The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1085: Fisherman profit

"The Turan civilization, or the failure of the entire chaos camp is inevitable."

A trace of understanding emerged from the bottom of Meng Chao's heart.

Before witnessing the actual combat performance of the bloodhoof army, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He believed that the fiasco and destruction of Dragon City in the previous life was simply because it was too late to be involved in a war in another world.

At that time, the high-ranking orcs had already killed off with the Holy Light Human Race on the entire eastern front, and it was a complete mess.

As a result, the Dragon City civilization has no room for respite and maneuver, and can only walk to the dark one by one.

If you have a way to postpone the outbreak of the alien war and move the main battlefield from the eastern front to the western front, you will be able to gain more time and opportunities for both the Dragon City Civilization and the Turan Civilization to complete more adequate combat readiness. , In the end, turn defeat into victory and crush the doomsday.

Now it seems that it is not that simple.

Of course, the initial victory or defeat of an ultimate war sweeping the world depends on who can take the lead, by surprise.

And who can have more sophisticated weapons and brave fighters.

But in the final analysis, when the purpose of war changes from destruction to conquest, from conquest to destruction, the factors that ultimately determine the victory or defeat become each other's comprehensive national strength and level of civilization.

Who can explore the potential of war to the greatest extent possible, mobilize 100% of the resources, and invest all of them in the war.

Who can take the goddess of victory into his arms fiercely.

The high orc is undoubtedly one of the bravest warriors in the alien world.

Their totem armor is not unsharp.

A fierce and fierce high-ranking orc warrior can often defeat a holy light warrior of the same rank in a solo fight.

However, the level of civilization in the clan era is destined to be impossible for the higher orcs to mobilize 100% of the war resources and potential.

They project up to 30% of their combat power onto the enemy.

The remaining 70% of the combat power will be annihilated by meaningless internal friction.

"Even if I can kill the Jackal Kanus, I will choose a more sensible commander for the Turan army.

"Or I can persuade'Jackal' Kanus to become a more wise and rational war chief than in the previous life.

"Therefore, it will change the main battlefield of the alien war, and buy more time for Turan civilization and Dragon City civilization for a few more years.

"It is impossible to completely change the outcome of the war.

"Perhaps we can fight more smoothly than in the previous life and capture more strategic points in the Holy Light camp.

"Maybe we can maintain it for a few more years than in the previous life, and even see the hope of victory.

"But in the end, when the so-called'True God' standing above the stars behind the Holy Light camp personally goes off the court, we will still irretrievably lead to failure and destruction.

"The failure of the Chaos camp is not only due to the wrong choice of the timing and front of the battle, nor the inherent disadvantage of geographical location, nor is it caused by the backwardness of weapons, armor, and training system.

"The key is still organization. It is the structural problem of classical civilization that is constantly degrading and even collapsed.

"So, in order to completely reverse the defeat and avoid the tragedies of previous lives, it is not enough to assassinate or change the'Jackal' Kanus.

"The Turan civilization must usher in a radical change before it can have a real future.

"At least, when the Dragon City Civilization continues to produce grenades, bazookas and automatic rifles, and output them to the hands of the Turan warriors, these warriors should not be full of'conquest' and'destruction'. It’s a killing machine, but it should be a real warrior who has normal human emotions and knows what he is fighting for!"

Meng Chao scratched his head.

I found that the task I was facing was getting more and more difficult.

Having said that, "change the future and smash the end" is an impossible task.

The difficulty factor is 9.9, and the difficulty factor is 10.0, which seems to be the same.

In short, do your best to be a dead horse doctor!

At this time, the **** battle between the three bloodhoof warriors and the temple thieves who incarnate the origin warriors is also coming to an end.

With the combat power of the temple thief, it was originally not enough to cause too much trouble for the bloodhoof warrior.

However, the result of burning the whole body and even the soul in an instant, turning all the vitality into the most violent combat power, and becoming the origin warrior, is very different.

Although the three bloodhoof warriors eventually dismantled the temple thieves.

But the opponent's frantic counterattack before death left the three bloodhoof warriors with deeply visible bones, shocking, and even transparent wounds before and after.

When the temple thief fell in a muddy posture.

No matter how the deformed and twisted Totem Armor stretches its teeth and claws, it will not be able to put together the fragmented flesh and blood again.

The three bloodhoof warriors also fell down, sitting on the ground and gasping for breath.

Originally able to wield a battle axe weighing hundreds of kilograms, wielding a thick arm like a windmill, but at this moment, he didn't even have the strength to lift it up to cover the wound.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm looked at each other.

The two silently approached the three bloodhoof warriors from behind.

When the hairs on the back of the three people's necks stood up and got goose bumps, they still could not detect the breathing, heartbeat and footsteps of the two.


Before the three of them turned their heads, the ice mist rolled up by the ice storm had frozen them into three blocks of ice.

