The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1069: Skullcrusher, recast!

"Can my totem armor be upgraded?"

Seeing the amazing changes of the "Platinum Ripper", Meng Chao couldn't help asking.

"Of course, the biggest feature of the Totem Armor is that it perfectly fits the characteristics of the owner, but this can only be achieved on the altar."

The ice storm stepped out of the Orchid Light Pillar and looked at the renewed Totem Armor, she was in a good mood. She smiled and said, "This is also the biggest effect of the entire Tulanze, the temple is everywhere!"

Under her guidance, Meng Chao also stepped into the Nether Blue Pillar.

Accompanied by the ray of light shining, it seems that there is an infinite astral light, slowly drenching into the armor.

In Meng Chao's vision, instructions composed of hundreds of lines of cuneiform characters appeared in an instant.

It's like upgrading Dragon City's mobile phone and computer operating systems, unlocking permissions, and adding different functional modules.

Although Meng Chao did not understand the meaning of most instructions.

However, the ancient Turanese obviously considered the landslide and even collapse of civilization, and they prepared a large number of visual instruction notes for the latecomers very intimately.

In the form of three-dimensional, shiny golden figures, he vividly explained to Meng Chao what combat modules are included in the current totem armor, what special functions each combat module has, and where he needs to pass. Several spiritual veins to activate and control.

If he wants to display the famous stunts of the past "2, 4, 9", what combat modules are involved, how to practice, and so on.

What surprised Meng Chao most was that the mysterious power contained in the temple altar also gave him several different directions for upgrading totem armor based on his own characteristics.

Just like the "Platinum Ripper" of Ice Storm, turning a huge axe blade into six sharp and agile claw blades.

Meng Chao can also transform the legendary, peerless weapon "Skullcrusher" from the flame warhammer form to the chain blade form.

This is great!

Although Meng Chao just awakened and became a transcendent, he received the "devil pestle" taught by the Principal of the Nine Sun Yat-sen, he did not reject the power and assault route.

But the two huge flame warhammers still slightly exceeded the upper limit of his control.

After all, he was born as a reaper, his fingertips have touched countless most sensitive and crisp monster materials, and his ten fingers are far more flexible than ordinary warriors.

In the previous life, I received a course from the ghost assassin in the Black Skeleton Training Camp, and he was better at stealth assassination than Ice Storm.

It would be too wasteful of these two talents to use a warhammer larger than his head as his main weapon.

Through the temple altar, the "Skullcrusher" has been transformed from a meteor hammer into two huge chain blades, which not only retains the indestructible destructive power, but also facilitates his delicate and precise control. It is really great!

Meng Chao chose this upgrade direction without hesitation.

At the same time, he chose to "overall recast" the totem armor, and removed the large number of armor fragments that had been swallowed in the "Game of the Brave" in the past half a month, and then selected and refined it again.

Because his totem battle armor is completely pieced together, constantly seized from the hands of the clan warriors.

Fragments of battle armor of low-level clan warriors such as "Big Buck" can still be improvised.

But in front of the "Skullcrusher" of the legendary gladiator "Two Forty Nine", these shoddy pieces of battle armor are too inadequate to watch, and they are barely pieced together, which is too uncoordinated.

Ice Storm told Meng Chao that although the material condensed into the totem armor is not ordinary metal, it can be stacked repeatedly with ultra-high density and ultra-light weight without being limited by weight and volume.

But such a superposition has its limits after all.

As the so-called "excessive totem is not enough", repeatedly stacking too many low-level totem armors on a master's body, not only does not help to improve combat effectiveness, but the power of totems of different natures will interfere with each other, weaken the master's output, and increase the master's burden. .

Now that Meng Chao already possesses such a fierce ancient weapon as "Skullcrusher".

Many middle and low-level battle armor fragments can be re-decomposed and excreted.

This will also help Meng Chao get more high-level totem battle armor fragments in the future, there is enough space and carrying capacity in the body to insert brand-new functional modules into it.

Her suggestion coincides with Meng Chao's idea.

In the blue light pillar, Meng Chao blushed, and all his flesh and blood worked together, exhausting all the energy, and finally took dozens of odd-shaped totem battle armor fragments from 36,000 pores with liquid metal The form is secreted out, and after recondensing outside the body, it is scattered all over the place.

At this time, the upgrade of the Totem Armor was also accomplished.

After expelling a large number of low-level battle armor fragments, the armor on Meng Chao appeared to be slightly reduced for a round.

But like the "Platinum Ripper" of Ice Storm, it fits the master's figure and temperament more closely.

Originally domineering and fierce flames were overwhelming, the magma crisscrossing the whole body turned into bunches of low-key and restrained dark red light, which outlined the thrilling muscle lines of Meng Chao's body.

