The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1082: Return of Bloodhoof

In the next half day, Meng Chao and Ice Storm followed suit and went to the more than a dozen famous temples in Pointe Noire.

They were basically near the temple, and they caught the hooded cloaks who used the Rat People's Rebel army to attract the firepower of the clan warriors and sneak into the temple.

And using various methods to disrupt their actions, by the way, remind the clan warriors who are separated by a wall to notice the existence of these guys.

Or, as in the Broken Rock family, throw a burning boulder toward the temple.

Or, let the icy storm condense the icy fog, call the cold wind, and smash a hailstone "ping-pong-pong" on the heads of the hooded cloaks.

Or, stealthily attack the clan warrior, lead the clan warrior to the temple, and bump into the hooded cloaks.

Under the needles of the two, an elite team composed of hooded cloaks and the angry clan warriors met unexpectedly, and in an instant broke out the most tragic hand-to-hand battle.

The rebels, composed of ignorant rat people slave laborers, were given some time to breathe and calm down. In the depths of the crowd, guided by voices from nowhere, they set off toward the escape route to the north.

Watching the rebels, including women and children, no longer looked like headless flies injected with excitement potions, hitting the clan warriors against the copper wall and iron wall filled with spikes and swords.

Instead, they gradually evacuated to the underground through dozens of tunnel entrances scattered throughout Pointe Noire, and fled outside the city along the sewage pipes built thousands of years ago.

Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief.

For the time being, there is only so much he can do.

I hope that the rat people, including the leaves, can successfully escape from Pointe Noire and the territory of the Bloodhoof clan, and no longer become the cannon fodder of careerists!

After sending away these rat people, Meng Chao still has his own things to do.

That is to collect more ancient weapons, armors and secret medicines.

Whether he is the totem armor of the ice storm, the storage space is greatly improved after the temple blue light is strengthened and upgraded.

The treasure in the Blood Skull Temple can only fill half of the storage space.

Continuing to challenge higher-level temples, they have no hands, no strength, and no time.

However, if the hooded cloaks brought a lot of ancient weapons, armors, and secret medicines from the temple to the ground, they wouldn't mind, and they would quietly admire the oriole of the mantis hunting the cicada.

Meng Chao is not in a hurry to do it.

Right now, the hooded cloaks still have a slight advantage.

The clan warriors who stayed behind in Pointe Noire are old, weak, sick and disabled with missing arms and legs.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even join the battle group, go to the bloodhoof battle group outside the city, show the bravery to the ancestor spirits, and have no qualifications to get blessings.

Besides, they have been consumed by too much energy and psychic energy by the Rat People's Rebels, who are intrepid and fearless to death.

-Even if they grow up in the mountains and live by picking mandala fruits, they tend to be stronger than the ordinary citizens of Longcheng.

The ordinary citizens of Longcheng have physical qualities comparable to those of an Olympic champion in the age of the earth.

Hundreds of "Olympic champions" with extra-large size, brandishing heavy stone axes and bone sticks, rushed up like a devil, and they can always leave several criss-cross wounds on the exhausted clan warriors, even on Bite a few pieces of flesh and blood before dying.

The hooded cloaks have been carefully prepared and rigorously rehearsed for this task.

In order to make up for the lack of combat power, before excavating the temple, they also found the ancient Turan people's arsenal left deep underground in Pointe Noire, and obtained a large number of psionic weapons from it.

This is what Meng Chao once saw when diving into the ground. The material is crystal clear, the blade is shining, and the sharpness can whizz out. By changing the target's molecular structure, the target is silently shattered.

In the hooded cloak, many people are holding such a "broken battle axe."

As well as warhammers, swords and daggers equipped with the same technology.

These weapons caused the clan warriors who were caught off guard to pay the price of broken muscles, broken intestines, and broken blood into blood mist.

But the anger of the desecration of their own temple and even the ancestor spirit seemed to be turned into magma and injected into the nearly dried blood vessels of the clan warriors, making them still squeeze out the last and most violent power despite the excessive blood loss.

Even if they were dead, they would have to put themselves heavy as a tower on the bodies of the hooded cloaks, delaying each other's footsteps.

Under such a stalking, the hooded cloaks indeed scoured many temples.

However, they carried a large number of ancient weapons, armors and secret medicines, and their plan to evacuate the city of Pointe-Noire without realizing it was completely frustrated.

Both sides are still anxious now.

There is no need for Meng Chao and Ice Storm to add fuel to the fire, so as not to catch the fire.

