The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1068: Platinum Ripper!

This was the first time that Meng Chao watched a clan warrior so clearly, trying to control the ancient weapon that contained the power of the violent totem.

He infused psychic energy into the retina, lens and cones to activate "extraordinary vision."

Under the aura scanning, I saw that the ice storm's life magnetic field was visible to the naked eye, a beautiful grid state, bunches, strands, and strands wrapped around the platinum battle axe.

The platinum battle axe, which has been sealed for hundreds of years, also emits more and more intense and magnificent light. It turns from solid to semi-solid and semi-liquid. From the handle and the ax blade, there are thousands of drills. The silky tentacles of mithril quickly pierced into the ice storm totem armor "Mythril Guardian".

The two seem to be connected together in a mysterious and mysterious way through mythril tentacles.

A large amount of battle data poured into the body of the ice storm like a scourge.

Meng Chao could feel the ice storm's brain, heating up rapidly at a rate of three to five degrees Celsius per second.

In a short while, it rose to an extremely high temperature enough to cook all brain cells.

Even her totem battle armor trembled crazily, the pieces of armor cracked, and then extended and reorganized in all directions, turning into a more ferocious appearance.

It's like, it's not "Mithril Ripper" to fuse "Platinum Tomahawk".

It's that the "Platinum Battle Axe" will in turn devour the "Mithril Ripper", as well as the flesh and soul of Ice Storm.

Meng Chao felt anxious.

It was helpless.

The control of ancient and violent violence is something that no one can do for you.

Only by relying on your own willpower and clenching your teeth to persevere, can it be possible to surrender the magic weapon made by the ancient Turan people!

Just when the armor of the ice storm was about to completely disintegrate, change its form, and completely swallow the owner with a more brutal posture.

Suddenly, the life magnetic field of the ice storm changed the structure and frequency of the shock.

Bunches of feather-like flakes of psychic energy, shining with holy light, gushing out from the top of her head, slowly falling on the totem armor and her skin.

The totem armor that was flaring his teeth and dancing his claws, arbitrarily changing form, immediately calmed down.

The skin that was billowing hot by the ice storm also kept cooling down.

The extremely disordered brain waves have also become orderly again, and they are unhappy.

Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief.

Knowing that Ice Storm has passed the most dangerous level under the impact of massive battle data.

"Is this the power of the holy light?"

Meng Chao curiously stretched out his palm, trying to grab a shiny feather-like energy group.

The pure white "feathers" penetrated from his palm.

Give him a touch of extraordinarily solemnity, sacredness, and tranquility.

just like…

No need to think, no anxiety, no worries, of course, no need to fight each other and evolve crazily, pursuing something "beyond the limits of mankind."

Just listen to the sound from the sky obediently and follow the guidance of the Holy Light.

"Listen to... the guidance of the Holy Light?"

Meng Chao frowned slightly, clenched his fists, and sneered.

In the previous Dragon City civilization, when the understanding of the power system of the entire alien world was not deep enough, it used to mistakenly believe that the so-called "psionic martial arts, rune technology, totem power, holy light power" are essentially all The same power is just a different way of applying psionic energy.

This kind of cognition was smashed to pieces after seeing the true "god and devil" hidden in the holy light.

Even so, Meng Chao never thought that the gods and demons who destroyed the Dragon City from the previous life would bow down and surrender, so that the entire Dragon City would be "bathing" in the so-called "Holy Light".

If this life can be several years earlier than the previous life, with more abundant resources and a stronger team, the exploration of the "power of the holy light" will be launched.

Perhaps, Dragon City Civilization can also master the power comparable to otherworldly gods and demons.

And, the so-called gods and demons who destroyed the Dragon City in the previous life were all killed, right?

As he was thinking about it, he heard a three-point exhaustion, seven-point contented and even ecstatic sigh from the "Mythril Ripper".

It's a success!

While maintaining free will, Ice Storm firmly controls the ancient weapon "Platinum Battle Axe", which contains a large amount of battle data and totem power, and integrates it into its totem armor!

At this moment, the Mithril Ripper, due to the perfect swallowing of a heavy battle axe, has a larger body shape than before. The breastplate and skirt armor have become thicker, and the arc-shaped armor that originally emphasized the sense of speed has also changed. It has sharp edges and corners, and highlights the sense of strength and murderous intent.

On both sides of the left and right armbands, the blades of the platinum battle axe were divided into two, extending from the elbow to the back of Ice Storm's hand.

The original sharp axe blade, after being frozen crystal clear by the force of frost, gave birth to a somewhat iron-cutting, indestructible feeling.

If it was said that after the Mithril Ripper that had been installed in the past, Ice Storm was like a strong snow leopard.

After being greatly strengthened by the platinum battle axe, she is like a fierce white tiger, and her murderous aura and sense of oppression are instantly increased several times!

