The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1058: Phantom abyss

"Really that simple?"

Ice storm muttered to himself.

However, since Meng Chao has passed, she will never show weakness.

The Ice Storm took a deep breath, and a thin layer of frost condensed all over the body, reducing the sound of breathing, heartbeat and footsteps to the limit, as if stepping on a piece of snowflakes as thin as a cicada's wings and stepping into the arch silently. gallery.

Sure enough, the statues on both sides remained motionless, as if she could not perceive her existence at all.

Ice Storm wanted to swallow a mouthful of saliva.

I am also afraid that the contraction of the throat muscles will arouse the reaction of the statue.

She followed Meng Chao's appearance, sliding as softly as possible to the depths of the arcade.

In the beginning, it went very smoothly.

Because at this time, she had just crossed three or five statues, and the starting point was close at hand.

Even if the statue is really activated, she can instantly retreat.

This gave her a sense of security that still has a way out.

The mentality is relaxed and the pace is naturally particularly smooth.

But as she got deeper and deeper into the arcade, her starting point had been thrown thirty or fifty steps behind her.

If all the horror statues around were activated at this moment, she would have nowhere to escape.

Realizing this, the nerves of the ice storm are like being twisted slowly by a winch with spikes, becoming tighter and tighter.

Especially the surrounding statues have become more and more ferocious, and their bodies are getting bigger and bigger, like cliffs that are leaning towards her and are about to collapse, and they will bury her inside at any time.

And the large axes and great swords in the hands of many statues are also on her way forward, forcing her to bend her body into a strange shape, squeeze all the energy of each bundle of muscle fibers, and even stand on her toes, pure Only by using the curling and jumping of the toes can we pass the criss-crossing gaps between these fascinating weapons.

"Are there any mistakes, why did the'Reaper' look so relaxed just now when he walked past, it really seems to be scattered on the boulevard?"

Ice storm once again gave birth to the feeling of being deceived.

It's a pity that she has passed about half of the arcade and can't look back.

I can only grit my teeth, try my best to control the chaotic thoughts and the muscles that are gradually beginning to tremble, and finish the road to death.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Ice Storm gradually could see Meng Chao's figure in front of him clearly.

Victory is here.

But at this time, a statue resembling a warrior lay on her only way.

The elephant warrior holds two great axes.

And its proboscis, which is covered with spikes, runs through the arcade horizontally.

If the ice storm doesn't want to touch anything, it can only dive through the extremely narrow space between the giant axe and the proboscis in a posture similar to "diving and sprinting".

But with such a large movement, it is difficult not to make any noise, and to maintain his breathing and heartbeat, still at a level that is half the breath of the dead.

A drop of cold sweat oozes from the ice storm's forehead.

The cold sweat quickly condensed into small crystal beads, which rolled off his forehead.

The pupils of Ice Storm contracted suddenly, and hurriedly reached out to take the frozen sweat beads.

There is also a slight downward cushioning movement in the palm, which makes the extremely fragile sweat beads not break in the palm.

When Meng Chao walked here just now, because the distance was too far and the light in the corridor was too weak, the ice storm did not see exactly how he passed the statue.

Making gestures and asking from a distance, Meng Chao also gestured to her and gave her the answer: "It's just a run-up and dive, coming in from the middle."

"Can you?" Ice Storm was very suspicious.

"Be a little more careful, it should be okay. As I said just now, these organs are all severely worn out, and the induction is very slow." Meng Chao said with a gesture.

Ice storm gritted his teeth fiercely.

After taking a half step back and accelerating suddenly, a nearly perfect dive came through the gap between the giant axe and the proboscis.

And, nothing was touched!

Le Jisheng sadly, at the moment she landed, perhaps it was the first sneaking that consumed too much physical energy: maybe it was badly injured by Casava a few days ago, and the injury has not yet healed; it may also be that the face of the two statues in front is too great. After being ferocious, her fangs would grow out of her eye sockets, making her suddenly startled and her heartbeat speeding up.

boom! boom!

The ice storm's chest trembled slightly.

In a piercing mechanical sound, all the statues in the entire arcade were immediately resurrected!

Swish Swish!

Ice Storm heard the screams of countless sharp blades tearing the air behind him.

There was a shadow of swords and swords in front of him.

That huge statue of a savage elephant warrior, with two great axes smashed at her head and head, judging from the unstoppable roar, if she was really hit, even if she was wearing a totem armor, she would have to be slashed. Broken bones, shake out internal injuries!

At the critical moment, a white light glowed deep in the eyes of Ice Storm.