It made him like a nearly perfect steel statue just coming out of the furnace.

The two meteor hammers are transformed into two chain blades, one large and one small, one long and one short. The surface of the chain blades is also wrapped with countless hot red lines, forming a winding dragon-shaped pattern, just like two teeth dancing claws. The fire dragon is entrenched.

From the palm of Meng Chao's hand, the chain wound all the way to the end of his arm, as if two physical dragon veins, accompanied by his heartbeat and breathing, trembled slightly.

Not only has his attack range been expanded beyond thirty or fifty arms, but when it is tightly wound, it can greatly enhance the defense and hammering power of both arms.


Meng Chao crossed his arms and slammed heavily, only to feel passionate and passionate.

He faintly felt that at this moment, he really got rid of the sequelae of the 300 rounds of fighting with "Ly Si Ya".

Not only has it completely restored the transcendent realm of the "Five-Star Spiritual Consciousness".

The combat power even breaks through the peak of the heavenly realm, striding towards the "divine realm" in strides!

call out! call out!

Meng Chao's thoughts moved, his shoulders barely moved. Only relying on the rotation of his wrists and the ejection of his ten fingers caused the chain blades of the two ghost head swords to roar out, deeply inserted into the ground twenty arms away.

Accompanied by the agitation of the magnetic field of life, the surging psychic energy promotes the release of the totem power. A red glow flashes on the two chains, and two huge flames suddenly burst out where the chain blades are inserted into the ground. Two pools of "gurgling" bubbled lava.

Meng Chao let out a low growl, his arms shook together, centered on himself, the two chain blades were like the feet of a compass, on the ground twenty arms away, they almost drew a huge and perfect circle.

Wherever the chain blade went, magma was flowing everywhere, and the flames rushed to the height of seven or eight arms, forming a strong wall of fire.

Compared with the raging flames that the legendary gladiator "twenty-nine" blasted out just now, it was nothing more than that.

Meng Chao carefully observed the color and shape of the flame.

And tensely analyze the speed of his own psychic energy consumption and the level of self-awareness, trying to establish a coordinate system, and find out where his stage limit is, so that he can decide the next stage, the tactical choice when facing the enemy.

After a while, he had a bottom in his heart.

With a grin, he withdrew the psionic energy and chain blade.

What satisfies him most is not just the tyranny of the "Skullcrusher".

It is the Totem Battle Armor at this moment, which has a triple form.

They are the "Reaper Scythe" form that emphasizes speed, agility, and privacy.

Emphasize the power and assault "Warhammer of Demons" form.

As well as being able to use the flame power from the bloodhoof family and the terrifying power of the Skullcrusher, the mass killing and range control can be brought to the fullest "Skullcrusher" form!

Meng Chao felt that if he faced "Lysiya" again at this moment, the ending would be different from the last fight.

He can definitely suppress this jungle banshee fiercely.

Of course, the premise is that "Lysiya" still maintains the level of the last time.

Don't be a monster, evolve into a strange new form.

Having said that, for the time being, Meng Chao was not ready to return to Dragon City.

Right now is the critical moment of Turanze's turbulent situation and turbulent waves.

Having mastered such a powerful force, wouldn't it be a pity if you don't try to step on the huge waves and take control of the situation?

Thinking of this, Meng Chao raised his head and cast his eyes on the dome of the Blood Skull Temple that the altar pointed at.

Above the dome, hundreds of stars were shining brightly under the agitation of the magnetic field of the two lives and the reflection of the blue light pillar.

Between the stars, it seems that there are mountains and rivers connected, condensed into a very accurate and detailed map.

This is... the map of Turanze?

Meng Chao cast his curious eyes on the ice storm.

Ice Storm instantly understood what he meant, and nodded: "This is indeed the entire picture of Turanze. As for the stars above, it is the temples scattered around Turanze.

"On the altar of each temple, there is a map like this, telling today's Turan people, where the ancient ancestors lived.

"Thousands of years of turmoil and fighting, natural and man-made disasters, many settlements and even tribes have been annihilated in the long river of time, even the temples they worshipped day and night, often because of landslides and the crossing of swords and soldiers, they were buried in a barren area. Deep in the ruins.

"It's like the'Great Extinction Order' more than 3,000 years ago-that was when the Turan people were the weakest and the Holy Light was the strongest.

"From the land of the Holy Light, with the light wings growing behind them, they easily broke through Turanze's outer defense line and burned countless glorious towns with a history of tens of thousands of years.

"The temples in these towns have also had to sink into the ground and fall into a thousand-year-old sleep.

"However, as long as there is one temple left by the Turan, as long as the coordinates of all the temples are still shining in this temple, sooner or later the Turan will be able to find and wake up all the temples, and regain the totem. Power, and the blessing of the ancestor spirit."

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