The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1066: Meng Chao's invitation

This belief is like a golden sword that cannot be beaten.

Shattered the world of killing that was condensed by countless battle data.

When the fragments of massive data turned into crystal clear blood-colored butterflies dancing lightly, they merged into the depths of Meng Chao's brain like blossoming colorful flowers.

Meng Chao's consciousness returned to the real world, in his own body.

The five senses and the five senses were connected again, and his first feeling was that he was a lot taller and the horizon of his vision increased.

Looking down, he found that the totem armor that had just been attached to the legendary gladiator "Two Forty Nine", like a black fortress, with magma flowing between the gaps in the armor, had been compliantly wrapped around him.

A moment ago, it was enough to boil his internal organs and burn the bones and flesh into ashes of magma. At this moment, it turned into a warm current, moisturizing the 36,000 pores of his whole body, making him feel comfortable. It was like soaking in a hot spring, and couldn't help groaning comfortably.

And the fierce flame warhammer "Skullcrusher" is even more entangled in chains, firmly tied to his arms, connected with his blood, and faintly conveying to him the psychic ripples representing "surrender" .

Although Meng Chao knew that the surrender of the "Skullcrusher" was only temporary.

If he was defeated by a stronger enemy, he would lose the possibility of practicing and fighting again.

"Skullcrusher" will abandon himself without hesitation.

It's like it just abandoned "Two Forty Nine".

But Meng Chao is still very satisfied.

"I will not fail, at least until the end is crushed, absolutely not!"

He said to the "Skullcrusher".

Said to myself too.

The "Skullcrusher" seemed to perceive his determination. In the mysterious and complex cuneiform writing engraved on the hammer surface, the red glow kept shining, like a blazing flame.

The brand-new totem battle armor sets off even more mighty and domineering.

Meng Chao read surprise and fear from the face of Ice Storm.

Knowing how tyrannical and terrifying his appearance at the moment is.

He made a gesture to the opponent, indicating that the ice storm should be safe and restless.

Prying open the heavy protective cover under the helmet, projecting clear and firm eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I know who I am, I'm fine."

His eyes still glowed with rational light, making the ice storm even more shocked.

"You, are you okay?"

Ice Storm blinked his eyes vigorously, gazing at Meng Chao’s calm expression, the vicious totem armor, and the flame warhammer "Skullcrusher", which was more ferocious than the armor, and couldn’t hide his horror. Yi said, "You actually surrendered the'Skullcrusher', how is this possible?"

"I have a guess. In fact, the totem armor doesn't necessarily have to turn the master into a samurai of origin."

Meng Chao said, “Assuming that the purpose of the Totem Warframe is to collect more combat data, and continue to evolve into a true'ultimate individual armed', the owner becomes a crazy murderer, and there is not much to the Totem Warframe. the benefits of.

"Of course, the origin of the samurai is very powerful, but because of lack of rationality and wisdom, it is difficult for him to effectively design a battle, let alone retreat from the battle to design the next battle.

"In other words, the Origin Warriors are all one-time consumables and lack the ability to endure combat.

"It is also possible to be captured and sealed up, without fighting for decades or even hundreds of years.

"If the Totem Armor really possesses a certain degree of intelligence, is there anything more terrifying for'it' than the fact that it has not been able to update combat data for hundreds of years?

"It's a pity that the civilization of the advanced orcs is slowly declining. Oh, the word'slowly' is considered polite. To be more precise, it is declining like an avalanche at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, which has led to many advanced orcs today. The orcs have lost the correct way to open the totem armor, let alone why they fought and the meaning of killing.

"Fighting is always just a means, not an end. It is impossible to understand this. Lost in the inextricably high orc of the killing vortex, instantly gains the terrifying power contained in the totem armor, just like a three-year-old child got a flashing explosive barrel and became What's so strange about the deformed and twisted puppets, even being blown to pieces?

"However, I am different from the higher orcs.

"I will never forget the meaning of my fighting, and forget what I am for, so I walked all the way here on this journey full of thorns and flames.

"This is probably the biggest reason why I can surrender the Skullcrusher.

"It's not just me. I think you are not the same as other high-level orcs.'Ice Storm Lord', if I'm not mistaken, there should be a second power in your body that constantly suppresses the animal instinct. , The intent to kill around the corner allows you to continuously absorb a large number of totem armor fragments in such a short period of time without losing yourself."

Meng Chao watched the ice storm with piercing eyes.

