Fortunately, the elite warriors of the Bloodhoof clan have relatively obvious characteristics.

Except for a few foreign warriors, most of the clan warriors who were born and raised in the bloodhoof territory, no matter how they are mixed, have strong cloven-hoofed beast characteristics.

Including their totem battle armor, they also have a distinct family heritage, engraved with brilliant runes and totems.

And the hooded cloaks who sneaked into Pointe-Noire, once they tore their camouflage, their appearances were varied.

Like a liger, like a jackal, like a lizard and a vulture, the hybrid is more obvious.

Coupled with the temperament of being a guilty conscience, it is easy to distinguish from the angry bloodhoof warrior.

So, on the streets filled with gunpowder, in the burning ruins, and near the temples, as long as the bloodhoof warriors meet these guys who have the characteristics of strong outsiders and run away when they see them, they will immediately explode. Bloody battles.

No matter how rigorous the training they received in the past, these "great horned rat **** messengers" are not as good as the clan warriors who have passed on for thousands of years.

They are just thieves who steal graves and dig tombs. Once they meet with the regular army, how can they be the opponent of the latter?

In just half an hour, countless hooded cloaks were splattered with blood splattered three feet or even broken into pieces, turning into victims of the boundless anger of the bloodhoof warriors.

Soon, the hooded cloaks that were blocked in various temples were wiped out.

But the bloodhoof warriors who were still angry soon discovered that the real trouble had just begun.

They are still late.

There were already many hooded cloaks that ransacked most of the temple in Pointe-Noire. Before they surrounded the temple, they fled and were scrambling in the streets and alleys.

The city of Pointe-Noire at this moment has long been completely unrecognizable by the serial explosion of biogas.

The gunpowder and flames also tore the bloodhoof warriors' sights and even communications to pieces.

As a result, every squad of bloodhoof warriors, once rushed into the flames and smoke, and searched between the ruined walls, it would immediately become helpless.

And the hooded cloaks who escaped from the temple slipped like oiled loaches without leaving their hands, as if they could even penetrate into the gap of the palm of the hand.

In addition, there were newly armed rat people's rebels everywhere, shouting hoarse, running around like flies without their heads, which added fuel to the chaotic situation.

Of course, the bloodhoof warrior did not put the Rat People in front of his eyes.

Anyway, even if they stand in place, let the Rat People's Rebels slash and chop with a hundred knives, they may not be able to break through the totem armor that is tightly fitted around their bodies and does not reveal half an inch of skin.

The problem is that they want to kill all the rat people's rebels that are blocking the entire street. They have to waste a lot of time, lose their real goals, and tear the originally fragmented establishment into a more chaotic, unable to receive, communicate and implement effectively. An order from outside the city of Pointe-Noire.

-This is the reason why the ancient army often "strikes and plunders, and does not seal the sword for three days."

Under the backward communication conditions and organizational strength, it is impossible to seal the knife and cannot be controlled at all.

Although Pointe-Noire is the home of many bloodhoof warriors, from the heart, they don't want to mess up this glorious city, especially their homes.

However, the temple was invaded, coupled with the humble rat people, who dared to resist the rule of the samurai master. This incredible impact on the mind caused their monstrous anger and completely overwhelmed their reason.

Not to mention, there are many bloodhoof warriors from small and medium towns in the region.

Even if the city of Pointe-Noire is truly turned upside down, what does it have to do with them?

Seeing that the situation was already as sluggish as hot porridge overturned on the ground, something new happened.

A team of bloodhoof warriors from the place blocked two panicked hooded cloaks at the end of a broken street.

As a result of the fierce fighting, they had a few more bone wounds on their bodies.

The two hooded cloaks were "exploded" in the literal sense.

Not only did the totem battle armor burst apart, two antique war knives and a few strangely fragrant secret medicines burst out of the battle armor.

Naturally, these things were stolen from a certain temple by the hooded cloaks.

The bloodhoof warrior from the place, staring at the saber and the secret medicine, his eyes gradually straightened.

They all come from the marginal, unremarkable third-rate family of the Bloodhoof clan.

The magnificent temple in Pointe Noire has nothing to do with them.

In their hometown, in the small, simple temple, there was no secret medicine that looked so mighty and tempting to smell.

The Adam's apple rolled, swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva with difficulty, and several bloodhoof warriors looked around and found that no one of the rich and powerful families in Black Point had seen it.

Naturally, their hands and feet are swift and quick to take the "trophies" into their arms.

After all, they killed the damned enemy with their own hands.

According to the Turan's law, the spoils exploded from the enemy, if they don't belong to them, who else can it belong to?

