The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1073: Add fuel to the fire

"Is that so?"

This is the first time Meng Chao has heard the story of the "Doomsday Demon Wolf" before it took off.

It is completely different from the heroic epics that were widely circulated in Turanze in previous lives and touted "Jackal" Kanus.

Moreover, according to this statement, this former "corpse dog" did not have the qualifications and ability to command the entire Turan army!

After thinking about it, Meng Chao continued to ask: "As you said, is the'Jackal' Kanus in the wolf clan very unpopular?"

"The lord of the wolf clan in the past did not get the hearts of the wolf clan warriors very much-the ones that have won the hearts of the people have long been killed by the ligers and tigers."

Ice Storm said, "However, it is probably not too wrong to say that Kanus is the most unpopular lord of the wolf clan in recent hundreds of years.

"He didn't have the ability to dominate the entire wolf clan. He relied on the nobles who swear allegiance to the Lion clan to keep his precarious position.

"In order to demonstrate his loyalty to the nobles, in the past few years, he has been in his old business and organized several large-scale wolf clan exploration teams to go to the inaccessible places on the edge of Turanze to find the lost temple and hunt. Powerful totem beast.

"Countless werewolf warriors have fallen on a thrilling, lifelong journey.

"The hundred-man exploration team that was fully armed when they set off, and when they came back, there were still thirty or fifty remnants of defeated generals left.

"But just after the exploratory team paid a terrible price and finally gained something, it really discovered the Lost Temple and hunted down the mighty totem beasts. The Jackal Kanus will reap most of the gains. Take it from the ordinary werewolf warrior, and give it to his old master, the nobleman of the golden family.

"In the past, the lords of the wolf clan, even if they were really puppets of the liger and tiger clan, are the head of the clan in name after all, and they have to pay attention to the decent patriarch.

"The Turan people who admire dignity and glory have never seen Kanus like this...shamelessly so straightforward, thorough, and unscrupulous.

"I heard that even his old master in the Golden Clan asked him to converge a little bit and pay more attention to the face of the wolf clan.

"It is conceivable that almost everyone within the wolf clan has grievances. If Kanus dies suddenly today, tomorrow his skull will be taken off by the wolf clan and kicked.

"In the past two years alone, there have been several assassinations against Kanus.

"Many werewolf warriors would rather die with Kanus, and don't want to see this so-called'lord of the wolf clan" again and continue to tarnish the glory of the entire wolf clan.

"However, the more frequent the assassinations, the more satisfied the Ligers are with the Jackal Canus. They even deployed a few elite teams to serve as his personal guards and help him catch him while ensuring safety. Assassin, and uncover the organization behind the assassin.

"With the support of the ligers and tigers, even if Kanus does something to provoke dissatisfaction with the werewolf warriors, for the time being, his status is unshakable."

"I understand."

Meng Chao nodded thoughtfully, "'Jackal' Kanus wants to find more lost temples and collect high-level materials hidden in the powerful totem beasts, and donate them to him in the Liger. Backing, win the favor of the master, in order to make his position more stable.

"And many clues to the Lost Temple are hidden in the fragmented, unspoken heroic epic.

"It turns out that your father is also a'troubadour', an expert in collecting and studying heroic epics.

"So, it is logical for him to become the counselor of the Wolf King?"

Ice Storm nodded: "According to the information I collected, it should be like this."

Meng Chao really wanted to say that the information you collected was very problematic. "Jackal" Kanus could never be as simple as a shameless puppet.

It is impossible for a shameless puppet to discover and activate the most important temple of the entire Turan civilization.

It is impossible to dominate Turan's army, smashing out a smashing front, and within half a year after the drum is sounded, almost tore the entire land of Holy Light.

It is even more unlikely that the chaotic races scattered in the different worlds and on the edge of each other have formed a "chaotic camp" without precedent in history.

"'Jackal' Kanus, which is your true face, is it a'corpse dog' or a'doomsday magic wolf'?"

Meng Chao muttered to himself in his heart.

He was more and more looking forward to the collision between himself and the wolf king.

Of course, the first thing to do is to take the most precious weapons, armor, and secret medicine in Pointe-Noire and escape unscathed.

"Let's go!"

Meng Chao said to Ice Storm, "Time has dragged on for long enough, Kasafa and the elite warriors of the Bloodhoof clan should be coming back soon!"

Except for the totem armor that the two have merged.

Inside the Blood Skull Temple, a large number of weapons and secret medicines are also enshrined.

Even if you choose carefully and take away only the most precious and priceless treasures, together, you need at least seven or eight cubic meters of space and a load of several tons.

But this can't help the two "temple thieves."

From the first day Meng Chao came into contact with the Totem Warframe, he knew that the Totem Warframe had a certain storage capacity.

