The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1079: Praying mantis catching cicada

The two of them tied the hands of the three comatose elite rats, took off their jaws, and threw them aside.

Putting on their grey linen, instead, observe the surroundings.

Standing high from the top of the water tower, the surrounding environment was unobstructed, allowing them to see dozens of chaotic phenomena very clearly, which together formed a panoramic view of the rat crowd sweeping the city of Pointe-Noire.

In the east, several arsenals and granaries have been breached, and the fully-armed rat people, motivated by the extreme killing intent, are attacking the residences of the military nobles.

In the south, the fire grew stronger, and half of the sky was red.

The smoke of gunpowder was accompanied by the gale, like a monster with teeth and claws, covering most of the city.

Whether it is the city’s former ruler or today’s rebels, all have fallen into the black labyrinth, confused and drifting with the flow.

In the west, the crowd formed a group of fleeing teams, escaping the city of Pointe-Noire through a secret escape tunnel located underground.

However, the capacity of escape routes is limited, especially the entrances and exits. For the sake of concealment, the excavation is very narrow, and the scene is so chaotic at the moment. It is inevitable that the rats and the people will push and push, you are fighting for me, and most of the rats are still stranded. On the main street, several streets were crowded with hustle and bustle, and the water flowed.

If the bloodhoof army returned to Pointe Noire at this time, it would only take dozens of clan warriors equipped with totem armor and armed with heavy weapons such as battle axes and maces, and three or five rounds of charge would be enough to bring the poor The rat people, all stepped on to become sludge.

To the north, on the open space near the casting area, a team of rat people armed to the teeth are gathering, and then disappearing in an orderly manner among the ruins.

Unlike most of the rat people insurgents who smashed like flies without their heads, the formation of these teams is obviously more regular, and the temperament is relatively deep.

Meng Chao estimates that they are all the most hard-working and therefore most rebellious foundry workers among the rat people's slave laborers.

Measured by cannon fodder standards, it can be regarded as a strong soldier.

They are the cannon fodder behind the scenes who really want to get out of Pointe Noire.

Therefore, a "VIP channel" was prepared for them.

As for the mess on the street, the noisy rat people frenzy, they are nothing more than a meat shield that attracts firepower, and cannon fodder in cannon fodder.

In short, the entire Black Point City is still like a volcano with boiling magma, and it will never be able to calm down within a moment and a half.

At this moment, Ice Storm gently stabbed Meng Chao, pointed to the battlefield closest to the water tower, and said, "Look there, it seems weird."

Because the serial explosions completely changed the face of Pointe-Noire.

In the beginning, it was difficult for Meng Chao to align the burning ruins with the topographic map of Pointe-Noire that he remembered in the half-month "Game of the Brave".

But with the confirmation of landmarks such as water towers, statues, lookout posts, and the intersection of the main roads, he finally updated the "topography and landforms of Pointe Noire and important facilities" in the depths of his brain, and found the location of the ice storm. , Is a mansion resembling a nobleman.

The Barbarian Elephants are the largest group in the Bloodhoof Clan.

The mansion of the aristocratic elephant is naturally a huge military fortress without friends.

Every rock that builds this military fortress is square, more than an arm in length, and weighs close to half a ton.

Even in the big explosion of biogas, the copper and iron walls surrounding this fortress collapsed and turned into gentle slopes one by one.

But above the gentle slope, the elephant warriors staying in the mansion are old, weak, sick and disabled, but when they have wide-eyed eyes and dual wielding great axes, they assume a posture of one man who is in a position to shut down and do not open. Nor can the Rat People's Volunteers be able to surpass it by relying on their numbers.

It stands to reason that the Rat People's Rebels do not need to be like a military fortress like a samurai at all.

After all, there are not many elephant warriors staying here, and they are confused and at a loss by the serial explosion of biogas.

They shoulder the responsibility of guarding the home, and they cannot rush out and get involved in the turbulent waves raised by the Rat People's Volunteers.

The Rat People's Rebels can, and should bypass the dangerous areas such as the mansion of the barbaric nobleman. You run away from you, and I guard mine.

But in front of him, there was an over-thousand-thousand-thousand-numbered rat people's rebels, with scarlet eyes and strange screams, as if mad, they swarmed up along the gentle slope, and rushed towards the warhammer and blade that killed the red-eyed samurai.

In the gust of flames, Meng Chao faintly heard the voice of someone inside these rat people's rebels shouting hoarse: "Go, kill, the big horned rat **** will bless us and kill these wild elephant warriors!

"Manxiang people have the greatest appetite. In this granary, there must be unfinished mandala fruits. Only when this granary is captured, we will have food along the way. Otherwise, even if we escape from Pointe-Noire. , It will only starve to death!"

This is very reasonable at first glance.

Countless Rat People's Rebels have been inspired.