Before the three of them took the initiative to break free from the frost attack, Meng Chao had already roared, and his chain-wound arms, like two flaming warhammers, slammed his head over his head.

The three bloodhoof warriors, who weighed more than one ton in total, flew out like broken kites.

Before he could even groan, he slammed into the ruined wall, broke his tendons and fainted.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm did not pursue them.

The two walked towards the body of the origin samurai at the same time.

On the twitching and wriggling corpse, the totem armor pieces that contained the terrifying power were cracked, and the texture became sticky and soft, as if a liquid metal with life.

Inside the liquid metal, there was also a heavy war knife that was full of fangs and serrations, and its shape was extremely hideous.

Even without the master’s grasp, this murderous knife lying quietly in the liquid metal still releases a sharp whistling sound and a murderous look visible to the naked eye. It is full of deadly attraction to the higher orcs except Meng Chao and Ice Storm. force.

It seemed that it was the chief culprit who turned the temple thief into a samurai of origin.

It is also Meng Chao and Ice Storm who are determined to win. After leaving the bloodhoof clan territory, they can be exchanged for a large number of spiritual weapons of cultivation resources.

The two looked at this sharp blade with countless fierce souls with great interest.

In Meng Chao's mind, the fire jumped and the golden glow was shining.

In the ice storm brain, the holy light fills every brain sulcus and nourishes every brain cell.

It counteracts the effect that the murder knife tried to have on their brains.


Meng Chao shook out a carefully tanned totem animal skin engraved with gorgeous patterns.

Covered flatly on the murderous knives that flooded with killing intent, and the totem armor that turned into liquid metal, constantly wriggling.

The fierce knives and fragments of battle armor that had originally flared their teeth and claws suddenly calmed down.

It was like a beast that had been injected with a lot of powerful anesthetics and fell asleep.

These animal skins were the spoils that Meng Chao had touched from the temple thieves.

It seems to have the effect of suppressing the totem, just like the holy light shackles that Kasava smashed on the ice storm.

The ice storm was unsafe, and a layer of frost was sprayed evenly on the outside of the animal skin.

Only then was the murderous knife and the fragments of the battle armor properly stored.

"My storage space is almost full."

Bing Feng patted his breastplate contentedly, and asked Meng Chao, "How about you?"

"I'm almost done too." Meng Chao grinned.

This is not the first time the two have shot.

In fact, just when the bloodhoof warrior and the temple thief fought, and the two were simultaneously entangled with the origin warriors, when the scene was in chaos, Meng Chao and Ice Storm often fought fish in troubled waters and took advantage of the fire.

If the power of the temple thief or the bloodhoof warrior is very different, and one side has an obvious advantage, they will hibernate in the dark, watch the battle quietly, and never greed for any seemingly powerful weapon.

Anyway, their storage space is limited, it is impossible to move all the treasures in the whole city of Pointe-Noire, there is no need to be too greedy and expose themselves.

Only like just now, the temple thieves and the bloodhoof warriors are equal in strength and lose both sides, will they jump out to pick up the bargain.

Both are experts in lurking and assassination.

It is also one of the few people in Pointe-Noire who knows exactly what's going on.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, it is natural that Lien Chan reaps success and gains quite a lot.

No matter how they pick and choose, it is not a boutique with a history of nearly a thousand years, and it will never be easy to get in the bag.

The storage space of the two totem armors was still full.

After completing the search, I saw that nearby temple thieves or bloodhoof warriors did not surround him.

Meng Chao knelt on one knee and poured a bottle of gray powder evenly on the corpses of the temple thief.

The gray powder touched the blood of the temple thief, immediately soaked in, and disappeared without a trace.

Above the corpse, a pungent smell of blood suddenly wafted out of a strange fragrance.

After a while, the smell dissipated, and no one except Meng Chao could sniff it out.

This is the tracking powder carefully prepared by Meng Chao.

It was originally used to track and lock the coordinates of leaves and ice storms.

But while observing in secret just now, Meng Chao discovered that the temple thieves were very concerned about the bodies of their companions.

If possible, the body will always be taken away at all costs.

If it cannot be taken away, it must be destroyed by any means.

He estimated that the temple thieves did not want the corpses to remain in Pointe-Noire, fall into the hands of the bloodhoof clan witch doctors and priests, read the information hidden in the depths of the corpses, and thus figure out the origins of the temple thieves. .

Therefore, as long as Meng Chao evenly sprays or smears the tracking powder on the body of the temple thief.

These powders are very likely to be contaminated to the temple thieves who are still alive and successfully escaped from Pointe-Noire.

Finally, follow the vine and find the man behind the scenes.

Even if part of the corpse was contaminated with tracking powder and was not taken away by the temple thieves, it didn't matter.

Because the bloodhoof warriors could not have the time to clean up the enemy's corpse for a while.

Even if you clean up, it is unlikely to get the body out of Pointe-Noire.

It will not cause much interference to Meng Chao's tracking.

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