He doesn't know how to achieve it technically.

But the material for casting totem armor is not as simple as liquid metal.

Layers of four or five layers of armor can be perfectly inhaled into the host's body.

In addition to consuming psychic energy, it does not add too much burden to the owner.

The owner can't even perceive the existence of the totem armor-this is a fact visible to the naked eye.

Meng Chao speculated that when the ancient Turan people cast the totem armor, they probably applied some kind of mass-energy conversion and space folding technology.

The size and weight of the armor far exceeds the owner's armor, but it is not inhaled by the owner, and stored between the cells.

Instead, it was transmitted to another piece of parallel to the alien an unpredictable and unbelievable space.

It sounds absurd.

But since a huge dragon city and tens of millions of people can pass through.

Now the Longcheng people have also mastered the "short-distance transport technology on the surface of the planet."

So, there is no theoretical "absolutely impossible" reason to just transmit a few sets of lifeless armor.

Similarly, since the Dragon City can carry all the life forms above it, it can travel together.

Totem armor can wrap weapons, secret medicines and other items, and disappear into the owner's body together, which is not worth the fuss.

At first, the fragments of the totem armor on Meng Chao's body, about the size of a fist, disappeared into the mysterious and unpredictable space together. When needed, they can be extracted again with the movement of their minds.

As more and more fragments of the battle armor attached to him, the fragments gradually pieced together into a half-body armor and a full-body armor until it covered every inch of his skin.

There are more and more items that can be wrapped by liquid metal, and the volume is getting bigger and bigger.

Up to this moment, with a triple form, a brand-new totem armor, enough to store items in a space of several cubic meters.

By turning the eyeball, adjusting the focus, focus on the lines of cuneiform writing instructions shining slightly in the center of the field of view.

Meng Chao's brain area automatically stimulated a bunch of nerve currents, illuminating the storage function of the totem armor.

The armor covering the palm of the hand gradually turned into liquid metal with a slightly viscous texture.

From it, inextricably threaded mithril tentacles emerged, entwining the ancient weapon that Meng Chao wanted to store.

Meng Chao held his breath and proceeded with caution.

Because these ancient weapons also contain evil spirits or "artificial intelligence", it is very likely to trigger the reaction of the totem armor, cause the chaos of the operating system, and then interfere with Meng Chao's brain waves and destroy his brain function.

Fortunately, the "Skullcrusher" released a murderous aura that was strong enough to eclipse all other ancient weapons, but it didn't add more trouble.

The power of the holy light in the ice storm can naturally inhibit the power of totem from being active.

The two separately wrapped a large number of weapons, secret medicines, and fragments of battle armor with liquid metal.

Subsequently, the liquid metal seemed to assimilate these solid weapons and armor, and was slowly sucked into the body by them.

"You know, I'm a little bit reluctant to leave Pointe-Noire."

Looking at the empty totem poles around the altar, Ice Storm couldn't help but smile, "I really want to stay here and witness the wonderful expression on Kassavar Bloodhoof's face when he sees all this!"

This is of course impossible.

It's not too late to save Kasava's expression next time.

Five minutes later, the two returned to the ground and stepped on the door of the Bleeding Skull Temple.

The door was still empty.

Even the two guards who were knocked out by them and left aside did not move.

Looking at each other, both of them were a little confused and disappointed.

They are ready to fight the 300 rounds of the guards who have heard the news, and by the way test the totem armor after the greatly strengthened.

Unexpectedly, the guards of the temple left by Kassavar were too slow to react.

"Wait, that's not right, there are explosions and shouts to the southeast, and a strong smell of blood is coming."

Meng Chao squinted his eyes and looked at the few plumes of smoke floating in the sky not far from the southeast.

He listened for a moment and affirmed, "There are many people and horses fighting two to three hundred meters away from us!"

From the Blood Skull Temple to the southeast, walk another two to three hundred meters. It is the arsenal and granary of the Blood Skull Arena.

Kasavar Bloodhoof sent a large number of conscripts to plunder a large number of mandala fruits from rat people settlements like Ye Zi’s hometown "Banshan Village".

And commissioned a foundry workshop to squeeze the flesh and blood of the rat slave workers, forcing them to forge a large number of rough metal weapons and simple bone weapons, and they were all stored there.

Because the quantity is too large and the unit value is not high, it is not convenient to carry. In Meng Chao's plan, the arsenal and the granary are not the goals that must be achieved.

But it became louder and louder, and the noisy and tragic shouts of killing stopped him.

"Go and see."

Meng Chao said to Ice Storm, "If the rat people are attacking the granary and weapons, but are **** suppressed by gladiators and temple guards, we have no reason to watch the fire from the side — only the rat people take more food and weapons, If the noise is louder, it will be more conducive for us to fish in troubled waters and escape!"

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