The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1072: Rise of the Wolf King

Ice Storm told Meng Chao that her initial idea was simple, to settle down in the Blood Skull Arena for the time being. On the one hand, she used to travel between Black Point City and Chijin City, as well as the wandering warriors who fled from the Golden Clan to the Bloodhoof Clan. There, collect information about the Leopard people and learn more about the local customs and family pedigree of the Leopard people.

So that one day, he can play a real leopard warrior vividly and mix into Chijin Castle.

On the other hand, she happens to be able to sharpen her totem power on the arena.

After all, when she was in the Land of Holy Light, although she had the talent to activate totem, she did not dare to use it in actual combat.

-Obviously, hunting down a witch's lineup and hunting down a "totem-powered witch" lineup are definitely two different things.

At that time, if she dared to show the slightest bit of totem power, she would be killed by the night watchman with her mother ten years earlier.

It's just that Ice Storm didn't expect that his talent for totem power would be so high.

After just a few battles, the innate talent was awakened from the depths of the bloodline.

He soon stood out from the crowd of gladiators and became the trump card of the Blood Skull Arena.

Even the owner of the Blood Skull Arena, Kassavar Bloodhoof, had a desire to solicit her.

It's a pity that the ice storm will not be blessed by the "kindness" of Casaval.

First, in the blood-giving ceremony, facing the onlookers of seven or eight witch doctors and priests, the power of the holy light in her body could not be concealed absolutely.

Besides, Ice Storm has no interest in joining the Bloodhoof Family to capture the so-called "Glory".

Carrying a double blood, she does not want to intervene in the Ten Thousand Years War between the Land of Light and Turanze and become an involuntary pawn.

She just wanted to figure out the mystery of her own life experience.

And, just take revenge for the mother.

One more thing, Ice Storm did not say, but Meng Chao could guess it.

Although she said that she did not have the slightest expectation for the scene of "father and daughter filial".

But after the death of her mother, her father was after all her last relative in the world.

Meng Chao estimated that when planning to go to the territory of the Golden Clan, she felt a little bit "close to hometown".

I don't know how to face my father who left without saying goodbye 20 or 30 years ago.

Even less willing to speculate on the father’s motives for taking away important things from the mother, or even the motives for approaching the mother.

Many things are the best if they are annihilated in the wind and sand of time.

Therefore, she hesitated and stayed in Pointe-Noire.

Until the Glory Era came, and her identity was revealed by Kasavar, there was nowhere to escape.

"Then do you now know the specific information of your father?"

Meng Chao thought for a while and asked, "As you said, your father suffers from a special congenital disease, with far fewer hairs than other leopards, and a fairer complexion. If the characteristics are so obvious, you should be able to find out more or less. Some, how is he now?"


Ice Storm nodded and said, "I found out that my father did not stay with the other Leopards, but stayed with the lord of the wolf clan,'Jackal' Kanus, and acted as his counselor."


Meng Chao jumped up as if being stabbed to the tail vertebra by an ice cone.


Ice Storm looked at him in surprise, "Why is your reaction so strong? Did I say something wrong?"

"No no."

Meng Chao took a deep breath, calming his excitement, "Your father is staying with the werewolf leader?"

"Yes, the information I got from travellers and merchants is not very good for my father."

Ice Storm said, "Because of his congenital disease, sparse hair, and fair complexion, he was considered by the tribe to lack heroism. At the same time, he seemed not very good at fighting-although he was not weak enough to become a rat folk, but It is also the clown and laughingstock of the Leopard Warriors.

"He doesn't seem to be keen on fighting himself, but he considers traveling around and collecting fragments of lost heroic epics as his greatest interest and lifelong career, and he has a bit of meaning to continue to play the role of'troubadour'.

"In short, the Leopard Warriors all believe that he is an outlier who is idle and not doing business. He is naturally not qualified to hold important positions in the family.

"He bumps into walls everywhere, asking for nothing, and over time, he can only get together with guys like'Jackal' Kanus!"

"Is that right?"

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes.

He didn't think that a high-ranking orc who had the courage to sneak into the land of the Holy Light twenty or thirty years ago would be a "lounger, not doing business".

Compared to the clan warriors with well-developed limbs and simple minds, this alien among the leopard people has aroused him even more keen interest.

And the last words of Ice Storm shocked Meng Chao slightly.

"A guy like'Jackal' Canus?"

Meng Chao's thoughts turned and he hesitated, "I've heard of this name, it should be the wolf king who rules all the werewolves in Turanze.

"Although among the Golden Clan, the werewolf warriors fight alone, they are not the rivals of the Lion and the tiger, but they are fertile enough and there are enough numbers. The wolf clan army has continued to stand up in the previous glory battles. Meritorious.

