are easy to handle.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm did the same thing. After just ten minutes, the ice storm was completely free from the cracked ice crystals on the ground.

Meng Chao threw the animal skin pouch he found from the waist of Wildhammer to Ice Storm.

The bulging pouch is filled with the highest-grade secret medicine and high-energy nutrients extracted from the golden fruit.

Ice Storm recognized the wildhammer logo on the pouch.

Glancing at Meng Chao with a surprised look, unscrew a bottle of secret medicine, and drank it all in one go.

"What's the situation outside?"

A few strands of blood appeared on her face, she recovered a little bit of strength, and asked.

Meng Chao briefly introduced to her, "The Great Horned Mouse God is Coming", causing a series of big explosions of biogas.

"The big horned rat **** comes and leads the rat people to riot?"

Ice Storm frowned slightly, and immediately said, "This is impossible. The series of explosions I heard just now seem to be disorderly, but in fact they are extremely regular, covering all directions, almost covering the entire city of Pointe-Noire.

"Furthermore, the initial explosion was launched from dozens of locations at the same time. This shows that the detonator has very skilled digging and underground operations, and the knowledge and use of explosives has also reached the level of a first-class expert.

"Even if the dwarves of the Land of Light come to carry out such actions, they can't do better, but you told me that this is a chaos caused by a bunch of rat people?

"If the rat people had such abilities, they wouldn't have been enslaved by the five clans for a full ten thousand years!"


Meng Chao felt that after drifting to Turanze, it was a very lucky thing to be able to meet the two different kinds of higher orcs, Leaf and Ice Storm.

Working with them, the level of combat effectiveness is second. The key is that they have similar ways of thinking. Many problems can be understood at one point.

"The so-called'Large Horn Rat God Coming', of course, cannot be a ghost trick made by the rat people themselves."

Meng Chao said, “The rulers of Pointe Noire speculated that the whole thing was a conspiracy of the Golden Clan. Although their ‘evidence’ was ridiculous, and even I deliberately sent them to them, it might be wrong and hit the bullseye.”

"Wait, you know that the rat people will start a commotion, do you know who is hiding behind the "big horn rat god"?" Ice Storm's eyes flashed.

"Who can get the greatest benefit from the resistance of the tens of millions of rat people is the one who instigates the rat people to initiate a commotion."

Meng Chao said, "However, before escaping from Pointe-Noire, there is no need to entangle this matter for the time being.

"Now half an hour has passed since the marsh gas explosion.

"From my observations on the military training of the higher orcs these days, although the vast majority of the clan warriors are brave and good at fighting, they are not afraid of death, but it is difficult for them to form a banned, strict battle formation.

"This actual combat exercise and the next five races are to solve this problem.

"Before the problem was solved, I heard dense explosions from the city of Pointe Noire, and saw the raging fire and strong smoke covering the entire city. It is impossible for the clan warriors to gather the team without a moment or two. Regrouped.

"And before restoring their own order and forming a tight battle formation, they cannot be like a group of headless flies, rushing into the city of Pointe-Noire to restore order in a swarm of stragglers.

"Otherwise, it will only mess up the mess.

"Even if they can form a battle formation and return to the city to quell their rebellion, they can only advance gradually from the outside to the inside. And I believe that among the burning ruins, suppressing the rat people who are determined to die, even for the clan warriors. , Is not a thing that can be quickly resolved.

"In short, I think it will take at least one day and one night for the bloodhoof army to initially restore order in Pointe-Noire.

"Of course, as long as they have a firm foothold in the outer city, it is possible to send an elite team of masters to go deep into the inner city to protect their ancestral homes, temples, and warehouses for storing strategic materials.

"Before that, we had about two to three moments, in the city of Pointe-Noire with extremely empty troops and extremely chaotic environment...find fish in troubled waters and do whatever we want."

"What are you waiting for?"

An icy flame flowed out of the ice storm's eyes, "Before I tear Kasava's throat with my hands, let me charge him some interest first!"

A temple stands in the highest place in the southwest of the Blood Skull Arena.

Like all temples in Turanze, here is not only the worship of all the heroic spirits of gladiators who died in glory on the arena for thousands of years.

It also enshrines a large number of weapons that have been written heavily in the history of the Blood Skull Arena.

The sharp blade that once cut the throats of hundreds of totem beasts.

Fragments of totem armor worn by warriors who have won three hundred games in a row.

A certain legendary figure who made the limelight in the Battle of Glory, before his rise, he used to be a training equipment for gladiators in the Blood Skull Arena, such as stone locks and stone axes.

It is said that these weapons contain extremely powerful fierce souls.

It is not an ordinary clan warrior that can be controlled.

Anyone who wants to control these weapons will be deprived of their minds by the evil soul and become a warrior of origin at the moment they touch them.

Therefore, they can only lie quietly in the temple, waiting for the real master to come one day.

In addition to offering sacrifices to heroic spirits and offering legendary weapons, the temple has another very important purpose.

Used to upgrade the totem armor.

It is said that every temple in Turanze has a "temple core".

That is the blessing given by the ancestors to the blood.

It contains the wisdom of the ancestral spirits as lofty as a mountain, as deep as the sea, and broader than the endless starry sky.

Meng Chao is very interested in the temples of higher orcs.

He felt that by going deep into the temple, it was possible to get a glimpse of the original appearance of the Turan civilization.

Grasp the essence of Turan civilization more deeply.

In order to find a way to transform Turan civilization and transform the higher orcs into more reliable allies than the previous lives.

Of course, the legendary weapons in the temple were also what he wanted to see through.

Only by getting these weapons that were once used by the epic heroes of Turan civilization can he master the most powerful power in the shortest time.

In order to face the wolf clan leader, "Jackal" Kanus, who is about to rise up and become the King of Turanze.

Decide whether to help or kill this "doomsday magic wolf" who created the "Chaos camp" in the previous life, but brought both the Turan civilization and the Dragon City civilization to destruction!

It is a pity that Kassavar usually keeps the Blood Skull Temple very tight.

According to the testimony from the torture of Meng Chao from Big Buck, several teams of elite guards were arranged inside and outside the temple.

A large number of organ traps using ancient ancestral spirit technology have been deployed inside.

Including Kasavar Bloodhoof himself, when he was fine, he would stay in the temple for a long time to practice, and it was almost impossible to spill water.

Meng Chao always had no way to enter, and he was so anxious that he could not bear it.

until today.

Until this moment.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm crawled behind a burning, black smoke-bearing ruined wall. Half of their heads were slightly poked out to observe the Blood Skull Temple not far away from the cracks in the thick smoke.

Because of the high terrain, there are no sewage pipes below, and the outer walls of the building are extremely strong.

The Blood Skull Temple was not damaged in the serial explosion of methane gas.

However, Kasavar led the Blood Skulls to the larger and more ancient Temple of Blackhorn outside the city to participate in the oath ceremonies and actual combat exercises.

In order to make more of his confidant love, get the blessing of the ancestor spirit in the Blackhorn Temple.

And showed his face in front of dozens of strong players in the battle group.

He transferred more than half of the guards away.

The explosions that just occurred in other areas of the Blood Skull Arena, the escape and raging of Totem Beasts, and Ye Zi led a large number of rat militias to break through the cage, especially the wildhammer, one of the four major ace. The news drew away more than half of the remaining guards.

Now, in front of the Blood Skull Temple, there are only two guards left.

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