Perhaps, the name "Mythril Ripper" is no longer suitable for the totem armor currently mounted on Ice Storm.

It should be called the "Platinum Ripper"!

"Huh! Huh!"

The ice storm waved his arms gently, and the axe blade suddenly tore the air, revealing ripples and making a low roar.

Meng Chao was amazed, and gave a thumbs up to Ice Storm.

However, after pondering for a long time, he couldn't help but ask: "The speed and attack power of the greatly strengthened'Platinum Ripper' has indeed increased visible to the naked eye, but will it affect agility?"

The ice storm in the past took the path of swiftness and agility, instantly locking and attacking the enemy's vital points.

Of the hundreds of victories she won, more than 30 of them all went around behind the opponent to kill in seconds.

The so-called "cheetah" was originally a beast that walked lightly and was good at sneaking assassination.

There is a subtle difference in the attack mode of the liger.

Meng Chao worried that when the totem armor on Ice Storm was upgraded from "Cheetah" to "Tiger", it would disrupt her original style, and it would not be worth the loss.

But Ice Storm smiled slightly: "Don't worry, the fusion of the totem armor has not been completed yet. Next, we must rely on the altar and lose the totem armor for deeper adjustments and upgrades."


A shiny question mark appeared on Meng Chao's head.

"If you just swallow a few pieces of totem battle armor and don't affect the overall style and combat mode, you don't need to go deep into the temple, and you can do it by yourself under the protection of witch doctors and priests."

Ice Storm explained to Meng Chao, "However, to integrate the'Skullcrusher' or the'Platinum Battle Axe' level of upgrade, you must come to the temple and operate on the altar to make the brand new totem armor. More in line with your soul and flesh and blood."

With that, she strode onto the altar.

Perceiving the totem armor that had just completed the fusion, a strange noise came from the depths of the altar.

All the cuneiform inscriptions engraved around the altar, at the same time, bloomed with a faint blue magnificent brilliance, one after another on the altar, the foot of the ice storm surged, and gathered into a thick blue light column, from bottom to top, soaring into the sky From the start, the ice storm was completely wrapped inside, and above the altar, the dome of the temple reflected a piece of mysterious and complicated patterns.

In the orchid beam, something incredible happened,

The "Platinum Ripper" on Ice Storm once again presented a semi-solid and semi-liquid texture. According to her figure and fighting style, she made more subtle adjustments, and engraved a number of octagonal awns on the surface of the armor. It looks like a three-dimensional cuneiform writing.

These cuneiform writings, which are not much larger than the tip of a needle, constantly swallowed the light like ice crystals, and unexpectedly formed a pair of totems that were vivid and violent on the surface of the totem armor.

The biggest change was her arm armor.

When the "Platinum Tomahawk" had just been swallowed, the huge axe blades were arranged on both sides of the "Platinum Ripper" arm armor.

Although the destructive power has been increased to the limit, it is indeed as Meng Chao said, it has greatly affected the balance and agility of the ice storm, making her feel that her arms are too heavy and her moves are blocked.

Now, under the shining and drenching of the blue light, the huge axe blade turned into two billowing mercury, rolled from the arm to the back of her hand, and reshaped into the six-finger claw blade, from between the fingers. Extend to the length of one arm.

When the blue light gradually dissipated, the temperature in the entire temple seemed to drop dozens of degrees in an instant.

Even though Meng Chao was wearing the totem armor of crisscrossing magma, he felt the cold wind penetrate into his nasal cavity, irritating the nasal mucosa, and let out a few big sneezes.

The "Platinum Ripper" at this moment is a brand new look.

Compared with the initial completion of the fusion, the body shrank slightly for a round, but it did not affect the fierce oppression at all. On the contrary, because of the perfect fit of the ice storm body shape, the thrilling curves interlaced, so that the lethal sense of speed has returned. On her.

The six claw blades and arm armors are completely natural, forming the eyes of the limbs, which not only expands the attack range of the ice storm by nearly twice, but does not affect her speed and balance in the slightest.

Between the claw blades, the faint blue arc of light lingers, condensing ice crystals like iron thorns from time to time, it is hard to help but wonder if the pair of ice claws will make a wound if they are severely grabbed by this pair of ice claws. The bone marrow in the depths froze in an instant.

And when Ice Storm raised her hand slightly, she heard only two soft "swishes". The six sharp-edged claw blades were all retracted into her armbands. At first glance, her hands were empty and full. Deceptive.

Meng Chao couldn't help wondering, if the ice storm was on the verge of facing the enemy, he held an ordinary weapon in his hand, and "missed" and was swept down by the enemy in the fierce battle.

The enemy who mistakenly thought that she was unarmed, fearing that within three seconds, he would taste the taste of "repentance" and "death is imminent" at the same time.

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