Suddenly, the feathers condensed by pieces of holy light fell, and the flow of time within the horizon slowed down several times, giving her enough time to spray a burst of freezing ice mist toward the joints and base of the statue. Freeze all the joints of the statue and the mechanism in the base, delay their attack speed-even if it delays for a blink of an eye!

Taking advantage of the freezing of the statues in the blink of an eye, the ice storm turned into a white lightning and rushed towards the exit.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Most of the statues really only froze for a blink of an eye.

By the second blink of an eye, the frost covering the outside of the statue burst one after another.

The denser shadows of swords and swords and the roaring arrow rain once again enveloped the ice storm.

No matter how she moved between the statues.

The place close to the exit was always locked by three or five sharp blades.

As she reached the limit of speed, she had no room to change her route. She had no choice but to bite the bullet and use the totem armor to hit the sharp blade of the statue.

In this collision, it is possible to knock out.

But whether it will leave an arm or half a calf in the arcade is something no one can tell.

Just at the juncture.

Just listen to the dense, crisp sound of "ding-ding-ding-ding-ding".

But Meng Chao, who was waiting at the exit, turned his hands into two clouds of gray mist, and shot dozens of gravel into the arcade.

These gravel stones were picked up from the outside before going deep into the Blood Skull Temple, ready to explore the way.

It is ordinary in itself, and it is not a solid material.

As soon as it touched the horror statue infused with psychic energy and trembling at high speed, it exploded into powder.

But these statues use sound, temperature, and vibration to perceive intruders.

Dozens of gravels from Meng Chao accurately hit four or five statues that were attacking the ice storm.

These statues mistakenly believed that there was more than one intruder and more than one target to be attacked.

The statues immediately became confused.

Four or five big swords and great axes that had slashed at the top of the ice storm with hands and feet all fell behind her, tearing the non-existent invaders to pieces.

Ice storm seized the opportunity and made a leap to cross the finish line.

Meng Chao immediately stopped between her and the arcade, fists out, blasted out two storms, and exploded four or five arrows that had been shot.

The arcade returned to calm again.

The ice storm is still in shock.

The heartbeat and breathing are like springs compressed to the extreme, and they are suddenly loosened, intense to the extreme.

She blushed and panted for a long time, staring at Meng Chao's eyes, filled with unbelievable shock.

Meng Chao had already pushed open the second bronze gate in front of him.

This door is engraved with a large number of patterns that look like stars gleaming.

However, when the door slowly opened and the two walked in quickly, what was presented to them was an endless abyss!

That's right, inside the gate is a small, sloping cliff, like a high raised fang.

And around the cliff, there are cavities that can't be seen at a glance, shrouded in black mist that keeps surging, and it is not clear how high, how deep, and how wide the abyss is.

Standing on the tip of the fangs, Meng Chao and Ice Storm are like two tiny ants, facing the endless black ocean.

Only the violent winds that continued to gush up from the abyss reminded them that once they stumbled and fell, their bodies and bones would be their only end.

Both Meng Chao and Ice Storm have mastered the ability to use the psychic magnetic field to counter gravity and levitate in mid-air.

But analyzing it from the roar of a giant beast, the strong air currents gushing out from under the abyss clearly formed countless invisible vortices, containing extremely violent psychic energy.

In this special environment, even with magnetic levitation capability, it may not work.

Even if it works, it won't last long, and it won't be enough to help them fly directly to the next exit in the depths of the black mist.

"How can it be?"

Ice Storm lost his voice, "How can there be an abyss on such a large scale in the underground of the Blood Skull Temple?"

This is indeed a pretty incredible thing.

Because the overall structure of the Blood Skull Temple is located underground.

It's not too deep.

Analyzing from the distance and angle they walked all the way just now, it was at most twenty arms under the ground, not more than twenty or thirty arms deep.

Moreover, the scale of the temple of the blood road is unlikely to be too large.

After all, the surrounding area is the territory of the Blood Skull Arena, and the Blood Skull Arena itself has a very large underground space, which is used to imprison totem beasts and imprison the rat people that have just been captured.

Looking up, the cliffs above them are at least hundreds of arms away.

Looking far to the left and right, before being swallowed by the black mist, their sights also stretched out hundreds of arms.

If under the Blood Skull Temple, there is really a huge underground space with hundreds of arms multiplied by hundreds of arms and then multiplied by hundreds of arms.

Not to mention that the entire Blood Skull Arena will be swallowed by this abyss, even a small half of Black Pointe City will sink into the ground!

"What is this..." Ice Storm's thoughts were a little confused.

"This is an illusion."

Meng Chao closed his eyes, and a shallow arc formed at the corner of his mouth, "Everything in front of me is an illusion."

"What!" Ice Storm was taken aback.

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