The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1060: The last guardian

"Since we firmly believe that the entire abyss under our feet is an illusion, it makes no difference whether we step on the stepping stone accurately or not."

Meng Chao turned his head and said to Ice Storm, "Even if we have been cautiously stepping on the stepping stones for the entire journey, it means that we still have fear in our hearts and we do not absolutely believe in our own judgment.

"I think this is probably not the ‘courage’ that ancestors hope descendants have."

With that said, he once again took a step towards the second void.

Step across the void and step into the cliff that represents the end.

The ice storm suddenly realized.

Following Meng Chao, stepping on the void, crossing the abyss, breaking through the finish line.

In an instant, she only felt a flower in front of her eyes.

The darkness is like the rolling clouds and the turbid waves.

The never-ending abyss in the darkness.

And the howling wind of ghosts and wolves in the abyss.

All disappeared.

Behind them was nothing more than a room no more than thirty steps in length and width.

The ground is engraved with dense cuneiform characters, forming a mysterious and complex array of symbols.

All symbolic arrays are radiant, jumping with flame-like light.

It seems that they should have stepped on step by step from the gap between the symbolic arrays just now.

I don't know how to bend around in order to get out of the room of twenty or thirty steps, which feels like hundreds of steps.

Ice Storm paid special attention to his feet.

Within the last two steps, there are a total of three runes exuding scarlet light.

Meng Chao's "foot on the void" happened to step on the empty ground between the three talisman formations.

And if they always stepped on the "stepping stones", they would definitely step on three faintly dangerous runes.

In that case, the ice storm doesn't know what will happen.


Ice Storm took a long breath and looked towards the end of the room. He was surprised and delighted to find that as long as he passed through a gloomy open space, there was a stone pillar shining slightly in front of him.

Surrounded by more than a dozen stone pillars called "totem poles", it is the altar dedicated to ancestor spirits and magic weapons!

"Finally found!"

Ice Storm was about to step forward, but was grabbed by Meng Chao.

"Don't you think the distance from here to the altar is too far?"

Meng Chaodao said, "It's really unreasonable that such a long distance, empty, and nothing at all!"

As early as when exploring the No. 1 ruins, the people on earth paid the price of blood clotting.

Knowing that the seemingly safe place is the most dangerous, and the moment that seems to be triumphant is also the moment that is most likely to fail or even die, such a painful truth.

Meng Chao blinked quickly, and under the condensed psychic energy, a halo appeared around both pupils.

He used extraordinary vision with the keen perception of the sensitive person, carefully scanning the space in front of him.

Then, bit his fingertips and squeeze out a few drops of blood.

Aiming at the center of the space, he ejected a dozen drops of blood.

Swish Swish!

Just when a dozen drops of blood outlined a fuzzy human form, quickly passing through this seemingly harmless space with humans and animals.

Suddenly, the blood drop seemed to hit an invisible net. Suddenly hundreds of dazzling rays of light shone in the space, dividing the entire space into pieces, and the blood drop of Meng Chao was also touching the light. , All evaporated and annihilated.

Ice storm took a breath.

If it weren’t for Meng Chao’s timely stop and she rushed past, even if she had the totem armor’s resistance, there would be dozens of more transparent holes in her body, and even her whole body would evaporate instantly like Meng Chao’s blood drops. , Completely annihilated!

"Not every organization has to be deployed behind the bronze gate."

Meng Chao murmured, "Not all problems can be solved by unrelenting courage-probably, this is the truth that the ancestor spirit wants to tell the descendants, right?"

"Obviously, you can directly tell the descendants the truth, but through this method, let the descendants understand by themselves, the Turan...our ancestors are really... weird!" Ice Storm smiled bitterly.

"How can the principles that others have instilled in their minds have their own self-understanding principles that are unforgettable?"

Meng Chao paused, and wanted to continue, "What's more, the attitude of the Turan Zulings towards their descendants is more than'weird'?

"Using the strong artificial intelligence contained in the Totem Armor to turn the descendants into war machines that are addicted to killing each other, fundamentally locks the possibility of civilization to continue to advance, from the'ancestral spirit' that can create brilliant civilization, Become the "orc" of today's clan age!

"This is not just'weird', it is simply a deep'malicious' hidden in it!"

Of course, Meng Chao still swallowed the second half of the words abruptly.

Because he doesn't know now, why the ancient Turan people did this.

Why develop things like "Mandala Tree" and "Totem Armor" to make their offspring more and more... primitive, ignorant, bloodthirsty, and warlike.

Was it accidental, or was it a deeper secret?

If there is a chance, Meng Chao would like to crack this secret.

In order to prevent the destruction of Turan civilization and Dragon City civilization.

