The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1059: Down-to-earth, firm conviction

"Human perception can be manipulated, whether sight, hearing, smell or touch, to put it bluntly, it is the result of bioelectrical and neural information stimulating the brain."

Meng Chao squinted his eyes and looked at the abyss where the undercurrent is surging and the wind whistling, and said, "As long as the psychic field is complex enough, and the tremor of the psychic ripples is subtle enough, it may interfere with human brain waves and create any illusion. Let people fall into incredible worlds...or nightmares."

The ice storm calmed down.

Her mother is a witch.

It is different from magic and divine art derived from holy light.

Witchcraft comes more from the human heart, trying to activate the power in the deepest part of the brain.

Therefore, wizards and witches also have a profound understanding of the human brain far beyond ordinary people.

When Meng Chao was reminded like this, she immediately reacted.

But she was still curious about how Meng Chao could react earlier than her.

Is he also a wizard?

The wizard with black hair and eyes is really interesting.

"How do you know?" Bing Storm asked with piercing eyes.

Meng Chao shrugged.

There are a large number of organ traps in the two ancient ruins inside the Monster Mountain Range, which are effective by creating illusions.

And many monsters and gods modulated by the main brain of monsters are also very good at mind control and phantom attacks.

Returning from the doomsday, the soul has been tempered in the flames of the doomsday, and his brain has been greatly developed. He is immune to most mental attacks. In the fierce battle with the monster civilization, he has gradually mastered the ability to see the illusion.

Meng Chao took off his helmet, knelt on one knee, pulled out a bunch of hair from his head, and took a gentle breath to his mouth.

This bunch of hair immediately flew into the abyss.

Was rushed by Gang Feng to whirl up and down.

Then he was sucked into the bottomless darkness and disappeared.

At first glance, no matter the trajectory of the hair flying, or the wind blowing on the face, the needle-like stings are all genuine.

However, Meng Chao discovered that when he sent out his hair, his eyes and ears felt extremely weak psychic energy fluctuations.

Two tiny psychic energies respectively invaded his visual and auditory nervous systems, interfered with his perception, and formed a lifelike illusion in front of him!

"Yes, this is an illusion." Meng Chao confirmed again.

"Even if this abyss is really an illusion, how should we get past?" Ice Storm asked beside.


Meng Chao thought for a while, "When the abyss doesn't exist at all, just walk over it."

"No way?"

Ice Storm frowned deeply, "Just like before, just walk straight over it casually-this time there will be no more unexpected situations, right?"

"I don't think so."

Meng Chao groaned, "You should know better than I the meaning of the Turan civilization to build temples—the first is to worship the ancestor spirits, and the second is to test the blood.

"The many institutions in the temple are not only to prevent intruders, but also to test whether the new generation of Turan warriors are qualified to inherit the power of their ancestors.

"Since it is a test, there is always a correct answer.

"You know, looking at the entire Turanze, the strength of the two of us is not too bad. If even we rack our brains and use our best efforts, we can't pass the test, how many people can get through? "

"That's true."

Ice Storm nodded in agreement, "After all, the scale of the Blood Skull Temple is not too large, and the level is not too high. It is far from the main temple of the Bloodhoof family, and the main **** of the entire Bloodhoof clan outside Blackhorn City. The temple is so magnificent, huge, and profound.

"As long as I get the blood from Kassavar, many gladiators who are far inferior to me can enter here to worship the warriors of the past generations.

"There is no reason why we will be trapped in this non-existent abyss."


Referring to the experience of exploring the ancient ruins, Meng Chao speculated, "As far as I know, similar mechanisms may not require amazing combat power or superb skills to pass. In many cases, the test is some very basic abilities, and Unexplainable things like'fortune' and'potential'.

"Some ordinary people, even if they don't have the power to bind the chicken, can break through the mechanism in ignorance and gain incomparable power.

"Some people, even if they master the ability to slay tigers and slay dragons, drive mountains and rocks, walk in the wind and even control thunder and lightning, they will still disappear in the depths of the organs, and they will never see people or dead bodies.

"Considering that the level of this temple is not high, we should not complicate simple issues. We have to substitute ourselves as the lowest-level clan warrior and think about what aspect of the abyss this abyss wants to test our potential. ."

"How can this be guessed?" Ice Storm blurted out.

"Not guessing, but thinking."

Meng Chao's thoughts turned around, and he faintly grasped something.

He asked Ice Storm: "Just now, when you first saw this abyss, what kind of emotions appeared in your heart?"

