The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1056: First line of defense

Kassavar Bloodhoof, or most high-ranking orcs, never dreamed that someone would hit the temple.

First of all, every temple, no matter how big or small, has been blessed by the ancestor spirit, has a defense that far surpasses that of the clan era.

Those who rush in, often die without knowing how to die.

Secondly, although the weapons, secret medicines and ancient books enshrined in the temple have unparalleled power, they also contain extremely high risks. Even if a weapon is taken away, it is difficult to control easily.

Third, it is natural that the higher orcs have almost godly reverence for the ancestor spirits.

Even the temples of rival families and competing clans will never be easily destroyed.

Even if the entire settlement or even the tribe of the other party is slaughtered, the other party's temple will not be completely destroyed.

Instead, he merged the ancestor spirit of the other party into the ancestral spirit sacrificial system of his own family and continued to serve.

No matter how crazy the higher orcs were, they would not risk looting a temple at the risk of dying on the spot, becoming an origin warrior, being cursed by an ancestor spirit, or provoking a powerful family.

Unfortunately, Meng Chao is not a high-level orc.

He and Ice Storm had circled the Blood Skull Temple just now, confirmed that there were no more guards, and explored the terrain behind the temple clearly.

Meng Chao made a gesture to Ice Storm and motioned with his eyes: "Your injury, is it okay?"

With a cold snort, the ice storm disappeared into the depths of the dense smoke.

Meng Chao stretched out five fingers and counted down silently in his heart: "Five, four, three, two, one!"

When he counted the last number, he suddenly got up and put on a crouching start posture, just like a 100-meter sprint, without concealing his intentions, he rushed towards the two guards.

The person was still 100 meters away, and the two guards felt a fierce hurricane hit their faces.

Youruo's substantive killing intent completely frozen their brains, hearts and vocal cords, making them unable to even scream.

The two guards tried their best to overcome the fear in their hearts and reluctantly raised their shields and swords towards Meng Chao.

But the ice storm was already behind them, quietly landing.

And slashed the frost-covered hand knives on their necks heavily.

The cold wave instantly invaded the cervical vertebrae of the two guards.

And along with the spinal cord, their central nervous system was frozen.

Rao are two guards who stand up like arrogant people, their necks are thicker than Meng Chao's thighs.

After still groaning for a while, Shuangshuang fell to the ground, his skin turned purple and his face was blue.

The two guards were resolved in an instant, Ice Storm was expressionless, but raised his eyebrows at Meng Chao.

Meng Chao grinned and gave her a thumbs up.

The two dragged the two frozen guards into the ruined wall to hide them.

Around the Blood Skull Temple, I took a close circle, carefully studying the outer wall of the Temple, whether there are any flaws that can be used.


not at all.

The ground part of the Blood Skull Temple is like a crystal-clear red skull magnified a hundred times.

Black eye sockets and horns rising up into the sky are all available.

The outer wall is also engraved with dense cuneiform writing, exuding an inviolable majesty.

If you close your eyes and listen carefully, you can even hear the violent wind blowing through the black eye sockets, making a scream like a roar of a fierce soul.

There are more than just the fierce souls of gladiators who have been buried on the arena for the past thousand years.

It also includes the bloodhoof warriors who died vigorously in the Battle of Glory thousands of years ago.

In fact, the history of the Blood Skull Temple is longer than that of the Blood Skull Arena.

It was the ancient Turan people who first built this temple, enshrining a large number of valuable resources, technologies and installations of the Turan civilization.

Thousands of years later, in order to please the ancestor spirits, the advanced orcs often gathered in front of the temple for gladiatorial contests. Over time, they gradually formed one of the largest arena in the city of Noire today.

Therefore, the temple itself is a hundred times stronger than the arena.

It is by no means a simple and rude iron fist bombing that can be broken.

"Buck told me that the outer wall of the Blood Skull Temple has been blessed by the ancestor spirit and can bounce back all attacks."

Meng Chao murmured, condensing psychic energy on his right arm, and slammed a punch against the outer wall of the temple.




There were three loud noises in a row.

When Meng Chao's fist front touched the outer wall of the temple, the cuneiform characters originally embedded in the wall all emitted a dazzling light.

They are like hungry piranhas, absorbing all the power gushing out of Meng Chao's fingers.

Afterwards, countless golden cuneiform characters were gathered together to form a fist larger than Meng Chao's head, and blasted towards his chest.

Meng Chao was prepared early and hurriedly crossed his fists.

But the fist that bounced back blasted away and smashed into the body.

He turned dexterously in the air beyond four or five arms, fell to the ground lightly, rubbing his sore arms, smacking his tongue secretly.

Seeing the ice storm, he pondered for a moment, stepped forward and gently pressed his arms to the outer wall of the temple.

Along with the flickering of the runes on the totem armor, two faint blue cold waves spewed out from her palms, gradually spreading, freezing a whole wall of two arms square.