Just now when he was desperately fighting with "Two Forty Nine", he noticed that in the huge cone of ice released by the ice storm, in addition to the power of totem, there seemed to be a beam of extremely dazzling light.

After holding the "Skullcrusher", his perception has been greatly improved, and he can accurately distinguish the difference between this beam of light and the power of totem.

Meng Chao doesn't like to be nosy.

But he felt that only by understanding the source of the ice storm's power, could he better help her and benefit from the Blood Skull Temple.

The ice storm hesitated for a moment.

Perhaps the disguise of the tail has been destroyed, giving her a mentality of breaking the jar.

Or maybe it was Meng Chao's performance that completely conquered her just now, making her feel that in front of this black-haired and black-eyed monster, there is nothing to hide, and it is useless to conceal it.

She confided her heart and said openly: "Yes, my mother is a holy light tribe, and she is also a witch wanted by the entire land of holy light, she has been doing it long before I was born' I don’t know whether it’s because of her mysterious research that I was born with the dual power of totem and light.

"Whenever my blood is constantly boiling because of the desire to kill, the power of the holy light can always keep me awake at the end.

"Perhaps, because of this, I can withstand the backlash of totem power better than other high-level orcs, even Kassavar Bloodhoof, whose combat power is above me."

After saying this, Ice Storm stared at Meng Chao nervously.

For fear of seeing the slightest disgusting expression on his face.

You know, the hybrids of the Holy Light Human Race and the higher orcs are truly "hybrid", monsters that will be bullied, despised and even hunted down wherever they go.

But she only saw a sudden realization on Meng Chao's face.

"So that's the case, then all this makes sense-you are always reluctant to join the bloodhoof clan, and would rather give up the glory and promising future of the clan warrior, and have to flee the city of Noire, and you are also willing to have black hair and black eyes with me. Monster cooperation!"

Meng Chao grinned, "It turns out that we are all monsters!"

Meng Chao, who is from the earth, will naturally not discriminate against the hybrids who combine the power of the Holy Light and the power of Totem.

It will not be like the ignorant berserkers and night watchmen who regard such mixed-races as a symbol of "unknown and unclean".

In the eyes of Meng Chao, or everyone in the entire Longcheng civilization, power is power, and there is no distinction between good and evil, and there is no distinction between "divine power" and "magic power."

Those existences called gods and demons are nothing more than higher-level intelligent life forms, or remnants of intelligent life forms.

The communication and integration between power systems is a matter of course.

If integration is not possible right now, it is just that the technology is not enough and the research is not in place, and there is no "absolute" power system that cannot be integrated.

After seeing the power of the Holy Light Magic, the Longcheng people in the previous life also tried to integrate the power of the Holy Light into Dragon City's own psychic cultivation system.

However, many scientists and the strongest were assassinated by demons and gods because of their vitality in the Monster War, and their scientific research capabilities plummeted.

And the war between aliens is in full swing, and most of the resources have to be invested in the immediate war, instead of being able to invest in long-term basic scientific research.

The Dragon City civilization in the previous life did not make much progress in the field of holy light magic research.

But now, they have an ice storm...

Meng Chao's thoughts flashed, looking at the Snow Leopard female warrior with the blood of the Holy Light, his eyes suddenly became cordial, friendly, and extremely hot.

Ice Storm was startled by Meng Chao's eyes.

To this day, she still remembers that when she was still in the Land of Holy Light, was chased by ascetic monks and night watchmen, and occasionally exposed her identity in front of passers-by, passers-by treated the blood of half of the higher orcs flowing in her body. What a fear, disgust, and contempt.

I also deeply remember the extremely greedy eyes when Kasavar Bloodhoof saw through her identity.

But I have never met a person like Meng Chao who doesn't care about her ethnicity and blood.

She could see from Meng Chao's eyes that not to mention the power of the holy light and the power of totem, even if three or five kinds of power were added, it seemed like a pot of hodgepodge, he didn't care.

"What a weird place can we cultivate such a weird guy?" Ice Storm couldn't help asking himself such a question.

Meng Chao guessed what she thought.

"Don't worry, I know that at the moment when the curtain has been opened in the grandest glory era ever, and you, who bear the power of holy light and the power of totem at the same time, your identity is indeed more sensitive. Many races in many places are probably You are not very welcome."

Meng Chao smiled, "However, I don’t care. My people don’t mind such trivial things. After you have settled your affairs in Turanze, you are welcome to visit my hometown or even settle down. Trust me, that’s A place more beautiful than Pointe Noire and Chijin City. You will love it, and the people there will love you."

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