There were twenty or thirty fairly robust rat people. Someone got a huge mandala trunk from nowhere, and put them on their shoulders together, like a siege hammer, and slammed into the guard on the top of the gentle slope. Quite like a samurai.

The elephant warrior yelled violently, and his battle axe slashed heavily in front of the "siege hammer", even slicing the mandala trunk in half.

The hurriedly formed Rat People's Volunteers did not cooperate with each other in a tacit agreement, and they suddenly staggered with their feet upright.

The battle axe of the elephant warrior flew up and down, like two fierce hurricanes. In an instant, I don't know how many lives were harvested by the Rat People's Rebels.

However, the surviving Rat People's Rebels were burned to the brain by their fierce fighting spirit. They didn't care about their death at all. They only cared about whether they could bite off a piece of **** flesh from the wild elephant warrior before dying.

In the extremely tragic battle situation, even Meng Chao, the ghost assassin who returned from the doomsday, secretly frowned and couldn't bear to look directly.

The point is that this was originally a fight that could be avoided or even shouldn't happen.

"The appetites of the wild elephants are incredible. Their granary must store astronomical amounts of food, so we must break this mansion and occupy the granary here, otherwise, even if we can escape from Pointe-Noire, everyone will have to live. "Starving to death", this makes a lot of sense at first glance.

But if you think about it carefully, it can't stand scrutiny at all.

Because the mandala fruit and totem beast flesh and blood that the bloodhoof warriors searched from the entire bloodhoof territory were prepared for several years of military operations.

Compared with the clan warriors who have a huge appetite, the rat people eat less than the sparrows.

The food stored in Pointe-Noire must be far more than the amount needed to be consumed by the Rat People's Rebels.

The problem is not that there is not enough food.

It's whether we can deliver all these foods.

Therefore, there is no need to gnaw on a fortress like a fortress. Hundreds of precious lives were sacrificed in vain for such a hard bone. It may not be able to gnaw, chew, and swallow this hard bone.

With this time and price, is it okay to find other families and the granary in the arena?

"There are indeed problems. This is not a decision that any commander with a brain can make."

Meng Chao squinted his eyes, looking like a sharp razor, scanning back and forth in the crowded rat people frenzy, trying to find the guy who just screamed for everyone to rush to death.

But what if you find this guy?

Nine out of ten, it is just a chess piece that was bewitched, brainwashed, and used.

"The key is motive. Why would anyone want these rat people's rebels to attack the mansion of the barbaric nobleman at all costs?" Meng Chao muttered to himself.

His mind turned around, and he immediately reacted.

He turned his eyes, shooting like a sharp arrow towards the depths of the mansion.

According to the information he collected in "Game of the Brave".

This mansion should belong to a barbaric elephant noble known as "Smashed Rock".

The history of the crushed rock family can be traced back three thousand years ago.

It was one of the meritorious families that rebuilt the Bloodhoof clan after the "Great Extinction Order".

And the initial rise of the Broken Rock family was because they discovered an ancient temple with a history of more than three thousand years in the underground of Pointe Noire...

Thinking of this, Meng Chao gently pressed his temples, rubbed the bridge of his nose, and stimulated different areas of his eyes.

By injecting psychic energy into the optic nerve and cone cells, the limit of vision is continuously extended, and the rich information contained in various visible and invisible light can be read.

Three minutes later, he locked the temple hidden in flames and smoke.

And found the silhouettes of the hooded cloaks around the temple.

I have to admit that these guys are also sneaky, infiltrated, and dormant masters.

Wearing a gray cloak stained with dust, it almost blends with the surrounding environment.

If it hadn't been for Meng Chao to predict their existence in advance, it would be impossible to detect their existence if he carefully searched around the temple.

At this moment, the hooded cloaks are around the temple, unwrapping the bulging package on their backs, combining the tools inside, and preparing for forcibly breaking the defensive system of the temple.

Around the temple, guards from the Broken Rock Family were originally deployed.

However, the guards of the temple were all frightened by the rat people's frenzy of the mountain whistling tsunami, and they rushed to the outer defense line of the family fortress to suppress the frontal attack of the rat people's rebels.

Unexpectedly, there is also a "treasure hunting squad" with a more mysterious whereabouts, infiltrating quietly from behind.


Meng Chao's eyes were cold, "The guy who instigated the rat people to revolt, doesn't care about the rat people's life or death.

"From the moment the biogas serial explosion occurred, he was prepared to sacrifice thousands, no, hundreds of thousands or even millions of rat people, just to disrupt the order in Pointe-Noire to the greatest extent possible. Firmly attracted the fury and firepower of the bloodhoof warrior.

"Just like in front of us, hundreds of rat people's rebels, one after another, fell under the battle axe of the elephant warrior, but even if they can use hundreds of precious lives in exchange for the serious injury of a elephant warrior, It's just that it hurts both with the wild elephant samurai.

"The guys who really reap the profits are the only ones who ransack the temple without knowing it!"

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