The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1065: Debriefing

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Suddenly, white smoke came out of Meng Chao's palm.

But he couldn't feel the pain at all.

I only felt that two lava-like heat flows poured into the body along the palms, and along the spiritual veins of both arms, like two flame dragons with teeth and claws, rushing straight into the depths of the brain.

In an instant, his vision was smeared red by the raging blood.

When the crimson faded away, the world around him changed a lot.

No longer in the depths of the dangerous blood skull temple.

But the magnificent blood skull arena, above the main arena.

He is no longer Meng Chao.

It's the legendary gladiator "Two Forty Nine"!

This feeling is very strange.

It's like his soul, drawn out of his body by some mysterious but irresistible force, travels through time and space, and poured into the body of the "Two Forty Nine" hundreds of years ago.

From the perspective of "twenty-nine", he experienced a total of two hundred and forty-nine life-and-death fights in an instant, and achieved two hundred and forty-nine victories with extremely brutal means. Of course, he also harvested the lives of hundreds of opponents. .

This is not the first time Meng Chao has experienced similar things.

In the past, every time he swallowed the fragments of the totem battle armor of the warriors of other clans, he would also experience a tragic and bizarre battle with different identities in a trance.

He knew that it was the ancient artificial intelligence hidden in the fragments of the Totem Warframe. It read the battle memories of the Totem Warframe from the past few generations or even dozens of generations, and converted all these battle memories into the purest battle data, crazy. The result imprinted deep in his brain.

To put it simply and crudely, this is a kind of "memory engraving" to some extent.

In this way, a new generation of Turan warriors, who are fledgling and have little combat experience, can instantly transform into experienced veterans.

The side effect is that the battle memories from different eras and different masters are repeatedly superimposed together, which is likely to burn the new master's brain, causing cognitive confusion, and turning him into a deformed, distorted, haunting killing machine-the origin warrior.

In particular, the Totem Armor has a long history and a very high grade, which contains a large number of battle memories and spiritual imprints of ancient powerful men.

However, the new generation of masters is too young and immature, and is not prepared to absorb too large a massive database.

The probability of being swallowed by the totem armor and becoming a samurai of origin is extremely high.

But compared to the vast majority of higher orcs, Meng Chao is a different kind of different kind.

First of all, he comes from a large industrial civilization with highly developed information.

In Dragon City, I have used various brain-computer connection black technologies, and I have tasted the taste of massive data impacting the brain. The brain area has been greatly exercised and developed. I have a profound understanding of the relationship between brain waves and information transmission. .

Therefore, he will not be indulged in the vortex of massive battle data like ordinary orcs, and cannot extricate himself from it.

Secondly, as early as before the college entrance examination, he had read a large amount of his own memory data through fire, which is equivalent to a powerful shot.

No matter how powerful the flood of information set off by the Totem Armor is, it is not as shocking as the picture of doomsday destruction brought by fire.

Not to mention that he has read a large number of information fragments from the Primordial War hundreds of millions of years ago in the No. 2 Primordial Ruins in the Hidden Fog.

No matter how long the history of Turan civilization is, it can be traced back at most tens of thousands of years ago.

Compared with the Taikoo information hundreds of millions of years ago, it is nothing short of nothing.

Therefore, ordinary high-ranking orcs, even warriors from the bloodhoof family, have to look forward and backward in the face of ancient weapons and armors that contain powerful forces, for fear that they will be robbed of their minds if they touch them lightly.

For Meng Chao, this is a completely non-existent problem.

With an absolutely calm attitude, he was like a distinguished guest sitting in the best auditorium, watching the battles of "Two Forty Nine" up close.

He also relied on the "Twenty-Nine" to become famous, slaughtered countless gladiator's powerful moves, and reproduced them all in his mind.

"Bull Head Smashing Crash"!


"Blasting Fall"!

"Lock Throat Kick"!

A powerful, brutal move, all turned into the purest data stream, like turbulent magma, deeply imprinted on Meng Chao’s cerebral cortex, and in the form of bioelectricity, it instantly circulates every piece of his body. A cluster of nerve endings turned into his fighting instinct.

And he always keeps his mind 100% clear, firmly remembers who he is and his mission, and will never confuse his own memory with the memory of the legendary gladiator "Two Forty Nine", let alone produce it. The confusion of "who am I?"

In a short while, the most exciting moments of the 249 battles flashed like a revolving lantern in front of Meng Chao's eyes.

The world before him suddenly shattered and reorganized into a larger, more exciting and cruel battlefield. ,

Meng Chao received the killing and near-death memories of dozens of high-level orcs at the same time.

It contains the most precious battle data of the past masters of this totem armor and the legendary ultimate weapon "Skullcrusher".

Meng Chao felt that his soul was torn apart, as if thrown into the body of dozens of tauren, wild boar, wild elephant and centaur at the same time.