"Why, when you mentioned the'Jackal' Kanus, your tone was very contemptuous? Isn't the wolf king's reputation too good?"

"Of course, you don't understand the situation of the Golden Clan, but everyone knows it in Chijin City. The so-called'Wolf King' Kanus is just a puppet of the Lion and the Tiger!"

Ice Storm told Meng Chao that the werewolf’s reproductive ability was much stronger than that of the Lion and Tiger. It was the most populous tribe in the Golden Clan and had the potential to become the lord of the clan.

Therefore, for thousands of years, they have been deeply jealous of the "dual heroes" of the Golden clan-the Lion and the Tiger, and they have been extremely suppressed by all means.

The internal fighting of the Golden clan is more intense and mysterious than that of the Bloodhoof clan.

After all, the "two heroes" of the Bloodhoof clan, the tauren and the boar, are not known for their flexible minds.

The tauren and boar, who have a bowel to the end, prefer to directly measure the diameter of their fists to determine who is the boss of the Bloodhoof clan.

On the side of the Golden Clan, tigers, lions, werewolves, and leopards are all natural hunters and backstab experts.

The drama of these hunters fighting for power is far more thrilling and exciting than the bloodhoof clan.

After thousands of years of open and secret fights, the dominant Lion and Tiger have already had a very mature method of how to control a large number of werewolves.

It is nothing more than intimidation and temptation, differentiation and suppression, hoeing the strong and supporting the weak, provoking the contradictions between the families and settlements within the werewolves, and making the werewolves appear in a state of scattered sand.

In this state, it is difficult for any werewolf to convince the crowd. If he wants to be in position, he must get the support of external forces, that is, the lion and the tiger, and sink into the quagmire step by step. Liger's puppet.

"Jackal" Kanus is a textbook puppet.

"There are rumors that Kanus is not a pure-blooded wolf clan, but a ‘jackal’."

Ice Storm said, "Although the two races of'Jackal' are often confused, they are closely related to each other.

"But compared to the wolf clan who is qualified to challenge the ligers and tigers, jackals are closer to canine people and are relatively weaker.

"Although Kanus desperately removed the'rumors' after becoming the patriarch, and invited a respected wolf priest to confirm his bloodline, it should be true that he has the blood of some jackals.

"Limited by blood, Kanus was not very strong before he became famous. At that time, he also had an insulting nickname called'corpse dog'.

"Of course that doesn't mean that he will really eat the enemy's corpse.

"In order to survive, he played the role of dissecting the body of the totem beast, collecting the fragments of the totem and the core of the totem in the team of hunting totem beasts."

"is it?"

Meng Chao was slightly startled when he heard this.

The so-called "corpse dog" is not the reaper of Turan civilization!

Unexpectedly, the future "doomsday magic wolf" will still walk with himself!

"If you want to perfectly collect all the materials on the totem beast, the technical content is very high!" Meng Chao couldn't help but say.

"That's true."

Ice Storm said, "However, the Turan people don’t pay much attention to the work of collecting, and what they pay more attention to is the combat effectiveness. Only when they dare to face the totem beast and fight with the most violent battle, are the real heroes! Only the totem beast’s body Of course you will be despised if you use a knife."

"Then how did this'corpse canine' become the lord of the wolf tribe?" Meng Chao couldn't help asking with gusto.

"Naturally because this guy has no dignity and spine. He bows to the strong lions and tigers, and is too flattering."

Ice Storm said, "Since'Jackal' Kanus became the lord of the wolf clan, he has severely suppressed and expelled a large number of wolf clan warriors who disobeyed him, and many werewolves have been living in Noire.

"I heard the werewolf gladiators in the Blood Skull Arena say that at the beginning, this guy joined a hunting team dominated by lions and tigers. .

"Suddenly, this hunting team received a task to accompany a nobleman of the Golden Family to hunt a very rare totem beast.

"Along the way, Kanus did his best to win the favor of the nobles, and became the noble's attendant, able to serve all day long.

"As the position of the nobles in the golden family becomes more and more grand, Kanus naturally followed the fox's prestige, and became arrogant.

"At this time, several powerful men have emerged from the wolf clan one after another, making both the ligers and tigers feel the pressure.

"So, after a series of open and secret battles, those wolf clan powerhouses who might challenge the status of the Liger clan died one after another, or became the original warriors, or disappeared without a trace in the depths of the wilderness.

"Kasava, the loyal dog who worked hard for the Liger tribe, was put on the table and became the ruler of dozens of wolf towns and settlements!"

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