The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1080: Strange stone heaven

The current battle situation is just like the epitome of the "Great Horn Rebellion" that took place in Turanze before the Dragon City civilization in the previous life broke through the Monster Mountain Range.

The dignity, anger and life of thousands of rat people have been used and reduced to stepping stones for careerists.

The ambition of the careerist was out of control, and eventually led to the destruction of both the Dragon City civilization and the Turan civilization.

Thinking of this, Meng Chao let out a cold snort, and a malicious arc evoked at the corner of his mouth.

"Since you guys like to play the role of the'Big Horn Mouse God's Messenger' so much, then please take up a messenger and do your due diligence!"

He looked around, and soon found a big boulder that was square and more than an arm in diameter in the depths of the ruins where no one could see.

With words in his mouth, the power of the totem shook his right arm.

The mysterious substance similar to liquid metal seems to seep out from the depths of the pores, forming a gorgeous armor that wraps the entire right arm.

On top of the armor, the chain continued to extend, spreading its teeth and claws like a dragon, unsteady.

With a sound of "wow," Meng Chao flicked the chain and entangled the boulder he chose.

Along with the continuous spurt of psychic energy, dark red flames burst out from the entire right arm.

The chain was entangled by the flame, and turned into an almost transparent orange-red.

A stream of psychic energy resembling magma, along the chain, poured onto the boulder.

The temperature of this huge boulder is constantly increasing, just like it has just come from outer space, and it has super-high-speed friction with the particles suspended in the atmosphere, and the shell is burning like a meteorite, blooming with dazzling light.

It wasn't until this huge boulder was heated to the point where it melted into magma that Meng Chao temporarily stopped.

He took a deep breath, holding the end of the chain in both hands, turning his feet around in circles, causing the boulder to spin at high speed like a hammer.

His spinning speed was getting faster and faster, and the burning boulder gradually turned into a red storm around him.

When the howl of the storm was so strong that it was about to collapse the entire rubble, Meng Chao shouted and let go.

The chain that was tightly wound around the boulder loosened like a life.

The boulder shot out, first through a puff of smoke, obscuring its own path.

Then, at an altitude of hundreds of meters, a nearly perfect arc was drawn, passing over the heads of the Rat People's Rebels and the Wild Elephant Warriors, as well as the bronze and iron walls of the Broken Rock Family, as if they had eyes, and hit them precisely and violently. The shrine of the Broken Rock family.


You know, this boulder is more than just a burning shell.

Inside, countless gaps were shaken out by Meng Chao's dark energy, and the gaps were filled with violent psychic boulders, which looked like an extremely unstable "magma bomb".

The moment it hit the Shattered Rock Family Temple, the huge boulder exploded.

The rubble swept across, the magma splashed, and the shock wave made a deafening roar.

All of a sudden, the violent killing of the Elephant Warriors and the Rat People's Rebels was covered up.

Those elite rat people in hooded cloaks thought they were hiding from the sky, and no one knew their plans. They were concentrating on assembling tools and spying on the underground movement.

Unexpectedly, the burning boulder fell from the sky, and the boulder contains hot magma and devastating psychic energy!

These elite rat people are masters with totem power and even totem armor.

Measured by Dragon City's power system, they are at least two-star and three-star transcendents.

Perceiving magma, gravel and shock waves, it swept over in a head-on-head manner.

They subconsciously stirred the life magnetic field, extracted the totem armor, and formed a solid defense in front of them.

This defense is a bad thing!

Of course, they perfectly resisted magma, gravel and shock waves outside.

Except that there were a few hooded cloaks to protect the tools used to break the temple, and some burns and scalds on the exposed hands and feet, there was nothing serious.

However, the psychic ripples caused by the surging life magnetic field were sensed by the elephant warriors separated by a wall!

The elephant warrior just focused all his attention on the surging rat people frenzy outside the wall.

Coupled with the blind area of ​​thinking, I can't even dream of anyone daring to hit the temple.

Only when these elite rat people sneak into their backyard without knowing it.

Now, first, a "meteorite" fell from the sky, screamed and burned, and fell heavily to his backyard, attracting the attention of all the elephant warriors.

Immediately afterwards, there were more than a dozen very strange psychic ripples from his backyard.

There is no one in the backyard, so where is the breath of so many masters?

The wild elephant warriors who were surprised at this point were still in the mood, entangled with the ordinary rat people's rebels.

Several wild elephant warriors immediately retreated to their backyard and inspected the area where the temple was.

Their ears hummed with the shock wave that was hit by the "meteorite", and the hooded cloaks with blank brains collided with each other.

They looked at each other, all stunned.

The scene at that time was very embarrassing.

Both sides seem to have turned into mud idols.

