The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1086: Yuanjia Road is narrow

Even if they are too far apart, it doesn't matter that Meng Chao can't detect the breath of the powder.

Because all the ingredients used to prepare the tracking powder are pure natural raw materials, which will degrade naturally after a period of time.

Without knowing the formula in advance, no one would have discovered that the bodies of these temple thieves had been tampered with.

"Let's go."

Meng Chao said to Ice Storm, "It's time to leave Pointe Noire."

"and many more."

Ice Storm stared straight at not far away, and a bunch of them rose up into the sky, like the anger flames of the Great Pillar, "That seems to be...Kassavar's breath!"

"is it?"

Meng Chao raised his eyebrows high.

A strong light burst into the eyes.

Thanks to the care of Kassavar Bloodhoof, he was soaked in the thick, rancid, and **** sewage in the dark underground of the Blood Skull Arena for ten days and nights.

If you don't say hello to the owner of the Blood Skull Arena before leaving Black Point City, wouldn't it appear that Dragon City people...too rude?


Kasava shouted violently, covered with totem battle armor, wrapped layers of raging right leg, really like his name, turned into an indestructible great axe.

First, he lifted it up high, raised it above his head, and folded it 180 degrees with the body.

Afterwards, he fell fiercely, smashed his head and head, and smashed a temple thief who was heavily armed and holding a shield.

However, the temple thief took the shield with the man, smashed it out twenty or thirty meters, and crashed into a ruined wall. Before he could even make a scream, he completely cut off his breath.

The gladiators from the Blood Skulls immediately stepped forward, shoveling away the ruins, and digging out the deformed and distorted corpses.

The armor covered on the corpse was no longer able to maintain a stable form and storage space due to a psionic blow.

With a burst of light shining, four or five pieces of ancient weapons and armor fragments, as well as the scent of secret medicine, all burst out.

Kasavar's gaze swept across the spoils quickly, and a cold snort came from his nose, as if he was about to burn through the anger of Tianlinggai, and finally calmed down a bit.

Even so, there was still no smile on his face.

Haunting all around, there was a real killing intent, and the most favored gladiators under his command were silent and afraid to make eye contact with him.

No way, who called the Blood Skull Temple the biggest victim in this earth-shattering "temple robbery"?

When other temples were ransacked, the bloodhoof army was already on the way to a strong return.

Temple thieves race against time, it is impossible to search the temple completely.

Several temples have not been looted, or just half of the looting, the temple thieves were blocked by the bloodhoof warriors.

During the fierce battle between the two sides, more or less, there are always a few treasures left in the temple.

The Blood Skull Temple was the first temple to be looted.

Moreover, they were ransacked by two groups of people.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm went down first.

The temple thieves went down again.

Not to mention the magic weapon with a history of thousands of years, containing powerful murderous aura and surging psychic energy.

Even the bone scum of the origin warrior "Two Forty Nine", hardly left a star for Kasava.

Kassavar Bloodhoof, who hurriedly returned to his temple, still had a glimmer of hope, and when he saw the empty Blood Skull Temple, his lungs almost exploded.

If it were said, the Blood Skull Battle Group was his capital for making contributions in the Glory Era and soaring.

Then, the Blood Skull Temple is the source of his power.

Many gladiators and strangers recruited by various parties were attracted by the ancient weapons, armors and secret medicines enshrined in the Blood Skull Temple, and they were willing to sacrifice their lives for him.

With an empty temple, how can these proud and unruly orc warriors continue to guarantee their personal loyalty?

This is a matter of life and death.

Kasavar was too late for the thunder to be angry, and immediately led a dozen of his most trusted gladiators on the road of chasing and fleeing.

Fortunately, the chaos in Pointe Noire is now, and many temple thieves and bloodhoof warriors are ramming like flies without their heads, and there are always unlucky ones who hit their hands.

After killing three or five waves of temple thieves in a row, he finally recovered a dozen stolen goods from the opponent's arms.

Although there is no magic weapon of the level of the Flame Warhammer "Skullcrusher" originally enshrined in the Blood Skull Temple.

It's more or less a foundation, which slightly eases Kasava's anxiety.

When Kasavar was thinking about where to find more temple thieves and recovering the loot, he found that the muscles of his gladiators were a little stiff.

"what happened?"

Kasavar frowned slightly, and asked somewhat displeased.

"Ka, Master Kassavar, this corpse..."

Several subordinates who picked up the corpses of temple thieves and tried to strip out every fragment of totem battle armor hesitated and said, "There seems to be something wrong."

The two sides fought in an environment filled with gunpowder smoke, raging flames, and constantly collapsing and exploding.

The confrontation was another spark of lightning, and the rabbits rose and fell.

Did not see each other's true colors clearly.

Only at this moment did the gladiators discover that the appearance of this temple thief was very different from the temple thief they had killed several times before.