Similar things are gradually happening frequently and more and more in the flames and thick smoke.

It is an extremely difficult task to be able to find the trail of thieves in the extremely chaotic burning city, and to explode these despicable villains alive.

No one can guarantee that the thief he stopped must be the one who robbed his own temple.

Then, facing the explosion of hooded cloaks, all kinds of psychic energy, gleaming magic weapon, and the secret medicine containing the power of horror totem, what should I do?

Honestly stay in the same place, waiting for the arrival of the owner, do things return to the original owner?

How can it be!

Many bloodhoof warriors already knew that their temple was ransacked, and all ancient weapons, armors and secret medicines had disappeared.

How can they, who are eager to recover their losses, give up the fat in their hands?

There are too many things like this, and it is inevitable to encounter "A team of bloodhoof warriors is searching for the trophies from the corpses of the temple thief. They are about to stuff the trophy into their arms, but they ran into another team of bloodhoof warriors and collided in the smoke Come out, and the latter is the original owner of these spoils." Such an embarrassing moment.

If there is no continuous explosion of biogas.

If there is no such thing as the "Great Horned Rat God Coming" that shattered the three views of the clan warriors.

If there is no case of temple theft, the bloodhoof warriors are very angry and lose their minds.

If every team, war gang and war group can maintain a tight organization and a high degree of order.

Regarding the ownership of the spoils, it may not be impossible to get it in front of the chiefs and priests to negotiate and resolve them.

Even if the verbal negotiation fails, it can be resolved by the bloodhoof warriors in a glorious battle in front of the temple.

Regardless of the outcome, it does not hurt the peace.

It's a pity that when he rushed into Black Point City and saw the scene like the end of the day, the nerves of all the bloodhoof warriors had either broken long ago, or were on the verge of breaking.

Many people see that the ancient weapons, armors and secret medicines enshrined in their temples fall into the hands of others, and they have no time and disdain to tell whether the other party is a temple thief or a "companion" preparing to fish in troubled waters.

With a violent shout, a vigorous slash, and severely sever all the claws reaching out to their baby, this is the simplest way for the bloodhoof warriors to solve the problem.

In the other case, it is the noble warrior who was born and raised in the city of Pointe Noire, who came to be proud of the family.

It was found that a third-rate samurai from the local area was sneakily searching for the body of the temple thief.

In fact, the spoils seized from the corpses may not be the weapons, armors and temples of their ancestors that were enshrined in the temples of these noble warrior families.

But, under the shroud of flames and thick smoke, in this chaotic and chaotic burning city, who cares about these?

The noble warriors from the rich and powerful clans smiled and politely thanked the third-rate warriors from the local towns and villages for their bravery, and helped them recover the stolen goods in the family temple.

Holding the vibrating and neighing battle axe or warhammer in one hand, spread it out in one hand and stretched it out in front of the third-rate samurai, and politely asked them to "return to the original owner."

Most of the time, the third-rate samurai from the local towns and villages, after comparing the diameters of their own thighs and the other's arms, will obediently hand over the stolen goods, gain gratitude, and everyone is happy.

As for those third-rate samurai who are obsessed with ghosts and die hard to the end.

The noble warriors who came to the proud family, really can only invite them, and they are dead and hard.

There were more and more similar things, and gradually escalated, so that the bloodhoof warriors from the local towns and villages gradually opened up.

Among the ruined walls, they found the bodies of some companions who also came from local towns and villages.

The fatal injuries suffered by the corpse did not seem to be done by temple thieves.

Most temple thieves use thin and short sharp weapons, and the wounds they cause are often cuts and stab wounds.

These corpses, however, were smashed and fractured by heavy weapons such as mace, meteor hammer, giant axe and hammer, and their brains burst to death.

Judging from the killing style, it resembles the bloodhoof clan, his own handwriting.

Looking at the **** corpse, the bloodhoof warriors from the local township were silent for a long time.

Suddenly realized a problem that they should have realized long ago.

What the **** has the temple in Pointe Noire ransacked with these bloodhoof warriors from the local towns?

Of course, they are brothers connected by blood, and the ancestor spirits are inextricably linked. In principle, we should share the glory and disgrace, and unite as one.

However, high orcs have never been a reasonable race.

Working desperately in the flames and gunpowder smoke, it was hard to get a little bit of benefit, but it was extremely likely that the wealthy family would abruptly **** the spoils, or even take their own lives.

Such a trade at a loss, no matter how well-developed limbs and simple-minded bloodhoof warriors are, they are unwilling to do it.

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