Except for the "cracking" blast of flames, the scene was so quiet that even a needle fell to the ground, like a siege hammer hitting the eardrums of both sides, and it turned into deafening on the brains and hearts of both sides. Stormy seas.

Three seconds later, both sides shot at the same time.

The hooded cloaks turned into almost intangible shadows, shooting out tricky thorns from incredible angles.

The temple was invaded and the ancestor spirits were desecrated by the wild elephant warriors. His skin was instantly burned red with anger. They burst out with amazing strange power. Even if they were pierced by seven or eight tricky thorns at the same time, they also rounded the warhammer. The battle axe and the mace, open and close, swept across the army.

It was like a huge, invisible propeller, rumbled into the backyard of the Broken Rock family.

In an instant, the two sides were torn to pieces, turned into a thick and extremely **** storm, spewing into the air.

Outside the high walls of the Broken Rock Family, the pressure faced by the ordinary Rat People's Rebels was greatly reduced.

-No matter how important the arsenal and the granary are, it is not like a temple that enshrines ancestral weapons or even bones. It is related to the foundation of the Broken Rock Family.

Therefore, most of the elephant warriors fought and retreated, and gradually moved to their backyard and the area where the temple was located.

"The big deal is to temporarily abandon the granary and the arsenal. Forgive these humble rats for a while, and it is impossible to move much. We just have to hold the temple firmly and wait until the bloodhoof army returns to help, and then we will work hard to crush these rats. broken!"

The elephant warriors gritted their teeth and made a decision.

Prepare to vent the anger that has just been provoked by the ordinary rat people's rebels to the despicable temple invaders.

Under the building of hundreds of corpses, the road to the Granary and Arsenal of the Broken Rock Family was finally opened.

The confused Rat People's Volunteers didn't know that they had just walked behind a ghost gate that was annihilated by the whole army.

I also don't know what happened to the fierce fighting that is erupting in the backyard of the Broken Rock Family.

Some people even think that the meteorite that just fell from the sky and burned is also a "miraculous miracle" cast by the big horned rat god.

"The Elephant Warrior retreated, and the Elephant Warrior was beaten away by us!"

They stared in disbelief, danced and cried with joy.

The Barbarian Elephants are the Bloodhoof Clan, and even one of the largest orc groups in Turanze.

It is also a symbol of strength, bravery and toughness.

Unexpectedly, relying on his own view of death, he will go on and on, the small rat people, and even the mighty elephant warriors can repel.

Such a victory undoubtedly injected a quick-acting heart booster for all the rat people's rebels present.

It left their brains blank and extremely swollen, and they just wanted to immediately rush into the arsenal and granary of the Broken Rock Family.

Once these triumphant mobs really rushed into the arsenal and granary, indulged in the shimmering weapons and fragrant food.

Without half a day, it will never be possible for them to reorganize and retreat in an orderly manner.

Then, facing the angry bloodhoof army rushing towards Black Point at high speed, only death is waiting for them, or an ending that is a hundred times more tragic than death.

Fortunately, at this moment, someone from the rear of the rat people's rebels screamed: "No, the bloodhoof army has returned. It is under the city of Pointe Noire, ready to attack the city at any time!"

This sound, like ice water floating with icy ballast, suddenly poured the hot brains of the Rat People's Volunteers to the heart.

Even if their self-confidence expands, the Rat People's Volunteers will not think that they can compete with thousands of bloodhoof warriors.

Their original plan was simply to create a riot in Pointe Noire, seize the opportunity to **** a batch of food and weapons, and immediately fled the magic cave after they succeeded.

No one knows how the red-eyed each other gathered together, and who first decided to attack the deep house compound of the Broken Rock Family.

The Rat People's Volunteers who had recovered their calm did not care about the sharp and sharp road just now, as if a steel needle pierced the eardrum and touched the soul. Who actually made it?

There is no time to think, here is clearly far away from the city wall, how does the guy who makes a sharp noise know that the bloodhoof army is close at hand, and the soldiers are near the city.

Anyway, even if the bloodhoof army is still dozens of miles away from Pointe-Noire.

If you advance at full speed, the leading troops can also enter the city within one or two moments.

And they would never have emptied all the granaries and arsenals of the Broken Rock Family within one or two moments.

In that case, hundreds of rebel corpses were thrown away, and time more precious than life was wasted. What is the reason for attacking the Broken Rock Family?

The Rat People's Volunteers who realized this were shocked in a cold sweat.

Both upset and grateful.

At this moment, another voice came from the rear of the crowd: "The messenger of the Big Horn Rat God is meeting us in the north. They have obtained enough food and arsenal. Don't delay, let's go north and north together!"

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