The previous temple thieves had mixed features of multiple clans, but each feature was very thin. At first glance, it looked like a human with rabbit ears, wolf fangs, cat claws and dog tails.

This is very typical, the appearance of the rat people.

The corpse in front of him, although it was broken and broken by Kasava, was bloody.

But through the fan-like ears, the thick fangs, the arched mouth protruding forward, and the thick and hard mane around the body, especially the end of the legs, the strong features of cloven hoofs can still be seen at a glance. He is a boar warrior of pure blood, a member of the Bloodhoof clan.

The battle emblem engraved on the armor and weapon fragments also confirmed this.

He is not a temple thief.

It is a member of the Ironhide family.

It is the nobleman in Pointe-Noire.

The gladiators looked at each other, swallowed a few mouthfuls with difficulty, and cast their gazes at Kassavar with some trembling.

Kasavar pulled the muddy head of the wild boar warrior with his toes.

On the ruins next to him, he calmly wiped away the blood contaminated under his feet.

"Do you think this guy is a member of the Ironhide family? We killed the wrong person?" He lightly touched his totem armor "Lava Fury", making the faceplate appear almost transparent crystal texture, revealing a piece He was smiling, but there was no smiling face in his eyes.

The gladiators shuddered at the same time, and no one dared to say a word.

"Then, I'm here to ask you, are these things exploded on his body are the magic weapons used by the ancestors of the Ironhide family in the past?"

Kasavar's smile remained unchanged, and he patiently reminded his followers.

The gladiators were slightly startled, and suddenly realized.

Indeed, not all the trophies they found from this wild boar warrior belonged to the Ironhide family.

From the analysis of casting style, shape and size, there are not only the meteor hammer used by the wild elephant warriors, but also the triple bow used by the centaur warriors, and the steel braces that are embedded on the teeth of the hippo warriors to enhance the bite force.

Because the size of the mouth and the shape of the teeth of the wild boar warrior and the hippo warrior are different, this last weapon is absolutely impossible for the Ironhide family to possess.

In other words, this hapless wild boar warrior is not a good thing in itself.

God knows where he got so many kinds of magic weapons.

"A wild boar warrior's totem armor contains a large number of magic weapons from different families and different temples. If such a guy can't be regarded as a temple thief, who else can be?"

Kasavar said coldly, "As for the possibility that he may be a member of the Ironhide family? Of course! The enemy planned such a large-scale conspiracy to turn the whole city of Pointe-Noire upside down, and there was no internal traitor to respond. Can it be done?

"Even if the mandala tree looks more luxuriant, if you look for it carefully, you can still find a few borers on the trunk. Therefore, a glorious nobleman who has passed on for thousands of years like the Ironhide family appears one or two despicable, shameless, and frantic. It’s a normal and reasonable thing to collude with foreign enemies and plot the magic weapon in Pointe-Noire. It’s also a normal and reasonable thing, right?"

Kasavar smiled and looked at his men.

The subordinates looked at each other, and immediately nodded as if pounding garlic.

"By the way, although the Ironhide family and our Bloodhoof family have been entangled in grievances for thousands of years, after all, they are the mainstays of the Bloodhoof clan. For the solidarity of the entire clan, I am willing to maintain the decentness of the Ironhide family when I can. "

As Kasava said, he suddenly picked up a broken stone pillar between the ruins and broken walls, and slammed it at the corpse of the wild boar warrior.

Suddenly, the wild boar warrior, who had been completely unrecognizable, was smashed into a complete mess.

Kassavar was still not at ease, rolling back and forth with stone pillars, grinding finely.

It wasn't until the muddy corpse that the characteristics of the wild boar warrior and the fatal wound style were no longer recognizable, and then he clapped his hands contentedly, and ordered his men to draw a fire, burn the corpse, and completely destroy the last evidence.

"Don't worry, the Ironhide family will not be stalking, otherwise they will have to explain to the centaur, elephant and hippo warriors, why the wild boar warrior of the Ironhide family will privately hide the worship in the temple of the latter. The magic weapon is a weapon."

Casava relieved his sentence.

Afterwards, his eyes gradually became sharp, and a cold command was squeezed from between his teeth, "Following the search, all the temple thieves in Pointe Noire must be found out after digging the ground three feet—those **** of Roe-headed Rats, of course, are gods. Temple thieves; even those who look like bloodhoof warriors, as long as they hide a large amount of stolen goods, they can’t let go. They must be the inner support of temple thieves. Unless they obediently hand over the stolen goods, we are responsible for being black. Cape Town, for the bloodhoof clan, clear these **** assholes!"


The subordinates were energetic and unanimous.

"Master Casava, two streets away, there seems to be fierce fighting!"

A gladiator who climbed up and looked around suddenly shouted.

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