As for the moment, let's solve the third organ first!

After pondering for a moment, Meng Chao scored ten more times, shooting hundreds of drops of blood into the space ahead.

Sure enough, every time the blood lasses out, in the seemingly calm space, there will be hundreds of beams containing destructive energy, evaporating the blood instantly.

It seems that these light beams are activated instantly by sensing biological information.

Can no longer use the method of holding his breath, locking the heartbeat, and lowering the body temperature to fool the past.

It is impossible to rush through with a **** courage.

However, the light beam blazed ten times continuously, leaving a bright afterimage on Meng Chao's retina.

Meng Chao superimposed all the afterimages and found that the position and angle of the light beam were fixed each time.

Moreover, between the beams, there are always some gaps that are relatively large and some are relatively small. Those gaps that are large enough to accommodate a human being pass through are always connected in a winding manner.

It's like a...

"It's a maze!"

Meng Chao's eyes lit up, "Hundreds of rays of destruction form a maze. As long as you keep in mind the position and angle of the rays of destruction, you can find a safe passage between the mazes!"

Aware of this, it will be easier to handle next.

There is no difficulty for Meng Chao to crack this "labyrinth of ruined light".

On the one hand, because of his wisdom, after all, he was slightly higher than the higher orcs of the clan era.

Even though the organs left by the ancestor spirits meant to make things difficult for the descendants, they did not intend to kill all descendants who entered the temple for testing.

In addition to being invisible under normal circumstances, this "Maze of Destroying Lights" has only three or four bifurcations, which is not too difficult.

More importantly, this maze was originally prepared for the glorious warriors of the Bloodhoof clan.

The members of the Bloodhoof clan, even the relatively small tauren and wild boar people, are taller than the earthlings and the holy light people, not to mention the hippo warriors, rhino warriors and wild elephant warriors.

Even in a maze that a savage warrior can pass through, the gap between the destruction rays can't be too small.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm didn't have too many twists and turns, and they passed the maze smoothly and came to the bottom of the altar.

The two looked at each other and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"There should be no more tests, right?"

Ice Storm looked at the altar and the totem pole, and said, "I remember Kasava brought me here. At that time, when I took off the mask, I appeared directly here."

"Should be gone?"

Meng Chao said not quite sure, "If you can't even count on breaking through the triple mechanism, the ancestor spirits of the Bloodhoof clan are too tossing people!"

Before they could say anything, they heard a faint, crisp sound coming from behind the altar.

It's hard to describe this sound. It can only be said that it is like a huge chunk of ice or crystal breaking, and the fragments are scattered all over the ground.

Immediately afterwards, they heard heavy and slow footsteps.

The sound of footsteps like wearing steel boots, bang, bang, bang!

It was like stepping directly on their chests, slowly squeezing their hearts.

In addition, there were two heavy objects rubbing on the ground, and the sharp noise that ravaged the eardrum.

"No way?"

Meng Chao's eyes widened, "Really?"

Well, to be precise, there are indeed only three organs in the Blood Skull Temple.

At this moment, what appeared in front of Meng Chao and Ice Storm was a huge monster.

When the sound of the steel boots hitting the ground gradually changed from slow to rapid, this head was like a monster that had just awakened from hibernation. It also jumped from the altar to the totem pole, then jumped high from the totem pole, and fell heavily to Meng Chao. And in front of the ice storm.

The gloomy flames on the altar outlined the extremely hideous outline of the monster.

More than half of Meng Chao's body, at least half a ton of huge body, was tightly protected by a super heavy armor that looked like a black iron castle.

However, from the gaps in the armor, a large number of trembling granulation and tumors were squeezed out.

The deeply sunken abdomen means that all the internal organs are missing.

It's like a person wearing this super heavy armor doesn't need something like internal organs that cannot be directly used for killing.

The waist is too narrow and the shoulders are too wide, forming a somewhat deformed inverted triangle.

The arms extending from the upper two corners of the inverted triangle, however, expanded into two huge pillars dragged all the way to the ground under the amplification of the arm armor.

At the end of the giant column, there are two giant warhammers larger than Meng Chao's head, engraved with dense cuneiform characters, but stained with blood stains in the lines.

Because the arms are so thick and the warhammers are so big that this monster walks around like a gorilla, swaying like a gorilla, without even having to use its legs, but with the support of its arms, it can easily cross over a dozen. Step distance.

Obviously, even the deformed and ugly high-ranking orcs rarely grow so ingenious.

The deeply sunken abdomen and the overly strong arms completely violate the common sense of life science.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm looked at each other, and the two frowned at the same time, spitting out a name representing madness and destruction:

"Origin Samurai!"

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