There was a pale luster in the faint frost, which seemed to change the texture of the wall, turning it into glass like a touch.

Bing Storm turned around and was about to say to Meng Chao, "You try again."

Meng Chao's expression changed, and he said anxiously: "Be careful!"

Ice Storm's pupils suddenly shrank, and an ice path appeared under his feet, his body turned into a blue lightning, and he slid out more than ten arms in one breath.

Almost at the same time, with only a "bang" sound, the blue frost on the outer wall of the temple split instantly, turning into countless ice needles, shooting into the ice storm like a hurricane, and clanging down on her heels, a short distance away. The place.

The two looked at each other, both were secretly shocked by the superior power of the ancient Turan people.

"It seems that it is impossible to break through the wall."

Meng Chao said, "According to Big Buck, all Turan temples were cast out by the ancestor spirit using the supreme divine power, and then buried in the ground, or naturally sinking under the ground over the course of tens of thousands of years.

"That is to say, the same material is used around the temple and above and below, and it will not work if you want to dig three feet of the ground and then break through under the temple.

"Besides, we don't have so much time to dig a tunnel slowly.

"Then you can only go to the front door."

The two of them walked around the huge skull and the open mouth.

Unanimously, he took a deep breath and pushed together the cuneiform inscriptions, like a thick gate made of a whole piece of rock.

The gate is not locked.

It seemed to be sealed by a viscous force.

The two clenched their teeth and pushed for a full half a minute before slowly pushing open a gap.

Through the blazing fire, they vaguely saw that there was a long corridor sloping downwards.

The power of totems escaping from the depths of the tunnel gave both of them the illusion that dozens of totem beasts were dormant in the dark depths.

The two opened the face shields, covered their mouths and noses, and walked into the depths of the temple without leaving half a gap.

The firelight flowing in through the cracks of the door behind him was already silently swallowed by darkness.

On the wall in front, a group of gloomy red flames were automatically lit, reflecting the winding corridor.

They seemed to be walking in the intestines of a giant beast.

Meng Chao carefully observed the wall and found that huge reliefs were engraved on the wall.

They are all kinds of totem beasts with teeth and claws, ferocious and evil.

The red flames extending all the way are the eyes of totem beasts.

He stretched out his finger and touched it lightly, he didn't feel the slightest temperature from the red flame.

However, Lingmai reacted faintly, sensing a different kind of power, invading into his body through his fingertips.

It seems that the eyes of these totem beasts are not real flames.

It's some kind of magnetic restraint and psychic release device.

Therefore, it can surpass the erosion of thousands of years, and continue to automatically ignite and extinguish.

"The creations of the ancient Turan people really have a little way."

Meng Chao retracted his finger and flicked it lightly to force out the alien power that had invaded his body, and accurately bounced back into the red flame.

He Bing Storm continued to advance, and soon after passing through a small round hall, the corridor in front of it became smooth and spacious.

However, on both sides of the spacious corridor, there are two separate columns of statues.

The black statue is like a mixture of black iron and obsidian.

At the same time, it has the luster of metal and the texture of rock.

A total of hundreds of statues, with an average height between three and four arms, have carved out hundreds of blood-hoofed warriors in the sense of their names with vivid brushstrokes, with extremely sturdy shapes.

They are all tauren, boar, elephant, centaur, and some hippo warriors and rhino warriors.

They all wore helmets and braided armour.

The bulging muscles all over the body seem to burst from the inside out to burst the strongest armor.

The battle axe, heavy hammer, great sword, and broadsword were held high in his hands, staggering in mid-air, forming a gleaming arcade.

Although it is a cold dead thing.

But it exudes a strong murderous and fighting spirit.

Meng Chao activated his extraordinary vision, and he could even see smoke from these "statues", condensed in the areas of his eyes, as if staring at two uninvited guests.

"The weapons held by these statues seem to be real guys."

Ice Storm stepped silently, walked to the front of the first statue, carefully observed for a moment, and came to a conclusion.

"It was a real guy."

Meng Chao said, “They are all ancient warriors of the Bloodhoof Clan. Many of them have made great contributions in the war to create the Bloodhoof Clan before they are qualified to be enshrined here and form the first line of defense to guard the temple."

Ice Storm nodded, and then asked, "So, how can I get through this line of defense?"

"If you have the permission of Kasavar Bloodhoof, just walk freely from under the swords, guns, swords and halberds held by hundreds of statues."

Meng Chaodao said, "If not, you just need to walk over it generously."

Ice Storm was startled slightly, and said, "What's the difference?"

"The difference is that with permission, these statues are just motionless statues. The swords, guns, swords and halberds hanging high above your head will never fall."

Meng Chaodao said, "If you don't have permission, then you don't know-anyway, no one has tried it in the last one or two hundred years."

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