"This one…"

Ice Storm thought for a while, and said with certainty, "Fear, of course, is fear. This has nothing to do with strength. I think that the first emotion that emerges from the bottom of my heart when anyone sees such a huge abyss at first sight It's all fear."

"Yes, it's fear."

Meng Chao snapped his fingers softly, "I think what this institution wants to test us is the ability to overcome fear, that is, courage."

Ice storm's eyes brightened.

High Orcs were originally the most martial race in the entire alien world.

And they believe that courage is something that is born with nothing to do with strength.

"You don't need to be too powerful at all, you just need amazing courage, that is to say..." Ice Storm thought quickly.

And Meng Chao had already taken a step ahead of her, stepping out of the cliff.

Ice Storm's eyes widened.

Just like watching Meng Chao break into the first organ, it was too late to exclaim.

I saw the wind roaring from all directions in the void where Meng Chao set foot.

It didn't disturb his life's magnetic field, blowing him into the depths of darkness, but instead condensed into a stepping stone as thin as a cicada's wings but as hard as iron under his feet!

The black stepping stones are not much bigger than the soles of Meng Chao's feet, and they do not reflect any light. At first glance, they are no different from the surrounding darkness.

But Meng Chao stood firmly on it and took the second step forward.

Sure enough, the howling gang wind condensed into the second stepping stone in front.

In this way, Meng Chao took seven steps forward in one breath.

Gang Feng continued to condense under his feet into stepping stones, and gradually stretched out a thin air path over the abyss.

Meng Chao stood still, as if standing in the void, looking back at the ice storm.

The ice storm turned his heart horizontally, stepping in the footsteps of Meng Chao, and also walking on the abyss.

The two of them looked straight ahead, took hundreds of steps in one breath, and came to the center of the abyss.

In all directions, boundless, like the raging darkness, constantly squeezing their souls, making them feel extremely small, and they will be completely swallowed by darkness at any time.

The ice storm felt like the sky was spinning.

Finally couldn't help but glanced at the abyss under his feet.

Even intellectually, she knew very well that there could not be such a terrifying abyss under the Blood Skull Arena.

The whole body feels that there is still fear instinct, still deep in the brain, screaming hysterically.

She swallowed hard and murmured: "If, if all this is an illusion, what should be our true feet?"

"I don't know, maybe it's a solid ground." Meng Chaodao.

"In other words, we won't fall into the abyss at all?"

Bing Fengdao said, "Then how should this institution punish those who have feared and failed the test?"

"By controlling people's perception, fantasy may not be able to kill people."

Meng Chaodao said, "Perhaps, a person who stumbles and falls into the abyss in the illusion will still fall to pieces-of course, his bones are not broken, but the muscles that are tightened to the extreme by themselves, crushed alive.

"On the other hand, as long as you realize this and firmly believe that you are on the right and solid path, you don't have to be afraid at all. Things will happen.

"Look, the end is here."

The ice storm stunned slightly. When I looked up, I saw that a cliff similar to the starting point appeared in the dark void just a short distance away.

"So fast?"

Ice Storm remembered that he had only walked half of the abyss. When he looked up just now, he didn't see anything floating in front of him.

This cliff seems to appear out of thin air, very weird.

"Since the abyss does not exist, as long as the belief is firm enough, the end point will of course appear at any time.

Meng Chaodao said, "Maybe, the length of the second organ is only a few dozen steps, and it's just that we have been circling in circles under the guidance of illusions."

Now, they are only three steps away from the end.

Three black stepping stones appeared silently in front.

Each stepping stone is separated by an arm's distance.

This is an untrained rat people who can easily cross the distance in the past.

Meng Chao stood still before the three stepping stones.

Gazing at the end close at hand, thought for a long time.

Afterwards, he took steps.

Without hesitation, he stepped on the two voids between the three stepping stones.

Ice Storm's eyes widened.

I thought Meng Chao had estimated the wrong distance.

However, this is impossible, although the black stepping stones are almost integrated with the dark void, it is indeed indistinguishable.

But the faint light on the cliff in front had already outlined the shape of a stepping stone.

Even when he walked to the center of the abyss and barely saw any light, Meng Chao didn't step on the wrong stepping stone.

How could he make such a low-level mistake?

Immediately afterwards, something that made the ice storm unbelievable happened.

Meng Chao clearly stepped into the void.

He was about to fall into the abyss of non-existence. According to his own statement, he was controlled by hallucinations and the flesh and blood of his body, and his bones were crushed forcibly.

But he stood firmly on the void without stepping stones!

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