They are still waiting patiently.

Waiting for a better opportunity.



Boom boom boom!

There was a deafening sound of iron hoofs from outside the city of Pointe Noire.

Among the dozens of bloodhoof battle groups, the most elite of the vanguard troops finally came to the city!

"The bloodhoof army has returned to the city!"

Meng Chao lifted his spirits, turned his head at the same time as Ice Storm, and looked in the direction of the city gate.

Even if you can’t see the elite warriors of the clan, just watching their murderous auras roaring up into the sky, blasting flames and smoke away, you know these clan warriors who have suffered the greatest humiliation in the most glorious days. How angry they are, and how terrible their anger is!

If Meng Chao did not intervene.

The chiefs, priests and generals of the Bloodhoof clan are probably still in the dark.

I thought they were only facing a simple rat people riot.

In that case, they should regroup outside the city, advance slowly, quell the riots area by area, restore order, and use the blood and internal organs of tens of thousands of rat people to lubricate their iron hoofs and cool their anger.

-Disrupt the establishment, disperse troops, and throw troops that lack the means of communication and organization into the city that is still burning and exploding, and is shrouded in dense smoke, and has an extremely unclear vision. street fighting?

Even the most reckless orc general could not give such stupid orders.

This is also the plan of "using the rat people frenzy to search all the temples in Pointe-Noire". It seems whimsical and even frenzied, but when you think about it, there is a little feasibility.

Unfortunately, this trivial feasibility was completely blocked by Meng Chao.

"The temple! The temple!"

When the vanguard of the bloodhoof army returned to the city of Blackhorn, and was about to open the battle, slowly advancing.

Several **** and bruised clan warriors ran out from the city.

They are all guards who stayed behind at the mansions and arched the temples of the big families.

Many people know each other well with the elite warriors in the vanguard, even if they can't recognize the burnt face, they can still hear familiar voices.

"Someone invaded the temple!"

Their hoarse shouts suddenly changed the expressions of many elite warriors.

"Which temple?"

Immediately, an elite warrior stepped forward to meet these temple guards who ran out of the city.

They ignored the injuries of the temple guards, grabbed their broken breastplates, and shouted sharply, "Which temple has been invaded?"

"All the temples!"

The guards of the temple took a deep breath and screamed with tearing lung lobes, "In Pointe-Noire, all the temples!"

This thunderous news immediately smashed all the tyrannical and elite warriors.

After a while, someone jumped into thunder, and iron hoofs stamped out deep pits and criss-cross cracks on the ground.

There were also people who knelt on the ground, praying to the ancestor spirits with fear, and begging the ancestors to forgive them for their shameless descendants and failing to protect the temple well.

Some people beat their chests and feet, grinned, and the bloodshot eyes in their eyes almost turned into crimson lightning and shot out, issuing the most vicious oath to the ancestors. They must pull out the shameless temple invaders and unscrew their heads. Build a tower, then squeeze their blood, and flow down the tower, to wash away the humiliation suffered by the ancestor spirits.

Now, no matter how resourceful a commander is, it is impossible to stop these elite warriors, who are furious and yelling, from rushing into Pointe-Noire, to fight an unplanned, uncommanded, unprepared street battle. Up.

What's more, even the most resourceful commander has his own family and temple, and he has suffered an unbearable shame, and he can’t wait to teleport to his temple immediately to stop the invaders and recover the family’s worship. An artifact of the ancestor spirit.

In this way, thousands of elite warriors have activated the totem armor, pedaling vigorously with their feet, drawing fierce parabolas in the flames and smoke like human bombs, and crashing into the black amidst the harsh sound of breaking wind. Corner city.

Originally, their target should be the Rat People's Volunteers still stranded in Pointe Noire.

It is no exaggeration to say that many of them have the ability to wield a heavy sword that is more than ten meters long and wash the entire street with a single charge.

But at the moment, they are anxious, but ignore the ordinary rat people dangling in front of them.

Ordinary rat people are just bugs.

Bed bugs can be trampled to death anytime.

But if the despicable temple raiders ran away with the armor and weapons used by their ancestors, what face would they have to seize the supreme glory?

Thinking of this, the blood of the elite warriors would freeze and evaporate.

They leaped quickly between the burning ruins, rushing to the limit, trying to rush back to their temple in the first time.

However, a series of biogas explosions severely damaged the topography of Pointe Noire, making the fragmented city in front of them completely different from what they remembered.

The flames and thick smoke greatly disturbed their vision and plunged them into the chaotic labyrinth.

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