I really felt their enthusiasm, excitement, anger and ecstasy.

I felt the smoke of gunpowder penetrating their noses, sweat irritating their eyes, blood rushing like arrows, hugging each other's bones tightly with the enemy, crushing each other's bones.

Of course, the "skullcrusher" blasted the enemy's head fiercely, the kind of pleasure that couldn't be described with pen and ink.

And his head was split apart by the enemy's sword and battle axe, the pain pierced his bones but was helplessly depressed.

All feelings are all turned into combat data, just like the "two-forty-nine" move just now, imprinted into Meng Chao's neural network and turned into his instinct.

In an instant, Meng Chao's skill library added hundreds of new skills that could be triggered by conditioned reflex.

In the words of the higher orcs, this is "the blessing of the ancestors"!

Perhaps the ice storm is right.

Few high-level orcs can receive so many "ancestral spirits" blessings in one go.

Even Kassavar Bloodhoof didn't dare.

Therefore, he can only continue to seal the origin warrior "Two Forty Nine" in the depths of the Blood Skull Temple like the masters of the previous generations of the Blood Skull Arena, but he dare not challenge the "Two Forty Nine" and seize the legendary "Broken" Cranial".

Because Kassavar Bloodhoof knows very well.

Even if he can beat "Two Forty Nine".

Under the crazy impact of the massive battle data output by the "Skullcrusher", you will completely lose yourself and get caught in the most exciting moments of countless ancient wars.

Originally, Kasavar Bloodhoof intended to experience more in the Battle of Glory, constantly sharpen his will in the confrontation with the masters of all parties, and then try to control the supreme power contained in the "Skullcrusher".

But I didn't expect that the alien who would be killed by Meng Chao's oblique assassination would take the lead.

Through countless different identities and different postures, Meng Chao grasped the "Skullcrusher" tightly.

But he was not engulfed in his mind by the pair of fierce flames, murderous warhammers, and lost in the endless killing.

On the contrary, he perceives more details of the historical evolution of Turan civilization through constantly changing scenes of ancient wars.

His guess is correct.

Turan civilization is indeed in the historical process of rapid degradation.

It's like experiencing a great ebb tide of civilization evolution, no, a big avalanche!

In the battle data stored by the "Skullcrusher", the closer the age is to today's war scenes, the more chaotic the formation of the higher orcs, and the coordination of multiple arms is close to zero. Almost all the clan warriors rely on the power of the totem armor. Fighting each other as if they were in the same dish.

They are not so much an army.

Rather, it is a swarm of noisy.

No wonder it has the advantages in size and quantity, and with the blessing of the ultimate individual weapon of the Totem Armor, hundreds of "War of Glory" have never been able to break the line of defense of the Holy Light camp!

But this was not the case in the past.

The more ancient the battle memory, the tighter the formation of the ancient Turan army, and the signs of the coordination of the various arms gradually appeared.

In addition to the totem armor, more and more psionic weapons appeared in the hands of the Turan warriors—just like Meng Chao once saw in the depths of the earth, the messenger of the bighorn rat **** commanded the rat people to dig The bronze giant axe that comes out can leave criss-crossing marks on the rock as hard as iron with a light swing.

But the ancient Turan warriors did not rely on the benefits of the armored soldiers, but they were brave and brutal.

They scattered and gathered, coming and going like wind, all kinds of tactics of ambushing, feinting, outflanking, siege and interception were all very familiar, seeing Meng Chaodu had an eye-opener, thinking that their tactical qualities had reached the level of the Red Dragon Army.

Such an evolution made Meng Chao extra vigilant.

"Because of the increase in the Totem Armor, the continuous expansion of individual combat effectiveness has caused the Turans to increasingly ignore tactical coordination and technological innovation, and completely build the hope of victory and the future of the entire civilization on the basis of the Totem Armor. on.

"As a result, the Totem Armor continues to accumulate combat data, constantly evolves and becomes stronger, and it has indeed become the first line of defense to firmly defend the Turan civilization.

"However, all the technologies except the Totem Battle Armor were all ignored and gradually lost.

"So that today's high-level orcs are reduced to well-developed limbs and simple minds. They only know how to fight bravely and don't understand what a ‘civilized’ barbaric race is, and they will irretrievably perish tomorrow.

"That's right, right?

"Is the totem armor a blessing or a curse? What is the purpose of the ancient Turan people for developing the totem armor?"

These questions are still like crystal bubbles floating in mid-air, waiting for Meng Chao to puncture them one by one.

And right now, what Meng Chao's heart is extremely clear is:

"I accept the immense power contained in the'Skullcrusher'!

"However, I will never become a slave to the desire to kill like today's advanced orcs, and destroy everything including my own puppet!"

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